25 research outputs found

    Trends in biomass, density and diversity of North Sea macrofauna

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    Total biomass and biomass of large taxonomic groups (polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms) and species diversity of the macrofauna were determined for almost 200 North Sea stations sampled synoptically by seven vessels during Spring 1986 and for 120 additional stations sampled in earlier years by the Marine Laboratory in Aberdeen. There exists a clear and significant decreasing trend in biomass with latitude, both in total biomass and for the different taxonomic groups. Apart from latitude, sediment composition and chlorophyll a content of the sediment also infuence total biomass and biomass of most groups significantly. Biomass increases consistently in finer sediments and sediments with a higher chlorophyll a content. The same trends are found for the results within laboratories. Some interaction exists, indicating weak laboratory and zonal effects. Diversity, as measured by Hill's diversity index N1 = (exp H′) shows a clear and significant trend with latitude. Towards the north of the North Sea diversity increases considerably. The trend is also found for laboratories separately and is everywhere equally strong. Also longitude and depth show an effect on diversity. Sediment variables have no clear influence on diversity. Other diversity measures show the same trend but are more variable than N1,. Total density tends to increase towards the north, but sediment related variables have a larger influence. Mean individual weight becomes considerably smaller towards the northern part of the North Sea

    The North Sea Benthos Project: planning, management and objectives

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    The ICES Benthos Ecology Working Group is integrating recent macrobenthic infaunal data (1999-2001) available from various sources, including national monitoring surveys, in North Sea soft bottom sediments. lt is expected to cover most of the North Sea. The main goal is an overall comparison with the North Sea Benthos Survey data of 1986, in order to determine whether there have been any significant changes and, if so, what may be the causal influences (e.g., climate change, fishing impacts). The work will contribute valuable information on several other topics such as habitat classification and the distribution of endangered species. Therefore, in addition to physico-chemical measurements of sediments samples alongside the benthic fauna, information on water depths, temperature, water quality and salinity will be incorporated in the analysis of species and community distributions. Also, we will use existing ecological and hydrographical models for currents, bottom shear stress and carbon input, along with information on the distribution of habitat types, to explain the observed distribution patterns. At the ASC, an overview of the data available will be presented as well as the anticipated outcomes, and the first steps taken to deal with taxonomic differences and other issues affecting the capability to integrate submitted information

    Changes in North Sea macrofauna communities between 1986 and 2000

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    This paper is chapter 5.2 of the ICES CRR “Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos” (ICES 2007) compiled by the ICES Study Group on the North Sea Benthos Project 2000. The North Sea Benthos Project 2000 (NSBP) was initiated as a follow-up to the earlier 1986 ICES North Sea Benthos Survey (NSBS). One major aim of the NSBP 2000 was to compare the outcome with that of the 1986 NSBS, in order to identify any significant changes in the community structure and their likely causes. In general, the spatial distribution of the macrofaunal communities in 2000 was rather similar to that in 1986. But changes were found within communities which were addressed to changes in the hydroclimate caused by changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation influencing changes in currents and sediment structure as well as food availability

    Examples of responses of benthic communities to environmental stress (Dover Strait, France)

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    Rank-Frequency Diagrams (RFD) permit the determination and visualization of the coenotic strategy used by benthic communities in temporarily or permanently disturbed environments. Examples of structures, dynamic stability and strategies of benthic communities according to environmental variations are given and discussed. Both spatial and temporal variations have been analyzed by means of RFD

    Spatial structure and ecological variation of meroplankton on the Belgian-Dutch coast of the North Sea

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    Spatial structure and the spatial autocorrelation of meroplankton compositional patterns were investigated by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and complementary Mantel statistics to contribute to the understanding of the complex biological fluxes in the coastal waters between the Belgian coast and the Scheldt estuary region. The use of covariables in a partial ordination method allows the partitioning of environmental and spatial variation in order to test meroplankton successional patterns. The direction and intensity of wind was responsible for a northeasterly transport of larvae. Reverse wind conditions allowed for a southwesterly larval dispersal. The spatial pattern of the species comes from the spatial pattern of the environmental variables, and is completely explained by them, so that no significant spatial pattern remains in the species data after controlling for the effect of the environmental variables. The spatial structure therefore can be regarded as an explanatory variable in ecological studies

    The benthic infauna of the North Sea species distribution and assemblages

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    In 1986 participants of the Benthos Ecology Working Group of ICES conducted a synoptic mapping of the infauna of the southern and central North Sea. Together with a mapping of the infauna of the northern North Sea by Eleftheriou and Basford (1989) this provides the database for the description of the benthic infauna of the whole North Sea in this paper. Division of the infauna into assemblages by TWINSPAN analysis separated northern assemblages from southem assemblages along the 70 m depth contour . Assemblages were further separated by the 30, 50 m and 100 m depth contour as well as by the sediment type. In addition to widely distributed species, cold water species do not occur further south than the northern edge of the Dogger Bank, which corresponds to the 50m depth contour. Warm water species were not found north of the 100m depth contour. Some species occur on all types of sediment but most are restricted to a special sediment and therefore these species are limited in their distribution. The factors structuring species distributions and assemblages seem to be temperature, the influence of different water masses, e.g. Atlantic water, the type of sediment and the food supply to the benthos

    Warm-water decapods and the trophic amplification of climate in the North Sea

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    A long-term time series of plankton and benthic records in the North Sea indicates an increase in decapods and a decline in their prey species that include bivalves and flatfish recruits. Here, we show that in the southern North Sea the proportion of decapods to bivalves doubled following a temperature-driven, abrupt ecosystem shift during the 1980s. Analysis of decapod larvae in the plankton reveals a greater presence and spatial extent of warm-water species where the increase in decapods is greatest. These changes paralleled the arrival of new species such as the warm-water swimming crab Polybius henslowii now found in the southern North Sea. We suggest that climate-induced changes among North Sea decapods have played an important role in the trophic amplification of a climate signal and in the development of the new North Sea dynamic regime