17 research outputs found

    Budowanie wizerunku jednostki terytorialnej na przykładzie województwa śląskiego

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    Due to the processing competition, territorial units need to create their image of an attractive place. A region advanced in building a strong, adventurous image is the Silesian Voivodeship. This paper presents the Silesian image planned by the regional authority as well as marketing actions which enable to achieve the strategic goal

    Zarządzanie kompetencjami pracowników o wysokim potencjale a sukces organizacji: relacje i zależności

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    The turn of the 21st century is a time of changes in the perception of an employee in the organization. The complexity and dynamics of the enterprises' environment have determined the human resources as a key capital for the organization. Therefore, the position of employees with high potential (talents) seems to be crucial. This study is an attempt to present the outline of the relationship and interdependency, between the effective management of talented employees' competences and the organization's succes

    Budowanie relacji organizacji z pracownikami utalentowanymi wobec wyzwań przyszłości

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    Relational paradigm has become increasingly important, not only in management and marketing theory, but also in operational market activity of contemporary enterprises. Organisations tend to build relationships with many stakeholders, paying particular attention to employees. It is assumed that organisations compete among one another to gain and maintain employees with desired competences and high potential (so called talented employees), and an effective way to achieve this is building strong and positive and relationship with the talents. However, it may be observed that organisations face real challenges to gain and maintain talented employees, due to the specific personal traits of talents and changing working conditions. The theoretic deliberation is supplemented by results of a research that was conducted by Mercer consulting company in 2018 and 2019 among 7200 respondents and published in Global Talent Trend report 201

    New challenges in employee relationships in the digitalised post-pandemic organisational culture

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    Objectives The main purpose of the study is to identify key challenges influencing the employee relationships in the new, post pandemic, digitalised workplace. Material and methods The theoretical deliberations, based on critical literature review, are supplemented by empirical research conducted in a form of a focus groups with 34 participants (3 focus groups) employed on managerial and non-managerial positions. Authors interviewed informants who had experienced both in-person and remote working pattern. The research was conducted between March and May 2022. Results The main challenges were identified in the research process. Zoom fatigue, lack of in-person relations, technical issues and life-work balance were the main challenges perceived for employees, while technology limitations, employee governance and HR related issues were experienced by employers. Conclusions To address these challenges and be able to build and maintain strong and positive employee relations in the digitalised environment, employers should provide trust, motivation, remuneration, support, effective communication, sustainable working environment and employee-centred culture. Taking the above factors into consideration, a reference to the proposed 6Cs model is noticeable

    Szesc zasad kreowania zintegrowanego wizerunku przedsiebiorstwa jako pracodawcy

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    Creating an integrated company image is a way to meet market competition. Organizations are glad to take up image-related actions with respect to external customers, but also vital is the molding of the image of the company as an employer. Studies of topical literature and direct research results demonstrate the ability to build a corporate image in both areas (external and internal) on the basis of universal principles. In practice, this leads to the creation of an integrated, comprehensive company image

    Budowanie wizerunku jednostki terytorialnej na przykładzie województwa śląskiego

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    Due to the processing competition, territorial units need to create their image of an attractive place. A region advanced in building a strong, adventurous image is the Silesian Voivodeship. This paper presents the Silesian image planned by the regional authority as well as marketing actions which enable to achieve the strategic goal

    Relacje sieci handlu detalicznego z klientami w ujęciu globalnym

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    The goal of the paper is to identify activities of global retail chains in the sphere of development of relationships with customers through indication of specific business practices. For the purpose of achievement of assumed goals the methods of analysis of the literature of the subject and case studies are applied, webpages of global retail chains are reviewed. Global retail chains operate in a very competitive environment, what makes them search for effectiveness. Relationship marketing is perceived by retail chains to be an important source of competitive advantage.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie marketingu relacyjnego jako ważnego źródła budowy przewagi konkurencyjnej globalnych sieci handlowych. Sieci te, stosując marketing relacji, budują trwałe powiązania ze swoimi rynkami docelowymi i w coraz szerszym zakresie wykorzystują koncepcje marketingu relacji w praktykach swojego działania. W artykule posłużono się metodą analizy literatury przedmiotu, stron internetowych badanych sieci oraz opisem konkretnych działań sieci handlowych w zakresie wykorzystania marketingu relacji w oddziaływaniu na klientów

    Wykorzystanie analizy czynnikowej do oceny wielowymiarowości uwarunkowań skłonności do mitygowania innych konsumentów jako formy zachowań obywatelskich

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    Zachowania obywatelskie konsumentów (customer citizenship behaviour – CCB) to szeroki i dynamiczny kierunek badań w nauce o marketingu, który stanowi uzupełnienie badań nad zachowaniami obywatelskimi pracowników. Zachowania obywatelskie rozumiane są jako dobrowolne i uznaniowe zachowania indywidualnych konsumentów, niebędące w sposób bezpośredni ani wyraźny oczekiwane i wynagradzane przez przedsiębiorstwo, a które łącznie sprzyjają zapewnieniu wysokiej jakości działalności przedsiębiorstwa i jego efektywności. Stanowią one złożony konstrukt pojęciowy, na który składa się wiele rodzajów zachowań konsumentów, w tym zwracanie uwagi innym (mitigating). W artykule podjęto próbę identyfikacji czynników, które są odmienne pod względem statystycznym i mogą stanowić stymulanty lub destymulanty skłonności do mitygowania innych konsumentów, z zastosowaniem metody analizy czynnikowej. Wykorzystano wyniki badań własnych zrealizowanych wśród polskich konsumentów metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w oparciu o technikę ankiety on-line

    To What Extent Retail Chains’ Relationships with Suppliers Make the Business Trustworthy—An Empirical Study on Fast Fashion in Pandemic Times

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    The current pandemic situation has created many challenges for maintaining positive relationships between fast fashion retailers and their suppliers. In the proposed paper it is assumed that strong and ethical relationships may be beneficial for all supply chain members, especially in the era of global pandemic. Therefore, the aforementioned issues (fast fashion retailers’ ethical behavior towards suppliers) constituted the subject of the paper. Our knowledge about relationships between fast retail chains and their suppliers in the times of global pandemic is relatively week. Trying to fill the gap, this paper discussed relationships between fast fashion retail chains and their suppliers’ customers on the basis of literature review and case study research. Purpose: The aim of the paper was to indicate the scope of activities undertaken by retailers and addressed at suppliers by fast fashion retail chains in pandemic times. The following goals of descriptive and cognitive character were assumed in the paper: (a) Identification of the fast fashion retailers’ common behavior in the era of pandemic, and (b) indication of ethical practices applied by fast fashion retail chains which are beneficial for all retail chain members, based on the Inditex example. Methodology: Based on the theoretic deliberation of retail chain relationships with suppliers in the pandemic times, qualitative research was conducted to supplement the theoretical background. The purpose of this study was to identify how fast fashion retailers maintain relationships with their suppliers in supply chains. The conducted research enabled us to reveal answers to the following research questions: What are good practices of fast fashion retailers in terms of relationships with suppliers? Can socially responsible, trustworthy fast fashion retailers stay profitable in the Covid-19 pandemic? The theoretical deliberation was based on a critical literature review. The empirical part of the paper was based on case study research. The conducted research was descriptive in nature, conducted in order to describe a particular phenomenon within its context, and was not intended to provide conclusive evidence, but to have a better understanding of the problem. A descriptive intrinsic case study was the method applied in the research. Results: On the grounds of literature studies, as well as collected information, we can state that close and ethical cooperation with suppliers, based on socially responsible relationships, are becoming a more and more important part of the strategy for commercial chains. There are companies that use any legal measures to not fulfil their obligations as contractors and avoid paying for orders completed and in production. The descriptive case study research allowed us to observe, analyze, and report good practices of fast fashion retailers in terms of relationships with their suppliers based on the Inditex example. The theoretical contribution: On the grounds of the case study, we can state that during pandemic times fast fashion retail chains have focused on the development of relationships with suppliers, which means changing from transactional to relationship marketing in cooperation strategies. Practical implications (if applicable): The paper provided intellectual input into the managerial problem of how to develop mutual beneficiary relationships between fast retail chains and their suppliers. The study suggests that fast fashion retail chains have to take into consideration growing customer expectations, which regard their cooperation’s strategies toward suppliers

    “Appreciate me and i will be your good soldier”. The exploration of antecedents to consumer citizenship

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    Customer citizenship behaviour (CCB) is an important consumer trend observed in the contemporary market. It may be described as an extra-role, voluntary behaviour performed in favour of other customers or companies. One of the CCB dimensions, namely, providing customer feedback to company offering, overlaps with value co-creation as a booming marketing concept. Our knowledge about factors determining this behaviour is relatively week. Trying to fill the gap, this paper discusses inclination for value co-creation among customers on the basis of literature review and explorative research. This explorative study aims to identify some company-related and customer-related antecedents to customer citizenship behaviour in the form of value co-creation in favour of companies. The theoretical deliberation is based on a critical literature review. The empirical part of the paper is based on explorative research in the form of a survey of 105 non-randomly selected customers. Aiming to identify the key drivers for customer inclination to participate in value co-creation, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted; next, the quality of factor structure was assessed with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 using standard measures of validity; and finally, structural links between the inclination to co-create and distinct antecedents were estimated using the partial least square structural equitation modelling technique (PLS_SEM). The factor analysis suggested distinguishing two aspects of customer co-creation, i.e., either initiated by companies (Organised Co-Creation) or by customers (Spontaneous Co-creation). The estimated PLS structural model shows that only some casual paths were found statistically significant, i.e., the appreciation showed by companies towards customers engaging in the organised co-creation process (as extrinsic motivation) and customer innovativeness, as well as the fulfilment of the need for stability (as intrinsic motivation) with regards to spontaneous co-creation. The ex-post moderation analysis with the help of the PLS_MGA algorithm enabled to identify gender as the factor potentially explaining inter-group differences in the structural model