635 research outputs found

    Language anxiety in Chinese dialects and Putonghua among college students in mainland China: the effects of sociobiographical and linguistic variables

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    This paper examined language anxiety (LA) in Chinese dialects and Putonghua among college students in mainland China and explored the links between their LA in the first language and a range of sociobiographical variables (i.e. gender and geographical background) as well as linguistic variables (i.e. mother tongue, age of onset of acquisition, context of learning, self-perceived oral proficiency, and frequency of use). Participants were 778 Beijing university students who speak Chinese dialects and Putonghua. Statistical analyses revealed that participants reported significantly higher levels of LA in dialects than in Putonghua across a variety of situations. Geographical background and gender had scattered effects on LA in Putonghua and in dialects. Early bilinguals whose mother tongue were both a dialect and Putonghua reported the least LA in both. Later age of onset and acquisition of Putonghua in an instructed context were linked to increased LA in Putonghua. The negative relationships between self-perceived oral proficiency, frequency of use and LA were stronger in Putonghua than in dialects. The higher levels of LA in dialects combined with their language practices in dialects suggest a relatively lower confidence in the use of dialects among in this group of highly educated young Chinese adults

    Trilingual conversations: a window into multicompetence

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    A recurrent theme in the literature on trilingual language use is the question of whether there is a specific “trilingual competence.” In this paper we consider this question in the light of codeswitching patterns in two dyadic trilingual conversations between a mother and daughter conducted in (Lebanese) Arabic, French, and English. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of codeswitching in both conversants shows that, despite the fact that both subjects are fluent in all three languages, uses of switching are significantly different for mother and daughter across a number of features, including relative frequency of different switch types, and the incidence of hybrid constructions involving items from two or more languages. The subjects appear to display qualitatively distinct profiles of competence in the trilingual mode. This in turn leads to the conclusion that the facts of trilingual language use are best characterized in terms of “multicompetence” (Cook, 1991). The paper concludes with some further reflections on the uniqueness of trilingual language use (an “old chestnut” in trilingualism research, cf. Klein, 1995)


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    The City of Barrie’s municipal solid waste landfill is located in a depleted sand pit and is in close proximity to residential development. The landfill opened in the 1960s and was slated for closure in 2017. Originally designed as a natural attenuation facility, leachate seepage from the waste to the groundwater and an adjacent stream, posed environmental risks and compliance issues. The risks were mitigated through a project completed between 2008 and 2015, involving the progressive excavation of approximately 1.6 million cubic metres of waste in the western 2/3 of the landfill, installation of an engineered state-of-the-art liner and leachate collection system, re-use of sand from the waste screening process and installation of a landfill gas collection system. The re-engineered landfill cells contain leachate from impacting groundwater and will allow existing purge well remedial system to be stopped earlier than initially predicted. The landfill gas collection and flaring system constructed as part of the project will result in reduction in the release of greenhouse gas. The total airspace remaining as a result of the reclamation and re-engineering translates to a site closure of 2035, a lifespan increase of 18 years. This increase resulted from the re-use of daily cover screened from the waste, as well as increased density achieved through recompaction activities. This project outcome is considered to be a success from the perspectives of improved environmental performance and improved utilization of an existing waste management asset, which will allow the City to continue to develop its long term Sustainable Waste Management Strategy

    Predicting language learners' grades in the L1, L2, L3 and L4: the effect of some psychological and sociocognitive variables

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    This study of 89 Flemish high-school students' grades for L1 (Dutch), L2 (French), L3 (English) and L4 (German) investigates the effects of three higher-level personality dimensions (psychoticism, extraversion, neuroticism), one lower-level personality dimension (foreign language anxiety) and sociobiographical variables (gender, social class) on the participants' language grades. Analyses of variance revealed no significant effects of the higher-level personality dimensions on grades. Participants with high levels of foreign language anxiety obtained significantly lower grades in the L2 and L3. Gender and social class had no effect. Strong positive correlations between grades in the different languages could point to an underlying sociocognitive dimension. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Le concept de réseau idiotypique : une nouvelle façon de penser le système immunitaire

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    L'immunologie enseignée actuellement est essentiellement pasteurienne. Sa théorie explicative, qui date de 1957, est celle de la sélection clonale. Il existe cependant une théorie plus récente (1974), celle du réseau immunitaire. L'A. tente de montrer, que cette théorie utilise un concept transdiciplinaire, qu'elle est bien explicative et ce faisant a cessé d'être un échafaudage conceptuel réservé aux immunologistes avertis et enfin qu'elle entre en rupture avec un savoir antérieur très résistant, qui est l'idée que nous nous faisons du " soi " et du non-soi ". Cette rupture serait la cause des résistances à son adoption dans l'enseignemen


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of new rubbery liners, used as a cervical increment, to relieve contraction stress and thereby reduce the formation of cervical gaps in class II composite restorations. The investigated liners were made of polyester-acrylate (PE(1), PE(2) or PE(3)) or silicone-acrylate (S), mixed with UDMA, without (A, B, C, D) or with HEMA (AH, BH, CH, DH). A silanized filler was added to the mixture, DH, to give composites with 20, 40, 60, and 70% (w/w) of filler (DHF20, DHF40, DHF60, DHF70, respectively). The presence and width of cervical gaps were determined using a light microscope. Statistical analysis showed that six of the 12 rubbery liners (AH-DH, DHF20-DHF40) significantly decreased gap formation in comparison with the control group. In addition, the polymerization shrinkage, flow, and strain capacity of these liners were measured and the influence of these factors on gap formation was examined. Two- and three-dimensional regression analyses showed significantly negative linear correlations between gap formation and strain capacity, and between gap formation and flow, and a significantly positive linear correlation between gap formation and shrinkage

    A bilingual emotional advantage? An investigation into the effects of psychological factors in emotion perception in Arabic and in English of Arabic-English bilinguals and Arabic /English monolinguals

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    Aims and objectives: While the debate on the cognitive bilingual advantage is ongoing, much less attention has been paid to a potential emotional advantage of bilinguals. The present study compared the performance of bilinguals and monolinguals in emotion perception (EP) in Arabic and in English and the differences in trait emotional intelligence (Trait EI). It also considered the relationship between Trait EI and EP scores. Methodology: 205 Arabic-English bilinguals, 71 Arabic monolinguals and 333 English monolinguals had to recognise anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise and happiness in twelve short audio-visual video clips (six in English and six in Arabic) embedded in an online questionnaire. The clips contained short conversations about day-to-day situations. Data and analysis: Nonparametric statistical analyses were used to explore the differences between bilinguals and monolinguals in EP in English and Arabic and to explore the relationship between Trait EI and EP. Findings: Bilinguals outperformed English monolinguals in the EP task in English but did not perform better than Arabic monolinguals in Arabic. Bilinguals scored higher on Trait EI than monolinguals, and Trait EI scores were significantly and positively correlated with EP scores. Originality: This study suggests that there is a small bilingual advantage for emotional and psychological domains. Significance: Bilingualism seems to have an effect on some personality dimensions and emotional skills

    Foreign language enjoyment and anxiety: The effect of teacher and learner variables

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    Positive psychology has boosted interest in the positive as well as the negative emotions that Foreign Language learners experience. The present study examines whether – and to what extent – foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and foreign language (FL) classroom anxiety (FLCA) are linked to a range of learner internal variables and teacher/classroom-specific variables within one specific educational context. Participants were 189 British high school students learning various FLs. Higher levels of FLE were linked to higher scores on attitudes towards the FL, the FL teacher, FL use in class, proportion of time spent on speaking, relative standing and stage of development. Lower levels FLCA were linked to higher scores on attitudes towards the FL, relative standing and stage of development. FLCA thus seems less related to teacher and teacher practices than FLE. The pedagogical implication is that teachers should strive to boost FLE rather than worry too much about students’ FLCA

    Foreign language enjoyment and anxiety: The effect of teacher and learner variables

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    Positive psychology has boosted interest in the positive as well as the negative emotions that Foreign Language learners experience. The present study examines whether – and to what extent – foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and foreign language (FL) classroom anxiety (FLCA) are linked to a range of learner internal variables and teacher/classroom-specific variables within one specific educational context. Participants were 189 British high school students learning various FLs. Higher levels of FLE were linked to higher scores on attitudes towards the FL, the FL teacher, FL use in class, proportion of time spent on speaking, relative standing and stage of development. Lower levels FLCA were linked to higher scores on attitudes towards the FL, relative standing and stage of development. FLCA thus seems less related to teacher and teacher practices than FLE. The pedagogical implication is that teachers should strive to boost FLE rather than worry too much about students’ FLCA

    Self-reported frequency of swearing in English: do situational, psychological and sociobiographical variables have similar effects on first and foreign language users?

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    An analysis of data collected from 2347 users of English on their self-reported swearing behaviour in English revealed significant higher values for the 1159 native English (L1) users than for the 1165 English foreign language (LX) users. Parallel analyses on the data of the L1 and LX users revealed that the interlocutor effect was slightly stronger among L1 users. Swearing was reported to be most frequent in interactions with friends, when alone, followed by interactions with family members, colleagues and strangers. Participants scoring high on Psychoticism, Extraversion and Neuroticism reported significantly more swearing in English. Extraversion and Neuroticism had the strongest effects on LX users’ self-reported swearing with friends and alone while Psychoticism and Neuroticism had the strongest effects on L1 users’ self-reported swearing with strangers and with friends. The effects of sociobiographical variables (education level, age group, gender) were broadly similar among L1 and LX users but were significant in more categories of interlocutors for the L1 users. It is argued that the weaker effect of situational, psychological and sociobiographical variables on self-reported frequency of swearing among LX users of English could be linked to larger heterogeneity in their history of learning, socialisation, proficiency and use of English