3 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana Pengaturan Hukum Humaniter Internasional Tentang Perekrutan Tentara Anak Dalam Konflik Bersenjata Sebagai Kejahatan Perang dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Penegakkan Hukum Humaniter Internasional yang dapat di terapkan terhadap perekrutan Tentara Anak dalam suatu konflik bersenjata sebagai kejahatan perang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif, dapat ditarik kesimpulan yaitu
: 1. Hukum humaniter internasional mengatur perekrutan anak sebagai tentara dalam Konvensi Jenewa tentang perlindungan penduduk sipil tahun 1949, dan ketentuan serupa juga diatur dalam Protokol Tambahan II tahun 1977 yang melarang perekrutan anak sebagai tentara. Aturan Hukum Perburuhan Internasional yang melarang mempekerjakan anak di bawah umur juga membatasi perekrutan tentara anak-anak. Perekrutan tentara anak-anak adalah tindakan ilegal menurut Konvensi Internasional Hak Anak dan Protokol Opsional Konvensi Hak Anak dalam hal menjaga hak asasi anak, Bahkan Statuta Roma tahun 1998 menyatakan bahwa merekrut anak di bawah umur sebagai tentara merupakan kejahatan perang. 2. Penegakan hukum yang dilakukan terhadap Thomas Lubanga adalah melalui mekanisme Mahkamah Pidana Internasional. ICC berwenang mengadili tersangka utama Thomas Lubanga Dyilo karena Kongo dianggap sebagai negara yang tidak mampu (unable) menegakkan sistem hukum nasionalnya berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 17 ayat (3).
Kata Kunci : tentara anak, kejahatan perang
The System of Proof on Extraordinary Crime in Case Criminal Which Based on the Intelligent Investigation Report (A Case Study)
Terrorism is an extraordinary crime which is transnational activity that is way to combat terrorism not an easy operation, what more difficult and need highly activity and hardly unable to catch the terrorist, due process of it and challenging current criminal system procedure, whiles the burden of proof in terrorism is very complicated. Based on recent experience in Indonesia, due process of law for the act of terrorism does use the ordinary criminal system of procedure law, which does not adopt the intelligence investigation report as evidence based. In other word the law of criminal procedure act does not qualify yet or not clearly amend the intelligence report as clear convincing evidence. This study is tried to explore this gap on what other legal tool can be used to challenge this hole. What common practices is used to render this problem and what adjudge has been follow recently to this matter of law. The methodology in study this issues by collecting (i) all information related facts of intelligence operation analysis in formed part by part information followed by field cross-check examination, (ii) managing the crime of terrorism as extraordinary one and as the transnational of Crime against humanity based on the article 184 Criminal Procedure Act, with add some strong clues about terrorism activity as an preliminary evidence to continuing the depth investigation has been regulated according to article 26 Act No. 15 Year 2003 Regarding to The Prevention of Terrorism.(iii) By using intelligence investigation report as evidence the system of proof will bring some developing method for the law to foster the burden of proof system and may deter the crime of terrorism. As a conclusion this study may contribute some ways or other method of proof involving the extraordinary crime on terrorism which not been adopted by current law and system. Keywords: burden of proof, evidence and terrorism, intelligence investigation DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/90-15 Publication date:October 31st 201
The exclusionary rule is basically one of the principles that developed along with the development of criminal evidence law, especially in countries with anglo-Saxon legal traditions. The principle that emphasizes the exclusion or exclusion of evidence obtained unlawfully in the criminal justice process has over time become a procedural element that supports the creation of a fair trial for the Defendant. The right to a fair trial is a right that must be guaranteed by the State and does not only concern the right to be tried by an independent and impartial court. Indonesia as a state of law that tries to balance the public interest in law enforcement with the interests of the suspect or defendant in a fair judicial process unfortunately has not regulated exclusionary rule in its criminal procedural law. In fact exclusionary rule is one of the instruments for recovery in the event of a violation by law enforcement officials, especially in the process of obtaining evidence. Through research conducted using this normative legal research method, the author wants to place the exclusionary rule not only as a principle but also as a defendant's right in the criminal justice process as an inseparable part of the right to a fair trial so that it is urgent to be accommodated in the agenda of procedural law reform. Indonesian crime.The exclusionary rule is basically one of the principles that developed along with the development of criminal evidence law, especially in countries with anglo-Saxon legal traditions. The principle that emphasizes the exclusion or exclusion of evidence obtained unlawfully in the criminal justice process has over time become a procedural element that supports the creation of a fair trial for the Defendant. The right to a fair trial is a right that must be guaranteed by the State and does not only concern the right to be tried by an independent and impartial court. Indonesia as a state of law that tries to balance the public interest in law enforcement with the interests of the suspect or defendant in a fair judicial process unfortunately has not regulated exclusionary rule in its criminal procedural law. In fact exclusionary rule is one of the instruments for recovery in the event of a violation by law enforcement officials, especially in the process of obtaining evidence. Through research conducted using this normative legal research method, the author wants to place the exclusionary rule not only as a principle but also as a defendant's right in the criminal justice process as an inseparable part of the right to a fair trial so that it is urgent to be accommodated in the agenda of procedural law reform. Indonesian crime