8 research outputs found

    Viability studies of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pf 1 in liquid formulation, its effect on plant growth and on root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita

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    Viability of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pf 1 in liquid formulation amended with different chemicals was studied for a period of one year. Among the amendments tested, NB with 10 mM glycerol showed maximum viability of Pf 1 cells (360 days). Similarly, in stickers, NB with starch (2%) showed the maximum viability of Pf 1 cells (240 days). Plant growth promotion studies carried out in tomato cv Co3 under roll towel and pot culture method revealed that fifth day old culture of Pf 1 showed enhanced plant growth when compared with other subsequent day old cultures. Under in vitro studies against Meloidogyne incognita, the same fifth day old culture at its 25 per cent concentration recorded the least egg hatching and maximum juvenile mortality. However, the efficiency of different days old cultures remained effective over control for a period of one year when stored as liquid formulation along with chemical amendments

    Ethanol recovery from solid state fermented apple pomace and evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics of the residue

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    127-132In view of the growing demand of ethanol the identification of resources and development of economical methods for its extraction are very essential. Fermented apple pomace has been identified as a rich source of ethanol especially for the Himalayan region where apple is grown at large scale. There are various methods of alcohol recovery from solid state fermented apple pomace (hot water extraction followed by distillation, vacuum distillation, hydraulic pressure and direct steam distillation) hence, present study was carried out to standardize an efficient and economical method. The physico-chemical characteristics of dried apple pomace residue after the recovery of ethanol by different methods were also evaluated for knowing loss of nutrients during extraction of ethanol. For present study two types of solid state fermented (SSF) apple pomace, obtained by two treatments (one by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other by Candida utilis and Kloeckera spp. as sequential interactive co-cultures) were used. Out of different methods of alcohol recovery tried, steam distillation method gave the highest separation efficiency while hydraulic pressing gave the lowest separation efficiency. Evaluation of some of the physico-chemical characteristics of dried apple pomace after recovery of ethanol by different methods indicated that steam distillation resulted in minimum nutritional loss, viz. crude and soluble proteins, reducing and total sugars. The maximum nutritional loss took place in hydraulic pressing, wherein the base of distillate was not added back to the pomace, prior to drying. Steam distillation method of ethanol recovery from fermented apple pomace was the best since it gave the dried pomace with minimum loss of nutrients

    Evaluation of apple pomace based reconstituted feed in rats after solid state fermentation and ethanol recovery

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    To utilize apple pomace in an economical and effective way, a feed was developed by solid state fermentation (SSF) using sequential interactive co-culture of Candida utilis and Kloeckera. Removal of ethanol and drying of the left - over residue. Feeding trial was conducted in white albino rats before and after reconstitution of apple pomace feed in the choice and no choice study. Feeding of apple pomace feed in the rats before reconstitution indicated that neither in fermented nor in unfermented form it was acceptable. In the no choice study both in 100% fermented and unfermented apple pomace group feed intake decreased continuously resulting in death of rats apparently due to decreased digestibility owing to high fibre content. Further, fermented or unfermented apple pomace based feed had lower digestibility and efficiency of conversion than the standard rat feed. Compared to the standard feed group, growth rates in all the feed groups were negative. The results of choice study of different feeds corroborated with the no-choice study mentioned earlier. Incorporation of fermented apple pomace into standard rat feed in the ratio of 1:1 gave better acceptability and digestibility. Reconstituted feed with 10% jaggery, 2% groundnut oil, 0.01% mixed flavour and 1% salt was the most acceptable. The post-mortem examination of the rats that died during the feeding trial revealed generalized oedema, probably due to some hepatotoxin in the feed. The blood glucose level in the apple pomace feed group except that was reconstituted with jaggery, showed a general hypoglycemia, though falling in the range. The increased ALT and AST levels in the serum also suggest damage to the liver. The mortality rate, post-mortem examination of the rats that died during the feeding trial and blood biochemical analysis of rat serum suggest a more elaborative study for extended period of time.<br>Para utilizar bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£ de uma maneira econĆ“mica e eficaz, foi desenvolvido um processo por fermentaĆ§Ć£o no estado sĆ³lido (SSF) que utiliza uma co-cultura interativa seqĆ¼encial de CĆ¢ndida utilis e Kloechera. RemoĆ§Ć£o do etanol foi realizado atravĆ©s da secagem do bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£. Os testes com o bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£ fermentado ou nĆ£o foram feitos em ratos brancos em um experimento delineado. Os resultados mostraram que o bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£ fermentado ou nĆ£o se mostraram aceitĆ”veis sendo que os mesmos apresentaram uma digestibilidade inferior a raĆ§Ć£o comum. Quando o estudo alimentando os ratos utilizando 100% de bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£ fermentado e nĆ£o fermentado e alterando a concentraĆ§Ć£o progressivamente, observou-se a morte dos ratos aparentemente devido a uma reduĆ§Ć£o da digestibilidade em razĆ£o da alta concentraĆ§Ć£o em fibras. Em comparaĆ§Ć£o com o grupo padrĆ£o, as taxas de crescimento foram negativas em todos os grupos estudados. A mistura da raĆ§Ć£o padrĆ£o com o bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£ fermentado na proporĆ§Ć£o 1:1, proporcionou maior aceitabilidade e digestibilidade. A mistura do bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£ fermentado com 10% de 'jagerry', 2% de Ć³leo de 'groundnut', 0,01% de aromas e 1% de sal foi o mais aceitĆ”vel. O exame pĆ³s-morte dos ratos que receberam a dieta durante sua alimentaĆ§Ć£o apresentou edema generalizado, provavelmente devido a alguma hepatotoxina na alimentaĆ§Ć£o. O nĆ­vel de glicose no sangue do grupo alimentado com bagaƧo de maĆ§Ć£, exceto misturado com 'jagerry', mostrou uma hypoglicemia geral. A taxa de mortalidade, o exame pĆ³s-morte dos ratos que morreram durante o experimento e a anĆ”lise bioquĆ­mica do sangue e do soro sugerem um estudo mais elaborativo e mais prolongado

    Fungal and bacterial nematicides in integrated nematode management strategies

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