78 research outputs found

    GCNIDS: Graph Convolutional Network-Based Intrusion Detection System for CAN Bus

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    The Controller Area Network (CAN) bus serves as a standard protocol for facilitating communication among various electronic control units (ECUs) within contemporary vehicles. However, it has been demonstrated that the CAN bus is susceptible to remote attacks, which pose risks to the vehicle's safety and functionality. To tackle this concern, researchers have introduced intrusion detection systems (IDSs) to identify and thwart such attacks. In this paper, we present an innovative approach to intruder detection within the CAN bus, leveraging Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) techniques as introduced by Zhang, Tong, Xu, and Maciejewski in 2019. By harnessing the capabilities of deep learning, we aim to enhance attack detection accuracy while minimizing the requirement for manual feature engineering. Our experimental findings substantiate that the proposed GCN-based method surpasses existing IDSs in terms of accuracy, precision, and recall. Additionally, our approach demonstrates efficacy in detecting mixed attacks, which are more challenging to identify than single attacks. Furthermore, it reduces the necessity for extensive feature engineering and is particularly well-suited for real-time detection systems. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the pioneering application of GCN to CAN data for intrusion detection. Our proposed approach holds significant potential in fortifying the security and safety of modern vehicles, safeguarding against attacks and preventing them from undermining vehicle functionality


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    Stress in surgical environment is generally very high and can result in performance degradation increasing patient risk .Current Training systems for learning minimally invasive surgical skills do not consider the component of stress in their training model. In this study the focus was on developing alternative training models that would allow the learner to effectively perform minimally invasive skill under stress. Two alternate training methods: 1) Training under stress until high performance levels and 2) training until high performance and low cognitive load are achieved were considered for this study. The control group consisted of training under no stress and until high performance levels are achieved. Stressful environments for this study were simulated using physiologic stressors. The effectiveness of the training was evaluated by a comparative analysis of the different performance measures across the groups. We determined that training until automation as the most effective method to perform effectively under stress

    An Ayurvedic Review on Therapeutic Potentials of Manahshila (Realgar): A Literature Review

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    Manahshila (Realgar) is used only in purified & detoxified condition for the therapeutic purposes as internal as well as external medicine. Manahshila have significant therapeutic values which have been mentioned in Brihatrayi and Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Most of the formulation of Manahshila is used for external application whereas fine powders of these processed minerals are used for both in external and internal application. Certain Dhuma Yoga also contain Manahshila are advised in respiratory tract diseases. Shuddha Manahshila has been described in various Rasa Yoga preparations, such as Shvasakuthara Rasa, Rajamriganka Rasa, Trailokyachintamani Rasa, Shilasindura, and Samirapannaga Rasa, Moreover, there are references for the use of Manahshila in Kustha, Swasa, Kasa Roga but this arsenical drug has not been used so far independently as a single drug

    Keratoviz-A multistage keratoconus severity analysis and visualization using deep learning and class activated maps

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    The detection of keratoconus has been a difficult and arduous process over the years for ophthalmologists who have devised traditional approaches of diagnosis including the slit-lamp examination and observation of thinning of the corneal. The main contribution of this paper is using deep learning models namely Resnet50 and EfficientNet to not just detect whether an eye has been infected with keratoconus or not but also accurately detect the stages of infection namely mild, moderate, and advanced. The dataset used consists of corneal topographic maps and pentacam images. Individually the models achieved 97% and 94% accuracy on the dataset. We have also employed class activated maps (CAM) to observe and help visualize which areas of the images are utilized when making classifications for the different stages of keratoconus. Using deep learning models to predict the detection and severity of the infection can drastically speed up and provide accurate results at the same time

    Exploring how partnerships between a school for the deaf and hearing parents and is managed: perspectives from school management, teachers, and hearing parents at a combined school for the deaf in KwaZulu-Natal.

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    Master of Education in Educational Leadership, Management, and Policy. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2016.This research sought to explore how the partnership between the school for the deaf and the hearing parents are managed. It was conducted and completed by obtaining insights from the school management team, teachers and hearing parents regarding their relationship and partnership for the benefit of the deaf child. The literature review underpins what literature and scholars have argued, highlighted and discussed in terms of schools and parent partnerships. However, the focus of this study is schools for the deaf and hearing parents, therefore, specific literature has been identified in the literature review. It provides an understanding of partnerships between schools for the deaf and parents and a theoretical framework within which this study will be analysed. The presentation of research, design, and methodology is mapped out utilising a case study of one combined school for the deaf in KwaZulu-Natal that offered from pre-school to grade 12. It had a principal, deputy principal and three heads of departments in the SMT. In my observation, most of the teachers signed fluently except for a few. The parent body consisted of hundred percent of the parents being hearing to deaf children. Gough (2000) refers to methodology as doing research in an attempt to produce knowledge and provides a set of reasons for the way a researcher move ahead in the study. Methodology refers to more than particular techniques, such as ‘doing a survey’ or ‘interviewing students’. It provides reasons for using such techniques in relation to the kind of knowledge or understanding the researcher is seeking. In this study, I have selected three methods of acquiring data namely, semi-structured interviews; documents review and observations. Qualitative data analysis was used in the process of research. I was actively engaged in the setting and with the participants to generate meaning of their experiences. Therefore, the experiences of the participants have added richness and meaning to the findings. The finding in my qualitative data analysis has provided answers to the critical questions. The data generated from the qualitative research has been analysed using the thematic analysis. The study was conducted to research the partnership between the school for the deaf and hearing parents; and whether it exists and is maintained so as to rule it out as a factor contributing to illiterate deaf learners; or is the partnership partially or non-existent therefore contributing largely to the illiteracy of deaf learners leaving schools for the deaf. The in-depth interviews with the SMT showed that they were very open and honest in sharing all that they did to involve parents and in so doing create partnerships with parents, however, they stated that there was still more work to be done in some areas. They felt that they were doing a lot, however, it was not fulfilling the desired need for parents to become fully involved mostly so through learning their children’s first language being South African Sign Language (SASL). The huge concern was that very few parents were actually interested in learning SASL to communicate with their child that created huge barriers between the hearing parent and their deaf child, and then resulting in a ripple effect into parents feeling inferior or inadequate to become involved in the school. The school personnel in this study were concerned that there were factors of finance, living a distance from the school, learners living with overburdened grannies, uninformed parents, disillusioned parents and uninterested parents were a contributing factor to parents not having a partnership with the school for the deaf. Parent participants in this study, on the contrary are saying we want to be involved, we are involved but when we see a problem and address the problem then we are seen as problem makers and the school hides behind policies. They not feeling welcome and not enough was being done by the school and there is no partnership between the school for the deaf and the hearing parents. The emerging themes were analysed and recommendations were made on how the school SMT can move forward in strengthening bonds with the hearing parents. The data has shown that both parties should make concerted efforts to take responsibility in their roles in relation to the deaf learners and fulfil their roles then a partnership can be created to work harmoniously in the best interest of the deaf learners

    Synthesis and characterization of novel pyrazolone derivatives

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    The reactivity of hydrogen atoms at C-4 of pyrazolone 3 towards condensation reactions was studied by its reaction with p-anisaldehyde, malononitrile and/or ethyl acetoacetate in the presence of ammonium acetate and/or piperidine, glucose, phenyl isothiocyanate, 2-amino thiazole and aniline to afford compounds 4-6, 13, 15, 17 and 18, respectively. Reaction of amino carbonitrile 4 with ammonium thiocyanate, and formamide afforded compound 7 and pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridinylformamide, 9. Reaction of compound 7 with hydrazine hydrate gave thiocyanato-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6-amine derivative, 8. Acetylation of amino carbonitriles 4 and 5 afforded compound 10 and 11, respectively. Reaction of compound 11 with hydrazine hydrate afforded azanediyl compound 12. The pyrazolone 19 reacted with different nitrogen nucleophiles such as hydrazine hydrate, urea, thiourea and hydroxylamine hydrochloride to afford compounds 22-25. The reactivity of pyrazolone 19 as an α,β-unsaturated compound towards several carbon nucleophiles under Michael reaction was studied by its reaction with ethyl acetoacetate, ethyl cyanoacetate, and malononitrile under different reaction conditions and pyrazolone 3 to afford compounds 26-32, respectively. Synthesis of amino carbonitriles 5, pyrazolone 19 and pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyrazole 22 were carried out under microwave irradiation. The newly synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1H NMR and mass spectral data

    Pixel Count Based Yield Estimation Model, to Reduce Input feature required in Machine Learning System for Major Agricultural Crop

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    Traditionally, the crop analysis and agricultural production predictions were done based on statistical models. However, with the climate of the world changing to drastic degrees, these statistical models have become very ambiguous. Hence, it becomes prudent that we resort to other less vague methods. Through a traditional model, user interacts primarily with a mathematical computations and its results and helps to solve well-defined and structured problems. Whereas, in a data driven model, user interacts primarily with the data and helps to solve mainly unstructured problems. At this point, enters the concept of Machine Learning. In this work we tried to find a new approach to reduce the input feature to reduce the processing power needed. We have attempted at predicting the agricultural outputs of rice production in an area by implementing a pixel count based classification machine learning model. Through this model, we tried to predict the approximate crop yield based on NDVI values analyzed for a particular season and area

    Facial Plexiform Neurofibromatosis Type I

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    Introduction  Plexiform neurofibroma is a benign tumor of peripheral nerves arising from a proliferation of all neural elements. Clinically, it presents as a subcutaneous mass which feels like a "bag of worms". Case Report  A 23-years-old male with a swelling over left side of the face large enough to involve whole one side of the face. There was tenderness and the swelling had a very peculiar consistency, soft in most of the areas with few firm nodular areas. Operative procedure: surgery was done in two stages. Initially subtotal excision was done and 3 months later re-explored to excise the recurrent disease. Complete excision was not possible. Discussion Plexiform neurofibroma (PNF) occurs due to overgrowth of neural tissue in the subcutaneous region. Surgical management remains the mainstay of treatment but functional disturbances are almost inevitable while resecting tumors involving the head and neck region. Resection and de bulking of invasive PNF is however associated with a high rate of recurrence. One of the limiting factors is vascularity of these lesions and their abnormal propensity to bleed. Conclusion  Although benign, plexiform neurofibromas can cause pain, disfigurement and functional changes and more importantly, may turn malignant. Surgery should be attempted considering psychological benefits


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    Emerging at the end of 2019 in China, novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infected millions and killed thousands of people across the globe. Like other South Asian countries such as India and Pakistan, Bangladesh is also struggling to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the first detection on March 2020, terrible touch of the corona had been inundated Bangladesh with a total of 5,661,926 suspected patients and reported 776,257 (13.7%) cases, 12,005 deaths (1.5% CFR), and an overall recovery of 715,321 (92%) cases as of May 11, 2020. In attempts to reduce the burden of corona cases in one of the most densely populated country of the world, the government has taken several initiatives. Bangladesh has been stepped up a large number of medical & testing facilities, manpower, social awareness campaigns, and has taken many initial steps to fight against COVID-19. This review article is focused on the overall outbreak situation, the preparedness of the government of Bangladesh as well as challenges and limitations faced by the country so far to tackle the novel coronavirus pandemic 2019

    A Comparative Study between ORIF and ORIF with Mandibulomaxillary Fixation in Unfavourable Mandible Fractures

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    Introduction  This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of open reduction and the combination of open reduction with mandibulomaxillary fixation (MMF) in cases of unfavourable mandible fractures.   Materials and Methods   This is a prospective study carried out from 2010 to 2015 on 60 patients with mandible fracture attending the Dept. of ENT.  The diagnosis and classification of mandible fracture into favourable and unfavourable types were done on the basis of clinical and CT faciomaxillary findings. The outcomes were assessed by comparing the preoperative and postoperative occlusion, mouth opening and symmetry of mandibular ramus. Patients with favourable mandible fractures were excluded from the study.   Results   We found that out of 60 patients, 40 cases were of the unfavourable type. ORIF with MMF gave better outcome compared to ORIF alone. The data were statistically analysed using Z score and P value.   Conclusion  Initial assessment of mandible fractures into favourable and unfavourable category plays a significant role in planning the management.  Management of unfavourable mandible fractures with ORIF and MMF gives functionally and aesthetically better results as compared to ORIF alone