41 research outputs found

    Two images of Nantes as a ‘Green Model’ of Urban Planning and Governance: The ‘Collaborative City’ Versus the ‘Slow City’

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    This article examines how the city of Nantes, European Green Capital in 2013, came to promote plans for a new international airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Deploying poststructuralist discourse theory, it analyses how the highly politicised struggle against the airport reveals the limits of the Nantes model of urban sustainability and collaboration, giving rise to a counter model, which we provisionally characterise as the ‘slow city’. While the struggle against the airport can be understood as a rural social movement, we show how its ideals and logics have been progressively displaced to Nantes itself, disclosing new images and possibilities of urban governance

    PLS3 Missense Variants Affecting the Actin-Binding Domains Cause X-Linked Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Body-Wall Defects

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a relatively common and genetically heterogeneous structural birth defect associated with high mortality and morbidity. We describe eight unrelated families with an X-linked condition characterized by diaphragm defects, variable anterior body-wall anomalies, and/or facial dysmorphism. Using linkage analysis and exome or genome sequencing, we found that missense variants in plastin 3 (PLS3), a gene encoding an actin bundling protein, co-segregate with disease in all families. Loss-of-function variants in PLS3 have been previously associated with X-linked osteoporosis (MIM: 300910), so we used in silico protein modeling and a mouse model to address these seemingly disparate clinical phenotypes. The missense variants in individuals with CDH are located within the actin-binding domains of the protein but are not predicted to affect protein structure, whereas the variants in individuals with osteoporosis are predicted to result in loss of function. A mouse knockin model of a variant identified in one of the CDH-affected families, c.1497G\u3eC (p.Trp499Cys), shows partial perinatal lethality and recapitulates the key findings of the human phenotype, including diaphragm and abdominal-wall defects. Both the mouse model and one adult human male with a CDH-associated PLS3 variant were observed to have increased rather than decreased bone mineral density. Together, these clinical and functional data in humans and mice reveal that specific missense variants affecting the actin-binding domains of PLS3 might have a gain-of-function effect and cause a Mendelian congenital disorder

    Formation of diblock copolymers at PP/PA6 interfaces and their role in local crystalline organization under fast heating and cooling conditions

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    International audienceMultilayer polypropylene/polyamide 6 (PP/PA(6)) films are commonly obtained by co-extrusion, with PP/PA(6) interfaces reinforced through diblock PP/PA(6) copolymers formed in situ by the reaction of maleic anhydride modified PP on the NH2 end-groups of PA(6) molecules at the contact between the two molten polymers. We present procedures allowing one to form PP/PA(6) thin films assemblies in thermal conditions (fast heating and cooling kinetics, short annealing times) representative of typical co-extrusion conditions. Selective dissolution of the PA(6) part of the assemblies permits to first dose the surface density of copolymer, and second to analyze by AFM imaging the incidence of the copolymer surface density on the crystalline morphology at the interface. These experiments are a first step toward the identification of the key parameters controlling the fracture toughness in these multilayer films

    Coating behaviour for materials of industrial waste incinerators and heat exchangers in high temperature corrosive atmospheres

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    A coating obtained by flame spraying (Ni-Al) and an aluminizing type (Sermaloy J) were tested in laboratory and in industrial waste incinerator (substrate : AISI 310S steel). In laboratory tests, the studied parameters were : HCl-content (1 and 3% vol. in air + 0.1% vol. SO2), temperature (600 and 800 °C) and thermal cycling between 800 and 400 °C. The increasing of the temperature and HCl-content, and also thermal cycling lead to a degradation of the non coated steel and Ni-Al coated specimen behaviours ; as for Sermaloy J, only temperature raising seems to have a detrimental effect (first batch). For the field tests, the specimens were exposed at about 600 °C in flue gases containing about 0.4% vol. HCl and flying ashes (sodium chloride and sulfate) ; the corrosion phenomena are more closed to molten salts interactions than to gaseous corrosion : Ni-Al behaves better compared with Sermaloy J and the non coated steel which are much more attacked than in laboratory. However, Sermaloy J and Ni-Al can lead to a real protection of a steel substrate but the manufacturing conditions have a great influence on the behaviour of the coated specimens

    Décrets sur la police forestiÚre, des 19 & 27 décembre 1790, : précédés du rapport fait au nom du Comité des domaines. /

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    Signatures: A-A⁞."Imprimés par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale."Bound with: Discours sur l'affaire du Clermontois -- Rapport sur les droits incorporels nationaux -- Rapport sur l'affaire du Prince de Monaco -- Second discours sur l'affaire de Monaco.Mode of access: Internet.Bound with four other pamphlets by the same author, printed by order of the National Assembly. Modern quarter black leather binding with marbled black paper sides over boards. Gilt lettering and decoration on spine. Binder's title: Discours & rapports à l'Assemblée constituante, 1791. Light foxing

    Effet de la Proportion de Fibre de Coco Ajoutée au sol sur la Croissance des Plants D'acacia Mangium

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    International audienceDescription du sujet: Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, la fibre de coco a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e avec succĂšs en milieu horticole pour plusieurs cultures ornementales et agronomiques oĂč, elle est utilisĂ©e comme substrat principal ou mĂ©langĂ©e Ă  tous types de supports. PossĂ©dant une excellente propriĂ©tĂ© d'aĂ©ration et de rĂ©tention d'eau, la fibre de coco favorise une croissance rapide des racines et de la plante en gĂ©nĂ©ral.Objectif: La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©terminer la proportion optimale de fibre de coco apportĂ©e au sol pour une meilleure croissance de plants d’Acacia mangium en conditions semi-contrĂŽlĂ©es.MĂ©thodes: Pour ce faire, des plants d’Acacia mangium sont cultivĂ©s sur diffĂ©rents substrats comportant diffĂ©rentes proportions de fibre de coco. L’effet de chaque substrat a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par la mesure des paramĂštres de croissance tel que: la hauteur des plants, la biomasse totale, le taux de nodulation et la teneur en azote et phosphore de la biomasse totale.RĂ©sultats :Il ressort de cette Ă©tude que l’utilisation de la fibre de coco seule comme un substrat de culture ne favorise pas une meilleure croissance et nodulation de A. mangium. De plus, la proportion de 2/3 de fibre de coco et 1/3 de sol semble ĂȘtre la meilleure dose. Conclusion: Il est donc important de l’utiliser comme un compost dans le milieu afin d’avoir une meilleure croissance et une bonne nodulation

    CaractĂ©ristiques radiologiques des canaux de transport d’eau – Exemple du rĂ©seau hydraulique rĂ©gional Languedoc Roussillon

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    Une Ă©tude radioĂ©cologique a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur les canaux rhodaniens du rĂ©seau hydraulique rĂ©gional propriĂ©tĂ© de la rĂ©gion Languedoc Roussillon, gĂ©rĂ©s par BRL. Ces canaux transfĂšrent de l’eau du fleuve RhĂŽne vers les territoires des dĂ©partements du Gard et de l’HĂ©rault Ă  des fins d’irrigation et de production d’eau potable. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que les caractĂ©ristiques hydrauliques intrinsĂšques des canaux de transport d’eau influent sur la distribution solide/solution des Ă©lĂ©ments traces en transit et par consĂ©quent sur leur transfert vers les milieux rĂ©cepteurs. Si les concentrations en phase dissoute (eau filtrĂ©e) sont conservĂ©es, les concentrations en phase particulaire (matiĂšres en suspension et sĂ©diments) sont significativement modifiĂ©es au cours du transit. Outre la sĂ©grĂ©gation granulomĂ©trique des particules entre l’amont et l’aval du systĂšme, ces rĂ©sultats sont trĂšs probablement liĂ©s Ă  la production biologique autochtone (phyto et zooplancton). Ces rĂ©sultats originaux soulignent le caractĂšre atypique des canaux de transport d’eau quant au transfert des Ă©lĂ©ments potentiellement contaminants