66 research outputs found
N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceSince 1990, farmers of Poitou's Haut-Bocage (center West of France) have set up cattle grassland systems based upon AndrĂ© Pochonâs Britain example and largely based on grazing of temporary grass-clover pastures. Adapted by farmers' groups to the specific pedoclimatic conditions of this region, these innovative systems create high value added by important cost savings, in complete contrast to the main agricultural development in the region, aiming at increasing work productivity thanks to the growth of production per hectare and per worker. The effects of grassland systems implementation in this region are appraised by using the concept of production system and the methods of project's assessment (comparison of a grassland scenario and a counterfactual scenario), from standpoint of both farmers and the whole national economy. The results of the differential between this two scenarios point out that farmers benefit from higher incomes and less working load and that, between 1990 and 2009, this implementation allowed net national income increase, 50% more farmers' job creation and a better labour remuneration in all the sectors. These less subsidized cattle grassland systems, characterized by a higher social and environmental viability, also allowed to cut down public expenditures
RĂ©gulation de lâaccĂšs aux parcours et Ă©volution des systĂšmes pastoraux en Mongolie
Cet article effectue la synthĂšse dâanalyses-diagnostics de systĂšmes pastoraux rĂ©alisĂ©s dans diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions de Mongolie. Lâapproche comparative permet de montrer que les changements intervenus depuis la dĂ©collectivisation menacent la durabilitĂ© des systĂšmes pastoraux : lâabsence de rĂ©gulation de lâaccĂšs aux parcours rend possible un accroissement rapide des effectifs dâanimaux et les inĂ©galitĂ©s dâaccĂšs aux parcours dâhiver viennent sâajouter aux disparitĂ©s Ă©conomiques et sociales entre Ă©leveurs. La mise en place dâune action collective pour une gestion concertĂ©e des parcours semble possible, mais Ă la seule condition que les Ă©leveurs en aient les moyens et y aient intĂ©rĂȘt, ce qui suppose des conditions Ă©conomiques plus favorables que pourraient encourager les pouvoirs publics.This paper is based on field research on pastoral systems in diverse areas throughout Mongolia. The comparative approach allows to demonstrate that the changes taking place since decollectivisation threaten the sustainability of Mongolia pastoral systems : the pasture-land management regulation is weakened, which allows the increase of herds. Inequities for the access to winter pastures have appeared, adding to growing economic and social disparities. Self-governance at local scale for the regulation of land-pasture management is possible, but only if herders have interest in and are able to afford to limit the size of their herd, which suppose more favourable conditions that could be promoted by Mongolian government
Les systĂšmes herbagers Ă©conomes. Une alternative de dĂ©veloppement agricole pour lâĂ©levage bovin laitier dans le Bocage vendĂ©en ?
Lâaccroissement de la productivitĂ© du travail dans les systĂšmes bovins laitiers du Bocage vendĂ©en a Ă©tĂ© basĂ© depuis les annĂ©es 1950 sur la rĂ©duction du pĂąturage, aujourdâhui souvent devenu mineur, au profit de lâutilisation de fourrages stockĂ©s, maĂŻs fourrage notamment. Depuis 1990, Ă rebours de cette Ă©volution gĂ©nĂ©rale, certains agriculteurs ont dĂ©veloppĂ© des systĂšmes de production dont le fonctionnement est centrĂ© sur le pĂąturage de prairies temporaires associant graminĂ©es et lĂ©gumineuses. Cet article sâintĂ©resse aux conditions dâĂ©mergence, au fonctionnement et aux perspectives des diffĂ©rents systĂšmes de production de la rĂ©gion et montre, grĂące Ă la comparaison de leurs rĂ©sultats Ă©conomiques, que ces systĂšmes herbagers relevant de lâagro-Ă©cologie sont intensifs en crĂ©ation de richesse et dĂ©gagent un revenu Ă©levĂ© par hectare et par actif, moins dĂ©pendant des subventions.Since the 1950âs, the growth of labour productivity in the dairy production systems in the center west of France has been based on the reduction of grazing, often of short duration in the forage systems, thanks to a greater recourse to forage store and particularly maize silage. Since 1990, contrary to this evolution, some farmers have set up dairy-cattle grassland production systems, largely based on grazed temporary grass-legumes pastures. This paper focuses on the development conditions of such systems, and on the functioning and economic results of the different production systems in the area. The comparison of the economic results shows that these grassland dairy production systems based on agro-ecology are intensive in value added creation and get high income per hectare and per worker, less dependent of subsidies
Lâagriculture comparĂ©e, une discipline de synthĂšse ?
Cet article se propose de montrer comment, Ă partir des prĂ©mices posĂ©es par RenĂ© Dumont, cette approche de lâagriculture sâest peu Ă peu consolidĂ©e, prĂ©cisĂ©e et construite, pour finalement constituer une discipline scientifique Ă part entiĂšre, avec ses mĂ©thodes et ses concepts propres. Surtout portĂ©e par des agronomes, lâagriculture comparĂ©e sâappuie sur les mĂ©thodes et rĂ©sultats de lâagronomie mais intĂšgre Ă©galement les rĂ©sultats de disciplines appartenant aux sciences sociales, comme lâhistoire et la gĂ©ographie agraires ainsi que lâĂ©conomie rurale. Par les trois niveaux dâanalyse quâelle privilĂ©gie, celui de la parcelle ou du troupeau, niveau dâobservation des pratiques, celui de lâunitĂ© de production, niveau dâintĂ©gration des diffĂ©rents systĂšmes de culture et systĂšmes dâĂ©levage, et celui de la rĂ©gion ou du pays, niveau pertinent dâapplication du concept de systĂšme agraire, lâagriculture comparĂ©e invite aux changements dâĂ©chelle autant quâĂ une dĂ©marche comparatiste visant Ă rendre intelligibles les transformations de lâagriculture dans le monde.This article proposes to explain the development of this approach to understanding farming, which began with RenĂ© Dumontâs groundbreaking work, and has since been reinforced, made more precise, and has been constructed to the point where it finally has become a scientific field in its own right, having its own methodology and concepts. A field that mostly concerns agronomists, Comparative Agriculture is based on agronomyâs methods and results, but equally involves the social sciences such as history, agrarian geography, as well as rural economics. Three levels of analysis are employed: the plot or herd level where practices are observed; the production unit level, within which the different cropping and herding systems are integrated with one another; and the regional or country level to which the application of the concept of the agrarian system pertains. By using these three different levels of analysis, Comparative Agriculture allows as much for switching scales as for a comparative approach aiming to make sense out of agricultural transformations around the world
An integrative multiâscale approach to regional agriculture to support the assessment and benefit of pestâregulation services delivered by biodiversity
Ecology is first of all a scientific discipline, with its body of theories and methods, and a constant renewal of its main specific fields and principles. In that regard, Ecology is not different from the other scientific disciplines and produces an increasing number of outstanding publications on both fundamental and applied grounds. Ecology can produce highly theoretical works, which is essential, but Ecology can be -and even moremust be an applied science. Currently, practical applications of Ecology for the benefits of our societies have become more numerous and increasingly urgent. âInteractionsâ, sensu lato, are at the very heart of Ecology which makes it by definition THE science of Biodiversity. Beyond the knowledge of how Life has appeared and developed, Ecology can provide the basis for the preservation of Biodiversity and ensure its management is relevant and efficient into the future. By being more integrative and global, Ecology could establish itself as the cornerstone of sustainable development. In this beginning of the 21st century, the influence of Ecology will inevitably grow and play a key role for Planet Earth and human well-being. SfĂ©cologie2016, an International Conference on ecological sciences would not have taken place without 2 years of hard work from the staff of my Institute (IMBE). That is thus with a real pleasure that we welcome you today in Marseille. (Thierry TATONI IMBE Director
La politique alimentaire des Etats-Unis, une politique forte et novatrice du MinistĂšre de lâAgricultureÂ
National audienc
Red River Delta: Fifty Years of Change
Vietnamâs population is currently about 79 million with nearly a third of the working population still occupied by farming. Agriculture stands for 30% of the gross domestic product and competes for 38% of exports, with rice placing first among farm products. After having experienced years of chronic food deficit and the need for relying on rice imports, starting in 1989 rice production increased dramatically in Vietnam and since then the country has exported surpluses to the world market, equ..
Politique agricole et politique alimentaire : des liens Ă renforcer ?Â
International audienc
La politique alimentaire des Etats-Unis : un lien fort et original avec la politique agricole
AcadĂ©mie dâAgriculture de France, sĂ©ance du 8 octobre 201
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