184 research outputs found

    Crazy Rich Asians: Exploring Discourses of Orientalism, Neoliberal Feminism, Privilege and Inequality

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    In this review of Crazy Rich Asians (2018), I examine elements of orientalism, neoliberal feminism, privilege and inequality that layer the film. Specifically, I interrogate the filmā€™s American inflection of orientalism, surfacing a constant duel between essentialized Asian and American values, where what is American eventually wins out. Independent, entrepreneurial women are integral to this narrative of global capitalist accumulation. Yet, as the East meets the West in the globalized consumptive spaces of the super-rich, inequalities in the United States and Singapore are either repackaged under the myth of meritocracy, or conveniently erased. While the film demarcates a new Hollywood genre with greater Asian-American presence, whether it disrupts or amplifies hegemonic representations remains problematic

    Effect of Various Nursery Media on Onion Seedlings Development

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    A field experiment was conducted to standardize the nursery raising technique for onion at the Horticulture Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University, Allahabad, during 2005-2006. The treatments comprised combinations of soil, sand, FYM and vermicompost. Altogether, 14 treatments were applied in a randomized block design with three replications. Hundred percent germination was found with a combination of soil, sand and FYM in proportions of 2:1:2&2:2:1, and, 1:1:1&2:2:1 Soil:Sand:Vermicompost. Among all the treatments, the combination of soil 2 parts, sand 1 part and FYM 2 parts, significantly influenced growth and health of seedlings and produced the maximum seedling height (11.42 cm), stem diameter (0.33 cm), root length (10.86 cm), shoot fresh weight (6.96 g), root fresh weight (3.22 g), total seedling fresh weight (10.18 g), shoot dry weight (3.95 g), root dry weight (1.53 g) and total seedling dry weight (5.48g). Highest benefit:cost ratio of 3.72 was also seen in this treatment combination

    Translation of a community palliative care intervention: experience from West Bengal, India

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    Background: The community form of palliative care first constructed in Kerala, India has gained recognition worldwide. Although it is the subject of important claims about its replicability elsewhere, little effort has gone into studying how this might occur. Drawing on translation studies, we attend to under-examined aspects of the transfer of a community palliative care intervention into a new geographic and institutional context. Methods: Over a period of 29 months, we conducted an in-depth case study of Sanjeevani, a community-based palliative care organization in Nadia district, West Bengal (India), that is modelled on the Kerala approach. We draw upon primary (semi-structured interviews and field notes) and secondary data sources. Results: We identify the translatorā€™s symbolic power and how it counteracts the organizational challenges relating to socio-economic conditions and weak histories of civil society organizing. We find that unlike the Kerala form, which is typified by horizontal linkages and consensus-oriented decision-making, the translated organizational form in Nadia is a hybrid of horizontal and vertical solidarities. We show how translation is an ongoing, dynamic process, where community participation is infused with values of occupational prestige and camaraderie and shaped by emergent vertical solidarities among members. Conclusions: Our findings have implications for how we understand the relationship between locations, institutional histories, and healthcare interventions. We contribute to translation studies in healthcare, and particularly to conversations about the transfer or ā€˜roll outā€™ of palliative care interventions from one geography to another

    A case of severe preeclampsia presenting as acute pulmonary oedema

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    Pulmonary edema refers to an excessive accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary interstitial and alveolar spaces. It may occur in low risk pregnancies but one very important predisposing factor is association with preeclampsia. We are reporting a case of severe preeclampsia presenting as acute pulmonary oedema. 21 year old primi, a known case of gestational hypertension on drugs had pedal edema which was progressively increasing. She was admitted at 29w5d as her BP was still high. Since her preeclampsia profile was normal and her BP was controlled she was continued on conservative management. After 2 days she developed cough, tachypnoea and tachycardia with clinical findings suggestive of A/c pulmonary oedema. Shifted to HDU and started on diuretics and other symptomatic management. After 1 hour as patientā€™s condition was worsening with O2 saturation fall, decided for LSCS + elective post operative ventilatory support. LSCS done showed evidence of Grade 3 abruption with couvelaire changes on uterus. Baby weighed 1.24 kg, severely asphyxiated, died after 3 days. Patient was put on ventillatory support and she improved postoperatively. Acute pulmonary oedema in pregnant women is a life-threatening event. Prompt diagnosis and management is very important for the survival of the patient

    Abnormal fetal heart tracing patterns in patients with meconium staining of amniotic fluid and its association with perinatal outcomes

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    Background: CTG is the most commonly used test for antepartum and intrapartum fetal surveillance. Objective: Evaluation of labours complicated by MSAF or abnormal fetal heart rate tracings or both and its predictability of adverse perinatal outcomes.Methods: Prospective observational study of laboring patients with evidence of suspected fetal distress carried out at department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Kozhikode, Kerala during the time period July 2013 - December 2013. Analysis of clinical data of 600 labouring women with evidence of presumed fetal jeopardy (either in the form of abnormal FHR tracings or MSAF or both) were done. Pregnancy variables and perinatal outcomes were compared and correlated with FHR tracings. Statistical analysis was carried out by chi-square and ANOVA tests. Level of significance was set at P value <0.05.Results: The presence of FHR tracing abnormalities was associated with an increased risk of perinatal mortality and neonatal morbidity. There was significantly higher Caesarean Delivery (CD), low APGAR scores, higher requirement of neonatal resuscitation and admission to NICU and higher perinatal deaths among abnormal FHR tracing group.Conclusions: 1) The presence of abnormal FHR tracing pattern in MSAF patients is associated with an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes. 2) Adverse fetal outcomes were also noted in patients with clear liquor but abnormal FHR tracings. 3) Similar adverse outcomes were more common in the tracing showing decelerations

    Study of the Densities of Some R4NI - Solutions in Water - Isopropyl Alcohol Solvent Mixtures at 313.15 K by Magnetic Float Densitometerz and Then Study Massonā€™s Equation from Š¤v Data

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    Based on Masson's equation we study the molecular interactions between the compositions of the binary solution mixtures for different (%) compositions of Waterā€“ Isopropyl alcohol by adding tetraalkyl ammonium iodide at 313.15K. The densities of the solution mixtures (ĻĀ¬s)have been measured very accurately by using Magnetic float Densitometer. The densitometer works on the electrostatic attraction force developed by the passage of current through a solenoid .using this technique, the densities (dĀ¬0Ā¬) of Water ā€“ Isopropyl alcohol solvent and mixtures of some tetra alkyl ammonium iodide, viz. Et4NI, Pr4NI, ButĀ¬4NI, Pen4NI at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100% compositions (v/v) have been determined experimentally. The apparent molar volumes have been calculated from density data using Masson's equation and graph plotted between Ļ•v vs āˆšc . The slopes of curves shows that in low dielectric constant medium (i.e, 20% water, =30.76 and 40% water, āˆˆ=42.74 for all the four tetraalkyl ammonium iodide salts have positive slope. But as the dielectric constant of the solvent medium is increased by adding Water ā€“ Isopropyl alcohol, further additions of salts in the solution will start contributing towards the volume so the volume will increase on increasing the salt concentration therefore the plot Ļ•Ā¬Ā¬Ā¬v+ vs āˆšc curves will give a positive and negative slope the data have been explained on the basis of dielectric constant of the solvent mixtures and size of the electrolyte ion

    Carbon-based polymer nanocomposite for high-performance energy storage applications

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    In recent years, numerous discoveries and investigations have been remarked for the development of carbon-based polymer nanocomposites. Carbon-based materials and their composites hold encouraging employment in a broad array of fields, for example, energy storage devices, fuel cells, membranes sensors, actuators, and electromagnetic shielding. Carbon and its derivatives exhibit some remarkable features such as high conductivity, high surface area, excellent chemical endurance, and good mechanical durability. On the other hand, characteristics such as docility, lower price, and high environmental resistance are some of the unique properties of conducting polymers (CPs). To enhance the properties and performance, polymeric electrode materials can be modified suitably by metal oxides and carbon materials resulting in a composite that helps in the collection and accumulation of charges due to large surface area. The carbon-polymer nanocomposites assist in overcoming the difficulties arising in achieving the high performance of polymeric compounds and deliver high-performance composites that can be used in electrochemical energy storage devices. Carbon-based polymer nanocomposites have both advantages and disadvantages, so in this review, attempts are made to understand their synergistic behavior and resulting performance. The three electrochemical energy storage systems and the type of electrode materials used for them have been studied here in this article and some aspects for example morphology, exterior area, temperature, and approaches have been observed to influence the activity of electrochemical methods. This review article evaluates and compiles reported data to present a significant and extensive summary of the state of the art

    Dual role of 2-aminodiphenylamine with graphene oxide-palladium supported catalyst for direct methanol fuel cell application and removal of Otto fuel II component

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    For the first time, we describe the synthesis of Pd nanoparticles (Pd(0)) using 2-aminodiphenylamine (2ADPA) with graphene oxide as support. Furthermore, we incorporated the Pd(0)-2ADPA, which was enriched with graphene oxide and used to modify a glassy carbon electrode surface. We used this catalyst as the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) in the alkaline media shows good catalytic behavior within the fuel cell application and removal of the Otto fuel II component. Several characterizations evidence the successful formation of Pd(0)-2ADPA by spectroscopic and optical techniques. We have studied the reduction reaction of the 2-nitrodiphenylamine (2-NDPA) to investigate the catalytic performance of the synthesized material. We used various electrochemical methods, for example, chronoamperometry (CA) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), to review the stability of our proposed catalyst. The stability of the Pd electrocatalyst was improved by covering it with 2ADPA. The incorporated Pt-free electrocatalyst is incredibly favorable for facilitating the direct methanol fuel cell cost due to the incorporation of conductive polymer support material.</p

    SO3H-Carbon derived from glycerol: An efficient and recyclable catalyst for smooth and regioselective azidolysis of oxiranes in water

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    A series of Ī²-hydroxyazides were effectively synthesized from the regioselective ring opening of oxiranes by azide anion in presence of glycerol-based sulfonic acid functionalized carbon as a novel reusable heterogeneous catalyst in H2O achieving good yields (80-98%). The workup procedure was simple, and the catalyst could be reused over five times without losing its catalytic activity and selectivity
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