3,163 research outputs found

    "Mimpi Syekh Ahmad Makar" Naskah Melayu Kampar: Kajian Filologi

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    The manuscript is a cultural heritage of a past history of a community in the form of handwriting. Reviewing the manuscript could be an interesting matter, especially as a handwriting that has kept various expressions of culture and thought of past culture heritage, and it contains historical elements. As a concrete object, a script is the object of a research for various fields of science, among others: philology, history, archaeology, codicology, and paleography. Each codex contains cultural values, but its form does not appear explicitly, so in order to recognize, it is necessary to carry out a gradual and accurate research. Hence, it is necessary to understand and to recognize seriously the concept of cultural value. The goal is that the concept is not only known as an understanding, but also can be used as guidelines to understand the culture of the people in the past. The purpose of this research is to create a critical issue that can be understood by a wider audience and present the themes contained in the manuscript of Mimpi Syekh Ahmad Makar. It is hoped that the readers can take the wisdom or philosophy contained in the manuscript

    “Syair Jawi”: Manuskrip Ambon

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    The old manuscript is a record of the past culture, that contains a wide variety of way of life, way of thinking, moral teachings, advice, entertainment, challenge etc. Script is something that is unique, none of the old manuscripts are identical to other texts. While telling about the same thing, but each has different script. Each manuscript is a witness of a civilized world, a tradition of civilization. Philologist tried hard to bridge the time that has past, ignorance of the age of the text was written, to the proper interpretation. Disclosure of text of “Syair Jawi” is done through transliteration, edits, and text analysis. Accordingly, the reader is expected to thoroughly understand, and take the wisdom contained in the text. “Syair Jawi” is written in Ambon malay language, contains advice to readers that all humans will return to God. This study uses a critical issue method. Manuscript “Syair Jawi”, using simple language that is easily understood by readers although grammatically considered to be less fulfilling language. This poem is more concerned with the content of a message, instructions, and knowledge of Islam, the content of “Syair Jawi” include message in order to do good to parents, following the teachings of the prophet Muhammad, beg for forgiveness, remembering the hereafter, the story of the birth of the prophet Muhammad, the benefits of prayers and special prayer for prophet Muhammad. The content of “Syair Jawi” shows that the life of Ambon Malay is very religious, based on the teachings of Islam. This suggests that the culture of Ambon Malay people in the past, was influenced by the Islamic teaching


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    ABSTRACT        This research was based by the low of eliminary braille reading ability which includes reading the letters, syllables and simple words. To overcome these problems used an appropriate technique is Mangold reading technique. The mangold reading technique  was a technique to arrange braille letters using two hands to be able to read by fast and easy hands movement and to be able to minimize error reading the letters which reversed to the other letters. This research aims to determine there is the influence of Mangold reading technique on eliminary braille reading ability of students with visual impairment in SLB-A YPAB Surabaya.         This research used quantitative approach with research type of pre-experimental study and research design one-group-pretest-posttest-design. The subjects of this research numbered 6 students with visual impairment of class 1 SDLB. Technique of collecting data by using observation and test. Data were analyzed using non parametric by Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test.  Based on data analyzed about eliminary braille reading ability of students with visual impairment when before being given treatment (Pre-Test) obtained an average value 50.83 and was given treatment (Post-Test) using Mangold reading technique obtained an average value of  80. From the counting result using Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test it was obtained the value of Z counted = 2.20 was greater than critic value α = 5% is 1.96. Then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. So, the results of data analysis showed that there was a significant influence Mangold reading technique on eliminary reading ability of students with visual impairment.   Keywords: Mangold Reading Technique, Eliminary Braille Reading Ability &nbsp

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Kerang sebagai Elemen Dekorasi Ruang Penelitian Potensi Produk Lokal dari Limbah Sebagai Industri Kreatif di Sentra UKM Kenjeran Surabaya

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    Revolusi Industri 4.0 membawa dampak yang besar berkaitan dengan era digitalisasi. Banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan di dunia nyata beralih ke dunia maya. Hal ini yang menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi kebudayaan, sehingga banyak anak muda Indonesia yang mengenal teknologi digital kurang menyadari pentingnya produk lokal. Produk lokal memiliki pengaruh dalam perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia, salah satunya adalah pengrajin kulit kerang. Dengan analisa potensi dan metode kualitatif, peneliti menemukan potensi untuk mengembangkan produk usaha pengrajin kulit kerang. Dengan pemanfaatan limbah kulit kerang, diharapkan agar pengrajin kulit kerang dapat mengembangkan kreativitas dalam mengolah bahan secara maksimal. Kata kunci: Kebudayaan, Lokalitas, Pengrajin, Kulit Kerang, Limba

    Sikap Ibu Hamil Dalam Menghadapi Ketidaknyamanan Kehamilan Trimester I Di Puskesmas Piyungan Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    LatarBelakang: Perubahan system dalam tubuh ibu selama proses kehamilan membutuhkan suatu adaptasi, baik fisik maupun psikologis sehingga tidak jarang ibu akan mengalami ketidaknyamanan dalam Perubahan tersebut. Hasil studi pendahuluan di Puskesmas Piyungan menunjukkan bahwa dari 8 responden yang diwawancarai, terdapat 6ibu hamil yang merasa tidak nyaman dengan kehamilannya. Ketidaknyamanan yang dialami ke enam ibu hamil tersebut antara lain mual muntah, keputihan, sakit kepala, dan ngidam. Ketidaknyamanan kehamilan yang dirasakan menuntut ibu untuk bijak dalam menyikapi hal tersebut. Sikap positif ditunjukkan oleh 7 dari 8 ibu hamil.TujuanPenelitian:Diketahuinya gambaran sikap ibu hamil dalam menghadapi ketidaknyamanan kehamilan trimester I di Puskesmas Piyungan Bantul Yogyakarta.MetodePenelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester I padabulan Agustus 2016 sebanyak 30 orang. Sampel diperoleh menggunakan teknik total sampling,yaitu dengan cara menjadikan seluruh subyek populasi sebagai sampel. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang kemudian diuji analisis dengan skala ukur Skor-T.Hasil: Mayoritas responden berumur 20-35 tahun (93,3%), berpendidikan menengah (56,7%), tidak bekerja (60%) dan 56,7% memiliki sikap yang positif dan 43,3 % memiliki sikap negative dalam menghadapi ketidaknyamanan kehamilan trimester I.Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar ibu hamil di Puskesmas Piyungan berusia 20-35 tahun berpendidikan menengah dan tidak bekerja, mayoritas memiliki sikap positif dalam menghadapi ketidaknyamanan kehamilan trimester I


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    ABSTRAK Oithona sp. merupakan salah satu jenis copepoda yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai substitusi pakan pengganti Artemia, karena mempunyai kandungan nutrisi yang lebih baik terutama kandungan HUFA (EPA dan DHA) yang lebih tinggi. Walaupun demikian keberadaannya belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal karena belum banyak informasi terkait pengembangan kultur Oithona sp. terutama salinitas media kultur. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan salinitas terhadap performa pertumbuhan Oithona sp., dan mengetahui nilai salinitas yang memberikan performa pertumbuhan Oithona sp. terbaik. Metode eksperimental telah digunakan dalam penelitian ini melalui desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Kultur Oithona sp. dilakukan di botol kaca volume 10 ml dan kepadatan awal 1 ind/ml. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 16 hari. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu A (salinitas 15 ppt), B (salinitas 20 ppt), C (salinitas 25 ppt), D (salinitas 30 ppt), E (salinitas 35 ppt). Fitoplankton yang digunakan yaitu kombinasi Chaetoceros calcitrans dan Isochrysis galbana, dengan dosis masing – masing 5,1 x 105 sel/ml dan 2,3 x 105 sel/ml per satu individu Oithona sp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan salinitas yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap performa pertumbuhan Oithona sp. Performa pertumbuhan Oithona sp. terbaik yaitu terjadi pada media pemeliharaan salinitas 15 ppt. Kepadatan total puncak Oithona sp. pada salinitas 15 ppt mencapai 47,20±1,808 ind/ml, laju pertumbuhan sebesar 0,241±0,002 ind/ml dan laju produksi telur sebesar 20,163±0,814 telur/ind

    Pengaruh Pemberian Povidone Iodine 1% Terhadap Kejadian Komplikasi Pada Proses Penyembuhan Luka Pasca Pencabutan Gigi

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    Background: About 1,0 to 1,5% of tooth extraction cases have been reported having healed improperly or incompletely. Two of the common complications are alveolar osteitis and infection. Those complications can be prevented, using povidone iodine 1% as an antiseptic mouthwash is a case of point. The use of povidone iodine 1% mouthwash preoperative, intraoperative, post-dental extraction, post-incision and post-drainage is a safe and effective adjunct treatment for odontogenic infection.Aim: To investigate the effect of 1% povidone iodine mouthwash on the incidence of complications in wound healing process post-tooth extraction.Methods: This was experimental study with post test only control group design. This study was done in 26 patients that divided into two groups. The treatment group was given povidone iodine 1% and the control group was given saline solution as the mouthwash which was used after 24 hours post-tooth extraction, twice a day for 5 days. Evaluation of the post-extraction wound was done in the third and fifth day. The fisher-exact test were used for the statistical analysis.Results: The study shows that the treatment group didn\u27t have any complications along wound healing process. In the control group, there were 2 subjects (15,4%) who had complication along wound healing process. No significant difference was found for the incidence of complications in wound healing process between the treatment group and control group (p=0,48).Conclusions: Clinically, povidone iodine 1% USAge has the potency to decrease the incidence of complications along wound healing process
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