24 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Cloud Computing Adoption by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) In India

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine and assess the determinants of cloud computing adoption by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in an Indian context through an integrated research framework. A questionnaire based survey method was used to collect data from 271 SMEs from the northern region of India. An integrated model founded on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) was proposed to test ten hypotheses through a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The analysis reveals that relative advantage, security concerns, top management support, external pressure and service providers’ support are the significant factors which influence intention to adopt cloud computing by SMEs in India. The integrated research framework used and validated in this study is intended to enhance the predictive power of the ensuing model. The empirically validated research model and the instrument used for data collection can be adopted in other similar studies. The findings of this study can be useful for consumers, practitioners, and policy makers who are involved in utilizing, spreading and promoting the adoption of cloud computing among organizations, especially the SMEs. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol9/iss3/3

    The development and application of a process model for R&D project management in a high tech firm: A field study

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    a b s t r a c t In R&D organizations of high tech firms, multiple R&D projects are executed concurrently and timeliness of project completion -i.e., developing the right products at the right times -is a matter of serious concern. Given that the priority of R&D projects and the interdependencies between the projects in a high tech firm change dynamically, high tech R&D project management is a complex and challenging endeavor. To improve the understanding and management of high tech R&D projects, this paper reports the findings of a field study where we, first, develop and empirically estimate a model that relates project priority over time with the generative mechanisms of market pull and technical challenge associated with R&D projects. Next, we develop and demonstrate the application of a process model within which the time-varying project priority model is embedded. The process model makes it possible to allocate fixed resources among competing projects with time-varying interdependencies, thereby improving the timeliness of project completion. This research was conducted in collaboration with a major U.S. high tech firm. The corporate R&D center of the firm served as the research setting for the field study. We present an application of the process model to delineate the evolution of the R&D organization with the merger of its (technology driven) parent firm with another (market driven) high tech manufacturing firm. The application of the process model generates theoretical insights that are used to develop testable propositions. Implications of the study findings and directions for future research are discussed

    Ocena przydatności chmury obliczeniowej dla mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w północnym regionie Indii

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    Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in developing economies like India face many challenges in the form of limited capital, lack of skilled manpower, and low ICT usage. Due to these constraints, MSMEs are not able to reap various benefits which modern ICT solutions offer. In such a scenario, cloud computing can be an appropriate option for such MSMEs which are looking for improving their internal processes, enhancing communication with clients and business partners, and extending their market reach through modern ICT solutions with minimum investment and efforts. Cloud computing is an innovative technique of providing the required information and communication technology (ICT) to customers on demand and on a pay-per-usage basis through the internet. This study is an attempt towards assessing the relevance of cloud computing for MSMEs in the northern region of India. Literature review and a questionnaire based survey method were used for this purpose. Perceived benefits, perceived ease of use, cost advantage, simplicity, affordability, scalability, rapid implementation and improved business continuity were the major benefits revealed in this study whereas, security, privacy, reliability and vendor lock-in concern emerged as the main challenges in using cloud computing by the MSMEs. The study is expected to provide MSMEs an initial understanding about the significance of cloud computing for their businesses by highlighting the actual benefits and challenges linked with the adoption of cloud computing.Mikro, małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa (MMŚP) w gospodarkach rozwijających się, takich jak Indie, stoją w obliczu wielu wyzwań wynikających z ograniczonego kapitału, braku wykwalifikowanej siły roboczej i niewielkiego wykorzystania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (TIK). Ze względu na te ograniczenia MMŚP nie są w stanie czerpać korzyści, jakie oferują nowoczesne rozwiązania z zakresu TIK. W takiej sytuacji przetwarzanie w chmurze może być odpowiednią opcją dla tych MMŚP, które dążą do usprawnienia procesów wewnętrznych, poprawy komunikacji z klientami i partnerami biznesowymi oraz rozszerzenia zasięgu rynkowego dzięki nowoczesnym rozwiązaniom TIK przy minimalnych nakładach inwestycyjnych i niewielkim wysiłku. Przetwarzanie w chmurze to innowacyjna technika dostarczania wymaganej technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnej klientom na żądanie za pośrednictwem Internetu, za opłatą za faktyczne korzystanie. Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi próbę oceny znaczenia chmury obliczeniowej dla MMŚP w północnym regionie Indii. W tym celu zaprezentowano przegląd literatury i wykorzystano metodę ankietową. Dostrzegane korzyści, łatwość użycia, przewaga kosztowa, prostota, przystępność cenowa, skalowalność, szybkie wdrożenie i lepsze zarządzanie ciągłością działania to główne korzyści ujawnione w tym badaniu, podczas gdy bezpieczeństwo, poufność, niezawodność i obawa przez uzależnieniem od jednego dostawcy okazały się stanowić główne wyzwania związane z korzystaniem z chmury obliczeniowej przez MMŚP. Należy się spodziewać, że badanie umożliwi MMŚP wstępne zrozumienie znaczenia chmury obliczeniowej dla ich działalności dzięki wskazaniu rzeczywistych korzyści i wyzwań związanych z jej zastosowaniem

    Translating Speech to Indian Sign Language Using Natural Language Processing

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    Language plays a vital role in the communication of ideas, thoughts, and information to others. Hearing-impaired people also understand our thoughts using a language known as sign language. Every country has a different sign language which is based on their native language. In our research paper, our major focus is on Indian Sign Language, which is mostly used by hearing- and speaking-impaired communities in India. While communicating our thoughts and views with others, one of the most essential factors is listening. What if the other party is not able to hear or grasp what you are talking about? This situation is faced by nearly every hearing-impaired person in our society. This led to the idea of introducing an audio to Indian Sign Language translation system which can erase this gap in communication between hearing-impaired people and society. The system accepts audio and text as input and matches it with the videos present in the database created by the authors. If matched, it shows corresponding sign movements based on the grammar rules of Indian Sign Language as output; if not, it then goes through the processes of tokenization and lemmatization. The heart of the system is natural language processing which equips the system with tokenization, parsing, lemmatization, and part-of-speech tagging

    A review on impact of carbonated milk beverages on human health

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    Carbonated milk beverages are drinks produced by the fermentation process (addition of yeast) and carbonated by mechanical or physical method. Recent studies show the consumption of carbonated milk beverages are becoming popular due to their nutritional and therapeutic effects. Products like kefir, koumiss, carbonated probiotic drinks and sparkling milk. According to research kefir has different health benefits like gastrointestinal proliferation, anti-bacterial spectrum, an anti-carcinogenic effect due to the presence of lactic acid formed during fermentation. It is also good for those who are lactose intolerant because of the high B – galactosidase activity enzyme which helps break down lactose sugar. Koumiss is first used by Mongolian people to treat tuberculosis, ulcers and hepatitis. It is rich in vitamin C, A, E, D and antibiotics. Carbonated probiotic drinks help in maintaining cholesterol level because lactic acid hinders the growth of bacteria in the small intestine by attaching the hexagen. Carbonated blueberry flavoured milk helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, anti-inflammatory effects and some forms of cancer because blueberry is a source of vitamins, flavonoids and other phenolic compounds (anthocyanins)

    A “Hemilabile” Palladium–Carbon Bond: Characterization and Its Implication in Catalysis

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    An unusual palladium–carbon bond was identified in the crystal structure of a Pd­(II) complex (<b>VI</b>) derived from 1-(2-diphenylphosphinophenyl)-2,5-dimethyl-1<i>H</i>-pyrrole (<b>L4</b>). Theoretical calculations indicate that the Pd–C bond is covalent in nature. The complex exhibits fluxional behavior in solution at ambient temperaturethe Pd binds alternately to C2 and C5 of pyrrole, generating equivalent, enantiomeric structures. Theory predicts that the transition state of this interconversion probably occurs through an unsaturated 14e complex, where the ligand binds the metal in a monodentate fashion. Comparison with related structures reported earlier has been made, and the possible implication of such unusual bonding in the context of catalysis of coupling reactions is discussed

    The extent of genetic diversity among Vanilla species: comparative results for RAPD and ISSR

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    Vanilla is a large genus of about 110 species in the orchid family (Orchidaceae), including the species Vanilla planifolia from which commercial vanilla flavoring is derived. Since most species of vanilla are considered rare and endangered there is an urgent need to conserve them through genetic analysis and propagation/conservation studies on this crop. The present study investigated the genetic diversity among nine leafy-and leaf-less Vanilla species employing 30 decamer RAPD primers and 10 ISSR primers. The species under study were diverse and displayed a range of variability (0-66% and 0-81% for RAPD and ISSR, respectively). A total of 154 RAPD polymorphic markers (83.24%, h=0.378) and 93 ISSR polymorphic markers (86.11%, h=0.363) were used to generate a genetic similarity matrix followed by the cluster analysis. Specific groupings were revealed by each cluster analysis with slight variation between two different markers. Among the nine species studied, V. planifolia, Vanilla aphylla and Vanilla tahitensis revealed very low level of variation within their collections, thus indicating a narrow genetic base. The large genetic distance of Vanilla andamanica from other species suggests its different origin. A close genetic affinity was observed between the pairs V. planifolia, V. tahitensis and Vanilla albida, V. aphylla. These are the first comparative results for RAPD and ISSR reporting inter-relationship among nine cultivated, wild and hybrid Vanilla species