350 research outputs found

    Non-Local Control of Single Surface Plasmon

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    Quantum entanglement is a stunning consequence of the superposition principle. This universal property of quantum systems has been intensively explored with photons, atoms, ions and electrons. Collective excitations such as surface plasmons exhibit quantum behaviors. For the first time, we report an experimental evidence of non-local control of single plasmon interferences through entanglement of a single plasmon with a single photon. We achieved photon-plasmon entanglement by converting one photon of an entangled photon pair into a surface plasmon. The plasmon is tested onto a plasmonic platform in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. A projective measurement on the polarization of the photon allows the non-local control of the interference state of the plasmon. Entanglement between particles of various natures paves the way to the design of hybrid systems in quantum information networks.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Revisiting quantum optics with single plasmons

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    The growing field of quantum plasmonics lies at the intersection between nanophotonics and quantum optics. QUantum plasmonics investigate the quantum properties of single surface plasmons, trying to reproduce fundamental and landmark quantum optics experiment that would benefit from the light-confinement properties of nanophotonic systems, thus paving the way towards the design of basic components dedicated to quantum experiments with sizes inferior to the diffraction limit. Several groups have recently reproduced fundamental quantum optics experiments with single surface plasmons polaritons (SPPs). We have investigated two situations of quantum interference of single SPPs on lossy beamsplitters : a plasmonic version of the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment, and the observation of plasmonic N00N states interferences. We numerically designed and fabricated several beamsplitters that reveal new quantum interference scenarios, such as the coalescence and the anti-coalescence of SPPs, or quantum non-linear absorption. Our work show that losses can be seen as a new degree of freedom in the design of plasmonic devices

    FHR4-based immunoconjugates direct complement-dependent cytotoxicity and phagocytosis towards HER2-positive cancer cells

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    Directing selective complement activation towards tumour cells is an attractive strategy to promote their elimination. In the present work, we have generated heteromultimeric immunoconjugates that selectively activate the complement alternative pathway (AP) on tumour cells. We used the C4b-binding protein C-terminal-alpha-/beta-chain scaffold for multimerisation to generate heteromultimeric immunoconjugates displaying (a) a multivalent-positive regulator of the AP, the human factor H-related protein 4 (FHR4) with; (b) a multivalent targeting function directed against erbB2 (HER2); and (c) a monovalent enhanced GFP tracking function. Two distinct VHH targeting two different epitopes against HER2 and competing either with trastuzumab or with pertuzumab-recognising epitopes [VHH(T) or VHH(P)], respectively, were used as HER2 anchoring moieties. Optimised high-FHR4 valence heteromultimeric immunoconjugates [FHR4/VHH(T) or FHR4/VHH(P)] were selected by sequential cell cloning and a selective multistep His-Trap purification. Optimised FHR4-heteromultimeric immunoconjugates successfully overcame FH-mediated complement inhibition threshold, causing increased C3b deposition on SK-OV-3, BT474 and SK-BR3 tumour cells, and increased formation of lytic membrane attack complex densities and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). CDC varies according to the pattern expression and densities of membrane-anchored complement regulatory proteins on tumour cell surfaces. In addition, opsonised BT474 tumour cells were efficiently phagocytosed by macrophages through complement-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. We showed that the degree of FHR4-multivalency within the multimeric immunoconjugates was the key element to efficiently compete and deregulate FH and FH-mediated convertase decay locally on tumour cell surface. FHR4 can thus represent a novel therapeutic molecule, when expressed as a multimeric entity and associated with an anchoring system, to locally shift the complement steady-state towards activation on tumour cell surface

    Imprint of Initial Education and Loss of Ly49C/I in Activated Natural Killer Cells of TAP1-KO and C57BL/6 Wildtype Mice

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are important effectors of the innate immune system and participate in the first line of defense against infections and tumors. Prior to being functional, these lymphocytes must be educated or licensed through interactions of their major histocompatibility complex class I molecules with self-specific inhibitory receptors that recognize them. In the absence of such contacts, caused by either the lack of expression of the inhibitory receptors or a very low level of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC class I) proteins, NK cells are hypo-reactive at baseline ( ex vivo ). After stimulation (assessed through plate-bound antibodies against activating receptors or culture in the presence of cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-2 or IL-15) however, they can become cytotoxic and produce cytokines. This is particularly the case in transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)-deficient mice, which we investigated in the present study. Transporter associated with antigen processing transports endogenous peptides from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they are loaded on nascent MHC class I molecules, which then become stable and expressed at the cell surface. Consequently, TAP-KO mice have very low levels of MHC class I expression. We present a study about phenotypic and functional aspects of NK cells in two mouse strains, C57BL/6 wildtype and TAP1-KO in spleen and lung. We observed that in both types of mice, on the same genetic background, the initial pattern of education, conferred to the cells via the inhibitory receptors Ly49C/I and NKG2A, was maintained even after a strong stimulation by the cytokines interleukin-2, interleukin-12, interleukin-15 and interleukin-18. Furthermore, the percentages of activated NK cells expressing Ly49C/I and Ly49I were strongly down-modulated under these conditions. We completed our investigations with phenotypic studies of NK cells from these mice

    Contribution of image analysis to the description of enzymatic degradation kinetics for particulate food material

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    International audienceThe objective of the present work was to relate the physical evolution quantified by image analysis to the chemical transformation of beet pulp particles during enzymatic degradation. Beet pulps were degraded into a torus reactor equipped for visualisation. Pectinolytic and cellulolytic enzymes were used separately or in combination. Two global image analysis techniques were tested to characterise the size distribution of overlapping particles. Granulometric curves were extracted by mathematical morphology and a regularisation dimension was assessed by fractal analysis. Both techniques proved efficient to follow particle size evolution during degradation. When using cellulolytic enzymes alone, no chemical or physical evolution was observed. When using pectinolytic enzymes, a chemical modification occurred without any physical evolution. Particles physically disappeared when both enzymes were used. The chemical and physical evolutions of particles during degradation were interpreted taking into account the current model of molecular arrangement of primary cell walls

    Revisiting quantum optics with single plasmons

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    The growing field of quantum plasmonics lies at the intersection between nanophotonics and quantum optics. QUantum plasmonics investigate the quantum properties of single surface plasmons, trying to reproduce fundamental and landmark quantum optics experiment that would benefit from the light-confinement properties of nanophotonic systems, thus paving the way towards the design of basic components dedicated to quantum experiments with sizes inferior to the diffraction limit. Several groups have recently reproduced fundamental quantum optics experiments with single surface plasmons polaritons (SPPs). We have investigated two situations of quantum interference of single SPPs on lossy beamsplitters : a plasmonic version of the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment, and the observation of plasmonic N00N states interferences. We numerically designed and fabricated several beamsplitters that reveal new quantum interference scenarios, such as the coalescence and the anti-coalescence of SPPs, or quantum non-linear absorption. Our work show that losses can be seen as a new degree of freedom in the design of plasmonic devices

    Cryo-electron microscopy of viruses

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    Thin vitrified layers of unfixed, unstained and unsupported virus suspensions can be prepared for observation by cryo-electron microscopy in easily controlled conditions. The viral particles appear free from the kind of damage caused by dehydration, freezing or adsorption to a support that is encountered in preparing biological samples for conventional electron microscopy. Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified specimens offers possibilities for high resolution observations that compare favourably with any other electron microscopical method

    Nodes of Ranvier and Paranodes in Chronic Acquired Neuropathies

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    Chronic acquired neuropathies of unknown origin are classified as chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies (CIDP) and chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathies (CIAP). The diagnosis can be very difficult, although it has important therapeutic implications since CIDP can be improved by immunomodulating treatment. The aim of this study was to examine the possible abnormalities of nodal and paranodal regions in these two types of neuropathies. Longitudinal sections of superficial peroneal nerves were obtained from biopsy material from 12 patients with CIDP and 10 patients with CIAP and studied by immunofluorescence and in some cases electron microscopy. Electron microscopy revealed multiple alterations in the nodal and paranodal regions which predominated in Schwann cells in CIDP and in axons in CIAP. In CIDP paranodin/Caspr immunofluorescence was more widespread than in control nerves, extending along the axon in internodes where it appeared intense. Nodal channels Nav and KCNQ2 were less altered but were also detected in the internodes. In CIAP paranodes, paranodin labeling was irregular and/or decreased. To test the consequences of acquired primary Schwann cells alteration on axonal proteins, we used a mouse model based on induced deletion of the transcription factor Krox-20 gene. In the demyelinated sciatic nerves of these mice we observed alterations similar to those found in CIDP by immunofluorescence, and immunoblotting demonstrated increased levels of paranodin. Finally we examined whether the alterations in paranodin immunoreactivity could have a diagnosis value. In a sample of 16 biopsies, the study of paranodin immunofluorescence by blind evaluators led to correct diagnosis in 70±4% of the cases. This study characterizes for the first time the abnormalities of nodes of Ranvier in CIAP and CIDP, and the altered expression and distribution of nodal and paranodal proteins. Marked differences were observed between CIDP and CIAP and the alterations in paranodin immunofluorescence may be an interesting tool for their differential diagnosis

    Search for CP Violation in the Decay Z -> b (b bar) g

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    About three million hadronic decays of the Z collected by ALEPH in the years 1991-1994 are used to search for anomalous CP violation beyond the Standard Model in the decay Z -> b \bar{b} g. The study is performed by analyzing angular correlations between the two quarks and the gluon in three-jet events and by measuring the differential two-jet rate. No signal of CP violation is found. For the combinations of anomalous CP violating couplings, h^b=h^AbgVbh^VbgAb{\hat{h}}_b = {\hat{h}}_{Ab}g_{Vb}-{\hat{h}}_{Vb}g_{Ab} and hb=h^Vb2+h^Ab2h^{\ast}_b = \sqrt{\hat{h}_{Vb}^{2}+\hat{h}_{Ab}^{2}}, limits of \hat{h}_b < 0.59and and h^{\ast}_{b} < 3.02$ are given at 95\% CL.Comment: 8 pages, 1 postscript figure, uses here.sty, epsfig.st