41 research outputs found

    Global Compact: A Critique Of The U.N.\u27s Public-Private Partnership For Promoting Corporate Citizenship

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    this article aims to critically evaluate the evolution of, and the progress made by, the Global Compact in making participant corporations embrace, support and enact the ten Compact principles. Part I offers insights into the evolution of the Global Compact by critically reviewing the major milestones reached in the last seven years - from the backing of U .N. General Assembly resolutions to the integrity measures, the Shanghai Declaration, the principles for responsible investment, and the new governance framework. Part II elaborates the argument why the Global Compact is still too compact to be termed global in the true sense. The compactness of the Compact is highlighted with reference to two aspects: the general and limited scope of its ten principles and the extent of (non)response as well as (non)seriousness shown by corporations towards the Compact . Part III examines some major deficiencies of the Global Compact which seriously undermine its efficacy, e.g., directional uncertainty, lack of enforcement and independent monitoring, potential for misuse as a marketing tool, and amorphous role of states. Part IV sums up the finding of this article and also outlines some challenges that the Compact Office should try to overcome in order to secure the future of this public-private partnership for corporate citizenship

    Being Naïve or Putting Business First?

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    UN\u27s Human Rights Norms For Transnational Corporations And Other Business Enterprises: An Imperfect Step In The Right Direction?

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    The United Nations (UN), in its life of forty-eight years, has faced several challenges\u27 as promoter of human rights in international arena

    Addressing (In)equality in Redress: Human Rights-Led Reform of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism

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    In the context of ongoing scholarly debates, civil society criticisms and efforts to reform the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism, this article critiques the widely-accepted approach that seeks to fit international human rights law (IHRL) into the existing structure of ISDS and argues that IHRL should at least be treated as ‘primus inter pares’ vis-à-vis international investment law. Testing ISDS on the touchstone of the human rights to equality, non-discrimination, and an effective remedy, the authors demonstrate that ISDS is incompatible with IHRL. Considering various structural and systemic problems of ISDS, abolishing this mechanism is perhaps the only normatively sound solution to address this incompatibility with IHRL. However, as achieving abolition may not be politically feasible in the near future, this article articulates eight principles for a human-rights compatible international dispute settlement mechanism. It is argued that these principles should inform the current efforts to reform the ISDS mechanism to avoid the risk of making only cosmetic or peripheral changes

    The question concerning human rights and human rightlessness: disposability and struggle in the Bhopal gas disaster

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    In the midst of concerns about diminishing political support for human rights, individuals and groups across the globe continue to invoke them in their diverse struggles against oppression and injustice. Yet both those concerned with the future of human rights and those who champion rights activism as essential to resistance, assume that human rights – as law, discourse and practices of rights claiming – can ameliorate rightlessness. In questioning this assumption, this article seeks also to reconceptualise rightlessness by engaging with contemporary discussions of disposability and social abandonment in an attempt to be attentive to forms of rightlessness co-emergent with the operations of global capital. Developing a heuristic analytics of rightlessness, it evaluates the relatively recent attempts to mobilise human rights as a frame for analysis and action in the campaigns for justice following the 3 December 1984 gas leak from Union Carbide Corporation’s (UCC) pesticide manufacturing plant in Bhopal, India. Informed by the complex effects of human rights in the amelioration of rightlessness, the article calls for reconstituting human rights as an optics of rightlessness


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    Human Rights Realization in an Era of Globalization: The Indian Experience

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