13 research outputs found

    Design And Contruction of Waterbath Based Microcontroller

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    The existence of sophisticated equipment is always needed in the laboratory. Purpose is to support the laboratory and support the laboratory staff to work safely and comfortably. One tools commonly used in laboratory is waterbath. In this study, a microcontroller-based waterbath was designed which was equipped with time module for setting the heating time and buzzer as marker when the heating time was complete. In addition, this tool is also equipped with temperature settings from 400C - 950C. This research is an exploratory descriptive research The results of testing the waterbath tool show that the 5 minute time setting has an error percentage value of 3.5%, 10 minutes is 2.3%, 15 minutes is 0.05%, 20 minutes is 1.01%, 25 minutes is 0.001% and 30 minutes is 0.2%. Then the temperature test of 400C has a percentage error of 0.7%, 500C is 0.9%, 600C is 0.8%, 700C is 0.8%, 800C is 1.8%, 900C is 2.7% and 950C is 2.0%. In addition, this tool also meets the standard according to function with a size of 20x20x30cm which is ideal for operation


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    Information systems are designed to provide information that interacts systematically and regularly, to make it easier for information seekers to obtain the information they want. Branding can be used to introduce the company's brand and build a positive image and company reputation so that it is always good in the eyes of consumers. Research on Digital Information Systems for Angkringan in Mayong District was designed with the aim of adding and displaying a floor plan of the locations of the angkringan in the Mayong sub-district along with their menus and also the conditions of the surrounding scope so that it can make it easier for people to choose and find the location of the angkringan as desired. The prototype method is used in making this application with the stages: (1) Communication, (2) Quick Plan, Modeling and Quick Design, (3) Construction of Prototype, (4) Development, Delivery and Feedback. This method is proven to facilitate the creation of an angkringan digital information system. The prototype method can be used well in developing web-based angkringan applications in Mayong District. The angkringan digital information system in Mayong District can display angkringan lists, angkringan addresses, angkringan products, whatsapp links and angkringan google maps.Sistem informasi dirancang untuk menyediakan suatu informasi yang saling berinteraksi secara sistematis dan teratur, untuk memudahkan pencari informasi memperoleh informasi yang di inginkan. Branding dapat digunakan untuk mengenalkan brand perusahaan dan membangun citra positif dan reputasi perusahaan agar selalu bagus di mata konsumen. Penelitian tentang Sistem Informasi Digital pada Angkringan Kecamatan Mayong dirancang dengan tujuan untuk menambahkan serta menampilkan peta denah lokasi angkringan yang terdapat di kecamatan Mayong beserta menunya dan juga kondisi ruang lingkup disekitarnya sehingga dapat memudahkan masyarakat untuk memilih dan mencari lokasi angkringan sesuai yang diinginkan. Metode prototype digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini dengan tahapan : (1) Communication, (2) Quick Plan, Modelling dan Quick Design, (3) Contruction of Prototype, (4) Development, Delivery and Feedback. Metode tersebut terbukti dapat mempermudah pembuatan sistem informasi digital angkringan. Metode prototype dapat digunakan dengan baik dalam pengembangan aplikasi angkringan berbasis web di Kecamatan Mayong. Sistem informasi digital angkringan di Kecamatan Mayong dapat menampilkan daftar angkringan, alamat angkringan, produk angkringan, link whatsapp dan google maps angkringan

    Family in Peasant Society of Northen India : Evidence of Folk Literature

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    Sociological Content of Folk Narratives

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    Family in Peasant Society of Northen India : Evidence of Folk Literature

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    Sociological Content of Folk Narratives

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