265 research outputs found

    Design of decorated self-assembling peptide hydrogels as architecture for mesenchymal stem cells

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    Hydrogels from self-assembling ionic complementary peptides have been receiving a lot of interest from the scientific community as mimetic of the extracellular matrix that can offer three-dimensional supports for cell growth or can become vehicles for the delivery of stem cells, drugs or bioactive proteins. In order to develop a 3D "architecture" for mesenchymal stem cells, we propose the introduction in the hydrogel of conjugates obtained by chemoselective ligation between a ionic-complementary self-assembling peptide (called EAK) and three different bioactive molecules: an adhesive sequence with 4 Glycine-Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid-Serine-Proline (GRGDSP) motifs per chain, an adhesive peptide mapped on h-Vitronectin and the growth factor Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). The mesenchymal stem cell adhesion assays showed a significant increase in adhesion and proliferation for the hydrogels decorated with each of the synthesized conjugates; moreover, such functionalized 3D hydrogels support cell spreading and elongation, validating the use of this class of self-assembly peptides-based material as very promising 3D model scaffolds for cell cultures, at variance of the less realistic 2D ones. Furthermore, small amplitude oscillatory shear tests showed that the presence of IGF-1-conjugate did not alter significantly the viscoelastic properties of the hydrogels even though differences were observed in the nanoscale structure of the scaffolds obtained by changing their composition, ranging from long, well-defined fibers for conjugates with adhesion sequences to the compact and dense film for the IGF-1-conjugate

    biocompatibility issues of next generation decellularized bioprosthetic devices

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    With respect to the limited lifespan of glutaraldehyde-treated bioprostheses (BHVs) to date there is almost no alternative when heart valve replacement surgery is required and most advanced current research attempts to develop tissue engineered valve scaffolds to be implantedin vivoor afterin vitropreconditioning and dynamic seeding with host cells. However the clinical outcomes of grafting detergent-based cell-depleted tissue engineered xenogeneic constructs are still controversial. Insufficient quantitative evaluations performed at preclinical level about the residual content of xenogeneic epitopes, detergents, and nucleic acid materials in such scaffolds have led to disappointing and disastrous results. The risk of these dramatic accidents reoccurring remains very high unless safety and reliable control tools aimed to reach their complete removal, in order to consider tissues biocompatible and suitable for clinical practice

    Self-assembling peptide-enriched electrospun polycaprolactone scaffolds promote the h-osteoblast adhesion and modulate differentiation-associated gene expression

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    Electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) is able to support the adhesion and growth of h-osteoblasts and to delay their degradation rate to a greater extent with respect to other polyesters. The drawbacks linked to its employment in regenerative medicine arise fromits hydrophobic nature and the lack of biochemical signals linked to it. This work reports on the attempt to add five different self-assembling (SA) peptides to PCL solutions before electrospinning. The hybrid scaffolds obtained had regular fibers (SEM analysis) whose diameters were similar to those of the extracellularmatrix, more stable hydrophilic (contact angle measurement) surfaces, and anamorphous phase constrained by peptides (DSC analysis). They appeared to have a notable capacity to promote the h-osteoblast adhesion and differentiation process by increasing the gene expression of alkaline phosphatase, bone sialoprotein, and osteopontin. Adding an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif to a self-assembling sequence was found to enhance cell adhesion, while the same motif condensed with a scrambled sequence did not, indicating that there is a cooperative effect between RGD and 3D architecture created by the self-assembling peptides. The study demonstrates that self-assembling peptide scaffolds are still able to promote beneficial effects on h-osteoblasts even after they have been included in electrospun polycaprolactone. The possibility of linking biochemical messages to self-assembling peptides could lead the way to a 3D decoration of fibrous scaffolds

    Breast cancer cells grown on hyaluronic acid-based scaffolds as 3D in vitro model for electroporation

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    Nowadays, electroporation (EP) represents a promising method for the intracellular delivery of anticancer drugs. To setting up the process, the EP efficiency is usually evaluated by using cell suspension and adherent cell cultures that are not representative of the in vivo conditions. Indeed, cells are surrounded by extracellular matrix (ECM) whose composition and physical characteristics are different for each tissue. So, various three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models, such as spheroids and hydrogel-based cultures, have been proposed to mimic the tumour microenvironment. Herein, a 3D breast cancer in vitro model has been proposed. HCC1954 cells were seeded on crosslinked and lyophilized matrices composed of hyaluronic acid (HA) and ionic complementary self-assembling peptides (SAPs) already known to provide a fibrous structure mimicking collagen network. Herein, SAPs were functionalized with laminin derived IKVAV adhesion motif. Cultures were characterized by spheroids surrounded by ECM produced by cancer cells as demonstrated by collagen1a1 and laminin B1 transcripts. EP was carried out on both 2D and 3D cultures: a sequence of 8 voltage pulses at 5 kHz with different amplitude was applied using a plate electrode. Cell sensitivity to EP seemed to be modulated by the presence of ECM and the different cell organization. Indeed, cells cultured on HA-IKVAV were more sensitive than those treated in 2D and HA cultures, in terms of both cell membrane permeabilization and viability. Collectively, our results suggest that HA-IKVAV cultures may represent an interesting model for EP studies. Further studies will be needed to elucidate the influence of ECM composition on EP efficiency

    Anti-HIV-1 Activity of CD4 Synthetic Oligopeptides Representative of the Putative gp120 Binding Site

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    Two CD4 oligopeptides, corresponding to residues (37–53) and (37–55) of the V1 domain of CD4, which recent structural studies propose as the most likely binding site of HIV-1 gp120, have been chemically synthesized by solid-phase techniques, modified by the addition of two side-chain protected cysteines at both termini and purified by HPLC. Their ability to inhibit the infectivity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) (HTLV-IIIB, RF and GB8 strains) in different cell lines was monitored by the production of progeny virus, p24 and reverse transcriptase activity in the culture supernatants and by electron microscopy. The results indicated that the peptides inhibited HIV-1 infectivity in a dose-dependent fashion without any detectable cytotoxicity

    Facile and selective covalent grafting of an RGD-peptide to electrospun scaffolds improves HUVEC adhesion

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    The development of a biomimetic surface able to promote endothelialization is fundamental in the search for blood vessel substitutes that prevent the formation of thrombi or hyperplasia. This study aims at investigating the effect of functionalization of poly-ε-caprolactone or poly(L-lactic acid-co-ɛ-caprolactone) electrospun scaffolds with a photoreactive adhesive peptide. The designed peptide sequence contains four Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Pro motifs per chain and a p-azido-Phe residue at each terminus. Different peptide densities on the scaffold surface were obtained by simply modifying the peptide concentration used in pretreatment of the scaffold before UV irradiation. Scaffolds of poly-ε-caprolactone embeddedwith adhesive peptideswere produced to assess the importance of peptide covalent grafting. Our results show that the scaffolds functionalized with photoreactive peptides enhance adhesion at 24h with a dosedependent effect and control the proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, whereas the inclusion of adhesive peptide in the electrospun matrices by embedding does not give satisfactory results

    Sintesi e proprietà conformazionali di peptidi dinorfici

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    Chapter 19: Bioactive surfaces using peptide grafting in tissue engineering

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    Cellular response to biomaterials Edited by L Di Silvio, King's College London, UK - examines the response of cells to a wide range of biomaterials targeted at specific medical applications - discusses cell responses and regenerative medicine with specific chapters on vascular grafts and nerve repair - assesses the effect of surfaces and proteins on cell response including the influence of plasma proteins on cell adhesion and surface modification of titanium implants The response of cells to biomaterials is critical in medical devices. Traditionally inert biomaterials were used to minimise the reaction in cells in contact with the material. However, it has been realised that specific cell responses may be beneficial in such areas as encouraging adhesion, healing or cell multiplication. Cellular response to biomaterials discusses the response of cells to a wide range of biomaterials targeted at specific medical applications. Part one discusses cell responses to a variety of polymers and ceramics with chapters on such topics as degradable polymers and biocompatibility. Part two covers cell responses and regenerative medicine with coverage of themes such as vascular grafts, nerve repair and Bioglass\uae. Part three examines the effect of surfaces and proteins on cell response. Specific chapters review nano-engineered surfaces, the influence of plasma proteins on bone cell adhesion and surface modification of titanium implants. With its distinguished editor and team of international contributors, Cellular response to biomaterials is an essential read for those researching or studying medical devices in industry and academia