25 research outputs found

    Particle entrainment into newly forming ice in Lake Hattie, Wyoming (USA)

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    East Siberian Arctic Region Expedition '92: The Laptev Sea - Its Significance for Arctic Sea-Ice Formation and Transpolar Sediment Flux

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    Darin enthalten: Expedition to Novaja Zemlja and Franz Josef Land with RV "Dalnie Zelentsy" / by D. Nürnberg and E. Groth, pp. 45-7

    Sediments in Arctic sea ice: Implications for entrainment, transport and release

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    Despite the Arctic sea ice cover's recognized sensitivity to environmental change, the role of sediment inclusions in lowering ice albedo and affecting ice ablation is poorly understood. Sea ice sediment inclusions were studied in the central Arctic Ocean during the Arctic 91 expedition and in the Laptev Sea (East Siberian Arctic Region Expedition 1992). Results from these investigations are here combined with previous studies performed in major areas of ice ablation and the southern central Arctic Ocean. This study documents the regional distribution and composition of particle-laden ice, investigates and evaluates processes by which sediment is incorporated into the ice cover, and identifies transport paths and probable depositional centers for the released sediment. In April 1992, sea ice in the Laptev Sea was relatively clean. The sediment occasionally observed was distributed diffusely over the entire ice column, forming turbid ice. Observations indicate that frazil and anchor ice formation occurring in a large coastal polynya provide a main mechanism for sediment entrainment. In the central Arctic Ocean sediments are concentrated in layers within or at the surface of ice floes due to melting and refreezing processes. The surface sediment accumulation in central Arctic multi-year sea ice exceeds by far the amounts observed in first-year ice from the Laptev Sea in April 1992. Sea ice sediments are generally fine grained, although coarse sediments and stones up to 5 cm in diameter are observed. Component analysis indicates that quartz and clay minerals are the main terrigenous sediment particles. The biogenous components, namely shells of pelecypods and benthic foraminiferal tests, point to a shallow, benthic, marine source area. Apparently, sediment inclusions were resuspended from shelf areas before and incorporated into the sea ice by suspension freezing. Clay mineralogy of ice-rafted sediments provides information on potential source areas. A smectite maximum in sea ice sediment samples repeatedly occurred between 81°N and 83°N along the Arctic 91 transect, indicating a rather stable and narrow smectite rich ice drift stream of the Transpolar Drift. The smectite concentrations are comparable to those found in both Laptev Sea shelf sediments and anchor ice sediments, pointing to this sea as a potential source area for sea ice sediments. In the central Arctic Ocean sea ice clay mineralogy is significantly different from deep-sea clay mineral distribution patterns. The contribution of sea ice sediments to the deep sea is apparently diluted by sedimentary material provided by other transport mechanisms

    Contrasts in Arctic shelf sea-ice regimes and some implications: Beaufort Sea versus Laptev Sea

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    The winter ice-regime of the 500 km) from the mainland than in the Beaufort Sea. As a result, the annual freeze-up does not incorporate old, deep-draft ice, and with a lack of compression, such deep-draft ice is not generated in situ, as on the Beaufort Sea shelf. The Laptev Sea has as much as 1000 km of fetch at the end of summer, when freezing storms move in and large (6 m) waves can form. Also, for the first three winter months, the polynya lies inshore at a water depth of only 10 m. Turbulence and freezing are excellent conditions for sediment entrainment by frazil and anchor ice, when compared to conditions in the short-fetched Beaufort Sea. We expect entrainment to occur yearly. Different from the intensely ice-gouged Beaufort Sea shelf, hydraulic bedforms probably dominate in the Laptev Sea. Corresponding with the large volume of ice produced, more dense water is generated in the Laptev Sea, possibly accompanied by downslope sediment transport. Thermohaline convection at the midshelf polynya, together with the reduced rate of bottom disruption by ice keels, may enhance benthic productivity and permit establishment of open-shelf benthic communities which in the Beaufort Sea can thrive only in the protection of barrier islands. Indirect evidence for high benthic productivity is found in the presence of walrus, who also require year-round open water. By contrast, lack of a suitable environment restricts walrus from the Beaufort Sea, although over 700 km farther to the south. We could speculate on other consequences of the different ice regimes in the Beaufort and Laptev Seas, but these few examples serve to point out the dangers of exptrapolating from knowledge gained in the North American Arctic to other shallow Arctic shelf settings

    Fram Strait sea-ice sediment provinces based on silt and clay compositions identify Siberian Kara and Laptev seas as main source regions

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    Fram Strait sea-ice sediments (SIS) contain on average more than 94% silt and clay. Both fractions were compared with bottom deposits of the Kara and Laptev seas to identify shelf sources of fine-grained Arctic SIS. Based on silt granulometry and clay mineral assemblages we determined Fram Strait SIS provinces. Western Fram Strait SIS has medium to fine silt compositions, whereas eastern Fram Strait SIS is enriched in fine silt.Western Fram Strait SIS clays (low smectite/high illite) were statistically grouped with eastern Laptev shelf deposits, and are similar to East Siberian and North American shelf sources. Eastern Fram Strait SIS clays (high smectite/low illite) cluster with shelf deposits of the western Laptev Sea and the Kara Sea. We conclude that western Fram Strait pack ice consisted of a mixture of floes from the Laptev Sea and sources farther to the east during the 1997 and 1999 sampling periods. Eastern Fram Strait ice originated from sources towards the Kara Sea. There was an average annual flux of ca. 158 Tg (Mt) SIS export through Fram Strait during the late 1990s.We expect no qualitative changes in the SIS entrainment process (“suspension freezing”) with decreasing Arctic ice cover, although the process may increase through larger fetch. SIS incorporation and flux will be enhanced with increasing shelf open water during winter freezing, and with the current acceleration of the Transpolar Drift, but we speculate that the transport of SIS towards Fram Strait will be seasonally truncated with the onset of ice-free summers in the Arctic Ocean