37 research outputs found

    Biokemijski odgovor na anksioznost uzrokovanu sportskim aktivnostima

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    The goal of each professional athlete is to reach maximal performance. In order to achieve that, physical as well as mental training needs to be part of a regular training routine. Anxiety significantly affects athletic performance while extreme anxiety levels are associated with reduced athletic achievements. Therefore, controlling sport-related anxiety seems to be one of the most significant aspects for elite athletes. In order to understand the biology behind sport-related anxiety, this review is focused on the biochemical responses to such a stressor. Knowing the biochemistry of stress and its limiting factors on athletic performance enables us a greater understanding of the influence of anxiety on professional athletes. It might help to better understand the importance of sport psychology and how our mindset influences our performance. Furthermore, the correlation between the placebo effect and the manner in which the mind controls the body are considered as it might prove an important tool for future athletic training and sport psychology.Cilj svakog profesionalnog sportaÅ”a jest postizanje najviÅ”e razine sportskih performansi. U tu svrhu fizička i mentalna priprema trebaju biti dio redovitih treninga. Anksioznost značajno utječe na sportsku izvedbu a izrazita tjeskoba povezana je sa smanjenim atletskim dostignućima. Stoga je za sportaÅ”e jedna od vrlo važnih značajki sposobnost kontroliranja anksioznosti. Kako bismo razumjeli bioloÅ”ke odgovore povezane s anksioznoŔću, ovaj je pregledni rad usmjeren na razjaÅ”njavanje biokemijskih odgovora navedenog stresora. Poznavanje biokemijskog odgovora organizma uzrokovanog stresom te njegovih ograničavajućih učinaka na sportsku izvedbu omogućuje nam veće razumijevanje utjecaja tjeskobe na profesionalne sportaÅ”e. Navedeno nam daje uvid u bolje razumijevanje važnosti sportske psihologije te pojaÅ”njava na koji način mentalno stanje utječe na fizičku izvedbu. U radu se opisuje i korelacija između placebo učinka i načina na koji um kontrolira fizičku snagu, s obzirom na to da ova saznanja mogu predstavljati važnu komponentu sportske psihologije, te daje mogućnost poboljÅ”anja načina pripreme sportaÅ”a

    Age Dependent Changes in Activity of Intestinal Disaccharidases and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in CD26 Deficient Mice

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    The profile of intestinal brush-border membrane enzyme activity is described in several mice and rat species. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26/DPP IV) is as well an intestinal brush-border membrane hydrolase. In order to examine the consequences of CD26/DPP IV deficiency on the activity of other enzymes, CD26 deficient mice were investigated. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of age on intestinal brush-border disaccharidases (lactase, sucrase, and maltase), and alkaline phosphatase activity in CD26 deficient mice. The relationship between ageing and brush-border membrane enzymes activities was characterized in different small intestinal segments (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) in mice aged 2 weeks, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 months. The results of this study revealed that intestinal enzyme activities change statistically significantly with ageing in CD26 deficient mice. Interestingly, the horizontal patterns (duodenum to ileum) of their activities remain not affected by age


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    Porast prevalencije debljine postaje ozbiljan globalni javnozdravstveni problem. Osim nezdrave prehrane i smanjene tjelesne aktivnosti, razni kemijski spojevi koji se nalaze svuda oko nas mogu biti jedan od etioloÅ”kih čimbenika razvoja debljine i njezine rastuće prevalencije. Kemijski spojevi koji ometaju rad hormonskog sustava čovjeka nazivaju se endokrini disruptori. U tu skupinu spadaju obezogeni koji ometaju normalan razvoj masnog tkiva i ravnotežu metabolizma lipida. Obezogeni su sastavni dio kozmetike, elektronike, plastike, ali se nalaze i u zraku, vodi i hrani koju svakodnevno konzumiramo. Razdoblje ranog razvoja (in utero, novorođenčad) najosjetljiviji je period pa izloženost ploda obezogenima tijekom njega putem mlijeka ili preko posteljice može biti predisponirajući čimbenik za razvoj debljine u odrasloj dobi. S glediÅ”ta suočavanja s epidemijom debljine posebno je važno uspostaviti kontrolu nad obezogenima i pokuÅ”ati spriječiti ili barem ograničiti izloženost ljudi, posebice djece i trudnica, tim opasnim spojevima.The increasing prevalence of obesity is a global public health problem. In addition to unhealthy diet and Ā­reduced physical activity various chemical compounds that are found all around us may be one of the etiological factors of obesity development and its increased prevalence. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with the endocrine system. Obesogens are a subclass of endocrine disruptors that can disrupt normal development of adipose tissue and Ā­homeostasis of lipid metabolism. Obesogens can be found in cosmetics, electronics, plastic, but also in air, water and food that people consume. Early development (in utero, newborns) is the most vulnerable period for obesogen exposure. Developmental exposure to obesogens occurs through maternal diet and interaction with products that can cross the placental barrier or are transmitted through breast milk. In terms of dealing with the epidemic of obesity, it is of particular importance to establish control over obesogens and try to prevent or at least limit the exposure of people, especially children and pregnant women, to these dangerous compounds

    Wound healing process and dipeptidyl peptidase IV

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    Cijeljenje rane dinamičan je proces koji se odvija u viÅ”e međuovisnih faza koje uključuju reguliranu interakciju među različitim vrstama stanica, izvanstaničnog matriksa, proteaza i njihovih supstrata. Rastući znanstveni dokazi naglaÅ”avaju važnost proteaza u regulaciji ključnih procesa cijeljenja rane. Dipeptidil-peptidaza IV (DPP IV/CD26, EC, glavni je član obitelji DPP IV proteina. Riječ je o ubikvitarnom multifunkcionalnom transmembranskom glikoproteinu koji je prisutan i u topljivom obliku, a djeluje kao proteolitička i kostimulacijska molekula te vezni protein. Izražena je na povrÅ”ini različitih vrsta stanica, uključujući epitelne, endotelne stanice i limfocite. Pokazano je da ima značajnu ulogu u različitim fizioloÅ”kim i patoloÅ”kim procesima. DPP IV/CD26 je u velikoj mjeri istraživana zbog svoje sposobnosti održavanja homeostaze glukoze. Å toviÅ”e, budući na utvrđene pozitivne učinke inhibicije DPP IV/CD26 u cijeljenju kroničnih dijabetičkih ulkusa, kao i uključenosti u drugim patoloÅ”kim procesima, ova je molekula od rastućeg znanstvenog interesa u cilju razjaÅ”njavanja mehanizama njezinog djelovanja. Poznato je da DPP IV/CD26 sudjeluje u regulaciji stanične adhezije, migracije i apoptoze stanica kao i angiogenezi te razgradnji ekstracelularnog matriksa, ključnim procesima u cijeljenju rana. Prethodne studije pokazale su da DPP IV/CD26 ima posebno važnu ulogu u regeneraciji kože, gdje je utvrđeno da može posredovati upalne procese i utjecati na epitelizaciju ranjenog tkiva. Stoga je cilj ovog preglednog rada sažeti ključna otkrića u procesima cijeljenja rana te prikazati nove spoznaje o ulozi DPP IV/CD26 u procesima regeneracije tkiva.Wound healing is a dynamic process occurring in multiple interdependent stages that include a regulated interaction between different cell types, extracellular matrix, proteases and their substrates. Increasing scientific evidence emphasizes the importance of proteases playing crucial roles in the regulation of processes of wound healing. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26, EC, the main member of the DPP IV family of proteins, is a ubiquitous multifunctional transmembrane as well as soluble glycoprotein, acting as a proteolytic and costimulation molecule, and binding protein. It is expressed on the surface different cell types, including epithelial, endothelial cells and lymphocytes. It has been shown to play a significant role in different physiological as well as pathological processes. DPP IV/ CD26 was largely investigated given its ability to maintain glucose homeostasis. Moreover, since positive effects of DPP IV/CD26 inhibition in healing of chronic diabetic foot ulcers as well as other pathologies have been shown, growing efforts are made in order to elucidate its mechanisms of action. It is known that DPP IV/CD26 is involved in the regulation of cell adhesion, migration, apoptosis, angiogenesis and extracellular matrix degradation, which are all key processes in wound healing. Previous studies indicated that DPP IV/CD26 plays a particularly relevant role in skin regeneration where it was found to mediate inflammatory processes and influence epithelialization of wounds. Therefore, the aim of this review was to summarize crucial findings regarding wound healing as well as new insights about the involvement of DPP IV/CD26 in tissue regeneration

    Klinički značaj serumske aktivnosti dipeptidil peptidaze IV (DPP IV/CD26) u odraslih bolesnika s Crohnovom boleŔću i ulceroznim kolitisom

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    Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26), a serine-type protease, is a membrane-anchored enzyme widely expressed in many cell types. DPP IV is also present in a soluble form in the serum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical relevance of the changes in serum DPP IV activity in adult patients with inflammatory bowel diseases ā€“ IBD (Crohnā€™s disease ā€“ CD and Ulcerative colitis ā€“ UC). Both serum DPP IV activities in patients with CD (36.8Ā±1.5 Ī¼mol minā€“1 dmā€“3) and UC (33.9Ā±2.1 Ī¼mol minā€“1 dmā€“3) were statistically significantly decreased compared to healthy controls (48.4Ā±1.1 Ī¼mol minā€“1 dm 3), (P<0.001). The values correlated inversely with the disease severity for both diseases. No statistically significant difference in the serum DPP IV activity in patients with CD and UC was found and therefore it cannot be a good marker for a differential diagnosis. However, it appears to be useful as an available non-invasive marker in the diagnosis of disease activity.Serinska proteaza dipeptidil peptidaza IV (DPP IV/CD26) membranski je vezan enzim, izražen u brojnim vrstama stanica. Također je prisutna u topivome obliku u serumu. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati klinički značaj promjena serumske aktivnosti DPP IV u odraslih pacijenata s upalnim bolestima crijeva ā€“ IBD (Chronova bolest ā€“ CD i ulcerozni kolitis ā€“ UC). Obje vrijednosti serumske DPP IV aktivnosti u pacijenata s CD (36.8Ā±1.5 Ī¼mol minā€“1 dmā€“3) i UC (33.9Ā±2.1 Ī¼mol minā€“1 dmā€“3) bile su statistički značajno snižene u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (48.4Ā±1.1 Ī¼mol minā€“1 dmā€“3), (P<0.001). Vrijednosti su bile obrnuto proporcionalne s aktivnoŔću obiju bolesti. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u serumskoj DPP IV aktivnosti između bolesnika s CD i UC, Å”to upućuje na zaključak da DPP IV nije dobar marker za dijagnostičko razlikovanje tih dviju bolesti. Međutim, mogao bi poslužiti kao neinvazivan marker u dijagnostici aktivnosti bolesti

    Gut-brain axis

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    Crijevno-mozgovna os predstavlja termin za dvosmjernu komunikaciju između srediÅ”njeg živčanog sustava i živčanog sustava crijeva koja kontrolira homeostazu gastrointestinalnog trakta i povezuje ga s emocionalnim i kognitivnim područjima mozga. U ovoj složenoj komunikaciji sudjeluju i simpatički i parasimpatički autonomni živčani sustav, hipotalamusno-hipofizno-nadbubrežna os, a novija istraživanja navode i važnu ulogu mikrobiote crijeva. Jedna od ključnih komponenti crijevno-mozgovne osi jest vagalni živac koji prikuplja informacije s aferentnih vlakana od unutraÅ”njih organa koje zatim Å”alje do mozga, a eferentnim vlaknima pokreće odgovarajući živčani refleks tako Å”to Å”alje povratnu informaciju od mozga prema unutraÅ”njim organima. Na ovaj način vagalni živac povezuje različite sustave Å”to omogućuje njihovu dvosmjernu komunikaciju. Novija istraživanja pokazala su kako mikrobiota crijeva ima važnu ulogu u crijevno-mozgovnoj osi s obzirom na mogućnost lučenja neurotransmitera i metabolita koji stimuliraju živčane reflekse u srediÅ”njem živčanom sustavu i živčanom sustavu crijeva. Osim Å”to mogu utjecati povoljno na crijevno-mozgovnu os, mogu imati i nepovoljan utjecaj koji je primijećen kod neuropsiholoÅ”kih i gastrointestinalnih poremećaja. Istraživanja na mikrobioti crijeva omogućila su bolje razumijevanje crijevno-mozgovne osi te postala tema daljnjih istraživanja, kao i meta za razvoj novih terapijskih metoda.The gut-brain axis is a term for the two-way communication between the central nervous system and the intestinal nervous system that controls the homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract and connects it to the emotional and cognitive areas of the brain. Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis participate in this complex communication. Recent researches emphasize the important role of the intestinal microbiota. One of the key components of the gut-brain axis is the vagal nerve, which collects information from afferent fibers from internal organs and then sends them to the brain, and with efferent fibers triggers the corresponding nerve reflex by sending feedback from the brain to internal organs. In this way, the vagal nerve connects different systems allowing their two-way communication. Recent research has shown that the intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the intestinal-brain axis given the possibility of secreting neurotransmitters and metabolites that stimulate nervous reflexes in the central nervous system and the intestinal nervous system. In addition to being able to have a beneficial effect on the gut-brain axis, they can also have an adverse effect that has been observed in neuropsychological and gastrointestinal disorders. The research on the intestinal microbiota has enabled a better understanding of the gut-brain axis and has become a topic of further research as well as a target for the development of new therapeutic strategies

    Utjecaj starenja na aktivnost enzima sluznice tankoga crijeva u BALB/c miŔeva

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    Intestinal lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, sucrase-isomaltase and maltase-glucoamylase are brushborder hydrolases important for the digestion of carbohydrates. Alkaline phosphatase is generally used as a marker of epithelial cell maturation. Expression of these enzymes during postnatal development has been characterized, but the effect of ageing on disaccharidase activity is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ageing on disaccharidase and alkaline phosphatase activities. Age related changes in 3-, 6- and 12-month-old BALB/c mice were studied. The results of this study showed a statistically significant decrease in all studied enzyme activities, proportional to ageing (P<0.05). Horizontal patterns of disaccharidase and alkaline phosphatase activities were not affected by age. The age related decline in studied enzymes in BALB/c mice could be associated with reduced nutrient absorption and increased incidence of malnutrition in elderly mice. Hence, dietary regulation may be useful for appropriate intestinal absorption with ageing.Crijevna laktaza-florizin hidrolaza, saharaza-izomaltaza i maltaza-glukoamilaza su hidrolaze sluznice tankoga crijeva važne za probavu ugljikohidrata. Alkalna fosfataza rabi se kao pokazatelj sazrijevanja epitelnih stanica. Poznat je izražaj navedenih enzima tijekom postnatalnoga razvoja, međutim, joÅ” nije dovoljno istražen utjecaj starenja na aktivnost disaharidaza. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj starenja na aktivnost disaharidaza i alkalne fosfataze. Proučavane su promjene vezane za starenje u 3, 6 i 12 mjeseci starih BALB/c miÅ”eva. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja ukazuju na značajno sniženje aktivnosti istraživanih enzima (P<0,05), proporcionalno sa starenjem. Starenje nije utjecalo na horizontalnu distribuciju aktivnosti disaharidaza i alkalne fosfataze. Sniženje aktivnosti istraživanih enzima tijekom starenja može se povezati sa smanjenom apsorpcijom hranjivih sastojaka te povećanom učestaloŔću pothranjenosti starijih miÅ”eva. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu prilagodbe prehrane, u svrhu regulacije apsorpcije nutrijenata kod starijih populacija

    Diabetes mellitus and DPP IV/CD26 Inhibitors

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    Šećerna bolest ili dijabetes (lat. diabetes mellitus) metabolička je bolest kronične naravi, karakterizirana perzistentnom hiperglikemijom te poremećajima u metabolizmu ugljikohidrata, masti i proteina. Bolest se dijeli na dijabetes tipa 1 i 2, gestacijski dijabetes te ostale, manje zastupljene oblike. Zbog velikog rasta incidencije i prevalencije bolesti, riječ je o značajnom javno-zdravstvenom problemu te jednom od deset vodećih uzroka smrtnosti u svijetu. Dipeptidil-peptidaza IV, odnosno molekula CD26 (DPP IV/CD26, EC, ubikvitaran je multifunkcionalan transmembranski i solubilni glikoprotein te serinska peptidaza, prepoznat kao krucijalan čimbenik u održavanju homeostaze glukoze u krvi, prije svega zbog mogućnosti razgradnje inkretina. Znanstvena i klinička ispitivanja ukazala su na visok terapijski potencijal inhibitora enzimske aktivnosti DPP IV/CD26 kod oboljelih od dijabetesa. Ovaj se pregledni rad fokusira na različite aspekte dijabetesa tipa 1 i 2 te novije mogućnosti terapije ovih oboljenja, s posebnim osvrtom na inhibitore DPP IV/CD26 kao efikasne terapijske opcije.Diabetes (lat. Diabetes mellitus) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by persistent hyperglycaemia and carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism disorders. Diabetes could be classified as type 1 or 2, gestational diabetes, and other, less common forms. Due to a prominent increase in the incidence and prevalence of the disease, it represents a significant public-health problem, being between the ten leading causes of mortality in the world. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV, or molecule CD26 (DPP IV / CD26, EC, is an ubiquitous multifunctional transmembrane and soluble glycoprotein and serine peptidase, recognized as a crucial factor in maintaining glucose homeostasis, primarily due to the ability to hydrolize incretins. Scientific and clinical studies have shown a high therapeutic potential of DPP IV/CD26 inhibitors in diabetic patients. This review focuses on various aspects of type 1 and 2 diabetes and newer treatment approaches for these diseases, with a special focus on DPP IV/CD26 inhibitors as effective therapeutic options