Utjecaj starenja na aktivnost enzima sluznice tankoga crijeva u BALB/c miševa


Intestinal lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, sucrase-isomaltase and maltase-glucoamylase are brushborder hydrolases important for the digestion of carbohydrates. Alkaline phosphatase is generally used as a marker of epithelial cell maturation. Expression of these enzymes during postnatal development has been characterized, but the effect of ageing on disaccharidase activity is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ageing on disaccharidase and alkaline phosphatase activities. Age related changes in 3-, 6- and 12-month-old BALB/c mice were studied. The results of this study showed a statistically significant decrease in all studied enzyme activities, proportional to ageing (P<0.05). Horizontal patterns of disaccharidase and alkaline phosphatase activities were not affected by age. The age related decline in studied enzymes in BALB/c mice could be associated with reduced nutrient absorption and increased incidence of malnutrition in elderly mice. Hence, dietary regulation may be useful for appropriate intestinal absorption with ageing.Crijevna laktaza-florizin hidrolaza, saharaza-izomaltaza i maltaza-glukoamilaza su hidrolaze sluznice tankoga crijeva važne za probavu ugljikohidrata. Alkalna fosfataza rabi se kao pokazatelj sazrijevanja epitelnih stanica. Poznat je izražaj navedenih enzima tijekom postnatalnoga razvoja, međutim, još nije dovoljno istražen utjecaj starenja na aktivnost disaharidaza. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj starenja na aktivnost disaharidaza i alkalne fosfataze. Proučavane su promjene vezane za starenje u 3, 6 i 12 mjeseci starih BALB/c miševa. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja ukazuju na značajno sniženje aktivnosti istraživanih enzima (P<0,05), proporcionalno sa starenjem. Starenje nije utjecalo na horizontalnu distribuciju aktivnosti disaharidaza i alkalne fosfataze. Sniženje aktivnosti istraživanih enzima tijekom starenja može se povezati sa smanjenom apsorpcijom hranjivih sastojaka te povećanom učestalošću pothranjenosti starijih miševa. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu prilagodbe prehrane, u svrhu regulacije apsorpcije nutrijenata kod starijih populacija

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