16 research outputs found

    Kriteria Kemiskinan Konsumsi: Praktik Di Indonesia Dan Beberapa Catatan

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    Improvement of aggregate consumption poverty assessment in Indonesia should be taken. In the future, it's expected to be more attentive on individual, local poverty pro le, multidimensional character, and combination of qualitative and quantitative method. this argument is based on the analysis of conceptual and methodology of BpS (Centre of Statistics Bureau) consumption assessment. Five critical notes are made: 1) determination of reference group in determining poverty line; 2) determination of food and non-food basket to measure poverty of all areas and comparison among different areas; 3) application of consumption equivalence scale in the context of difference in family member consumption need; 4) assumption and determination of household scale in the context of relationship between household member and consumption need; 5) assumption of resource allocation and accessibility of household member

    The Role of the Fiscal Stimulus Program in Expanding Labor-intensive Infrastructure in Response to the Impact of the 2008/09 Global Financial Crisis

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    The global financial crisis (gfc) that swept over the world in 2008/09 had an influence on the Indonesian economy. in an attempt to reduce the impact of the gfc, the government introduced a fiscal stimulus program (fsp) in 2009 in order to encourage economic growth. the program consisted of two main elements, namely, tax cuts and increased government spending. this report presents the results of research into the implementation of the fsp, in terms of government spending to expand infrastructure in the context of reducing the impact of the crisis. the study, for which samples were selected in the kabupaten of demak, sragen, sukoharjo, and klaten (in Central Java) and the kabupaten of gowa, sinjai, and bulukumba (in South Sulawesi), was part of the activities involved in monitoring the socioeconomic impact of the gfc, which has been carried out by the smeru research institute since july 2009. this research was done in a qualitative way in order to obtain a general understanding of the impact of the gfc on the socioeconomic situation of the population, the process of formulation and decision-making in the implementation of the fsp, and the benefits of the fsp in overcoming the impact of the crisis on community livelihoods. on the whole, research findings indicated that fsp targets have not been in accordance with the impact of the gfc. although the gfc had a sufficiently significant effect on the national economy during the period from the end of 2008 until the middle of 2009, its impact on the economies of the study areas was relatively minor. the allocation of fsp funding for kabupaten and kota shows a wide variation and was not related to the level of impact of the gfc or to the economic position of the region that had been impacted. the fsp funds had already raised the capacity of development spending in the recipient regions and the expansion of infrastructure provided benefits to the local economy; however, the fsp did not contribute directly to the assistance of community members who had been affected by the crisis. keywords: global financial crisis, fiscal stimulus program, infrastructure developmen

    Iklim Usaha di Kabupaten Flores Timur: Kajian Kondisi Perekonomian dan Regulasi Usaha

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    Laporan ini merupakan upaya untuk mengkaji perekonomian di kabupaten flores timur, termasuk memetakan dan menganalisis regulasi daerah terkait dunia usaha secara tekstual. secara statistik, bidang konstruksi dan perdagangan mendominasi peta pelaku usaha di kabupaten flotim. hal ini konsisten terlihat dari pendaftaran pelaku usaha tahun 2006–2008. kecenderungan perempuan sebagai pelaku usaha juga terlihat meningkat selama kurun waktu tersebut walaupun mungkin jumlah sebenarnya lebih tinggi daripada angka statistik. kategorisasi berdasarkan skala usaha menunjukkan persentase pendaftar skala menengah pada tahun 2008 justru lebih besar daripada persentase pendaftar skala kecil. hal ini disebabkan oleh tingginya minat pelaku usaha bidang konstruksi yang hampir seluruhnya adalah pelaku usaha skala menengah. mayoritas produk hukum yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah produk hukum retribusi dengan identitas perizinan tertentu dan jasa umum. perizinan merupakan wilayah yang paling berpotensi menciptakan ekonomi biaya tinggi. produk hukum perizinan belum menjelaskan lama pengurusan dan biaya pengurusan izin, serta pelaku usaha mana saja yang wajib mengurus perizinan tersebut. jumlah dan jenis dokumen yang dibutuhkan juga masih bisa diminimumkan, terutama jika seluruh proses perizinan berada dalam satu kelembagaan. perda mengenai penggantian biaya administrasi perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. perda ini memuat pungutan berganda karena tumpang-tindih dengan perda perizinan yang lainnya dan tumpang-tindih pula dengan pajak penghasilan yang ditarik oleh pemerintah nasional. juga, beberapa pungutan ternyata melanggar prinsip free internal economic zone. di samping masalah perizinan usaha, peraturan daerah terkait distribusi hasil bumi juga merupakan hal penting dalam perbaikan iklim usaha. adanya peraturan pusat dalam bentuk sk menteri kehutanan, peraturan desa serta pungutan liar juga menurunkan daya saing produk flores timur. pengkajian dan Perumusan peraturan daerah harus mengikutsertakan instansi terkait lainnya seperti pihak kepolisian, polisi air, polisi hutan, tni al, dan dllajr, agar penegakan hukum perda tersebut dapat berjalan lancar. kata kunci: regulasi, peraturan daerah, iklim usaha, kebermasalaha

    Iklim Usaha di Kota Kupang: Kajian Kondisi Perekonomian dan Regulasi Usaha

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    Sejalan dengan pelaksanaan otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi, pemerintah daerah (pemda) mempunyai peranan yang semakin penting dalam memengaruhi kinerja perekonomian daerah. iklim usaha yang kondusif merupakan salah satu prasyarat terselenggaranya kegiatan perekonomian yang dinamis. regulasi yang diciptakan oleh pemda dapat mendorong atau sebaliknya menghambat penciptaan iklim usaha yang kondusif. laporan “iklim usaha di kota kupang: kajian kondisi perekonomian dan regulasi usaha” ini merupakan upaya untuk memetakan dan menganalisis regulasi daerah yang terkait dunia usaha di kota kupang. secara tekstual, kajian ini menggunakan aspek hukum (yuridis), substansi, dan prinsip sebagai acuan dalam menganalisis kebermasalahan regulasi daerah serta potensi dampaknya terhadap dunia usaha. secara kontekstual, kajian ini memaparkan praktik pelaksanaan beberapa regulasi daerah di bidang usaha jasa, perdagangan hasil bumi dan sembako, dan industri pengolahan. kata kunci: regulasi, peraturan daerah, iklim usaha, kebermasalaha

    Accelerating Poverty and Vulnerability Reduction: Trends, Opportunities, and Constraints

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    Despite progress in poverty reduction during the last four decades, Indonesia is still plagued by high rate of multidimensional poverty and deprivation. the 2009 monetary poverty rate of 14.15% is 5.95 percentage points higher than the government's initial target, while in other dimensions of poverty Indonesia lags behind its neighbours. there are opportunities for accelerating poverty reduction in the future by the virtue of globalisation, demographic dividend, adoption of participatory development approach, and support from international commitment on millennium development goals (mdgs). on the other hand, there are critical constraints to reducing poverty and vulnerability in the forms of insufficient productive opportunities, weak human capabilities, and inadequate social protection. the strategy for accelerating poverty and vulnerability reduction is to capitalize on the opportunities and at the same time effectively address the critical constraints. the policy objective is to enhance human and non-human capital accumulation of the poor to empower them to move out of poverty, while at the same time strengthen the capacity of the near poor to avoid falling into poverty

    Evidence-Based Planning in Improving the Health Service and Insurance Utilization in Addressing Child Survival

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    To identify bottlenecks in health system that hinders the scaling up of important health intervention, particular for vulnerable population including poor families. To identify health system environment' that' would' support' the utilization of' health' insurance scheme for important interventions in child health survival

    Dampak Keterlibatan BAPPEDA dalam Rangka Pengembangan Kapasitas SKPD Lintas Sektor bagi Perencanaan dan Penganggaran Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Provinsi Papua

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Maternal and child mortality rate in Indonesia is still high. Indonesia is also expected not to reach the target of MDG 4 and 5 in 2015. In an effort to improve the health status of mothers and children in the context of decentralization, planning and budgeting at the district health is an important element of the health system. Evidence-Based Budgeting Planning Approach (EBP/PPBB), is a planning approach models that use data and academic health evidence in the framework of program decision-making as a references. Objectives: Describe the impact results of the PPBB KIA implementation in order to analyze, the impact of BAPPEDA involvement in maternal and child health planning advocacy through coordination across sectors.Research Methods: This study is a descriptive-correlative study that analyze the impact of BAPPEDA involvement in cross- sectoral planning for MCH programs, that are carried out in accordance with bottleneck analysis of the existing health system, using 66 interventions based continuum of care.Results: Cross-sectoral involvement in the planning and budgeting for MNCH brings a positive impact on the district health work plan. Bappeda involvement is crucial to coordinate cross-sectoral program for MNCH.Conclusions: Capacity of district planning staff is limited and should be improved, lack of evidence in planning is due to lack of health data, and the cross sector advocacy for health budgeting is insufficient. PPBB approach can improve capacity on planning on evidence-based and integrated planning for MNCH across-sectoral. Key Word: Planning, Maternal and Child Health, Cross Sectoral ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Angka kematian ibu dan anak di Indonesia masih tinggi. Indonesia juga diprediksi tidak dapat mencapai target MDG 4 dan 5 pada tahun 2015. Dalam upaya peningkatan status kesehatan ibu dan anak dalam konteks desentralisasi, perencanaan dan penganggaran kesehatan di kabupaten merupakan elemen sistem kesehatan yang penting. Pendekatan Perencanaan Penganggaran Berbasis Bukti (PPBB) KIA, merupakan bentuk model perencanaan yang menggunakan bukti data dan referensi akademis dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan program kesehatan.Tujuan: memaparkan hasil implementasi PPBB-KIA dalam rangka melihat hubungan keterlibatan Bappeda dalam advokasi perencanaan perencanaan kesehatan ibu dan anak melalui koordinasi lintas sektor.Metode Penelitian: Kajian ini secara deskriptif-korelatif keterlibatan Bappeda dalam perencanaan lintas sector untuk progam KIA yang dilakukan sesuai dengan sumbatan sistem kesehatan yang ada dan berdasarkan 66 intervensi berbasis continuum of care.Hasil: Keterlibatan lintas sektor dalam perencanaan dan penganggaran KIA membawa dampak positif terhadap rencana kerja. Peran Bappeda semakin kuat dan memberikan kontribusi positif dalam kegiatan ini. Keterlibatan Bappeda terlihat berpengaruh dalam koordinasi program KIA untuk lintas sektor. Kesimpulan: Peningkatan kapasitas staf perencanaan kabupaten yang masih terbatas, kurangnya data kesehatan, peran advokasi lintas sektor ke Pemda yang belum kuat untuk meningkatkan pembiayaan kesehatan. Pendekatan PPBB dapat meningkatkan kapasitas perencanaan KIA secara berbasis bukti nyata terpadu dan terintegrasi dan lintas sektor di daerah. Kata Kunci: Perencanaan, Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, Lintas Sekto