501 research outputs found

    Homogenization of the discrete diffusive coagulation-fragmentation equations in perforated domains

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    The asymptotic behavior of the solution of an infinite set of Smoluchowski's discrete coagulation-fragmentation-diffusion equations with non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, defined in a periodically perforated domain, is analyzed. Our homogenization result, based on Nguetseng-Allaire two-scale convergence, is meant to pass from a microscopic model (where the physical processes are properly described) to a macroscopic one (which takes into account only the effective or averaged properties of the system). When the characteristic size of the perforations vanishes, the information given on the microscale by the non-homogeneous Neumann boundary condition is transferred into a global source term appearing in the limiting (homogenized) equations. Furthermore, on the macroscale, the geometric structure of the perforated domain induces a correction in the diffusion coefficients

    Regularity and mass conservation for discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations with diffusion

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    We present a new a-priori estimate for discrete coagulation-fragmentation systems with size-dependent diffusion within a bounded, regular domain confined by homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Following from a duality argument, this a-priori estimate provides a global L2L^2 bound on the mass density and was previously used, for instance, in the context of reaction-diffusion equations. In this paper we demonstrate two lines of applications for such an estimate: On the one hand, it enables to simplify parts of the known existence theory and allows to show existence of solutions for generalised models involving collision-induced, quadratic fragmentation terms for which the previous existence theory seems difficult to apply. On the other hand and most prominently, it proves mass conservation (and thus the absence of gelation) for almost all the coagulation coefficients for which mass conservation is known to hold true in the space homogeneous case.Comment: 24 page

    Weak-strong uniqueness of solutions to entropy-dissipating reaction-diffusion equations

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    We establish a weak-strong uniqueness principle for solutions to entropy-dissipating reaction-diffusion equations: As long as a strong solution to the reaction-diffusion equation exists, any weak solution and even any renormalized solution must coincide with this strong solution. Our assumptions on the reaction rates are just the entropy condition and local Lipschitz continuity; in particular, we do not impose any growth restrictions on the reaction rates. Therefore, our result applies to any single reversible reaction with mass-action kinetics as well as to systems of reversible reactions with mass-action kinetics satisfying the detailed balance condition. Renormalized solutions are known to exist globally in time for reaction-diffusion equations with entropy-dissipating reaction rates; in contrast, the global-in-time existence of weak solutions is in general still an open problem - even for smooth data - , thereby motivating the study of renormalized solutions. The key ingredient of our result is a careful adjustment of the usual relative entropy functional, whose evolution cannot be controlled properly for weak solutions or renormalized solutions.Comment: 32 page

    Estimates for the large time behavior of the Landau equation in the Coulomb case

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    This work deals with the large time behaviour of the spatially homogeneous Landau equation with Coulomb potential. Firstly, we obtain a bound from below of the entropy dissipation D(f)D(f) by a weighted relative Fisher information of ff with respect to the associated Maxwellian distribution, which leads to a variant of Cercignani's conjecture thanks to a logarithmic Sobolev inequality. Secondly, we prove the propagation of polynomial and stretched exponential moments with an at most linearly growing in time rate. As an application of these estimates, we show the convergence of any (HH- or weak) solution to the Landau equation with Coulomb potential to the associated Maxwellian equilibrium with an explicitly computable rate, assuming initial data with finite mass, energy, entropy and some higher L1L^1-moment. More precisely, if the initial data have some (large enough) polynomial L1L^1-moment, then we obtain an algebraic decay. If the initial data have a stretched exponential L1L^1-moment, then we recover a stretched exponential decay

    Rigorous numerics for nonlinear operators with tridiagonal dominant linear part

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    We present a method designed for computing solutions of infinite dimensional non linear operators f(x)=0f(x) = 0 with a tridiagonal dominant linear part. We recast the operator equation into an equivalent Newton-like equation x=T(x)=x−Af(x)x = T(x) = x - Af(x), where AA is an approximate inverse of the derivative Df(x‾)Df(\overline x) at an approximate solution x‾\overline x. We present rigorous computer-assisted calculations showing that TT is a contraction near x‾\overline x, thus yielding the existence of a solution. Since Df(x‾)Df(\overline x) does not have an asymptotically diagonal dominant structure, the computation of AA is not straightforward. This paper provides ideas for computing AA, and proposes a new rigorous method for proving existence of solutions of nonlinear operators with tridiagonal dominant linear part.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, to be published in DCDS-A (Vol. 35, No. 10) October 2015 issu
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