285 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Regresi Logistik Pada Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Phbs Pada Rumah Tangga Penderita Tbc Di Pesisir Surabaya

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    Provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu dari tiga provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus TBC terbesar yakni mencapai 23.487 kasus dimana angka penderita TBC yang tertinggi di Jawa Timur adalah di Kota Surabaya, sedikitnya 4.739 warga bermukim di Surabaya yang terkena penyakit TBC. Penyakit ini banyak ditemukan di permukiman padat penduduk dengan sanitasi yang kurang baik, kurangnya ventilasi dan pencahayaan  matahari dan kurangnya istirahat seperti diwilayah pesisir. Penyakit TBC yang diderita masyarakat tersebut mempengaruhi perilaku hidup masyarakat dalam menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan. Padahal dengan berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat tersebut dapat mengurangi resiko penularan TBC sehingga dapat menurunkan jumlah penderita TBC, oleh karena itu Dinas Kesehatan menyelenggarakan program PHBS bagi masyarakat yang menderita TBC Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status PHBS rumah tangga penderita TBC di pesisir Surabaya Metode yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik biner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kebiasaan membuka pintu dan jendela, kebiasaan merokok dan minum alkohol, kebiasaan olahraga, makanan bergizi, kebiasaaan cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air bersih, istirahat cukup, pemisahan peralatan mandi dan makan berpengaruh signifikan (?=5%) terhadap PHBS rumah tangga dengan penderita TBC di pesisir Surabaya

    Micropropagation of Rubus Chrysophyllus Reinw. Ex Miq. and Rubus Fraxinifolius Poir.

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    Rubus chrysophyllus and Rubus fraxinifolius are a native species in Indonesia, which has highly potential to be developed as fruits crops. Propagation is an important factor in developing a fruit cultivation. In vitro micropropagation is an important instrument to improve the quality of seedling. Our experiment was aimed to study the micropropagation of R. chrysophyllus and R. fraxinifolius. The shoot tips were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 10 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for enhancing roots of R. chrysophyllus and R. fraxinifolius in the in vitro condition. Then, the rooted plantlets were transplanted into cocopeat media for acclimatization. The results showed that R. chrysophyllus and R. fraxinifolius gave a different response on the medium contain 10 mg/L of IBA. The R. fraxinifolius shows the best results compared to R. chrysophyllus on 14 days after subculture. The roots length and roots numbers of R. fraxinifolius and R. chrysophyllus were 9.13 cm and 11.25; 2.20 cm and 2.00, respectively. Although R. fraxinifolius was growing better than R. chrysophyllus, but after acclimatization R. chrysophyllus were able to grow faster than R. fraxinifolius. Moreover, on the parameters of plant height shows that R. chrysophyllus (9.20 cm) were growth higher than R. fraxinifolius (4.05 cm) during acclimatization

    The Effectiveness of Accounting E-module Integrated with Character Value to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Honesty

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    This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of e-accounting module integrated character values to improve students' learning outcomes and honesty. This was motivated by lack of students' understanding of accounting materials so that students tended to take dishonest actions like cheating while doing assignments or examinations. Honesty is one of the characters developed in many curriculla, so that honest character needs to be integrated in learning activities. The data collected in this study were the data on students' learning outcomes collected through multiple choice tests and the data on students' honesty collected through questionnaires. Students' learning outcomes data were analyzed through independent sample t test and the data on students' honesty were analyzed descriptively by narrative. The t test results obtained sig values 0.014 < 0.05 so that there were significant differences between the learning outcomes of the experimental class and the control class. The results of the questionnaire analysis showed that the students' honesty level of the experimental class was in a very good category and the control class was in the good category

    Analisis Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Tentang Wakalah, Hawalah, dan Kafalah dalam Kegiatan Jasa Perusahaan Pembiayaan Syariah

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the Fatwa of Dewan Syariah nasional (Syariah National Board) concerning Wakalah, Hawalah, and Kafalah so that whether it can be applied in the activities of islamic finance company. This is a juridical normative research and focused on analyzing secondary data, specifically in 2 (two) types of Legal material, Primary and Secondary Legal Matrerials. Furthermore, all data will be analyzed and presented descriptevely. This research shows that, regarding Wakalah, the Fatwa about Wakalah and Wakalah bil Ujrah are in conformity with activities by Islamic Finance Company Service. Wakalah was used as Complementary Agreement in Murabahah Financing with Islamic Finance Company as Principal. In the other side, Fatwa concering Wakalah bil Ujrah used when Islamic Finance Company take a position as Grantee. Even though Financial Service Authority's Regulation specify that service activities may use Hawalah and Kafalah Agreement, but based on this research's analysis about Fatwa and Fikih, only Hawalah bil Ujrah and Kafalah bil Ujrah that may be used by Islamic Finance Company

    Analisis Yuridis Akad Tabarru' Dan Akad Tijarah Dalam Produk Unit Link Syariah

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    A Polis syaria unit­linked PT. AXA Financial Indonesia, PT. Prudential Life Assurance, and PT. Takaful Keluarga, has not been fully put things in accordance with the contract tabarru DSN and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 18/PMK.010/2010 that is related to the rights and obligations of participants collectively. Akad tijarah used in syaria unit­linked is wakalah bil ujrah containing authorization to the company as vice policyholders to manage Tabarru ‘and or investment fund, in return for a ujrah. Endorsee as a corporate investment fund management is not responsible for investment losses due to policyholders have chosen the type of investment and know the risks of this type of investment.IntisariPolis unit link syariah PT. AXA Financial Indonesia, PT. Prudential Life Assurance, dan PT. Takaful Keluarga, belum sepenuhnya mencantumkan hal-hal dalam akad tabarru' sesuai ketentuan Fatwa DSN dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 18/PMK.010/2010 yaitu terkait hak dan kewajiban peserta secara kolektif. Akad tijarah yang dipergunakan adalah akad wakalah bil ujrah yang berisi pemberian kuasa kepada Perusahaan sebagai wakil pemegang polis untuk mengelola Dana Tabarru' dan atau dana investasi, dengan imbalan berupa ujrah. Perusahaan selaku penerima kuasa pengelolaan dana investasi tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap kerugian investasi dikarenakan pemegang polis telah memilih jenis investasi dan mengetahui risiko dari jenis investasi tersebut

    Diagnosis of Student Learning Difficulties on Learner Development Studies

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    Learning difficulties could be caused by inside and outside factors of human beings. Learning difficulties could affect student learning success. Learning difficulties should have known from the beginning so that it can be anticipated by educators and learners through the efforts of diagnosis. The aim of this study is to determine the lecture material that is difficult to understand by the students, factors that cause learning disabilities in students, the percentage of students learning difficulties of external factors on Learner development studies. This research is a qualitative descriptive. Qualitative data that obtained to be described to give the real condition. Quantitative data of test results during the middle of the first and the second half used to assist data reduction. The analysis used to adapt from qualitative research, those are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing a conclusion. These results indicate that the material considered the most difficult by the students are the implications of the growth and development of learners. Learning difficulties during learner development studies caused by internal factors such as the physical condition, motivation to learn, how to learn, and social relationships. There are three difficulties external factors affect students learning such as teaching methods, resources and learning materials, lecture hours

    Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Lingkungan Hidup oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Usaha Atau Kegiatan Rumah Sakit di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    As the capital of Riau province, Pekanbaru city is the central of economy. Trading and service are the main sectors. As the economic grows, environment becomes a big issue. Mishandling of environment will create a big impact.One of the instruments in managing the effects of environment is efforts of environmental management and environmental monitoring efforts (UKL-UPL), every hospital has to have this unit. Unfortunately, it has not beem applied properly. It can be seen from the data belongs to Environment Agency Pekanbaru. It said that there are only few that give routines report about the program. This study is aimed to find out the supervision done by Environment Agency to the unit of the hospital in managing and supervising the environment.This is a qualitative descriptive research. Data collecting technique are observation, interview, and documents collected from the informants based on snowball sampling. Writer used supervising theory by Manullang. There are three stage of the supervision, which are; deciding measurement tool (standard) in doing the supervision of the hospital unit, assessing management activity, and monitoring the management activity. Result shows that the supervision by Environment Agency Pekanbaru city to the business unit of hospitals is not maximal yet. The biggest obstacle is internal factor, that there is lack number of officer in Environment Agency, While the external factor is that the doer of the activity only pay a little attention to the activity. Key Word: The Implementation, Supervision, Environmen

    The statistical geometry of scale-free random trees

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    The properties of scale-free random trees are investigated using both preconditioning on non-extinction and fixed size averages, in order to study the thermodynamic limit. The scaling form of volume probability is found, the connectivity dimensions are determined and compared with other exponents which describe the growth. The (local) spectral dimension is also determined, through the study of the massless limit of the Gaussian model on such trees.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, revtex4, minor changes (published version

    Pengukuran Tingkat Efisiensi Pelayanan Unit Hemodialisis di Rumah Sakit H1 dan H2

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    Unit hemodialisis merupakan salah satu bagian bentuk layanan kesehatan dari suatu rumah sakit yang mahal dan sangat penting khususnya bagi pasien penderita penyakit gagal ginjal. Ketika fasilitas yang tersedia terbatas sedangkan jumlah pasien terus meningkat maka penilaian efisiensi suatu unit hemodialisis sangat penting untuk peningkatan kinerja rumah sakit sebagai penyedia jasa layanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Dikenal ada metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) yang digunakan dalam pengukuran efisiensi suatu unit. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran tingkat efisiensi pelayanan unit hemodialisis menggunakan DEA-BCC yang berorientasi output. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari RS H1 dan RS H2, meliputi nilai rata-rata jumlah perawat di unit hemodialisis per bulan, nilai rata-rata jumlah mesin dialisis per bulan, dan nilai rata-rata jumlah tindakan hemodialisis per bulan pada tahun 2010 dan 2011. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan DEA-BCC, tingkat efisiensi pelayanan Unit Hemodialisis di RS H1 pada tahun 2010, RS H1 pada tahun 2011, RS H2 pada tahun 2010 dan RS H2 pada tahun 2011 berturut-turut sebesar 100%, 79.11%, 100%, dan 100%. Selain itu juga dilakukan pemeringkatan menggunakan model super-efficiency dan dihasilkan peringkat pertama adalah RS H2 pada tahun 2010, selanjutnya diikuti RS H1 pada tahun 2010, kemudian RS H2 pada tahun 2011, dan yang terakhir adalah RS H1 tahun 2011
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