358 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kecemasan Pada Anak Usia Prasekolah Di Bangsal Melati RSUD Tugurejo Semarang

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    Anak yang dirawat di rumah sakit akan mengalami kecemasan yang bervariasi, karena harus berpisah dari lingkungan yang dirasakannya aman, penuh kasih sayang, dan menyenangkan, seperti lingkungan rumah, permainan, dan teman sepermainannya. Hal ini berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kecemasan anak ketika dirawat di rumah sakit, meliputi posisi anak dalam keluarga, pendampingan orang tua, kelas rumah sakit, dan kepribadian anak.Tujuan penelitian: Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan dengan kecemasan pada. anak usia prasekolah di Bangsal Melati RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Metode penelitian: Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini mengunakan metode deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada anak usia prasekolah yaitu 3 - 6 tahun di Bangsal Melati RSUD Tugurejo Semarang pada tanggal 5 – 26 Agustus 2007 dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel secara total sampling sebanyak 39 anak. Hasil: Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara posisi anak dalam keluarga dengan kecemasan anak dengan nilai p-value 0,037, tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kelas rumah sakit dengan kecemasan anak dengan nilai p-value 0,620, ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendampingan orang tua dengan kecemasan anak dengan nilai p-value 0,003, ada hubungan yang bermakna antara tipe kepribadian anak dengan kecemasan anak dengan nilai p-value 0,03

    Obesity and economic performance of young workers in Italy

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    In this paper we explore recent ISFOL-PLUS 2006-2008-2010 data available for Italy about height and weight of young workers with the purpose of analysing the relationship between measures of obesity and measures of economic performance. Among the latter, we introduce job satisfaction, both overall and for nine specific aspects, which has not been previously considered in the literature on the effects of obesity. Interestingly enough, we find that BMI does not discriminate young workers with respect to their job earnings, but it does affect negatively young workers' job satisfaction with important gender effects

    Pemberdayaan Komunitas Anak Jalanan YOGYAKARTA Melalui Bermain Peran

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    For an optimal development of the child's mother in every aspect of its development is very important. One aspect of skills that must be developed from an early age is a social skill. Most of the streets are young mothers of young children in Yogyakarta worried with the development of their social skills. The young mother does not know how to provide the appropriate stimulation to the child, especially to teach children social skills. Stimulate the child's development of social skills of children aspect then held a training play a role to the street children and of young mothers streets. Training was conducted for two days with story, discussions and role play. The purpose of this training is to improve the social skills of children so that they can adapt to their social environment. The results of the training is role playing a child's social skills to be increased after the training given by the method of playing the role. Social skills of children who increasingly include socializing in the neighborhood play when new friends, increase vocabulary, follow the rules of the game, and resolve conflicts with peers

    Pemberdayaan Anak Jalanan di Rumah Singgah

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    Tulisan ini akan menggambarkan pemberdayaan anak jalanan yang dilakukan oleh Rumah Singgah. Untuk memperoleh data tersebut tulisan ini menggunakan studi literatur yang berupa kajian konseptual. Hasil tulisan ini melihatkan bahwa program penanganan anak jalanan telah dilakukan yang salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan, pendekatan Rumah Singgah. Rumah Singgah menggunakan pendekatan centre based program dengan fungsi intervensi rehabilitatif. Meskipun demikian Rumah Singgah juga menggunakan pendekatan community based dan street based yang tercermin dalam beberapa program dan kegiatannya yaitu dengan melakukan pemberdayaan. Pemberdayaan mencakup sasaran yang diharapkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan sosial anak jalanan dengan meningkatkan kemampuan dirinya melalui pendidikan, pelatihan keterampilan dan pendidikan moral. Hal ini diupayakan untuk bisa mendorong dan menstimulasi supaya anak jalanan tersebut bisa mendapatkan hak untuk mendapatkan hidup yang lebih layak, perlindungan, dan bisa menampilkan perilaku positif sesuai dengan norma dan etika yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat. Adapun tahapan pelayanan atau kegiatan tersebut adalah penjangkauan, identifikasi, resosialisasi, pemberdayaan dan terminasi. Program pemberdayaan ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak jalanan sehingga mempunyai pengetahuan yang meningkat, dapat mandiri sehingga anak jalanan tidak beraktivitas di jalan lagi

    Strategi Pemenangan Partai Nasdem Dalam Pemilu 2014 Di Jawa Tengah

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    Thesis with the title " Winning Strategies Nasdem Party in the 2014 election in Central Java " is made to determine how political marketing strategy NasDem Party as a new party with the aim of winning the legislative elections in 2014 , especially in Central Java . The method used is a qualitative research model , the descriptive type . The primary data obtained through interviews with sources in this case the DPW board NasDem Party Central Java . Secondary data was obtained through literature and articles that are relevant to the research focus .The results of the study are in the preparation of the strategy to win the 2014 election , the Party Central Java NasDem refers to the strategic plan compiled from NasDem Party Center . The strategy includes strengthening and establishment of structures up to the formation of regions with output management NasDem Party in 35 districts / cities and 573 DPC level Party Village / Subdistrict . Institutional Strengthening of the coordination of procurement meeting , a gathering of national leaders and volunteers NasDem formation . Rekuitmen members with O250 program . Party socialization to the community with a program " NasDem Fever " . Party- Rekuitmen . Rekuitmen witnesses and TPS officers . Election preparation and implementation of the 2014 election campaign

    The Pattern of Distribution Salinity and Temperature at the Flood Tide and Ebb Tide in the Strait Bengkalis Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in April 2016 at the Strait of Bengkalis, Riau Province. The aim of research is to determine the pattern salinity and temperature distribution at ebb tide and flood tide. Research used survey method. Tide data obtained were presented in the form of chat the map and discussed descriptively. Based on the research it showed that average salinity at flood tide 23.56‰ and ebb tide 22.90 ‰. The average of salinity at ebb tide was lower than flood tide. In contrast to the temperature, the temperature measurement at flood tide lower than ebb tide and the average value at flood tide 31,18ºC and ebb tide was 31,53ºC. The results showed that distribution of salinity and temperature during flood tide and ebb tide is fluctuated. The pattern of distribution of salinity, temperature and other environmental parameters (pH, transparency, current velocity and depth) were different betwen the flood tide and ebb tide
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