7 research outputs found

    Knowledge about aids and drugs among undergraduate students in a higher education institution in the state of Paraná El conocimiento sobre sida y drogas entre alumnos de graduación de una institución de enseñanza superior en el estado de Paraná Conhecimento sobre aids e drogas entre alunos de graduação de uma instituição de ensino superior do estado do Paraná

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    The main objective of this study was to measure the knowledge of undergraduate nursing students about Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and drugs. The study was carried out in 2007 with a random sample of 289 undergraduate students at a State University in the Northwest of Paraná, Brazil. The students self-applied a questionnaire validated by experts. Questions were divided into three levels of complexity: low, average and high. The level of correct answers was higher in the questions of low complexity, diminishing as the questions' complexity increased. Thirteen percent of questions concerning risk factors and vulnerability to HIV infection among injection drug users (IDU) and biological material for diagnosis of AIDS was correctly answered by 90% of students. Students possessed knowledge concerning AIDS and drugs, however such knowledge was considered insufficient, showing lack of information and gaps in education with a dissociation of interdisciplinary and inter-curricular content.<br>Este trabajo tuvo como principal objetivo investigar el conocimiento de universitarios sobre el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) y drogas. La investigación se realizó en el año 2007 a partir de una muestra aleatoria de 289 alumnos de los cursos de graduación de una facultad estatal de la región noroeste de Paraná, en Brasil. Los alumnos respondieron un cuestionario auto aplicable, validado por especialistas del área. Las preguntas fueron divididas en tres niveles de complejidad: baja, media y alta. El índice de aciertos de los alumnos fue mayor en las preguntas de baja complejidad, disminuyendo con el aumento del grado de complejidad. El índice de 90% de aciertos ocurrió en 13% de las preguntas, que se referían a los factores de riesgo y vulnerabilidad para la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV) en usuarios de drogas inyectables (UDI) y el material biológico para el diagnóstico de SIDA. Los alumnos poseían conocimientos sobre SIDA y drogas, sin embargo, este es insuficiente, demostrando falta de información y vacíos en la enseñanza, con disociación de contenidos interdisciplinares e intercurriculares.<br>Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo investigar o conhecimento de universitários sobre a síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS) e drogas. Realizou-se a pesquisa no ano 2007 a partir de amostra aleatória de 289 alunos dos cursos de graduação de uma faculdade estadual da região noroeste do Paraná. Os alunos responderam um questionário autoaplicável, validado por especialistas na área. As questões foram divididas em três níveis: baixa, média e alta complexidade. O índice de acertos dos alunos foi maior nas questões de baixa complexidade, diminuindo com o aumento do grau de complexidade. O índice de 90% de acertos ocorreu em 13% das questões, que se referiam aos fatores de risco e vulnerabilidade para a infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) em usuários de drogas injetáveis (UDI) e o material biológico para o diagnóstico de AIDS. Os alunos possuíam conhecimento sobre AIDS e drogas, porém, insuficiente, demonstrando falta de informação e lacunas no ensino, com dissociação de conteúdos interdisciplinares e intercurriculares

    Early detection of leprosy by examination of household contacts, determination of serum anti-PGL-1 antibodies and consanguinity

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    A cross-sectional clinical trial in which the serum anti-phenolic glycolipid (anti-PGL-1) antibodies were analysed in household contacts (HHC) of patients with leprosy as an adjunct early leprosy diagnostic marker was conducted. The families of 83 patients underwent clinical examination and serum anti-PGL1 measurement using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Of 320 HHC, 98 were contacts of lepromatous leprosy (LL), 80 were contacts of borderline lepromatous (BL), 28 were contacts of borderline (BB) leprosy, 54 were contacts of borderline tuberculoid (BT), 40 were contacts of tuberculoid (TT) and 20 were contacts of indeterminate (I) leprosy. Consanguinity with the patients was determined for 232 (72.5%) HHC. Of those 232 contacts, 183 had linear consanguinity. Forty-nine HHC had collateral consanguinity. Fifty-eight contacts (18.1%) tested positive for anti-PGL1 antibodies. The number of seropositive contacts based on the clinical forms of the index case was 17 (29.3%) for LL, 15 (25.9%) for BL, one (1.7%) for BB, 14 (24.1%) for BT, three (5.2%) for TT and eight (13.7%) for I. At the one year follow-up, two (3.4%) of these seropositive contacts had developed BT leprosy. The results of the present study indicate that the serum anti-PGL-1 IgM antibody may be useful for evaluating antigen exposure and as a tool for an early leprosy diagnosis in HHC

    Environmental aspects related to tuberculosis and intestinal parasites in a low-income community of the Brazilian Amazon

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    We carried out a cross-sectional study from January to December 2015 on 1,425 inhabitants from a floating population in the Brazilian Amazon (Murinin district, Pará State) to describe the population-based prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) from 2011 to 2014, recent TB contacts (rCts) latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LTBI) , the coverage of the local health network, socio-environmental factors, and frequency of intestinal parasitic infection (IPI). We found that the sanitary structure was inadequate, with latrines being shared with other rooms within the same accommodation; well water was the main source of water, and 48% of families had low incomes. The average rate of TB was 105/100, 000 inhabitants per year; one third of TB patients had been household contacts of infected individuals in the past, and 23% of rCts were LTBI. More than half (65%) of 44% of the stools examined (representing 76% of the housing) had IPIs; the highest prevalence was of fecal-oral transmitted protozoa (40%, Giardia intestinalis ), followed by soil-transmitted helminths (23%). TB transmission may be related to insufficient disease control of rCts, frequent relocation, and underreporting. Education, adopting hygienic habits, improving sanitation, provision of a treated water supply and efficient sewage system, further comprehensive epidemiological surveillance of those who enter and leave the community and resources for basic treatment of IPIs are crucial in combating the transmission of these neglected diseases