59 research outputs found

    StomatoloŔki tretman starih ljudi sa hendikepom

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    Introduction. The growing population of the elderly people and a proportional increase in the number of the elderly with different types of disabilities, necessitates a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment of their oral health and dental treatment. The ultimate aim is to retain a pain-free functional dentition and decrease the risk of future disease. Material and Methods. A PubMed search was performed and the authors contributed their experience in implementing preventive and therapeutic measures. Oral health problems of the elderly with disabilities. Two main factors influence the oral health: multimorbidity and polypharmacy. Oral health problems expected in this population are teeth abrasion, teeth fractures, root caries, periodontitis and problems with wearing dentures due to stomatitis caused by Candida albicans. Oral health assessment and treatment guidelines. This article provides guidelines for assessment and treatment planning, taking into consideration multimorbidity, polypharmacy, dementia and capacity of caregivers. Preventive measures. Preventive measures are crucial for long-term oral health of this population, and this paper provides guidelines for preventive treatment depending on the degree of functional dependence. Prosthetic treatment. Although some elderly with disabilities are suitable for conventional prosthetic treatment, often there are contraindications and specific considerations that must be taken into account. Conclusion. Oral health needs of the elderly people with disabilities should not be neglected and the success of treatment depends on the education of dental professionals and cooperation with other health professionals of the medical team.Uvod. Zbog rastuće populacije starih ljudi i proporcionalnog povećanja učestalosti broja starih ljudi sa različitim tipovima hendikepa, multi disciplinarni pristup proceni njihovog oralnog zdravlja je neophodan. Krajnji cilj je postići funkcionalnu denticiju bez bolova i smanjiti rizik od budućih oboljenja. Materijal i metode. Pretraživanje literature u bazi PubMed je obavljeno, ali je takođe iskustvo autora u primeni preventivnih i terapijskih mera uzeto u obzir. Problemi oralnog zdravlja starih ljudi sa hendikepom. Dva glavna razloga imaju uticaj na oralno zdravlje: multi morbiditet i polifarmacija. Problemi oralnog zdravlja koji se očekuju u ovoj populaciji su abrazija zuba, frakture zuba, karijes korena, parodontopatija i problemi sa noÅ”enjem proteza usled stomatitis uzrokovanog kandidom (Candida albicans). Procena oralnog zdravlja i smernice za planiranje tipa tretmana. Ovaj članak obezbeđuje korisne smernice za procenu i planiranje tretmana, uzimajući u obzir multi morbiditet, polifarmaciju, demenciju i kapacitet negovatelja. Preventivne mere. Preventivne mere su ključne za dugotrajni uspeh oralnog zdravlja ove populacije i ovde su prikazane smernice za preventivne mere u zavisnosti od stepena funkcionalne zavisnosti. Protetski tretman. Iako su neki stari ljudi sa hendikepom pogodni za konvencionalni protetski tretman, većina ovih pacijenata ima neke kontra indikacije i specifičnosti koje treba uzeti u obzir. Zaključak. Potrebe za oralnim zdravljem starih ljudi sa hendikepom ne smeju biti zanemarene, a uspeh tretmana zavisi od edukacije stomatologa kao i saradnje sa ostalim specijalistima medicinskog tima


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    Sastavljanje analitičkih kalkulacija na bazi varijabilnih troÅ”kova nalazi Å”iroku primjenu prilikom reÅ”avanja veoma značajnih organizaciono-ekonomskih problema u praksi. U uslovima brzog razvoja proizvodne tehnologije i tehnike i sve složenijih organizacionih oblika poslovanja dolazi do značajnog povećanja fiksnih troÅ”kova i njihovog sve većeg učeŔća u ukupnim troÅ”kovima, odnosno u cijeni koÅ”tanja dobijenih proizvoda. Time dolazi sve viÅ”e do izražaja potreba za iznalaženjem takvog obima i strukture proizvodnje pri kojima će biti moguće ostvariti najpovoljniji ekonomski rezultat poslovanja. ReÅ”avanje ovog problema vrÅ”i se utvrđivanjem optimalnog obima i strukture proizvodnje pri kojima je u uslovima datih ograničavajućih faktora (ukupne obradive povrÅ”ine, zahtjeva plodoreda i sl.) moguće ostvariti maksimalne ekonomske rezultate. Osnovni cilj rada je primjena kalkulacija pokrića varijabilnih troÅ”kova pri utvrđivanju ekonomskih rezultata u proizvodnji mlijeka na sjeveru Crne Gore. Sastavljanje kalkulacija pokrića varijabilnih troÅ”kova prikazano je na dva modela. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je iznos pokrića varijabilnih troÅ”kova viÅ”i kod modela II, tačnije, na gazdinstvima koja raspolažu sa 80% sopstvenih povrÅ”ina na kojima se proizvodi kabasta hrana

    The concentrations of Fe, Cu and Zn in selected wines from South-East Serbia

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    Fruits and vegetables constitute the cheapest source of essential trace elements for the majority of people living in developing countries. The Cu, Fe and Zn contents in twenty selected wine samples produced in the South-East region of Serbia were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The Cu concentrations varied from 0.07 to 0.57 ppm in wines, and the Fe concentrations fluctuated from 2.93 to 36.2 ppm, while the Zn levels were in the range from 0.21 to 0.67 ppm. The established contents of Cu and Zn showed that wines from this part of the world could serve as good dietary sources of the essential trace metals, and the determined values were within the allowed meĀ¬tals levels in wines for human consumption

    Stavovi, znanje i praksa negovatelja u održavanju oralnog zdravlja korisnika domova za stara lica u Srbiji

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    Background/Aim. Within the elderly population, residents in nursing homes, there is a greather risk of caries, periodontal disease and teeth loss. Assistance of caregivers in maintaininig good oral hygiene besides improving oral health can improve of residents general health and the quality of their lives. The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of caregivers and knowledge about oral health, as well as the practice regarding oral care they apply at nursing homes in Serbia. Methods. The survey was conducted at the Gerontology Center Belgrade, consisting of four nursing homes located in the urban area. The study included 58 caregivers. They were contacted on working days, in all work shifts, during January, February and March of 2013. They were asked to fill in a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 26 closed-type questions. Results. The care-givers mostly considered that it was very important to take care of oral health of the residents, but 69% responded that the level of their oral health was low or very low. As the main barriers to oral hygiene maintenance, the caregivers indicated lack of time. The caregivers had more knowledge about periodontal disease than about the main cause of caries and its prevention. Formal medical education had the influence on the knowledge about oral diseases. Oral hygiene procedures carried out by the mayority of caregivers were denture cleaning and tooth brushing. Conclusion. The caregivers were aware of the limitations in everyday oral care of nursing homes residents in Serbia, although solving these problems requires the involvement of the entire public health service.Uvod/Cilj. U grupi starijih osoba, stanovnika domova za stara lica, postoji povećani rizik od nastanka karijesa, periodontalne bolesti i gubitka zuba. Pomoć u održavanju dobre oralne higijene, pored toga, može uticati i na opÅ”te zdravstveno stanje i kvalitet života stanovnika domova za stara lica. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju stavovi i znanje negovatelja o oralnom zdravlju, kao i praksa koju primjenjuju u domovima za stara lica u Srbiji. Metode. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u ustanovi GerontoloÅ”ki Centar Beograd, koji se sastoji od četiri doma za stara lica, locirana u urbanom području. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 58 negovatelja, s kojima smo kontaktirali radnim danima, u svim radnim smenama, tokom januara, februara i marta 2013. godine. Oni su zamoljeni da samostalno ispune upitnik sastavljen od 26 pitanja zatvorenog tipa. Rezultati. Negovatelji uglavnom smatraju da je veoma važno brinuti se o oralnom zdravlju korisnika domova, ali 69% je odgovorilo da je nivo oralnog zdravlja korisnika nizak ili vrlo nizak. Za glavnu prepreku u održavanju oralne higijene korisnika domova, negovatelji su označili nedostatak vremena. Njegovatelji su imali viÅ”e znanja o parodontalnim bolestima, nego o glavnom uzročniku karijesa i njegovoj prevenciji. Formalno medicinsko obrazovanje imalo je uticaj na njihovo znanje o oralnim bolestima. ČiŔćenje proteza i pranje zuba su najčeŔće primenjivani postupci negovatelja u održavanju oralne higijene korisnika domova. Zaključak. Negovatelji su svesni ograničenja u svakodnevnom održavanju oralnog zdravlja korisnika domova za stara lica u Srbiji, kao i da reÅ”avanje tih problema zahteva uključivanje celokupnog javnog zdravstvenog sektora


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    Abstract Number of citizens in a country represents its primary production potential. Montenegro has significant natural resources for rural development. However, many problems follow rural development, and one of those problems is the demographic problem

    Family Holdings in Montenegro as Factors of Development of Villages and Agriculture

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    Agricultural production in Montenegro has a long tradition and due to available natural resources it could present a backbone of economic development. Almost the entire agricultural production in Montenegro is conĀ­ducted at family holdings. According to the most recent agricultural census from 2010, the total number of agricultural holdings is 48,847, whereof 48,824 are family agricultural holdings or 99%, whilst only 46 companies perform agricultural activities. Regarding the number of holĀ­dings, the lowest number is in Tivat, 169, whilst Podgorica has the priĀ­macy with 7,254 holdings. The paper displays the analysis of socio-demoĀ­graphic and agrarian factors at family agricultural holdings. DemoĀ­graphic picture of Montenegrin agricultural population is unfavorable, since intensive aging process has many negative implications, which could be expected in the future period, too

    Genetic analysis of SMAD4 C-terminal domain in patients with microsatellite stable early- age onset colorectal cancer

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    SMAD4 protein loss is a relatively common feature of sporadic colorectal cancers (CRC), and it was observed to be even more frequent in early-age onset CRC patients and microsatellite stable (MSS) tumors. Pathogenic variants in the SMAD4 gene are usually missense or nonsense mutations, and they are more frequent in the C-terminal domain. The aim of this study was to perform genetic analysis of SMAD4 C-terminal domain of MSS early-age onset CRC patients. This pilot study was conducted with a purpose of investigating if such genetic screening strategy would be useful for diagnostic purposes in this specific subgroup of CRC patients.On June 24 and 25, 2021, Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) and Dr. JosĆ© Perea from FundaciĆ³n JimĆ©nez DĆ­az University Hospital in Madrid, Spain, virtually co-hosted the third annual early-age onset colorectal cancer (EAO CRC) international symposium, Rally on Research: EAO CR

    Andragogy ā€“ Dynamic Past, Challenging Present and Uncertain Future

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    This paper explores the development and current state of andragogy as a scientific discipline in Serbia, with a particular focus on its professionalisation at the University of Belgrade. Despite periods of crisis and societal transitions, andragogy has demonstrated remarkable resilience, remaining relevant and influential in the educational landscape. The current study program at the Department of Andragogy at the University of Belgrade is depicted at the undergraduate, masterā€™s, and doctoral levels. By analysing masterā€™s and doctoral theses, and published scientific papers, the paper provides insights into the prevalent issues and topics in the field. The findings underscore the impact and relevance of andragogy in Serbia and suggest its future prospects. Upholding its core principles and holistic approach, andragogy can play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between the past and the present, leading to the revitalisation of adult education and shaping the trajectory of the discipline itself in Serbia and beyond

    Variant rs745430558 in the SMAD4 gene promoter as a biomarker for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas

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    Background: Our previous study has identified variant rs745430558 in the SMAD4 gene promoter as potential biomarker for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. The allele delTT (10T instead of 12T) was present in malignant pancreatic tissue with a prevalence of 88%. As analysis of cfDNA in liquid biopsy represents a noninvasive approach for the diagnosis and monitoring of malignancies, the aim of this study was to determine the presence of 12T and 10T alleles in the peripheral blood of patients with suspected pancreatic malignancy. Material and Methods: The study was performed using cell-free DNA (cfDNA) isolated from the serum of 15 patients with morphological alterations of the pancreas. The presence of 12T and 10T alleles was assessed by allele specific quantitative real-time PCR. Results: Of 15 analyzed samples, 13 were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas (AcP), 1 with neuroendocrine tumor (NET), and 1 with pancreatitis. The 10T allele was present in 84.7% of cases with AcP and also in the sample from the patient with NET. In patient with pancreatitis only the 12T allele was detected. Conclusion: Our research has shown that the results of liquid biopsy of patients with AcP are in agreement with tissue specimens analysis. Targeted detection of the rs745430558 10T variant in patients with suspected pancreatic malignancies could be a potential biomarker for diagnosis of AcP in the future

    Harnessing Edutainment in Higher Education: an Example of an IoT Based Game

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    In this paper the authors study the problem of designing new tools and approaches for a higher implementation of edutainment into formal e-learning. The main goal is to design an educational game in order to effectively support the teaching process in higher education. The developed game is based on Internet of things technologies and implemented as a part of a smart classroom. It includes IoT infrastructure for solving assignments within a course, a mobile application that students use to interact with the game and a component for integration with Moodle LMS. The game has been implemented within the educational process at Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
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