21 research outputs found
Enhanced Pathogenesis Caused by Influenza D Virus and Mycoplasma bovis Coinfection in Calves: a Disease Severity Linked with Overexpression of IFN-gamma as a Key Player of the Enhanced Innate Immune Response in Lungs
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is a major disease of young cattle whose etiology lies in complex interactions between pathogens and environmental and host factors. Despite a high frequency of codetection of respiratory pathogens in BRD, data on the molecular mechanisms and pathogenesis associated with viral and bacterial interactions are still limited. In this study, we investigated the effects of a coinfection with influenza D virus (IDV) and Mycoplasma bovis in cattle. Naive calves were infected by aerosol with a French IDV strain and an M. bovis strain. The combined infection shortened the incubation period, worsened the disease, and led to more severe macroscopic and microscopic lesions compared to these parameters in calves infected with only one pathogen. In addition, IDV promoted colonization of the lower respiratory tract (LRT) by M. bovis and increased white cell recruitment to the airway lumen. The transcriptomic analysis highlighted an upregulation of immune genes in the lungs of coinfected calves. The gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) gene was shown to be the gene most statistically overexpressed after coinfection at 2 days postinfection (dpi) and at least until 7 dpi, which correlated with the high level of lymphocytes in the LRT. Downregulation of the PACE4 and TMPRSS2 endoprotease genes was also highlighted, being a possible reason for the faster clearance of IDV in the lungs of coinfected animals. Taken together, our coinfection model with two respiratory pathogens that when present alone induce moderate clinical signs of disease was shown to increase the severity of the disease in young cattle and a strong transcriptomic innate immune response in the LRT, especially for IFN-gamma.IMPORTANCE Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is among the most prevalent diseases in young cattle. BRD is due to complex interactions between viruses and/or bacteria, most of which have a moderate individual pathogenicity. In this study, we showed that coinfection with influenza D virus (IDV) and Mycoplasma bovis increased the severity of the respiratory disease in calves in comparison with IDV or M. bovis infection. IDV promoted M. bovis colonization of the lower respiratory tract and increased white cell recruitment to the airway lumen. The transcriptomic analysis highlighted an upregulation of immune genes in the lungs of coinfected calves. The IFN-gamma gene in particular was highly overexpressed after coinfection, correlated with the disease severity, immune response, and white cell recruitment in the lungs. In conclusion, we showed that IDV facilitates coinfections within the BRD complex by modulating the local innate immune response, providing new insights into the mechanisms involved in severe respiratory diseases
Comparison of Simulated Tree-Ring Cellulose d180 at the European Scale.: New Methodologies and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Global Change Research (International Symposium, Porquerolles, France 2008).
Fonds audiovisuel du programme "ESCoM-AAR" (Equipe SĂ©miotique Cognitive et nouveaux MĂ©dias - Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche. Paris, France, 2000 - 2016).In order to investigate factors involved in the inter-annual variability of d180 in tree ring cellulose (d18OTRC), we simulated the d18OTRC from 1960 to 2001 over Europe. We used 1) simulated climate and water isotope fields of REMOiso, a meso-scale circulation model, 2) hypotheses of the distribution of roots and soil hydrology, and 3) a mechanistic model of oxygen-isotopes in tree ring cellulose (d18OTRC). Sensitivity tests show that relative humidity of the air and soil water d18O contribute differently to the d180 in tree ring cellulose according to regional climate. In the commonly observed hydrological situation, humidity of the air may contribute to 70% to the d18OTRC at a given site, but only to 40 % at a warmer and drier site experiencing. We conclude that comparing time series of d180 in tree ring cellulose at the continental scale is questionable
Comparison of Simulated Tree-Ring Cellulose d180 at the European Scale.: New Methodologies and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Global Change Research (International Symposium, Porquerolles, France 2008).
Fonds audiovisuel du programme "ESCoM-AAR" (Equipe SĂ©miotique Cognitive et nouveaux MĂ©dias - Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche. Paris, France, 2000 - 2016).In order to investigate factors involved in the inter-annual variability of d180 in tree ring cellulose (d18OTRC), we simulated the d18OTRC from 1960 to 2001 over Europe. We used 1) simulated climate and water isotope fields of REMOiso, a meso-scale circulation model, 2) hypotheses of the distribution of roots and soil hydrology, and 3) a mechanistic model of oxygen-isotopes in tree ring cellulose (d18OTRC). Sensitivity tests show that relative humidity of the air and soil water d18O contribute differently to the d180 in tree ring cellulose according to regional climate. In the commonly observed hydrological situation, humidity of the air may contribute to 70% to the d18OTRC at a given site, but only to 40 % at a warmer and drier site experiencing. We conclude that comparing time series of d180 in tree ring cellulose at the continental scale is questionable
Ăquipe zone confinĂ©e : Ătude des processus infectieux en confinement A2 Ă A3 sur les animaux de rente, de laboratoire, de loisir et de la faune sauvage
Présentation du poster en 180 sec de l'activité des équipes expérimentation / élevage de la PFIENational audienc
Publier, diffuser et conserver des corpus audiovisuels <br>: LâAtelier de SĂ©miotique Audiovisuelle ASA-SHS : les archives audiovisuelles â nouveaux usages, nouveaux enjeux pour la recherche et lâĂ©ducation (Colloque ANR - ESCoM).
Fonds audiovisuel du programme "ESCoM-AAR" (Equipe SĂ©miotique Cognitive et nouveaux MĂ©dias - Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche. Paris, France, 2000 - 2016).Comment constituer, utiliser, adapter, valoriser, diffuser des archives audiovisuelles ?Ce colloque prĂ©sente le projet ASA-SHS ou Atelier de SĂ©miotique Audiovisuelle en Sciences Humaines et Sociales, projet de description/indexation et publication de ressources audiovisuelles, intĂ©ressant des domaines aussi divers que la recherche, l'enseignement, la formation professionnelle, les mĂ©dias scientifiques, etc. Soutenu par l'ANR, (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), ce projet porte la rĂ©fĂ©rence ANR-08-BLAN-0102-01. Les communications sont axĂ©es sur les aspects thĂ©oriques de la sĂ©miotique audiovisuelle, lâenvironnement de travail dans le projet ASA, et les applications pratiques Ă travers des sites portails thĂ©matiques. L'ensemble des rĂ©sultats du projet sont exposĂ©s dans trois ouvrages parus chez HermĂšs Science Publications/Lavoisier (Collection TraitĂ© des Sciences et Techniques de lâInformation) :- Les archives audiovisuelles : description, indexation et publication, ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Peter Stockinger - Nouveaux usages des archives audiovisuelles numĂ©riques ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Peter Stockinger - Analyse des contenus audiovisuels : mĂ©talangage et modĂšles de description de Peter Stockinger.Ces trois ouvrages ont tous Ă©tĂ© traduits et publiĂ©s en anglais aux Ă©ditions ISTE-Wiley :- 2011: Introduction to Audiovisual Archives, edited by P. Stockinger- 2011: Digital Audiovisual Archives, edited by P. Stockinger- 2012: Audiovisual Archives, Digital Text and Discourse Analysis, P.Stockinger
Evaluation of the prophylactic and therapeutic effect of a phage cocktail to control Salmonella Enteritidis
International audienceSalmonella is one of the main causes of foodborne disease related to poultry product consumption and a public health issue. Efforts should be done to control and reduce Salmonella load in poultry production. The use of bacteriophages could be an effective solution to limit these infections in broilers and subsequently its transfer to humans.This study evaluates the preventive and therapeutic effect of phages, administered on drinking water, on Salmonella infection in chicks. A cocktail of 6 phages with in vitro demonstrated efficacy against a variety of Salmonella serotypes was used.At first it was demonstrated that the phages were able to persist in chickensâ gut for at least 3 days without Salmonella challenge. Then the prophylactic and therapeutic potential of the cocktail was evaluated in vivo on 50 chicks challenged by Salmonella Enteritidis LA5 at 5.104 CFU/chicks by oral gavage at 7 days of age. The cocktail was administrated before the challenge via the drinking water during the first 6 days of the chicksâ life and was also administrated 2 days before the end of the trial. Salmonella enumeration and phage identification and counting were investigated during the 4-week trial. Results show that up to 4 days post infection, phages have a preventive effect and that they are able to significantly reduce Salmonella colonization in the ceca and feces by 2 to 4 log (p<0.05). Unfortunately, this effect was not persistent and Salmonella level raised 7 days post infection. During this period, only 2 out of 6 phages were detected in the different gut segments. However, the 2nd administration of the cocktail 2 days before the trialâs end, again reduced the Salmonella loads by 1 log in the ceca. This treatment showed encouraging results regarding preventive effect and ability of phages to protect against Salmonella infection during critical steps of poultry production. Further work is needed to improve the treatment and prevent the recovery of Salmonella infection
Traitement au valganciclovir des infections Ă herpĂšsvirus Ă©quin 1
National audienceLâherpĂšsvirus Ă©quin 1 (HVE-1) est un pathogĂšne majeur chez les Ă©quidĂ©s,responsable de 3 formes principales de maladie : la forme respiratoire, la forme abortive et la forme nerveuse. Ce travail prĂ©sente des avancĂ©es significatives dans le traitement antiviral.Une infection expĂ©rimentale de poneys Welsh avec la souche HVE-1 FR-56628 (C2254)en prĂ©sence ou non de Valganciclovir a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en 2020 sur la Plate-Forme dâInfectiologie ExpĂ©rimentale (PFIE) de lâINRAe de Nouzilly. Au cours de cette Ă©tude, menĂ©e par les Ă©quipes de LABĂO et la PFIE, lâensemble des chevaux infectĂ©s aprĂ©sentĂ© des signes cliniques caractĂ©ristiques des infections respiratoires Ă HVE-1 Ă des degrĂ©s divers (fiĂšvre > 38,5°C; jetage nasal ; toux, inflammation des ganglions, secrĂ©tions oculaires, changement de comportement).Lâadministration du valganciclovir par voie orale au cours de notre Ă©tude a permis de maintenir uneconcentration plasmatique Ă un seuil comparable Ă celui des concentrations utilisĂ©es in vitro. Lâensemble des effets observĂ©s en prĂ©sence duvalganciclovirestactuellement en cours de soumission pour publication dĂšs leur validation par les pairs. Ils serontprĂ©sentĂ©s de façon exhaustive dans un futur article Ă venir
IntĂ©rĂȘt du valganciclovir dans le traitement des infections Ă herpĂšsvirus Ă©quin 1 chez les Ă©quidĂ©s.
National audienceĂ ce jour, neuf herpĂšsvirus (HVE) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crits chez les Ă©quidĂ©s. L'HVE-1, responsable des formes cliniques les plus graves, est un virus Ă ADN double brin d'environ 150kb qui contient 80 cadres de lecture ouverts codant 76 gĂšnes uniques. Il se transmet par inhalation ou, aprĂšs un avortement, par contact direct avec des Ă©lĂ©ments infectĂ©s comme le fĆtus ou les annexes fĆtales. En l'absence d'anticorps neutralisants dans le mucus, les cellules Ă©pithĂ©liales des muqueuses nasale et nasopharyngienne sont infectĂ©es. La dissĂ©mination de l'HVE-1, via la circulation sanguine, jusqu'au tractus gĂ©nital de la jument conduit gĂ©nĂ©ralement Ă un avortement. La dissĂ©mination du virus au niveau des tissus nerveux peut conduire Ă la forme nerveuse de la maladie nommĂ©e myĂ©loencĂ©phalopathie (EHM) nĂ©cessitant trop souvent l'euthanasie de l'animal.Si la vaccination contre l'HVE-1 existe, elle prĂ©sente aujourd'hui des limitations ce qui conduit les praticiens vĂ©tĂ©rinaires Ă se tourner vers l'utilisation de traitements antiviraux pour les formes graves. Bien que son efficacitĂ© ne soit pas clairement dĂ©montrĂ©e, l'aciclovir demeure la molĂ©cule la plus utilisĂ©e sur le terrain.Notre travail a consistĂ© Ă cribler in vitro 2891 molĂ©cules issues de diffĂ©rentes chimiothĂšques par des techniques de Real-Time Cell Analysis couplĂ©es Ă des mĂ©thodes de qPCR afin d'identifier des hits prĂ©sentant une efficacitĂ© supĂ©rieure Ă celle de l'aciclovir. Ces travaux nous ont conduit Ă sĂ©lectionner 8 molĂ©cules parmi lesquelles le valganciclovir (VGCV) qui prĂ©sentait une activitĂ© antivirale in vitro 10 fois supĂ©rieure Ă celle de l'aciclovir (Thieulent et al. 2020). Seul le valganciclovir avait fait l'objet d'Ă©tudes pharmacocinĂ©tiques prĂ©alables ce qui laissait entrevoir les perspectives d'un essai terrain (Charmichael et al., 2013). Notre Ă©tude dĂ©montre l'efficacitĂ© in vivo du valganciclovir aprĂšs administration orale chez des poneys infectĂ©s par le nouveau variant HVE-1 FR-56628 (C2254) (Sutton et al. ; 2020).Lors de l'Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale, rĂ©alisĂ©e au sein de la PFIE (UE 1277 de l'INRAE de Nouzilly ; CEEA VdL, ComitĂ© Ă©thique N° 19 ; autorisation APAFiS -22708), l'infection de 8 poneys Welsh mĂąles ĂągĂ©s de 10 mois a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par voie intranasale. Quatre poneys ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s avec une dose de 6,5 mg/kg de VGCV. Les signes cliniques, l'excrĂ©tion virale et la virĂ©mie ont Ă©tĂ© suivis pendant 3 semaines aprĂšs infection. L'excrĂ©tion virale et la virĂ©mie ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es par culture cellulaire et par qPCR.L'ensemble des chevaux infectĂ©s ont prĂ©sentĂ© Ă des degrĂ©s divers des signes cliniques caractĂ©ristiques des infections respiratoires Ă HVE-1 (fiĂšvre > 38,5°C ; jetage nasal ; toux, ganglions et secrĂ©tions oculaire). L'excrĂ©tion du virus HVE-1 mesurĂ©e Ă partir des Ă©couvillons nasopharyngĂ©s est rĂ©duite de maniĂšre significative dans le groupe traitĂ© entre J+1 et J+12. Une diminution significative de la virĂ©mie dans le groupe traitĂ© a pu ĂȘtre mesurĂ©e. Le dosage du VGCV sĂ©rique a dĂ©montrĂ© la prĂ©sence d'une concentration supĂ©rieure Ă 0.153”g/ml (EC50 dĂ©terminĂ©e lors de nos expĂ©riences in vitro) chez les 4 poneys traitĂ©s.L'administration orale de valganciclovir rĂ©duit les signes cliniques, le jetage nasal et la virĂ©mie chez les chevaux infectĂ©s par la souche d'HVE1 FR-56628 (C2254)
Identification and in vitro and in vivo characterization of a new equid herpesvirusâ1 DNA polymerase (ORF30) genotype associated with a C2254 / H752 strain in French horses
International audienc
Identification of a New Equid Herpesvirus 1 DNA Polymerase (ORF30) Genotype with the Isolation of a C2254/H752 Strain in French Horses Showing no Major Impact on the Strain Behaviour
International audienceEquid herpesvirus 1 is one of the most common viral pathogens in the horse population and is associated with respiratory disease, abortion and still-birth, neonatal death and neurological disease. A single point mutation in the DNA polymerase gene (ORF30: A2254G, N752D) has been widely associated with neuropathogenicity of strains, although this association has not been exclusive. This study describes the fortuitous isolation of a strain carrying a new genotype C2254 (H752) from an outbreak in France that lasted several weeks in 2018 and involved 82 horses, two of which showed neurological signs of disease. The strain was characterised as UL clade 10 using the equid herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) classification but has not been identified or isolated since 2018. The retrospective screening of EHV-1 strains collected between 2016 and 2018 did not reveal the presence of the C2254 mutation. When cultured in vitro, the C2254 EHV-1 strain induced a typical EHV-1 syncytium and cytopathic effect but no significant difference was observed when compared with A2254 and G2254 EHV-1 strains. An experimental infection was carried out on four Welsh mountain ponies to confirm the infectious nature of the C2254 strain. A rapid onset of marked respiratory disease lasting at least 2 weeks, with significant virus shedding and cell-associated viraemia, was observed. Finally, an in vitro antiviral assay using impedance measurement and viral load quantification was performed with three antiviral molecules (ganciclovir (GCV), aciclovir (ACV) and aphidicolin (APD)) on the newly isolated C2254 strain and two other A/G2254 field strains. The three strains showed similar sensitivity to ganciclovir and aphidicolin but both C2254 and A2254 strains were more sensitive to aciclovir than the G2254 strain, based on viral load measurement