1,401 research outputs found

    Fano Resonances in Mid-Infrared Spectra of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    This work revisits the physics giving rise to the carbon nanotubes phonon bands in the mid- infrared. Our measurements of doped and undoped samples of single-walled carbon nanotubes in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy show that the phonon bands exhibit an asymmetric lineshape and that their effective cross-section is enhanced upon doping. We relate these observations to electron-phonon coupling or, more specifically, to a Fano resonance phenomenon. We note that only the dopant-induced intraband continuum couples to the phonon modes and that defects induced in the sidewall increase the resonance probabilities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and 1 Supplementary Information File (in pdf

    Approche pour l'identification des causes de la mauvaise décantation des solides biologiques

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    Les procédés d'épuration biologique à culture libre (boues activées) comprennent habituellement un décanteur qui permet de concentrer les solides biologiques en vue de leur recirculation en tête du réacteur biologique. Lorsque ce décanteur fonctionne mal on observe une perte de solides biologiques (SB), ce qui se traduit par une augmentation de la concentration des matières en suspension (MES) dans l'effluent du décanteur secondaire et par une baisse des performances du procédé d'épuration. Lorsque la concentration de MES dans l'effluent du décanteur secondaire est trop élevée on mesure l'indice de volume des boues (IVB). Un IVB faible indique que les solides biologiques ont de bonnes caractéristiques de décantation de sorte que la cause de la mauvaise efficacité du décanteur est d'ordre physique et peut être identifiée facilement. Lorsque l'IVB est élevé, la mauvaise décantation est alors causée par un désordre de l'écosystème qui se traduit le plus souvent par une croissance excessive d'organismes filamenteux. Les causes et les solutions d'un tel problème sont alors difficiles à identifier. Pour ce travail, les auteurs ont réalisé une importante revue bibliographique dont les résultats sont présentés sous la forme d'un cheminement critique (fig. 1). Dans cette figure, les cases numérotées de 1 à 48 sont liées par des énoncés logiques. Ainsi, en répondant à des questions simples, il est possible de cheminer dans la figure 1 et d'identifier les causes les plus probables du déséquilibre microbiologique ainsi que les solutions qui ont déjà été apportées avec succès. De plus les auteurs ont associé à chaque case une fiche technique (portant le même numéro que la case) sur laquelle sont présentées des explications et la liste des références consultées.Activated sludge is a microbiological aerated sewage treatment process which includes a secondary clarifier to separate the treated effluent from the biological solids. Part of the concentrated solids is recirculated to maintain an adequate concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) In the aerated basin. When the secondary clarifier malfunctions, some biological solids are lost to the effluent : the process efficiency drops and the concentration of suspended solids (SS) increases. When the SS in the effluent is too high the sludge volume index (SVI) must be measured. A low SVI means that the biological solids have good sedimentation characteristics : the problem is thon physical in nature and is easily identified. When the SVI is high, the problem is due to a disturbance of the microbiological ecosystem, which is at the origin of excessive filamentous organism growth. The origins and solutions of such a problem are much harder to find. To this end the authors proceeded with an important review of the literature, the results of which are summarized through a critical path, in figure 1. Files from 1 to 48 are linked by logical statements in such a way that by answering simple questions, one can proceed through the files and identify the must probable cause of the biological disturbance as well as the solution which has already proven successful. Furthermore, the authors have linked each file to a technical file which bears the same number and on which an explanation and references are found.Before proceeding with figure 1 to identify a problem in real life, one must obtain information, resulting from an analysis and observations, with regard to plant effluent, primary clarifier effluent and activated sludge characteristics, including the MLSS concentration. One must also know the chemical oxygen demand (COD), the soluble and total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), as well as the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the plant influent. Furthermore, one must also be told of the presence of toxic material or industrial wastes in the sewage and of the fraction of pollution load which is in the form of particulates. Whether sudden changes in the quality of the plant influent have occurred is worth knowing. The concentration of oxygen or hydrogen sulfide in the primary clarifier is also important. One must also gather data related to the activated sludge treatment itself : type of reactor (completely mixed or plug flow), mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) concentration, dissolved oxygen concentration, rate of oxygen uptake and pH. Finally, the results of a microbiological analysis of the sludge are very useful.To illustrate the use of figure 1, let us say that we have the following data :a) Many filamentous microorganisms are present in the MLSS, in particular Microthrix parvicella, type 0092, and Thiothrix sp;b) The rate of dissolved oxygen uptake is 12 mg O2/g of SS - h;c) The rate of COD removal is 0,48 Kg/Kg of SS -d;d) There are no toxic substances in the plant influent;e) There are no abrupt changes in plant influent quality;f) The pHs of the plant influent and of the MLSS are 7,0 and 6,8 respectively;g) The ammonia nitrogen concentration of the plant influent is 1,2 mg/L (N);h) The phosphorus concentration of the plant influent is 4,4 mg/L (P);i) The total and soluble BOD5 concentrations of the plant influent are 400 and 80 mg/L respectively.With this information, we are ready to proceed through figure 1. From file one, one goes to file 2, since the rate of oxygen uptake is sufficient. Otherwise, we would have proceeded to file 32. The reactor being completely mixed, the next step is file 3, where it is said that, because of the low soluble BOD5 concentration one must go to file 9, where we find a fast of filamentous microarganisms which may be responsible for the disturbance. Since two of these microorganisms are effectively present in the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), Microthrox parvicella and type 0092, we are invited to go to file 35, where it is stated that someone has already solved a similar problem by creating a modified contact zone to increase the substrats (organic matter) concentration around the microbiological flocs. The third filamentous microorganism is not identified in file 9. As a second possibility one may assume, in file 2. That the mixing is not complete, which is often the case. With the help of information and results of analyses already available, we proceed, through file 4, 14, 15 and 16, to file 20 where Thiothrixsp is included in the microorganisms listed. File 20 is linked to file 41, where it is said that the controlled addition of nitrogen in the plant influent has already been used to solve this type of problem.The critical path presented in this article is the result of an elaborate study. It may be used as a tool to identify the causes of bad biological flocs sedimentation in the secondary clarifier and select solutions that have already been used successfully

    Impact of Initial Spacing on Plantation Black Spruce Lumber Grade Yield, Bending Properties, and MSR Yield

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    For decades, initial spacing of 2 m X 2 m has been used for black spruce (Picea mariana) reforestation in eastern Canada. In recent years, however, wider spacings for black spruce are being advocated to reduce establishment costs and accelerate tree growth. Wider spacings will affect not only return on investment but also the quality of products from the plantations, both of which are critical to the success of reforestation programs. As part of a multidisciplinary project, this study evaluated and quantified the impact of initial spacing on lumber grade yield, bending properties, and MSR yield in this species. Furthermore, visual grades of the plantation-grown lumber were compared for their bending properties and their compliance to the current grade requirements for bending stiffness. A total of 139 sample trees were collected from 4 different spacings (3,086, 2,500, 2,066, 1,372 trees/ha) in a 48-year-old initial spacing trial, and 849 pieces of 2-in.-thick lumber from the 4 spacings were graded visually and tested for bending strength and stiffness.With decreasing initial stand density from 3,086 to 2,066 trees/ha, branch diameter showed a steady increase. However, the 3 higher stand densities (3,086, 2,500, and 2,066 trees/ha) had a comparable Select Structural (SS) grade yield thanks to the relatively small branches in this species. Lumber strength and stiffness in those 3 spacings were also quite comparable. When the initial stand density was further reduced to 1,372 tree/ha, however, a remarkable decrease in the SS grade yield due to knots occurred, and lumber strength and stiffness also decreased significantly. The real concern occurred when the plantation-grown lumber was compared to that from natural stands currently being processed in eastern Canada. On average, the plantation-grown black spruce lumber stiffness was 28.9% lower than that of lumber from the natural stands. As a result, a high percentage of the plantation-grown lumber did not meet the bending design values. However, the percentage of the compliance to the design values tended to increase with increasing initial stand density. This article discusses the possible causes for the significantly lower bending properties of the plantation-grown lumber, and potential solutions for increasing lumber properties and the percentage of the compliance

    A Kato type Theorem for the inviscid limit of the Navier-Stokes equations with a moving rigid body

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    The issue of the inviscid limit for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations when a no-slip condition is prescribed on the boundary is a famous open problem. A result by Tosio Kato says that convergence to the Euler equations holds true in the energy space if and only if the energy dissipation rate of the viscous flow in a boundary layer of width proportional to the viscosity vanishes. Of course, if one considers the motion of a solid body in an incompressible fluid, with a no-slip condition at the interface, the issue of the inviscid limit is as least as difficult. However it is not clear if the additional difficulties linked to the body's dynamic make this issue more difficult or not. In this paper we consider the motion of a rigid body in an incompressible fluid occupying the complementary set in the space and we prove that a Kato type condition implies the convergence of the fluid velocity and of the body velocity as well, what seems to indicate that an answer in the case of a fixed boundary could also bring an answer to the case where there is a moving body in the fluid

    Multi-scale spectrally resolved quantitative fluorescence imaging system: Towards neurosurgical guidance in glioma resection

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    In glioma resection surgery, the detection of tumour is often guided by using intraoperative fluorescence imaging notably with 5-ALA-PpIX, providing fluorescent contrast between normal brain tissue and the gliomas tissue to achieve improved tumour delineation and prolonged patient survival compared with the conventional white-light guided resection. However, the commercially available fluorescence imaging system relies on surgeon’s eyes to visualise and distinguish the fluorescence signals, which unfortunately makes the resection subjective. In this study, we developed a novel multi-scale spectrally-resolved fluorescence imaging system and a computational model for quantification of PpIX concentration. The system consisted of a wide-field spectrally-resolved quantitative imaging device and a fluorescence endomicroscopic imaging system enabling optical biopsy. Ex vivo animal tissue experiments as well as human tumour sample studies demonstrated that the system was capable of specifically detecting the PpIX fluorescent signal and estimate the true concentration of PpIX in brain specimen

    The Development and Implementation of ALIGN: A Multidimensional Program Designed to Enhance the Success of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Graduate Students in Communication Sciences and Disorders

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    The critical lack of racially and ethnically diverse healthcare professionals in the field of Communication Sciences & Disorders (CSD) in contrast to the increasing diversity of the U.S. population may contribute to healthcare disparities and negatively impact healthcare outcomes. It is therefore imperative for transformational programs and practices to be enacted to substantially increase the number of CSD professionals representing Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). As training institutions that graduate and contribute to the certification of CSD professionals, universities are fundamental for contributing to this change. Numerous barriers have been identified that limit the number of underrepresented minority students who matriculate in and graduate from speech-language pathology and audiology graduate programs. At Syracuse University, a group of academic and clinical CSD faculty developed a program to specifically address these barriers: the Academic Skill Building and Networking (ALIGN) program. ALIGN implements a multifaceted approach toward facilitating the success of CSD BIPOC graduate students through the integration of academic and professional skill building, peer mentoring and networking, and professional mentoring and networking into the program curriculum. This study described the rationale and development of the ALIGN program, and reported quantitative and qualitative survey results to determine the preliminary effects of this program on an inaugural cohort of ALIGN participants. Overall, quantitative and qualitative data indicated that ALIGN had a substantial, positive impact on academic skills relative to study habits, understanding difficult course concepts, and general learning, and provided crucial support and connection opportunities with fellow BIPOC students

    Phase III trial of valacyclovir for the prevention of shingles after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Blowup Criterion for the Compressible Flows with Vacuum States

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    We prove that the maximum norm of the deformation tensor of velocity gradients controls the possible breakdown of smooth(strong) solutions for the 3-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations, which will happen, for example, if the initial density is compactly supported \cite{X1}. More precisely, if a solution of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations is initially regular and loses its regularity at some later time, then the loss of regularity implies the growth without bound of the deformation tensor as the critical time approaches. Our result is the same as Ponce's criterion for 3-dimensional incompressible Euler equations (\cite{po}). Moreover, our method can be generalized to the full Compressible Navier-Stokes system which improve the previous results. In addition, initial vacuum states are allowed in our cases.Comment: 17 page