1,885 research outputs found

    Diode laser induced chemical vapor deposition of WSix on TiN from WF6 and SiH4

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    Presents a study that reported the development of a compact and inexpensive laser direct writing system for the deposition of tungsten and tungsten silicides using a 1 W diode laser array emitting at 796 nm. Reason for the difficulty to introduce laser processing in a manufacturing environment; Problems related to the use of diode lasers; Characteristics of the lines obtained in both static and dynamic reactors

    Influence of wind on crop canopy reflectance measurements

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    Remote sensing techniques of measuring red and far-red crop canopy reflectance are frequently used to estimate crop canopy characteristics. The variability introduced in reflectance data from nonvegetative factors such as wind decreases the usefulness of the techniques. The objective of this study was to quantify and minimize the variability from wind on spectral reflectances. Red and far-red reflectances were acquired above wheat, barley, and alfalfa canopies throughout days of changing wind conditions. Periods of 312 s with little changes in irradiance values were used for the analysis. Wind had negligible effect on reflectances of a short canopy such as cut alfalfa, while it had a significant effect on reflectances from canopies with a higher vertical structure, particularly during gusty conditions. Within the windy and calm periods, extreme values of spectral reflectance differed by 60% and 12%, respectively, in the red, and by 40% and 8% in the far-red for the barley canopy. For the compact and dense canopy structure of alfalfa, these differences reached a maximum of 10% under windy conditions in both spectral regions. The plant canopy architecture, the wind conditions, and the spectral regions all affected the magnitude of the influence of wind on crop canopy spectral reflectances. The mean reflectance of a canopy overestimated the true reflectance by 2–4% while the use of the median reduced this overestimation. Sampling requirements for this sensor are evaluated, and the possibility of decreasing either the sampling rate or the sampling period is discussed

    Sun-angle effects on the red and near infrared reflectances of five different crop canopies

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    The objective of this paper is to study relationships between dai/y variations in sun angles and red and near infrared reflectances measured throughout a growing season over different types of crop canopies. Five architecturally different crop canopies were planted: wheat (NNW-SSE rows 0.18 m and 0.35 m apart), barley (NNW-SSE rows 0.18 m apart), corn (NNWSSE rows 0.46 m apart), and sunflower (N-S rows 0.92 m apart). Each canopy was planted at three different densifies in order to add intraspecies variability. Spectral reflectances were measured with a sensor in the nadir position located on a ground platform. Changes in sun angles usually affected the red more than near infrared reflectances. Within each crop, the canopies with the lowest LAI a/ways showed the larges! variations in spectral reflectances. But among the crops, the importance of changing sun angles on crop canopy reflectances varied with the architecture of the canopy. Red reflectances collected over corn and sunflower at LAI of 6 were insensitive to changes in sun angles, while those collected above sunflower showed significant differences when LAI was around 4. The higher proportion of horizontal foliar area compared to the vertical one in corn canopies could account for this difference between the two crops, since a canopy with horizontal foliar distribution is a nearer approximation of a lambertian surface. The differences in row width and orientation could also explain some of these differences. Reflectances of wheat canopies planted with rows 0.35 m apart showed larger red reflectance variations within a day than those planted 0.17 m apart. The maximum red reflectances always appeared when the sun was in fine with row direction. The fact that most rapid variations in red reflectances were occurring around this particular time of the day also confirmed that there is a strong interaction between row direction and width with the position of the sun in the sky. The magnitude of the effect of the variations of sun angles on crop canopy spectral reflectances was shown to be dependent on the species, planting patterns, wavelength band, and sky conditions. Le présent article décrit une étude des relations entre les variations quotidiennes de l'angle du soleil ainsi que des réflectances dans le rouge et le proche infrarouge mesurées tout au long d'une saison de récolte sur différents types de couverts végétaux. Cinq couverts végétaux de structure différente ont été semés: blé (rangs NNO-SSE à intervalles de 0,18 et 0,35 mètres), orge (rangs NNO-SSE à intervalles de 0,18 mètre), maïs (rangs NNO-SSE à intervalles de 0,46 mètre) et tournesol (rangs N-S à intervalles de 0,92 mètre). Chaque couvert végétal a été semé à trois densités différentes de manière à pouvoir mesurer la variabilité au sein de chaque espèce. Les réflectances spectrales ont été mesurées à la position nadir à l'aide d'un capteur fixé à une plate-forme au sol. En général, les variations de l'angle du soleil touchaient davantage les réflectances dans le rouge que les réflectances dans le proche infrarouge. Pour chaque culture, les couverts ayant l'indice de surface foliaire (ISF) le moins élevé ont systématiquement donné la plus grande variation au niveau des réflectances spectrales. Par contre, entre les diverses cultures, la variation de l'angle du soleil sur les réflectances des couverts végétaux était fonction de la structure du couvert. Les réflectances rouges recueillies au-dessus du maïs et du tournesol avec un ISF de 6 étaient insensibles aux variations de l'angle du soleil, tandis que celles mesurées au-dessus des tournesols variaient substantiellement lorsque l'ISF était aux environs de 4. Cette différence entre les deux cultures peut s'expliquer par la présence d'une plus grande distribution foliaire horizontale comparativement à la surface verticale offerte par le couvert de maïs, puisqu'un couvert ayant une distribution foliaire horizontale se rapproche davantage d'une surface lambertienne. La différence dans la largeur et l'orientation des rangs pourrait aussi expliquer certaines de ces différences. Les couverts de blé semés en rangs à intervalles de 0,35 mètre ont donné des variations de réflectances dans le rouge plus grandes dans une journée que ceux semés à intervalles de 0,17 mètre. Les réflectances maximales dans le rouge se produisaient toujours lorsque le soleil était en ligne avec les rangs. Le fait que la plupart des variations rapides des réflectances dans le rouge se produisaient à ce moment particulier de la journée a aussi confirmé qu'il existe une forte corrélation entre la direction et la largeur des rangs et la position du soleil dans le ciel. Cette étude a démontré que l'ampleur de l'incidence des variations de l'angle du soleil sur les réflectances spectrales des couverts végétaux est fonction de l'espèce, du mode de semence, de la longueur d'ondes de la bande et des conditions du ciel

    The origin of the E+ transition in GaAsN alloys

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    Optical properties of GaAsN system with nitrogen concentrations in the range of 0.9-3.7% are studied by full-potential LAPW method in a supercell approach. The E+ transition is identified by calculating the imaginary part of the dielectric function. The evolution of the energy of this transition with nitrogen concentration is studied and the origin of this transition is identified by analyzing the contributions to the dielectric function from different band combinations. The L_1c-derived states are shown to play an important role in the formation of the E+ transition, which was also suggested by recent experiments. At the same time the nitrogen-induced modification of the first conduction band of the host compound are also found to contribute significantly to the E+ transition. Further, the study of several model supercells demonstrated the significant influence of the nitrogen potential on the optical properties of the GaAsN system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Multi-scale analysis of compressible viscous and rotating fluids

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    We study a singular limit for the compressible Navier-Stokes system when the Mach and Rossby numbers are proportional to certain powers of a small parameter \ep. If the Rossby number dominates the Mach number, the limit problem is represented by the 2-D incompressible Navier-Stokes system describing the horizontal motion of vertical averages of the velocity field. If they are of the same order then the limit problem turns out to be a linear, 2-D equation with a unique radially symmetric solution. The effect of the centrifugal force is taken into account

    Field spectrometer to measure percent ground coverage and leaf area index of agriculture crops

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    Measurement of percent ground cover (PGC) and leaf area index (LAI) are required for crop modelling, yield estimation and for ground truth data in remote sensing studies. An instrument which traverses on a track above a crop and continuously measures the ratio of incident and reflected radiation at various wavelengths was developed and tested. Spectral irradiance and reflectance measurements were made at four wavelengths (647.8, 675.5, 739.9, 790.4 nm) at eight stages of growth of wheat and barley for three crop densities. Data provided information on the relations between spectral properties at selected wavelength and leaf area expansion at different growth stages. The spectral data were highly correlated with leaf area index measurements

    Variations of crop canopy spectral reflectance measurements under changing sky conditions

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    The possibility of using reflectance data collected under both cloudy and sunny conditions is studied. Extrenle values of red and far-red reflectances measured directly over bare soil and crop canopies during intermittently cloudy conditions can differ by more than 100 percent and 60 percent, respectively. Eliminating the irradiance variations by using only data collected under sunny conditions reduced such variation to within 1 percent for bare soil and to within 8 percent and 20 percent for crop canopy red and far-red reflectances, respectively. In general, the reflectances measured under cloudy conditions with relatively constant irradiance values are constant and approximately 10 percent larger than the ones measured at similar sun angles during sunny conditions. This result is independent of the species and the spectral regions under study

    Effect of fallow frequency on soil water conservation in the semi-arid region of Saskatchewan

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe effects of fallow frequency on soil water conservation were quantified for a 40 yr (1967-2006) field experiment conducted on a medium textured Orthic Brown Chernozem (Aridic Haploboroll) in semiarid southwestern Saskatchewan, in which soil water contents were measured each year in early spring, shortly after harvest, and again just prior to freeze-up in the fall. The three treatments examined were continuous wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (Cont W) and fallow-wheat (F-W), each receiving N and P fertilizer and Cont W receiving only P. On average, 36 % of the precipitation received during the fall and winter months for Cont W (N+P) was conserved in the soil. In the summer fallow system (F-W (N+P)) a greater proportion (42 %) of the precipitation was conserved during the first fall and winter. During the second overwinter period, only 6 % of the precipitation received was conserved in the F-W system compared to 44 % in the first overwinter period. Compared to the 36% of fall and wither precipitation conserved in Cont W (N+P), inadequate N fertility (Cont W (+P)) resulted in only 27 % of the precipitation being conserved during this period. We developed equations that will allow estimation of water conserved as a function of precipitation received between harvest and seeding for F-W and Cont W (N+P. Trends in grain yield were fairly closely correlated with growing season precipitation and potential evapotranspiration
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