51 research outputs found

    The PeptideAtlas project

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    The completion of the sequencing of the human genome and the concurrent, rapid development of high-throughput proteomic methods have resulted in an increasing need for automated approaches to archive proteomic data in a repository that enables the exchange of data among researchers and also accurate integration with genomic data. PeptideAtlas (http://www.peptideatlas.org/) addresses these needs by identifying peptides by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), statistically validating those identifications and then mapping identified sequences to the genomes of eukaryotic organisms. A meaningful comparison of data across different experiments generated by different groups using different types of instruments is enabled by the implementation of a uniform analytic process. This uniform statistical validation ensures a consistent and high-quality set of peptide and protein identifications. The raw data from many diverse proteomic experiments are made available in the associated PeptideAtlas repository in several formats. Here we present a summary of our process and details about the Human, Drosophila and Yeast PeptideAtlas build

    The PeptideAtlas project

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    The completion of the sequencing of the human genome and the concurrent, rapid development of high-throughput proteomic methods have resulted in an increasing need for automated approaches to archive proteomic data in a repository that enables the exchange of data among researchers and also accurate integration with genomic data. PeptideAtlas () addresses these needs by identifying peptides by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), statistically validating those identifications and then mapping identified sequences to the genomes of eukaryotic organisms. A meaningful comparison of data across different experiments generated by different groups using different types of instruments is enabled by the implementation of a uniform analytic process. This uniform statistical validation ensures a consistent and high-quality set of peptide and protein identifications. The raw data from many diverse proteomic experiments are made available in the associated PeptideAtlas repository in several formats. Here we present a summary of our process and details about the Human, Drosophila and Yeast PeptideAtlas builds

    Analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome with PeptideAtlas

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    We present the Saccharomyces cerevisiae PeptideAtlas composed from 47 diverse experiments and 4.9 million tandem mass spectra. The observed peptides align to 61% of Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) open reading frames (ORFs), 49% of the uncharacterized SGD ORFs, 54% of S. cerevisiae ORFs with a Gene Ontology annotation of 'molecular function unknown', and 76% of ORFs with Gene names. We highlight the use of this resource for data mining, construction of high quality lists for targeted proteomics, validation of proteins, and software development

    Integration with the human genome of peptide sequences obtained by high-throughput mass spectrometry

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    A crucial aim upon the completion of the human genome is the verification and functional annotation of all predicted genes and their protein products. Here we describe the mapping of peptides derived from accurate interpretations of protein tandem mass spectrometry (MS) data to eukaryotic genomes and the generation of an expandable resource for integration of data from many diverse proteomics experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that peptide identifications obtained from high-throughput proteomics can be integrated on a large scale with the human genome. This resource could serve as an expandable repository for MS-derived proteome information

    Characterization of the Lysogeny DNA Module from the temperate Streptococcus thermophiles Bacteriophage φSfi21.

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    AbstractPhage φSfi21, the only temperateStreptococcus thermophilusphage from our phage collection, showed extensive DNA homology with virulent phages from lytic group I. Southern blot hybridizations demonstrated that the φSfi21-specific DNA was clustered in an approximately 6.6-kb-long region, the putative lysogeny module. Sequence analysis and database research identified an integrase within this module; orf 203 with homology to an anonymous orf 258 from the temperate lactococcal phage BK5-T; orf 127 and orf 122 with weak homology to the N- and C-terminal parts, respectively, of the cI-like repressor from lactococcal phages Tuc2009 and BK5-T; orf 75 with homology to a repressor protein from lambdoid phage 434 and an anti-repressorantwith homology to phage P1. The molecular arrangement of the predicted orfs in phage φSfi21 was very similar to that of the lactococcal phage BK5-T. The transition from φSfi21-specific DNA into DNA shared with virulent phages was abrupt and flanked at one side by notable DNA repeats. Sequence analysis identified a holin protein to the left of the lysogeny module. A site-specific deletion of 2.4 kb, which reproducibly transformed φSfi21 into a lytic phage, was localized in the lysogeny module. It was flanked at both sides by conspicuous DNA repeats. One repeat region reflected the DNA around theattPsite, while the other reflected the putative genetic switch region between repressor and anti-repressor genes.S. thermophilushost Sfi1 transformed with a plasmid containingintand orf 203 showed resistance to superinfection by heterologous phages, but not by the homologous φSfi21. Part of theintgene could be deleted without loss of this activity, while a deletion in orf 203 resulted in loss of the phage resistance. We speculate on the possibility of a bipartite immunity system for the control of lysogeny in φSfi21

    l-Alanine Auxotrophy of Lactobacillus johnsonii as Demonstrated by Physiological, Genomic, and Gene Complementation Approaches

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    Using a chemically defined medium without l-alanine, Lactobacillus johnsonii was demonstrated to be strictly auxotrophic for that amino acid. A comparative genetic analysis showed that all known genes involved in l-alanine biosynthesis are absent from the genome of L. johnsonii. This auxotrophy was complemented by heterologous expression of the Bacillus subtilis l-alanine dehydrogenase

    Comparison of the Lysogeny Modules from the TemperateStreptococcus thermophilusBacteriophages TP-J34 and Sfi21: Implications for the Modular Theory of Phage Evolution

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    AbstractA 7.6-kb DNA segment covering the putative lysogeny module of thepac-site-containing temperateStreptococcus thermophilusbacteriophage TP-J34 was sequenced. Sequence alignment with the lysogeny module from thecos-site-containingS. thermophilusbacteriophage φSfi21 revealed areas of high sequence conservation (e.g., over theintgene), interspersed with regions of low or no sequence similarity (e.g., over thecrogene). Four of the six sharp transition zones from high to low sequence conservation were found within open reading frames coding for the CI repressor, the Anti-repressor, the Immunity protein, and a protein of unknown function. The transition points in thecIandantgenes appear to separate gene segments coding for distinct functional domains of these proteins. In addition, these two transition points were located at or near the deletion sites observed in spontaneous phage φSfi21 deletion mutants, thus suggesting these transition points as recombinational hotspots. Furthermore, the sequence at the transition point in thecIgene resembles the attachment site of the phage, suggesting the involvement of the phage integrase in at least some of the exchange reactions. Contrary to the initial formulation of the modular theory of phage evolution the unit of the evolutionary exchange in streptococcal phages is not a group of functional genes, but can be as small as a single gene. Exchange reactions can also occur within genes, possibly between gene segments encoding distinct protein domains