38 research outputs found

    Implementation of using classification Data Mining Techniques for Software Cost Estimation

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    Cost estimation is one of the biggest problems faced by software industry. It is necessary to have accurate cost estimation in order to conduct well budget. Under-estimation may lead to unexpected increase in budget, delay of project completion or its low quality, while over-estimation may lead to losing business opportunities. In this dissertation the idea of building data mining techniques into existing software cost estimation model such as COCOMO II model is implemented. Data mining allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified

    Eye Disease Detection Using Computer Vision

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    Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy(DR) are among the leading causes of blindness. Belated handling of Cataract can impact the vision causing blindness. Often the scarcity of experts can lead to delayed diagnosis, resulting in untreatable conditions. But detection of these diseases at earliest stage and treatment can aid patient in avoiding vision loss. An automatic disease detection system can help this by providing accurate and early diagnosis. In proposed system, diagnosis will be obtained using image processing and mining techniques on fundus image. Feature extraction using DCT. K-NN classification algorithm will be used to classify the image in a specific class (Normal,Glaucoma,DR or Cataract)

    An Ant Colony Optimization based Routing Techniques for VANET

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    With number of moving vehicles, vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is formed. These are provided with the wireless connections. Among various challenges in the VANET such as security and privacy of the messages, data forwarding is also considered as a major challenge. The effective communication is mainly depends on the how safely and fast the data is being forwarded among the vehicles. Data forwarding using Greedy mechanism suitable for routing in the VANETs, it depends only on the position of nodes and also data forwarding is done with minimum number of hops. In this paper, Position based GPCR and topology based DYMO routing protocol are adapted to make the use of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) procedures. The resulting bio-inspired protocols, ACO_GPCR and ACO_DYMO had its performance evaluated and compared against existing GPCR and DYMO routing protocols. The obtained results suggest that making the use of ACO algorithm make these protocols more efficient in terms of Delay, Jitter, Packet Delivery Ratio and energy consumption

    Dynamic Policy Update on Cloud for File Access

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    In today’s era of digitalization everyone stores and access data online. Cloud computing has become prominent in data storage and access any where globally, but there is concern by data owners regarding data ownership. It is monotonous to assign access rights and simultaneously provide security in real time is a concern. To resolve this issue of access control in recent times Attribute based encryption method is widely preferred. One of the most popular method to handle access rights is by used is Attribute-based Encryption (ABE) method, the two ways for performing the implementation of ABE are ciphertext-policy and key-policy ABE. One of the widely practiced methods of safe communication is through cryptography. In this work we are proposing a method to handle access rights dynamically on the outlines of Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) scheme along with this we are using two symmetric encryption algorithm namely AES and Serpent for providing better security to the system. This work implements a new policy update method which helps to manage data access control in the dynamic policy update for data in the cloud storage. In this, same input key is utilized for the both encryption and decryption operation. Here two types of files are handled as an input such as Text file and image file. In experimental result, comparison of both algorithms is shown with the help of graphs with different parameters such as Time, Number of files, file size. And we have also shown the comparison of system having dynamic update policy and system with out in tabular form. We have also shown the comparative analysis of both algorithms that shows SERPENT encryption algorithm gives superior performance in Encryption

    CogState computerized memory tests in patients with brain metastases: Secondary endpoint results of NRG oncology RTOG 0933

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    Whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) is associated with memory dysfunction. As part of NRG Oncology RTOG 0933, a phase II study of WBRT for brain metastases that conformally avoided the hippocampal stem cell compartment (HA-WBRT), memory was assessed pre-and post-HA-WBRT using both traditional and computerized memory tests. We examined whether the computerized tests yielded similar findings and might serve as possible alternatives for assessment of memory in multi-institution clinical trials. Adult patients with brain metastases received HA-WBRT to 30 Gy in ten fractions and completed Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R), CogState International Shopping List Test (ISLT) and One Card Learning Test (OCLT), at baseline, 2 and 4 months. Tests’ completion rates were 52–53% at 2 months and 34–42% at 4 months. All baseline correlations between HVLT-R and CogState tests were significant (p B 0.003). At baseline, both CogState tests and one component of HVLT-R differentiated those who were alive at 6 months and those who had died (p B 0.01). At 4 months, mean relative decline was 7.0% for HVLT-R Delayed Recall and 18.0% for ISLT Delayed Recall. OCLT showed an 8.0% increase. A reliable change index found no significant changes from baseline to 2 and 4 months for ISLT Delayed Recall (z =-0.40, p = 0.34; z =-0.68, p = 0.25) or OCLT (z = 0.15, p = 0.56; z = 0.41, p = 0.66). Study findings support the possibility that hippocampal avoidance may be associated with preservation of memory test performance, and that these computerized tests also may be useful and valid memory assessments in multi-institution adult brain tumor trials

    Height, adiposity and body fat distribution and breast density in young women

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast density is one of the strongest risk factors for breast cancer, but determinants of breast density in young women remain largely unknown. METHOD: Associations of height, adiposity and body fat distribution with percent dense breast volume (%DBV) and absolute dense breast volume (ADBV) were evaluated in a cross-sectional study of 174 healthy women, 25-29 years old. Adiposity and body fat distribution were measured by anthropometry and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), while %DBV and ADBV were measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Associations were evaluated using linear mixed effects models. All tests of statistical significance are 2-sided. RESULTS: Height was significantly positively associated with %DBV but not ADBV; for each standard deviation (SD) increase in height, %DBV increased by 18.7% in adjusted models. In contrast, all measures of adiposity and body fat distribution were significantly inversely associated with %DBV; a SD increase in body mass index (BMI), percent fat mass, waist circumference and the android:gynoid fat mass ratio (A:G ratio) each was associated significantly with a 44.4% - 47.0% decrease in %DBV after adjustment for childhood BMI and other covariates. Although associations were weaker than for %DBV, all measures of adiposity and body fat distribution also were significantly inversely associated with ADBV before adjustment for childhood BMI. However, after adjustment for childhood BMI only the DXA measures percent fat mass and A:G ratio remained significant; a SD increase in each was associated with a 13.8% - 19.6% decrease in ADBV . In mutually adjusted analysis, percent fat mass and the A:G ratio remained significantly inversely associated with %DBV, but only the A:G ratio was significantly associated with ADBV; a SD increase in A:G ratio was associated with a 18.5% decrease in ADBV. CONCLUSIONS: Total adiposity and body fat distribution are independently inversely associated with %DBV, whereas in mutually adjusted analysis only body fat distribution (A:G ratio) remained significantly inversely associated with ADBV in young women. Research is needed to identify biological mechanisms underlying these associations