490 research outputs found

    Crisis Relacional sobre la idea absurda de amar y ser amados

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    Los conceptos de amor y relaciones han sido resignificados en nuestra cotidianidad debido a la dinámica contemporánea. La sociedad posmoderna tiene la necesidad de mantenerse “inter-conectada”, siempre y cuando esto no involucre un compromiso a largo plazo. El exceso de estímulos que se presentan a diario hace que las personas se introduzcan en un simulacro1 inagotable, despojándolas de su capacidad de análisis y de balance. No hay tiempo para generar críticas certeras, no hay tiempo para dedicárselo a otra persona, no hay tiempo para indagar en uno mismo, solo hay tiempo para gastarlo de manera incesante frente a la tecnología, solo hay tiempo para alimentarlo con segundos efímeros, vacíos de contenido. Aquello que vale en el mundo capitalista de hoy es la capacidad de producción a menor costo y tiempo posible. Si pensamos en el amor como una inversión constante de tiempo y compromiso, de manera inexorable, va a quedar fuera del panorama de prioridades de la sociedad actual

    Detection of Larval Aggregations Using a Drone Mounted Thermal Imaging Camera

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    When a body’s temperature reaches ambient temperature after death, remote detection of the body can become difficult. At this point, useful search tactics include the use of cadaver dogs, search parties and aerial imaging devices, all of which can be costly and time-consuming for every day law enforcement use. This study investigated the potential of a novel search technique in which a small, unmanned aerial system (drone) mounted with a forward-looking infrared radar (FLIR) was utilized to detect decomposing animal carcasses via the heat generated by associated Diptera larval aggregations. Hot water baths were utilized as analogs for larval aggregations in order to simulate varying conditions that could be encountered during a search and recovery mission, such as different sized aggregations and varying differences in temperature between aggregations and the environment. Animal carcasses were also utilized to determine the effectiveness of this search technique within the Connecticut region based on the formation of larval aggregations and the associated detection of the carcass on the days following its placement. While this research demonstrated that a thermal drone could successfully detect larval aggregations associated with a decomposing carcass, it also demonstrated that there are limitations to when or how this technique can be implemented during a search and recovery mission. An increase in drone height limited the capability of detection due to the masking of the hot water analog’s and carcass’s thermal signature by the surrounding environment, with a smaller heat source experiencing greater masking effects. Detection and accurate location of larval aggregations was also more likely to occur when there was minimal wind and sunlight at the time of deployment, and when ambient temperature was ideal for larval growth and development. Ultimately, the successful detection of larval aggregations was dependent upon the ability of the drone operator to understand how these factors can affect detection and how to adjust search parameters to optimize the success of this search technique

    Study of new design of lightweight structures for maximizing first eigenvalues

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    Structural optimization and design of lightweight structures is a crucial field of study in the aeronautical industry, especially in the transition towards greener ways of transport. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the buckling optimizing problem of a clampedclamped beam. The aim is to maximize the load at which the column begins to bend, which can be regarded as an eigenvalues problem, where the first eigenvalue is the critical buckling load and the eigenvectors are the buckling modes. This optimization problem is solved using a object-oriented code developed inside the Swan framework, using pre-implemented algorithms, namely the fmincon and MMA optimizers within Swan. Based on previous works in the field, which were focused on the circular cross-section column, in this thesis new column cross-sections are proposed and studied, such as the rectangular section and the circular section with an inner hole. The obtained results are analysed using a sensitivity study to assess the influence of different initial parameters

    Russian hegemony in the CIS region: an examination of Russian influence and of variation in consent and dissent by CIS states to regional hierarchy

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    This thesis studies variation in Russian hegemony in the post-Soviet region. The concept of changing hegemony is used as a starting point to examine how regional hierarchy has changed in the post-Soviet period. Russian hegemony tightens and loosens depending on the time, territory and type of power logic being exercised. This systemic condition characterised by change arises not only because the way that Russia exercises its power changes, but also because the responses of the other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to that power fluctuate. Depending on the consent and dissent shown by the other CIS countries to the attenuation of their sovereignty, Russia’s regional hegemony either grows or lessens in intensity. This study uncovers dissent from those who do not fit within or are unprepared to adapt to the status quo of hegemony, and consent from those who accept diminishing sovereignty. Thus, hegemonies in the context of this study are characterised by regular and open-ended dialogue between states that remain independent enough to constantly negotiate the system through their consent and dissent to hierarchy. In making these claims, this study examines concepts such as sovereignty, hierarchy and legitimacy in the context of the CIS region as well as key developments in the CIS region. Specifically, it makes conclusions on how regional hierarchy around Russia is perpetuated, the factors that determine the extent of that hegemony, how bilateral and group relationships have developed between other CIS countries and Russia, and how the CIS system of states is best classified at different periods in time

    Capital flows to developing countries and terms of trade shocks

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    Fil: Barone, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Descalzi, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.This paper studies the relationship between FDI inflows and terms-of-trade shocks. We examine the existing literature related to the "Lucas Paradox", and analyze theoretically how a terms-of-trade shock would impact on less developed economies. We apply a xed eects generalized least squares regression framework to regress FDI inflows on terms-of-trade shock alongside other control variables. We find that for the group of "developing" economies the estimated coecient of shocks to TOT are lower than that estimated for the group of advanced" economies. Then, less developed economies do not take advantage of positive global cycles because they are investment-constrained economies.Este trabajo estudia la relación entre los flujos de entrada de inversión externa directa ("FDI inflows") y los términos de intercambio. Se examina la literatura existente sobre la denominada "Paradoja de Lucas", y se analiza teóricamente el impacto de los shocks en los términos de intercambio en las economías menos desarrolladas. Se aplica una regresión de mínimos cuadrados generalizados con efectos fijos, utilizando como variable dependiente a los "FDI inflows"; los términos de intercambio actúan como variable independiente. Entonces, los países en desarrollo no aprovecharían completamente los ciclos globales positivos, dado que se trata de economías con restricciones para invertir.www.bcu.gub.uyFil: Barone, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Descalzi, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Economía, Econometrí

    Cómo influye el juego en el aprendizaje

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    The goal of this project is to find out if the usage of various plays and games has a positive influence in the school learning process. I gathered information about the history of the games and also about authors who have conceived games not only as recreational but as an additional learning tool. Also, I did a case study in a school in the city of Quito. In the 5th Grade Science class, I compared notes, performances, and conduct of the fourth module, versus the notes, performance and conduct of the fifth module which already had the intervention of the game as a learning procedure. Through the time that the research lasted I focused on the observation of the class module and the modules of intervention, the results were positive: scores increased noticeably using game as a study method. Again, this was short investigation, which cannot ensure us that the outcomes have been 100% influenced by the game or any other external feature.Este proyecto tiene cómo objetivo demostrar sí el juego influye de forma positiva en el aprendizaje. Se recopiló información de la historia del juego, así cómo autores que ven el juego de una manera diferente a la lúdica, cómo una herramienta más para el aprendizaje. Se hizo un estudio de caso en un colegio de la ciudad de Quito, de quinto de básica, en la clase de ciencias naturales; comparamos las notas de rendimiento y conducta del cuarto módulo, versus las notas de rendimiento y conducta del quinto módulo él cual ya tuvo la intervención del juego cómo metodología de aprendizaje. El tiempo que duró la investigación fue observación de un módulo de clases y un módulo de intervención. Los resultados fueron favorables para la investigación ya que las notas subieron después de usar el juego cómo método de estudio. Es una investigación corta, la cual no puede asegurar que los resultados hayan sido 100% influenciados por el juego o hayan afectado otros factores

    Assessing the short and medium term response of monetary shocks in Argentina

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    Monetary shocks generated by a monetary authority financing fiscal deficits cause a number of impacts on various economic variables, particularly on exchange and inflation rate. And while inflation is not an aspect which constitutes a serious concern in the world, it really is in Argentina, primarily from 2006 when the country returned to experiencing high rates of price changes. This was what led us to find the determinants of inflation in the long run (see Descalzi and Neder, 2015). Assessing the assumptions related to a cash-in-advance model for a small open economy with seigniorage and following McCandless (2008), we found a long run relationship between inflation, money issuing, nominal exchange rate and fiscal deficit, meaning that inflation, nominal exchange rate and the government imbalances are driven by the same trend. In this paper, being more interested in short run, we deepen the understanding on the inflationary process in Argentina during the period Q1 2004- Q2 2015 by adjusting the impulse response functions to evaluate the time along which the inflation rate attains its steady-state level after a monetary shock occurs. We use quarterly data.Este trabajo analiza el comportamiento de una economía pequeña y abierta tomando como base un modelo "cash-In-Advance" con Señoreaje. La hipótesis planteada es que las autoridades económicas tienden a financiar déficits fiscales mediante la emisión de dinero, lo que genera inflación y una caída del tipo de cambio real. Utilizando datos trimestrales para el período 2004-2015 calculamos las funciones impulso-respuesta para evaluar el número de períodos que tardan las principales variables económicas alcanzar su nuevo nivel de estado estacionario.https://aaep.org.ar/anales/works/works2016/descalzi.pdfFil: Descalzi, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Neder, Ángel Enrique. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Economía, Econometrí

    Financing fiscal deficits. Intertemporal approach under different exchange rate regimes

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    Financing fiscal deficits implies different effects on economic variables, particularly depending on the instrument used to fund those deficits. If these economic measures do not generate impacts on welfare, they would not be of concern. But, undoubtedly, they do provoke them. And, in the special case of Argentina, the main concern is focused on the impacts of inflation, which can deteriorate the real income of families and, consequently, their welfare. Additionally, the impacts would be different considering the exchange rate regime that is being applied. Using a cash-in-advance model (which consists on holdings of foreign exchange in advance) for a small open economy with seigniorage and following McCandless (2008) and Descalzi and Neder (2015 and 2016), we found a long run relationship between inflation, money issuing,nominal exchange rate and fiscal deficit, meaning that inflation, nominal exchange rate and the government imbalances are driven by the same trend.In this paper, we emphasize the impacts using different exchange rate regimes (fixed and flexible exchange rate).La financiación de los déficit fiscales genera diversos efectos sobre las variables económicas, particularmente dependiendo del instrumento utilizado. Si las medidas económicas no generaran impactos en el bienestar, no resultarían de interés pero, indudablemente, sí los provocan. En el caso de Argentina, la principal preocupación está enfocada en los impactos que tiene la inflación, la cual deteriora el ingreso real de las familias y, consecuentemente, su bienestar. El régimen cambiario que exista también influye. Utilizando un modelo “cash-in-advance” (el cual consiste en tenencias de divisas por anticipado) para una economía pequeña y abierta con señoreaje y siguiendo a McCandless (2008) y Descalzi y Neder (2015 y 2016), encontramos una relación de largo plazo entre inflación, emisión monetaria, tipo de cambio nominal y déficit fiscal, enfatizando los impactos mediante el uso de diferentes regímenes cambiarios (tipo de cambio fijo y flexible).Fil: Descalzi, Ricardo Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Neder, Ángel Enrique. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Economía, Econometrí