555 research outputs found

    Isotope analysis in central heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies

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    Symmetry energy is a key quantity in the study of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter. Heavy ion collisions at low and intermediate energies, performed at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, can be used to extract information on the symmetry energy coefficient Csym, which is currently poorly known but relevant both for astrophysics and for structure of exotic nuclei.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB7), to be published in The European Physical Journal

    Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra

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    Howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites likely come from asteroid 4 Vesta [1]. Howardites - physical mixtures of eucrites and diogenites - are of two subtypes: regolithic howardites were gardened in the true regolith; fragmental howardites are simple polymict breccias [2]. The Dawn spacecraft imaged the howarditic surface of Vesta with the visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) resulting in qualitative maps of the distributions of distinct diogenite-rich and eucrite-rich terranes [3, 4]. We are developing a robust basis for quantitative mapping of the distribution of lithologic types using spectra acquired on splits of well-characterized howardites [5, 6]. Spectra were measured on sample powders sieved to <75 m in the laboratories of the Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali and Brown University. Data reduction was done using the methods developed to process Dawn VIR spectra [4]. The band parameters for the ~1 and ~2 m pyroxene absorption features (hereafter BI and BII) can be directly compared to Dawn VIR results. Regolithic howardites have shallower BI and BII absorptions compared to fragmental howardites with similar compositions. However, there are statistically significant correlations between Al or Ca contents and BI or BII center wavelengths regardless of howardite subtype. Diogenites are poor in Al and Ca while eucrites are rich in these elements. The laboratory spectra can thus be directly correlated with the percentage of eucrite material contained in the howardites. We are using these correlations to quantitatively map Al and Ca distributions, and thus the percentage of eucritic material, in the current regolith of Vesta

    A SOA web-based group decision support system considering affective aspects

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    The topic of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) has been studied over the last decades. Supporting decision-makers that participate in group decision-making processes is a complex task, especially when decision-makers have no opportunity to gather at the same place and at the same time. In this work, we propose a Web based Group Decision Support System (WebGDSS) which intends to support decision-makers anywhere, anytime and through almost any kind of devices. Our system was developed under a SOA architecture and we used a multi criteria algorithm that features decision-makers’ cognitive aspects, as well as a component of generation of intelligent reports to feedback the results of decision-making processes to the decision-makers.This work was supported by GECAD - Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) with the João Carneiro Ph.D. Grant with the Reference SFRH/BD/89697/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Regolith of 4 Vesta: Perspectives from Howardite Meteorites and Dawn Mission Observations

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    4 Vesta is the largest asteroid with a basaltic surface, the only surviving differentiated asteroid recording igneous processes from the earliest phase of solar system history. The Dawn spacecraft is in orbit about Vesta pursuing a campaign of high resolution imaging and visible and infrared spectrometry of the surface; compositional mapping by gamma-ray and neutron spectrometry will follow. Vesta is heavily cratered with a surface covered by impact debris, a regolith. One important goal of the Dawn mission is to develop an understanding of regolith processes that are affecting this surface debris. Regolith characteristics are a record of interaction with the environment (e.g., impactors, dust, solar wind, galactic cosmic-rays) and give evidence of surface processes (down-gravity movement, etc.). Regolith mineralogy and composition reflect the local bedrock, with influences from regional and global mixing. Understanding regolith processes will aid in determining the lithology of underlying crust. Vesta is most likely the parent asteroid of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites. Eucrites are intrusive and extrusive mafic rocks composed mostly of ferroan low-Ca clinopyroxene and calcic plagioclase, while diogenites are cumulate magnesian orthopyroxenites. Magmatism occurred within a few million years of the formation of the solar system and then ceased. Impacts into the igneous crust produced the howardites - polymict breccias composed of mineral and lithic debris derived mostly from eucrites and diogenites. Some howardites are true regolith breccias formed by lithification of extensively impact-gardened surface debris. However, howardites have a number of significant petrologic and compositional differences from mature lunar regolith breccias and soils reflecting the different environment around Vesta compared to that at 1 AU. The most significant differences are the higher impactor flux with a lower mean impact velocity and the lower gravity. As a result, regolith processes on Vesta differ in detail from those on the Moon. Laboratory study of howardites and orbital investigation of Vesta will allow for development of robust models of regolith formation on hand sample to multi-kilometer scales

    Mesosiderites on Vesta: A Hyperspectral VIS-NIR Investigation

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    The discussion about the mesosiderite origin is an open issue since several years. Mesosiderites are mixtures of silicate mineral fragments or clasts, embedded in a FeNi metal matrix. Silicates are very similar in mineralogy and texture to howardites [1]. This led some scientists to conclude that mesosiderites could come from the same parent parent asteroid of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites [2, 3]. Other studies found a number of differences between HEDs and mesosiderite silicates that could be explained only by separate parent asteroids [4]. Recently, high precision oxygen isotope measurements of m esosiderites silicate fraction were found to be isotopically identical to the HEDs, requiring common parent body, i.e. 4 Vesta [5]. Another important element in favor of a common origin was given by the identification of a centimeter-sized mesosiderite clast in a howardite (Dar al Gani 779): a metal-rich inclusion with fragments of olivine, anorthite, and orthopyroxene plus minor amounts of chromite, tridymite, and troilite [6]. The Dawn mission with its instruments, the Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR) [7], the Framing Camera [8] and the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) [9] confirmed that Vesta has a composition fully compatible with HED meteorites [10]. We investigate here the possibility to discern mesosiderite rich locations on the surface of Vesta by means of hyperspectral IR images

    Post coital aortic dissection: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sudden onset peri- or post-coital cardiovascular disease is well documented in the literature including myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolus and subarachnoid haemorrhage. The occurrence of aortic dissection in this setting has been reported only once previously.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 47 year old man who developed sudden onset right leg pain during coitus. This was initially believed to be neurological due to nerve impingement but an MRI failed to identify a prolapse. On further review after 6 weeks, pulses were noted to be absent in the patient's right leg and an urgent vascular review with investigation identified a dissection of the aorta which was subsequently successfully treated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case illustrates a rare presentation of aortic dissection and demonstrates the importance of a thorough vascular assessment in the presence of sudden onset limb pain.</p

    Dawn and the Vesta-HED Connection

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    Although it is difficult to explain exactly how eucrites and diogenites are related through simple magmatic processes, their shared oxygen isotopic compositions and the common occurrence of clasts of both lithologies in howardite breccias support derivation from a common parent body. For decades, HED meteorites have been linked to asteroid 4 Vesta, based on spectral similarities [1] and the discovery of a dynamical family (Vestoids) that provides a bridge between Vesta and nearby resonance escape hatches [2]. Although recently derived constraints on the rapidity of HED parent body differentiation, based on measurements of Al-26 in diogenites, have been used to argue against the Vesta-HED connection [3], new thermal evolution models [e.g., 4] appear to be heated and melted fast enough to account for this constraint. Data from the Dawn orbiter strengthen the Vesta - HED linkage and provide new insights into petrogenetic interpretations of these meteorites

    Analysis of Temperature Maps of Selected Dawn Data Over the Surface of Vesta

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    The thermal behavior of areas of unusual albedo at the surface of Vesta can be related to physical properties that may provide some information about the origin of those materials. Dawn s Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR) [1] hyperspectral cubes can be used to retrieve surface temperatures. Due to instrumental constraints, high accuracy is obtained only if temperatures are greater than 180 K. Bright and dark surface materials on Vesta are currently investigated by the Dawn team [e.g., 2 and 3 respectively]. Here we present temperature maps of several local-scale features that were observed by Dawn under different illumination conditions and different local solar times

    Comparison of Observed Surface Temperatures of 4 Vesta to the KRC Thermal Model

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    In this work, we will compare ob-served temperatures of the surface of Vesta using data acquired by the Dawn [1] Visible and Infrared Map-ping Spectrometer (VIR-MS) [2] during the approach phase to model results from the KRC thermal model. High thermal inertia materials, such as bedrock, resist changes in temperature while temperatures of low thermal inertia material, such as dust, respond quickly to changes in solar insolation. The surface of Vesta is expected to have low to medium thermal inertia values, with the most commonly used value being extremely low at 15 TIU [4]. There are several parameters which affect observed temperatures in addition to thermal inertia: bond albedo, slope, and surface roughness. In addition to these parameters, real surfaces are rarely uniform monoliths that can be described by a single thermal inertia value. Real surfaces are often vertically layered or are mixtures of dust and rock. For Vesta's surface, with temperature extremes ranging from 50 K to 275 K and no atmosphere, even a uniform monolithic surface may have non-uniform thermal inertia due to temperature dependent thermal conductivity