41 research outputs found

    Achieving asthma control in low-middle-income countries: Why it is important?

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    Pattern of respiratory diseases seen among adults in an emergency room in a resource-poor nation health facility

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    Background: There is a paucity of information on utilisation of emergency medical services in Nigeria. This study was conducted to determine the pattern of respiratory diseases seen among adults in an emergency room(ER) and their mortality within twenty- four hours in a health facility in Nigeria. Methods: We carried out a retrospective study on adult patients that presented with respiratory condition from November 2004 to December 2010 at the emergency room of Federal Medical Centre Ido-Ekiti, south western, Nigeria. Results: A total of 3671 cases were seen, 368 were respiratory cases accounting for 10.2 % of the total emergency room visitations. The male to female patients ratio was 1.2:1 and their mean was 49 9 ± 20.3 years. Pneumonia (34.5%) was the most common cases seen in the ER, followed PTB (29.4%), acute asthma (24.5%) , acute exacerbation of COPD (10.3%), upper airway tract obstruction and malignant pleural effusion were 0.5% respectively. Fourteen of the PTB cases (3.8%) were complicated by cor-pulmonale, 9(2.5%) by pleural effusion, 4(1.1%) by massive haemoptysis and 2(0.5%) by pneumothorax. Twenty-four hours mortality was 7.4% and 44.4% of the death was due to PTB, 37.0% was due to pneumonia and 14.8% due to acute asthma attack. The overall mortalities also had a bimodal age group distribution as the highest death was recorded in ages 30-39 and ≥70 years. Conclusion: Pneumonia and PTB were the leading respiratory diseases among adults causing of emergency room visit and early mortality in this health facility in Nigeria.Key words: Disease pattern, Respiratory Disease, Resource-poor country, Emergency Room, Nigeri

    Bronchoscopy in Nigerian Clinical Practice: A Survey of Medical Doctors’ Perception, Use and Associated Challenges

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    BACKGROUND: Bronchoscopy is a vital diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in pulmonological practice. The aim of this study was to determine the perception, use and challenges encountered by Nigerian medical doctors involved in this procedure.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 250 medical doctors recruited from three major tertiary institutions in Nigeria between September 2013 and June 2014. A semi-structured questionnaire was self-administered to adult physicians, paediatricians, and surgeons as well as their trainees to obtain their perception, use and associated challenges in the use of bronchoscopy in clinical practice.RESULTS: The majority (91.6%) of the respondents perceived bronchoscopy as a beneficial procedure to respiratory medicine. However, 59.2% of them were not aware of the low mortality rate associated with this procedure. The commonest indications for bronchoscopic use were foreign body aspiration (88.8%) and management of lung tumors (75.6%). Only 21 (8.4%) of the respondents had received formal training in bronchoscopy. Very few procedures (1-5 cases per month) were performed. The respondents identified the lack of formal training in the art of bronchoscopy as the foremost challenge facing its practice in Nigeria. In addition, availability of bronchoscopes, level of awareness, knowledge of the procedure among medical doctors and the cost of the procedure were the challenges faced by the medical doctors.CONCLUSION: There is an urgent need to equip training centers with modern bronchoscopic facilities. In addition,well-structured bronchoscopic training programme is imperative to enhance the trainees’ proficiency for the furtherance of bronchoscopic practice.KEYWORDS: Bronchoscopy, Nigeria, Respiratory medicine, Interventional pulmonology, Trainin

    Impact of Operational Definitions on the Predictors and Prevalence of Asthma Estimates: Experience from a University Students’ Survey and Implications for Interpretation of Disease Burden

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    BACKGROUND: Inconsistent operational definitions during asthma surveillance can lead to inaccurate estimation of disease burden and formulation of health policy. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of different definitions on the prevalence estimates and predictors of asthma among university students in Ilorin, Nigeria. The secondary aim was to compare level of agreement of the different definitions.METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out from June to August 2015. The European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaire was self administered by 1485 students. Asthma diagnosis was based on five definitions used in previous studies in the country. These were ECRHS, International Study of Asthma, Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), Probable, Modified ECRHS and Modified Probable asthma definitions.RESULTS: The prevalence rates varied from 10.4 to 24.1% depending on the definition. Prevalence obtained by using ECRHS definition significantly differed from estimates by other definitions (Z score ≥ 1.96 p<0.0001) except modified probable asthma. Identified predictors of asthma varied from five to six depending on the definition, and their strength also differed by definition. Regardless of the definition, reported nasal allergy, skin allergy, family history of nasal allergy, asthma and parental smoking were the predictors of asthma. The Kappa statistics demonstrated a fair to almost perfect association between the ECRHS and other asthma definitions (Kappa = 0.334-0.841, p < 0.001).CONCLUSION: The prevalence rates and predictors of asthma are affected by operational definitions. Researchers need to adopt a uniform definition for accurate estimation of disease burden, international comparison of result and formulation of prevention policy.

    A community survey of the pattern and determinants of household sources of energy for cooking in rural and urban south western, Nigeria

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    Introduction:The use of solid fuels for cooking is associated with indoor pollution and lung diseases. The objective of the study was to determine the pattern and determinants of household sources of energy for cooking in rural and urban South Western, Nigeria. Methods: We conducted a cross sectional study of households in urban (Ado-Ekiti) and rural (Ido-Ekiti) local council areas from April to July 2010. Female respondents in the households were interviewed by trained interviewers using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: A total of 670 households participated in the study. Majority of rural dwellers used single source of energy for cooking (55.6%) and urban dwellers used multiple source of energy (57.8%). Solid fuel use (SFU) was higher in rural (29.6%) than in urban areas (21.7%). Kerosene was the most common primary source of energy for cooking in both urban and rural areas (59.0% vs.66.6%) followed by gas (17.8%) and charcoal (6.6%) in the urban areas, and firewood (21.6%) and charcoal (7.1%) in the rural areas. The use of solid fuel was strongly associated with lack of ownership of dwellings and larger household size in urban areas, and lower level of education and lower level of wealth in the rural areas. Kerosene was associated with higher level of husband education and modern housing in urban areas and younger age and indoor cooking in rural areas. Gas was associated with high income and modern housing in the urban areas and high level of wealth in rural areas. Electricity was associated with high level of education, availability of electricity and old age in urban and rural areas respectively. Conclusion: The use of solid fuel is high in rural areas, there is a need to reduce poverty and improve the use of cleaner source of cooking energy particularly in rural areas and improve lung health. Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:

    Identifying patients at high risk for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in Nigeria: A multicentre observational study

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea is associated with significant health consequences. A significant proportion of hospitalized patients at risk for obstructive sleep apnoea were never identified and referred for polysomnography for diagnosis. The objective of this study was to determine the factors associated with high risk for obstructive sleep apnoea and use it to identify patients at risk for the condition in tertiary hospitals in Nigeria.Methods: This was a multicentre observational study of adult patients hospitalized in three selected hospitals from 15th January to 17th March 2015. Berlin questionnaire and Epworth sleepiness scale were used to assess for obstructive sleep apnoea risk and excessive daytime sleepiness respectively. Additional questions on traditional risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea were also obtained.Results: Nine hundred and twenty-six patients were recruited into the study. Respondents’ mean age was 44.3 years ± 15.2years, 486 (52.5%) were females and 556 (60.0%) had one or more medical co-morbidity and none of the patients had a previous diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea. Factors that were independently associated with high risk for obstructive sleep apnoea include systemic hypertension(aOR-10.33;95%: CI 6.42-16.61), obesity(aOR-7.87;95% CI: 4.33-14.29); excessive daytime sleepiness (aOR-3.77;95% CI:2.28-6.22), tobacco smoking (aOR-2.99;95% CI: 1.76-5.07), snoring in a first-degree relative (aOR-1.83;95% CI: 1.19-2.81); and the use of sedative (aOR-1.82;95% CI: 1.06-3.15).Conclusions: This study shows that patients with systemic hypertension, obesity, excessive daytime sleepiness, history of smoking, snoring in a firstdegree relative and use of sedatives are at high risk of obstructive sleep apnoea. None of the patients at high risk had a previous diagnosis of sleep apnoea by a physician, highlighting the diagnostic challenges of this condition. The results of this study will assist health care professionals in early identification of individuals at risk of obstructive sleep apnoea and subsequent referral for a sleep study

    Prevalence, awareness and reporting of symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea among hospitalized adult patients in Nigeria: A multicenter study

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea is the most common form of sleep- disordered breathing in adults and children. It is associated with many adverse  health consequences. The objectives this study were to determine the prevalence, awareness and reporting of symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea among  hospitalized adult patients in Nigeria.Methods: This was a multicenter cross-sectional study involving 1420 adult patients admitted to general medical and surgical wards of selected hospitals from March to April 2013. A questionnaire embedded with Berlin questionnaire, Epworth sleepiness scale and questions on level of awareness and reporting of symptoms of sleep apnoea was used for data collection.Results: One-third of the patients (33.4%) reported snoring, 16.3% had excessive daytime sleepiness, 10.0% experienced daytime fatigue, and 8.0% experienced  drowsy driving. Approximately 5% reported witnessed apnoea and 18.0% had high risks for obstructive sleep apnoea. The frequency of high risk for sleep apnoea  increased with age and declined after 65 years and also increased with the body  mass index. Snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness and high risk for obstructive  sleep apnoea were more common in patients with chronic medical conditions and  who were admitted to the urban hospitals. The majority were not aware that snoring (77.3%) and excessive daytime sleepiness (65.8%) constitute a medical problem, and only 4.5% reported these symptoms to their doctors.Conclusions: The level of awareness and under-reporting of sleep apnoea symptoms are poor. The high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea symptoms from this study should form the basis for screening hospitalized patients with chronic medical condition across the country.Keywords: Obstructive sleep apnoea, Nigeria, Snoring, Prevalence, Awareness, Under-reportin

    Knowledge and use of asthma control measurement tools in the management of asthma: a survey of doctors working in family and internal medicine practice in Nigeria.

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    Objective: To investigate the knowledge and use of asthma control measurement (ACM) tools in the management of asthma among doctors working in family and internal medicine practice in Nigeria. Method: A questionnaire based on the global initiative on asthma (GINA) guideline was self-administered by 194 doctors. It contains 12 test items on knowledge of ACM tools and its application. The knowledge score was obtained by adding the correct answers and classified as good if the score 65 9, satisfactory if score was 6-8 and poor if < 6. Results: The overall doctors knowledge score of ACM tools was 4.49\ub12.14 (maximum of 12). Pulmonologists recorded the highest knowledge score of 10.75\ub11.85. The majority (69.6%) had poor knowledge score of ACM tools. Fifty (25.8%) assessed their patients\u2019 level of asthma control and 34(17.5%) at every visit. Thirty-nine (20.1%) used ACM tools in their consultation, 29 (15.0%) of them used GINA defined control while 10 (5.2 %) used asthma control test (ACT). The use of the tools was associated with pulmonologists, having attended CME within six months and graduated within five years prior to the survey. Conclusion: The results highlight the poor knowledge and use of ACM tools and the need to address the knowledge gap

    Clinical utility of serum procalcitonin in adult patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Objectives: The usefulness of biomarkers in community acquired pneumonia (CAP) has been under the research light with limited reports from Africa. This study aimed at evaluating the clinical usefulness of serum procalcitonin (PCT) in patients admitted with CAP in a tertiary hospital in Ilorin, Nigeria.Materials and Methods: This was prospective single center observational study of 102 admitted patients with clinical and radiologic features of CAP. All the patients had serum PCT assay, complete blood count, blood culture, sputum microbiology, and serological evaluation for atypical pathogens. Repeat PCT assay was done following 1 week of antibiotic therapy. The patients were classified into one of two diagnostic groups: Those with microbiologically confirmed bacterial CAP and those without bacterial CAP.Results: Over half (58/102; 56.8%) of the patients had microbiologically confirmed bacterial CAP. The baseline serum PCT concentrations were significantly higher in patients with bacterial CAP when compared to the non-bacterial CAP group (2.55 ± 0.14 vs. 0.94 ± 0.61 ng/ml; P < 0.001). There was also a statistically significant difference between the pre- and post-treatment serum PCT concentrations in the bacterial CAP group (P < 0.001) and the non-bacterial CAP group (P = 0.006). The area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) for pre-treatment PCT in diagnosing bacterial CAP was 0.795 (95% confidence level [CI]: 0.709–0.881) with a sensitivity of 67.2% and specificity of 79.5% at an optimal cutoff of 1.5 ng/ml. Overall, the biomarker was independently associated with white cell counts >10 × 109/L (AOR = 6.28; 95% CI: 1.30–30.32, P = 0.02). The baseline mean serum PCT levels were also significantly higher in patients admitted for 7 or more days (P = 0.010).Conclusion: Serum PCT had good diagnostic strength in patients admitted with bacterial CAP in Ilorin. The biomarker can also assist clinicians with predicting the pathogenic group and monitoring clinical progress of CAP

    The prescribing of generic medicines in Nigeria : knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of physicians

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    Generic medicines have the same efficacy and safety as originators at lower prices. However, there are concerns with their utilization in Nigeria. Evaluate physicians’ understanding and perception of generics. Questionnaire among physicians working in tertiary healthcare facilities in four geo-political regions of Nigeria. Response was 74.3% (191/257) among mainly males (85.9%). The mean knowledge score regarding generics was 5.3 (maximum of 9) with 36.6%, 36.1% and 27.2% having poor, average and good knowledge respectively. Cross-tabulation showed statistical significance (P = 0.047) with the duration of practice but not with position, subspecialty or sex. The majority did not agree that generic medicines are of lower quality than branded medicines. Therapeutic failure was a major concern in 82.7%, potentially discouraging prescribing of generics. Majority (63.9%) did not support generic substitution by pharmacists. Knowledge gaps were identified especially with the perception of generics. These need to be addressed