14 research outputs found

    Analysis of Science Teachers' Understanding of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and Their Implementation in Learning

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    This study aims to analyze and describe data on the understanding of YAPNUSDA elementary school teachers of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and their implementation in learning. This study is a descriptive study that describes HOTS's understanding of the teacher and its implementation in learning. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that in general the data obtained is that the teachers in the study location schools do not yet understand about HOTS. They can't even explain the definition of HOTS. The lack of understanding of HOTS certainly has an impact on the implementation of HOTS in the tools for assessing learning performance, including the exam questions jointly prepared by the editorial team. The most frequently cited reason that also hinders teachers is that they do not yet understand HOTS and the technique of formulating instruments with verbs that measure HOTS

    The Analysis of 4-C in Moodle-Based Online Learning in Science Learning Media Courses

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    This study aims to describe the 4-C competencies in moodle-based online learning. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted at STKIP Weetebula, Southwest Sumba district. The object of this research is the students of the sixth semester of the elementary school teacher education study program (PGSD), a total of 90 people. The time of this research is from February to May 2022. The data collection technique used is a documentation study. The data analysis technique in this study uses the data analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model, namely data analysis that is carried out directly and continuously until it is complete, so that the data is saturated. The steps in this data analysis are: Data Reduction, Data Display (data presentation) and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that online learning based on moodle can develop 21st century competencies in the form of critical thinking & problem solving; collaboration; communication; creative thinking & innovatio


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    Salah satu permasalahan pada budidaya udang galah adalah keberadaan udang galah betina bertelur pada saat pembesaran. Penghambatan pema tangan gonad menggunakan hormon medroxyprogesterone acetat (MPA) yang diberikan secara injeksi pada udang galah dapat menekan indeks kematangan gonad (IKG), perkembangan gonad, dan meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan. Namun, pemberian MPA secara injeksi dapat meningkatkan stres dan kematian pada udang galah, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian hormon medroxy progesteron acetat melalui pakan terhadap performa reproduksi dan pertumbuhan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental, desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan lima kali pengulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah kontrol (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 0 mg/kg pakan), P-1 (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 50 mg/kg pakan), P-2 (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 100 mg/kg pakan), dan P-3 (hormon MPA pada konsentrasi 150 mg/kg pakan) yang diberikan pada udang galah betina selama 60 hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah kematangan gonad, egg clutch somatic index (ESI), fekunditas, kadar estradiol, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan sintasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian hormon MPA dengan konsentrasi 50, 100 dan 150 mg/kg pakan secara signifikan menghambat reproduksi dan pada konsentrasi 100 mg/kg pakan dapat meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan pada udang galah betina umur lima bulan. ESI, fekunditas dan tingkat sintasan tidak terpengaruh oleh perlakuan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian hormon medroxy progesteron acetat melalui pakan pada konsentrasi 100 mg/kg pakan secara signifikan dapat menghambat pematangan gonad dan peningkatan pertumbuhan udang galah betina.One of the problems in giant freshwater prawn farming is female prawns laying eggs during grow-out, leading to reduced somatic growth of the prawns. Inhibition of gonad maturation using medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) hormone via injection in giant freshwater prawns can suppress the gonad maturity index (GSI), gonad development, and increase the growth rate. However, the administration of MPA by injection could increase stress and mortality in giant freshwater prawns. The purpose of this study was to examine the application of MPA through dietary administration on the reproductive performance and growth of female giant freshwater prawns. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. Treatments of MPA at concentrations of 0 mg/kg feed (as control), 50 mg/kg feed (P-1), 100 mg/kg feed (P-2), and 150 mg/kg feed (P-3) were supplemented in a commercial artificial feed and fed to the freshwater prawns for 60 days. Parameters of gonad maturation, egg clutch somatic index (ESI), fecundity, oestradiol concentration, specific growth rate, and survival rate were measured during the research period. The result showed that MPA administration at concentrations of 50, 100, and 150 mg/kg feed significantly inhibited gonad maturation, and at concentration 100 mg/kg feed increased growth of female giant freshwater prawn at five-month age. The ESI, fecundity and survival, however, were not affected by the treatment. This study concludes that the administration of medroxyprogesterone acetate hormone through feed significantly inhibited gonad maturation and increasedthe growth of female giant freshwater prawns


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    This study aims to develop scientific science attitudes assessment instruments that can be used in elementary school-based values of character education. This research is a research development (R & D) conducted for one year with preliminary study stage, product development, product trial and product dissemination developed. A preliminary study was conducted by surveying the implementation of the science assessment in primary school. The preliminary study results show that teachers in 10 surveyed schools have never implemented a scientific attitude assessment in science learning. At the stage of product development, has developed a scientific attitude assessment instrument that has been validated by experts. The product trials were conducted in three stages: initial field test, main field test and field operational test. In the initial field test, it was conducted in two schools with 20 respondents in each class. Initial field test results show that the instrument reliability level is good, but there are still some invalid items that are 11 items in class IV, 8 items in class V and 7 items in class VI. This is because there are still some respondents who have not read smoothly so that they have difficulty in answering questions. In the main field test, it was conducted in 8 schools with 91 respondents. The main field test result is that there are 5 invalid questions, both in class IV, V and VI. Operational field tests were carried out with the number of respondents each 13 students from 10 schools. Field operational test results are all items declared valid and reliable. The last stage is to disseminate products through scientific forums such as seminars and socialization to schools. The scientific attitude instruments developed in this study can be used by elementary teachers to assess the scientific attitudes of elementary students


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of media-based learning moodle to increase students' generic skills in materials science impulse and momentum. The method used is the method of quasi-experimental research design with untreated control group design with pretest and posttest. A total of 53 students were divided into experimental group and control group were included in this study. Research instruments using generic science skills test in the form of descriptions about. Data analysis using the test "mean-difference" and "normalized gain scores". Based on the results of this study concluded that the use of media-based learning moodle does not result in a significant increase in the ability of generic science class experiment between students and classroom control. But based on the achievement of values, the average value of the ability of generic science experiments grade higher than the control class. Keywords: Moodle-Based Learning Media, Generic Skill


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    Transisi Pola Konsumsi; Buying Habits Pada Masa Work From Home (WFH) Karyawan di Kota Denpasar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh varian produk, branding dan store switching terhadap buying habits karyawan di Kota Denpasar. Populasi penelitian adalah karyawan yang sudah pernah belanja online. Sampel berjumlah 100 orang dengan metode insidental sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara online. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dalam perhitungannya menggunakan progam software Smart PLS 3.0. Pada hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan varian produk, branding dan store switching berpengaruh positif dan  signifikan  terhadap buying  habits  karyawan  di Kota Denpasar. Sehingga penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa pola konsumsi  buying habits pada masa work from home karyawan di Kota Denpasar saat ini mulai berpindah belanja secara online


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan data tentang respon guru sekolah dasar terhadap instrumen sikap ilmiah sains siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang menggambarkan respon guru terhadap instrumen penilaian sikap ilmiah sains siswa sekolah dasar. Pada tahap pertama, peneliti mengembangkan alat pengumpul data yaitu berupa angket yang berisikan respon guru terhadap instrumen sikap ilmiah yang sudah dikembangkan. Aspek-aspek yang dinilai pada angket ini adalah kebahasaan, keterbantuan, kualitas instrumen serta kemudahan. Respon guru yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah respon atau tanggapan guru secara keseluruhan terhadap instrumen penilaian sikap ilmiah yang telah dikembangkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat diketahui bahwa seluruh responden memberikan respon sangat baik terhadap instrumen sikap ilmiah sains yang telah dikembangkan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa respon guru terhadap instrumen sikap ilmiah sains sekolah dasar adalah sangat baik


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    Ariyana,Yoki,DKK.2018.Buku pegangan     pembelajaran berorientasi pada         keterampilan         berpikir tingkat tinggi: Direktorat Jenderal Guru Dan Tenaga       Pendidikan Kementrian Pendidikan          Kebudayaan Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas     Direkrotat Pendidikan Jenderal    Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah Kemetrian Pendidikan Dan           Kebudayaan.2017.            Panduan Implmentasi Kecakapan Abad 21     Kurikulum            2013 Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Mukhtar,Mutia; Hanin, Khoirul.2019. Modul          Penyusunan Soal Keterampilan        Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi (higher order thinking skills). Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas Direktorat Jenderal  Pendidikan Dasar   Dan Menengah  Kementrian Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Permendikbud No.71 tahun 2013 dalamhttps://luk.staff.ugm.ac.id/atur/bsnp/Permendi   kbud71-2013BukuTeksPelajaran-BukuPanduanGuru.pdf diakses tanggal 28              juni 2020 Sani, Ridwan Abdullah. 2019. Pembelajaran Berbasis HOTS (high order           thingking              skills) edisi revisi.Medan: Tira Smart Setiawati,Wiwik.DKK. 2018. Buku Penilaian             Berorientasi higher order thingking                 skill:       Direktorat Jenderal Guru Dan            Tenaga Pendidikan Kementrian Pendidikan         Kebudayaan Sugiyono. 2013. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan           Pendekatan Kuantitatif, kualitatif,                    dan R&D.              Bandung:                                 Alfabeta. Suluh dan Lede. (2022). Pengukuran Tingkat Kemampuan Berpikir Siswa SMA Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya Berdasarkan Taksonomi Bloom Revisi. Lensa : Jurnal Kependidikan Fisik, 2021. Vol. 9, No. 2, 170-177. Sutama, G. A. Sandi, dan Fuandi. 2017.    Pengelolaan Penilaian Autentik kurikulum    2013 Mata            Pelajaran Matematika di            SMA. Jurnal Manajemen                 Pendidikan. Wahyudin, Dinn dkk. (2009). Pengantar    Pendidikan. Jakarta: Universitas     Terbuka. Widana, I Wayan. 2017. Modul Penyusunan high    order thinking skills            (HOTS).Jakarta: Direktorat            Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas                 Direktorat            Jenderal  Pendidikan       Dasar    Dan Menengah  Kementrian                 Pendidikan Dan                Kebudayaan Wahono,Widodo,DKK.2017.Buku Guru Ilmu         Pengetahuan Alam. Jakarta: Pusat              Kurikulum dan                 Perbukuan,Balitbang,Kendikbud. Zed, Mestika 2003. Metode Penelitian Kepustakaan. Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesi

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Posing Tipe Pre-Solution Posing Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Peserta Didik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Posing Tipe Pre-Solution Posing terhadap hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA SMA St. Alfonsus dan apakah ada perbedaan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol.Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Randomized Posttes-Only Control Group Design dengan populasi 74 peserta didik. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, didapatkan jumlah sampel kelas eksperimen 24 peserta didik dan kelas kontrol 24 peserta didik.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Posing Tipe Pre Solution Posing terhadap hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelasX MIA SMA St. Alfonsus, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari model pembelajaran Problem Posing Tipe Pre-Solution Posing terhadap hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X MIA SMA St. Alfonsus pada materi gerak melingkar dan penerapannya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai signifikan (2-tailed) 0,000 < taraf signifikan 0,05. Dalam penelitian ini terlihat bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol pada materi gerak melingkar dan penerapannya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen 85,83, sedangkan nilai rata-rata kelas kontrol 64,17.Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Problem Posing Tipe Pre-Solution Posing, hasil belaja


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    This study aims to analyze the group investigative learning model on improving learning outcomes. The use of learning models is one of the complex things that can help students to support the learning process well. In this case, the learning model used must be in accordance with the environment and circumstances of students at school. One of the efforts or methods used to overcome when using the group investigation learning model. This study aims to analyze the group investigation learning model on improving student learning outcomes. The results of data analysis show that the group investigation learning model can improve student learning outcomes. This type of research is a literature study by analyzing articles with books that are relevant to the problem being studied. All article-journals state that it can activate students' learning processes and can improve students' cognitive learning outcomes. The results of the study from the book illustrate that the use of the group investigation learning model can involve students by finding out for themselves the information and problems that will be studied. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the group investigation learning model can improve student learning outcomes