162 research outputs found

    Effects of the mean particle size in the deflagration index estimation for cornstarch dust

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    The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) defines the dust explosions as a “credible risk”. Hence, to meet the challenge to prevent and protect from the catastrophic effects of these phenomena, it is fundamental to know what are the characteristics and the burning conditions regarding the combustible dusts that could have an effect on the explosion violence. The KSt, also known as deflagration index, is one of the relevant parameters in dust explosions, together with the maximum explosion overpressure generated in the test chamber, the minimumignition energy and so on. In particular, the deflagration index measures the relative explosion severity and it is used in the design of the dust venting protection equipment. However, one of the criticalities of such a parameter is that is strongly affected by the particle mean diameter. Hence, in the following, it will be preliminary presented the validation of a single particle spherical model able to predict the variation of the deflagration index with the increasing mean particle size knowing just one experimental KSt value

    A mathematical model for the prediction of the KSt for metallic dusts as a function of the particle size distribution

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    For several years, dust explosions have been one of the major causes of industrial accidents, spanning from metalworking to pharmaceuticals sectors. In accordance with the latest Chemical Safety Board (CSB) investigations, three out of four dust explosions in the United States involved metallic dusts (iron, titanium, zirconium and aluminum). Many chemical processes involve metal powders for their exceptional mechanical, optical and catalytic properties, such as the production of plastics, rubber, paints, coatings, inks, pesticides, detergents and even drugs. The severity of a dust explosion can be defined using experimental parameters such as the maximum explosion pressure (pmax), the maximum rate of pressure rise ((dp/dt)max) and the deflagration index (Kst), which are employed to predict the consequences of a dust explosion for a given scenario. Among these parameters, the deflagration index plays a fundamental role, as it is used for the design of deflagration nozzles aimed to protect industrial equipment and silos from internal dust explosions. The purpose of this work is to develop a mathematical model able to predict the Kst value of metal powders as a function of chemical-physical data and the particle size distribution (DD50 was used as global information). The model structure is based on the writing and resolution of the material and energy balance equations on the single dust particle, also estimating the contribution of oxygen diffusion which, in the case of metal powders, greatly depends on both tortuosity and porosity. The results well agreed with experimental data, providing the basis for the development of more detailed models

    Safe optimization of potentially runaway processes using topology based tools and software

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    In chemical industries, fast and strongly exothermic reactions are often to be carried out to synthesize a number of intermediates and final desired products. Such processes can exhibit a phenomenon known as \u201cthermal runaway\u201d that consists in a reactor temperature loss of control. During the course of the years, lots of methods, aimed to detect the set of operating parameters (e.g., dosing times, initial reactor temperature, coolant temperature, etc..) at which such a dangerous phenomenon can occur, have been developed. Moreover, in the last few years, the attention has been posed on safe process optimization, that is how to compute the set of operating parameters able to ensure high reactor productivity and, contextually, safe conditions. To achieve this goal, with particular reference to industrial semibatch synthesis carried out using both isothermal and isoperibolic temperature control mode, a dedicated optimization software has been implemented. Such a software identifies the optimum set of operating parameters using a topological criterion able to bind the so-called \u201cQFS region\u201d (where reactants accumulation is low and all the heat released is readily removed by the cooling equipment) and, then, iteratively searching for the constrained system optimum. To manage the software, only a few experimental parameters are needed; essentially: heat(s) of reaction, apparent system kinetics (Arrhenius law), threshold temperature(s) above which unwanted side reactions, decompositions or boiling phenomena are triggered, heat transfer coefficients and reactants heat capacities. Such parameters can be obtained using simple calorimetric techniques (DSC, ARC, RC1, etc..). Over the optimization section, the software posses a simulation section where both normal and upset operating conditions (such as pumps failure and external fire) can be tested

    Modeling and simulation of an emulsion copolymerization process

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    Radical emulsion copolymerization is one of the most widely diffused processes aimed to produce paints easy to use because of their low viscosity. At industrial scale, such processes require a high control level of all the operating variables. Particularly, the repeatability of an emulsion polymerization process within narrow limits is one of the most desirable features because it allows for controlling also other important product qualities as final solids content, average particle size, latex viscosity and polymer average molecular weight. Other important full plant requirements are the minimization of reactants dosing times and the preparation of a latex at the highest possible concentration. In this work, the first step of a complex industrial copolymerization process has been considered. Since different monomer types (butyl acrylate, styrene, acrylic acid and acrylamide) are involved, it has been necessary to propose a complete set of rate constants for all the traditional steps of the radical emulsion reactions chain (i.e. initiation, propagation, radicals termination, backbiting and long-chain branching, micelles seeding, etc..). These parameters have then been inserted into a system of ordinary differential equations expressing all balances and control actions aimed to simulate the full plant synthesis. Finally, the proposed model has been experimentally validated through the comparison with a reaction calorimetry test carried out in an indirectly cooled semibatch reactor (RC1, 1L, Mettler Toledo). Obtained results have confirmed the reliability of the theoretical model

    Road Tunnels Operation: Effectiveness of Emergency Teams as a Risk Mitigation Measure

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    Managing a major event in a road tunnel requires more resources than an open-air event. In the case of fire, the confined environment of road tunnels can represent a critical situation for both users and rescuers. The safety level of a tunnel can be estimated by using dedicated risk models that consider, on the one hand, the traffic (type, quantity and distribution) of a tunnel and, on the other hand, the structural and plant safety measures. According to the European Directive, road tunnel managers can adopt additional safety measures aimed at increasing the level of safety for users exposed to the consequences of an accidental event. One of these measures is the rapid intervention of emergency teams located in the proximity of the tunnel. These teams use pick-up and scooter vehicles properly equipped to cope with a fire event and have detailed knowledge of the specific tunnel system. A further advantage of the emergency teams is the possibility of supporting the evacuation of tunnel users by providing indications on emergency exits, bypasses and safe places considering the evolution of the specific event. In this perspective, the present research contributes to the evaluation of the emergency teams’ effectiveness. Thus, the emergency team was included as a safety measure within a risk analysis model for road tunnels developed by the authors in previous works. After an analysis of the technical and scientific literature, we focused on 15 interventions carried out on some highway tunnels in Italy between the year 2019 and the year 2021. The intervention times of the teams were analyzed using data provided by Strada dei Parchi S.p.A., a company that manages 14 highway tunnels in Italy. These 14 tunnels range in length from 589 m to 10,121 m and are subject to the European Directive. The observed intervention times of the emergency teams range between 2 min and 10 min with an average value of 5.9 min. Such a short intervention time is possible because emergency teams are in the proximity of the different tunnels. Because of the short intervention time and the training of the personnel, all the fires were properly managed by the teams. Furthermore, considering the results of the scientific literature and the data presented in this work, it was possible to estimate and validate an effectiveness value (higher than 90%) of the emergency teams to be used within the risk analysis model developed by the authors and which can also be used in other risk analysis models

    Safe optimization of 2-octanol oxidation and vinyl acetate emulsion polymerization

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    In this work the possibility to develop reliable optimization procedures, particularly suitable for full plant exothermic semibatch processes operated in the isoperibolic temperature control mode, has been investigated. It has been found that a general optimization procedure could be developed by using a particular curve, called topological curve, resulting from the numerical solution of the ordinary differential equation system describing the process dynamics. Such a curve exhibits a series of inversion points that represent, physically, transitions between different system thermal behaviour regions. The optimization procedure based on the analysis of the topological curve uses the QFS inversion as a boundary beyond which the optimum operating conditions can be searched accounting for reacting mixture thermal stability and desired productivity constraints. Experimental temperature vs. time data spring from laboratory studies of two different potentially runaway systems (the nitric acid oxidation of 2-octanol to 2-octanone and the free radical emulsion homopolymerization of vinyl acetate) have been modelled to demonstrate that the topological criterion for the QFS detection is independent of all the thermodynamic and process variables control equations used to describe the system. Such a result suggests that this approach could be safely used to optimize even processes operated at the full plant scale

    Emulsion polymerization of butyl acrylate: safe optimization using topological criteria

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    Fast and strongly exothermic emulsion polymerization processes are particularly difficult to be optimized from both safety and productivity point of view because of the occurrence of a number of side undesired reactions (e.g. propagation of tertiary radicals, chain transfer to monomer, backbiting, termination by disproportion etc.) and the triggering of boiling phenomena with consequent stable foams formation under atmospheric pressure. Therefore, it would be useful to develop a suitable combined theoretical and experimental procedure able to detect both the optimum process dosing time and initial reactor temperature. In this work, it is discussed how an extended version of the topological criterion theory, originally developed for isoperibolic semibatch reactors, can be used to safely optimize indirectly cooled isothermal semibatch reactor. Moreover, such a methodology is applied to a case-study represented by the synthesis of polybutyl acrylate through the radical emulsion polymerization of butyl acrylate

    Criteri topologici per l'ottimizzazione sicura di reazioni potenzialmente fuggitive

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    In this work, optimization procedures, particurarly suitable for potentially runaway reactions carried out in indirectly cooled semibatch reactors operated in isoperibolic temperature control mode, have been developed. Such optimization procedures based on a particular criterion, referred to as "topological", in order tio select a set of operating conditions which is able of ensuring both process thermochemical stability and high productivity and selectivity with respect the desired product. This topological approach has been validated both experimentally and theoretically by studing kinetic schemes characterized by different complexity degrees. As an example, the relevant case study of the free radical emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate has been analyzed and reported

    Modelling of indoor air pollutants dispersion: New tools

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    Ventilation systems are used for create a thermally comfortable environment and good indoor air quality. It is therefore essential to have adequate tools for predicting the performance of these systems. Among the various approachs, the computational fluid dynamics could be a useful tool for the design of the ventilation system. When dealing with pollutants dispersion problems, a steady state averaged simulation can be misleading because it is not able to properly predict and model peak concentrations, which can be relevant even if temporary. An interesting approach is the use of LES (Large Eddy Simulations) simulations to obtain a better description of concentrations oscillations. In this framework, the aim of this work is the validation of simulation carried out using the FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator) software with an actual case study, already studied with a mock-up. Secondly, two new configurations of the ventilation system are proposed, in order to stress the capacity of the software to describe complex and different features, classical of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems. Interesting conclusions about efficiency are drawn from the comparison, highlighting the potentiality of the software
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