3 research outputs found

    Asset Liability Management for Pension Funds: A Multistage Chance Constrained Programming Approach

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    __Abstract__ This thesis presents a scenario based optimisation model to analyze the investment policy and funding policy for pension funds, taking into account the development of the liabilities in conjunction with the economic environment. Such a policy will be referred to as an asset liability management (ALM) policy. The model has been developed to compute dynamic ALM policies that: - guarantee an acceptably small probability of underfunding, - guarantee sufficiently stable future contributions, -minimise the present value of expected future contributions by the plan sponsors

    A primal-dual decomposition based interior point approach to two-stage stochastic linear programming

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    Decision making under uncertainty is a challenge faced by many decision makers. Stochastic programming is a major tool developed to deal with optimization with uncertainties that has found applications in, e.g. finance, such as asset-liability and bond-portfolio management. Computationally however, many models in stochastic programming remain unsolvable because of overwhelming dimensionality. For a model to be well solvable, its special structure must be explored. Most of the solution methods are based on decomposing the data. In this paper we propose a new decomposition approach for two-stage stochastic programming, based on a direct application of the path-following method combined with the homogeneous self-dual technique. Numerical experiments show that our decomposition algorithm is very efficient for solving stochastic programs. In particular, we apply our deompostition method to a two-period portfolio selection problem using options on a stock index. In this model the investor can invest in a money-market account, a stock index, and European options on this index with different maturities. We experiment our model with market prices of options on the S&P500

    Concurrent stochastic methods for global optimization

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    The global optimization problem, finding the lowest minimizer of a nonlinear function of several variables that has multiple local minimizers, appears well suited to concurrent computation. This paper presents a new parallel algorithm for the global optimization problem. The algorithm is a stochastic method related to the multi-level single-linkage methods of Rinnooy Kan and Timmer for sequential computers. Concurrency is achieved by partitioning the work of each of the three main parts of the algorithm, sampling, local minimization start point selection, and multiple local minimizations, among the processors. This parallelism is of a coarse grain type and is especially well suited to a local memory multiprocessing environment. The paper presents test results of a distributed implementation of this algorithm on a local area network of computer workstations. It also summarizes the theoretical properties of the algorithm