1,353 research outputs found
Shuttle orbiter boundary layer transition at flight and wind tunnel conditions
Hypersonic boundary layer transition data obtained on the windward centerline of the Shuttle orbiter during entry for the first five flights are presented and analyzed. Because the orbiter surface is composed of a large number of thermal protection tiles, the transition data include the effects of distributed roughness arising from tile misalignment and gaps. These data are used as a benchmark for assessing and improving the accuracy of boundary layer transition predictions based on correlations of wind tunnel data taken on both aerodynamically rough and smooth orbiter surfaces. By comparing these two data bases, the relative importance of tunnel free stream noise and surface roughness on orbiter boundary layer transition correlation parameters can be assessed. This assessment indicates that accurate predications of transition times can be made for the orbiter at hypersonic flight conditions by using roughness dominated wind tunnel data. Specifically, times of transition onset and completion is accurately predicted using a correlation based on critical and effective values of a roughness Reynolds number previously derived from wind tunnel data
Sistem Administrasi Pembayaran S.P.P. di SD. Taruna Bangsa, Ciputat dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Penulisan Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai sistem administrasi pembayaranS.P.P. di SD. Taruna Bangsa, Ciputat yang selama ini prosesnya dilakukansecara manual. Oleh sebab itu penulis membuat sistem administrasi pembayaranS.P.P. dengan menggunakan sistem komputerisasi dengan menggunakan bahasapemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan Database dengan menggunakanMicrosoft Access. Mudah-mudahan penulisan ini menjadi alternatif bagi pihaksekolah maupun kepada karyawannya yang mengharapkan semua kegiatannyaberjalan dengan efektif, efisien dan terkoordinasi
Test Equipment Serial Communication Interface Rs-232 Db-9 Type Connectors on Testing Techniques Insitu
At this writing will be made prober interface RS-232 in situ testing (testing onlocation) when the system interfaces operate without causing disturbances operatingsystem itself. For that tool is designed so that the information will be observed in thetest can be easily accessed via the display in the form of light and the values of thesignal information in the form of voltage level. To avoid the imposition of thiscommunication interface, the tool is equipped with the buffer. It is expected that thistool can provide rapid information, communication failures in the process of datathrough computer communication port
Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus : Pelayanan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan Kota Pekanbaru)
Accountability is a must for each public service department, Department of Spatial Planning and Building is a government agency that provide Building Permit License. People have to be satisfied of the service that given by this department. That is the reason why accountability is a must to accomplish this goal.This study aimed to describe Accountability Services Building Permit License (IMB) in Pekanbaru. The author uses indicators such as Reference Services, Solution Services and Priority Services to look at the accountability of public services. This study uses data collection techniques interview, observation and documentation.Results of this research is the accountability of service delivery Building Permit conducted by the Department of Spatial Planning and Building in Pekanbaru yet fully accountable, guides the work has not been completely oriented to service users, solution services provided to service users not provide facilities, and kepetingan service users yet fully prioritized.Keywords: Accountability, Building Permi
Space Shuttle orbiter entry heating and TPS response: STS-1 predictions and flight data
Aerothermodynamic development flight test data from the first orbital flight test of the Space Transportation System (STS) transmitted after entry blackout is given. Engineering predictions of boundary layer transition and numerical simulations of the orbiter flow field were confirmed. The data tended to substantiate preflight predictions of surface catalysis phenomena. The thermal response of the thermal protection system was as expected. The only exception is that internal free convection was found to be significant in limiting the peak temperature of the structure in areas which do not have internal insulation
Hubungan antara Kelimpahan Hewan Makrobenthos dengan Kerapatan Lamun yang Berbeda di Pulau Panjang dan Teluk Awur Jepara
Perairan Pulau Panjang dan Teluk Awur terletak di Kabupaten Jepara yang memiliki keanekaragaman ekosistem perairan, antara lain ekosistem lamun. Kondisi dari ekosistem lamun dikedua lokasi tersebut akan mempengaruhi tingkat kerapatan dan selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi hewan makrobenthos yang hidup di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kerapatan lamun yang berbeda dan kelimpahan hewan makrobenthos serta hubungan antara tingkat kerapatan lamun yang berbeda dengan kelimpahan hewan makrobenthos yang ada di perairan Pulau Panjang dan Teluk Awur Jepara. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2015 di perairan pantai Pulau Panjang dan Teluk Awur Jepara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi kasus yang bersifat deskriptif. Langkah penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu sampling, identifikasi, analisis data dan evaluasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 5 jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Pulau Panjang yaitu Thalassia sp, Cymodocea sp, Enhallus sp, Halodulle sp dan Sryngodium sp dan terdapat 4 jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Teluk Awur yaitu Thalassia sp, Cymodocea sp, Enhallus sp dan Halophila sp. Kelimpahan hewan makrobenthos di kerapatan lamun jarang, sedang dan padat di Pulau Panjang adalah 68 ind/m3, 77 ind/m3 dan 103 ind/m3, sedangkan kelimpahan hewan makrobenthos di kerapatan lamun jarang, sedang dan padat di Teluk Awur adalah 43 ind/m3, 62 ind/m3 dan 84 ind/m3. Berdasarkan hasil regresi menunjukkan antara kelimpahan hewan makrobenthos dengan kerapatan lamun terdapat korelasi yang erat, sehingga semakin tinggi kerapatan lamun akan diikuti oleh tingginya kelimpahan hewan makrobenthos. Awur Bay and Panjang Island which are located in Jepara, have a diversity of ecosystems such as seagrass. Conditions of seagrass ecosystems in both location will affect the level of density macrobenthic animal who live there. The purpose of the research was to know the relationship between density level of different seagrass and abundance of macrobenthic animal both in Panjang Island and Awur Bay, Jepara. The research has been done in April 2015. The method used was case study and analyzed descriptive. Research carried out measures that take sample, identification, data analysis and data evaluation. The result showed that there were 5 type of seagrass found in Panjang Island Thalassia sp, Cymodocea sp, Enhallus sp, Halodulle sp and Sryngodium sp and there were 4 type of seagrass found in Awur Bay Thalassia sp, Cymodocea sp, Enhallus sp dan Halophila sp. The abundance of macrobenthic animal from sparse, medium and dense density of seagrass in Panjang Island was 68 ind/m3, 77 ind/m3 and 103 ind/m3. While the abundance of macrobenthic animal from sparse, medium and dense density of seagrass in Awur Bay was 43 ind/m3, 62 ind/m3 and 84 ind/m3. Based on regression result showed that between abundance of macrobenthic animal with seagrass density there were a close correlation so that the higher seagrass density will be followed by higher abundance of macrobenthic animal
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