407 research outputs found

    The Size-Frequency Distribution of the Zodiacal Cloud: Evidence from the Solar System Dust Bands

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    Recent observations of the size-frequency distribution of zodiacal cloud particles obtained from the cratering record on the LDEF satellite (Love and Brownlee 1993) reveal a significant large particle population (100 micron diameter or greater) near 1 AU. Our previous modeling of the Solar System dust bands (Grogan et al 1997), features of the zodiacal cloud associated with the comminution of Hirayama family asteroids, has been limited by the fact that only small particles (25 micron diameter or smaller) have been considered. This was due to the prohibitively large amount of computing power required to numerically analyze the dynamics of larger particles. The recent availability of cheap, fast processors has finally made this work possible. Models of the dust bands are created, built from individual dust particle orbits, taking into account a size-frequency distribution of the material and the dynamical history of the constituent particles. These models are able to match both the shapes and amplitudes of the dust band structures observed by IRAS in multiple wavebands. The size-frequency index, q, that best matches the observations is approximately 1.4, consistent with the LDEF results in that large particles are shown to dominate. However, in order to successfully model the `ten degree' band, which is usually associated with collisional activity within the Eos family, we find that the mean proper inclination of the dust particle orbits has to be approximately 9.35 degrees, significantly different to the mean proper inclination of the Eos family (10.08 degrees).Comment: 49 pages total, including 27 figure pages. Submitted to Icaru

    Collisional and dynamic evolution of dust from the asteroid belt

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    The size and spatial distribution of collisional debris from main belt asteroids is modeled over a 10 million year period. The model dust and meteoroid particles spiral toward the Sun under the action of Poynting-Robertson drag and grind down as they collide with a static background of field particles

    On compressive radial tidal forces

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    Radial tidal forces can be compressive instead of disruptive, a possibility that is frequently overlooked in high level physics courses. For example, radial tidal compression can emerge in extended stellar systems containing a smaller stellar cluster. For particular conditions the tidal field produced by this extended mass distribution can exert on the cluster it contains compressive effects instead of the common disruptive forces. This interesting aspect of gravity can be derived from standard relations given in many textbooks and introductory courses in astronomy and can serve as an opportunity to look closer at some aspects of gravitational physics, stellar dynamics, and differential geometry. The existence of compressive tides at the center of huge stellar systems might suggest new evolutionary scenarios for the formation of stars and primordial galactic formation processes.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Analysis of IRAS solar system dust data

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    Data in the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) Zodiacal History File were analyzed to extract dust band locations and peak brightness measurements from approximately 1,000 individual IRAS scans. The study had three goals. One was to show that the prominent solar system dust bands are associated with Hirayama asteroid families and thus that collisions between asteroids account for a significant fraction of the particles in the zodiacal cloud. Recent work suggests that while the Hirayama families are a major source of the dust in the bands, there may also be contributions from two or three smaller, more recently recognized asteroid families. A second goal was to show that there is evidence in the IRAS dust data for the transport of particles from asteroid belt to the Earth by Poynting-Robertson light drag and thus account for the fact that asteroid particles are collected in the Earth's stratosphere. Results of the study will confirm the location of the dust bands within the inner asteroid belt, and show conclusively that the material seen by IRAS is now spread over a wide range of distances from the sun. The third goal was to construct a model of the background zodiacal cloud that satisfies the proper dynamical constraints. Figures are provided to show the scans processed to remove zodiacal background and Galactic signals, and the resulting polynomial fits to the 25 micron scan. The latter provided objective estimates of band widths, peak locations, and peak fluxes. Modelling and analysis of the resulting band data has been presented at several conferences and is the subject of a number of forthcoming papers

    Origin and evolution of the zodiacal dust cloud

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    The astrophysical importance of the zodiacal cloud became more apparent. The most useful source of information on the structure of the zodiacal cloud is the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) observations. A substantial fraction of the extensive IRAS data set was analyzed. Also, a numerical model was developed (SIMUL) that allows to calculate the distribution of night-sky brightness that would be produced by any particular distribution of dust particle orbits. This model includes the effects of orbital perturbations by both the planets and solar radiation, it reproduces the exact viewing geometry of the IRAS telescope, and allows for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. SIMUL now is used to model not just the solar system dust bands discovered by IRAS but the whole zodiacal cloud

    Interaction of Close-in Planets with the Magnetosphere of their Host Stars I: Diffusion, Ohmic Dissipation of Time Dependent Field, Planetary Inflation, and Mass Loss

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    The unanticipated discovery of the first close-in planet around 51 Peg has rekindled the notion that shortly after their formation outside the snow line, some planets may have migrated to the proximity of their host stars because of their tidal interaction with their nascent disks. If these planets indeed migrated to their present-day location, their survival would require a halting mechanism in the proximity of their host stars. Most T Tauri stars have strong magnetic fields which can clear out a cavity in the innermost regions of their circumstellar disks and impose magnetic induction on the nearby young planets. Here we consider the possibility that a magnetic coupling between young stars and planets could quench the planet's orbital evolution. After a brief discussion of the complexity of the full problem, we focus our discussion on evaluating the permeation and ohmic dissipation of the time dependent component of the stellar magnetic field in the planet's interior. Adopting a model first introduced by C. G. Campbell for interacting binary stars, we determine the modulation of the planetary response to the tilted magnetic field of a non-synchronously spinning star. We first compute the conductivity in the young planets, which indicates that the stellar field can penetrate well into the planet's envelope in a synodic period. For various orbital configurations, we show that the energy dissipation rate inside the planet is sufficient to induce short-period planets to inflate. This process results in mass loss via Roche lobe overflow and in the halting of the planet's orbital migration.Comment: 47 pages, 12 figure

    The origin and evolution of the zodiacal dust cloud

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    We have now analyzed a substantial fraction of the IRAS observations of the zodiacal cloud, particularly in the 25 micron waveband. We have developed a gravitational perturbation theory that incorporates the effects of Poynting-Robertson light drag (Gomes and Dermott, 1992). We have also developed a numerical model, the SIMUL mode, that reproduces the exact viewing geometry of the IRAS telescope and calculates the distribution of thermal flux produced by any particular distribution of dust particle orbits (Dermott and Nicholson, 1989). With these tools, and using a distribution of orbits based on those of asteroidal particles with 3.4 micron radii whose orbits decay due to Poynting-Robertson light drag and are perturbed by the planets, we have been able to: (1) account for the inclination and node of the background zodiacal cloud observed by IRAS in the 25 micron waveband; (2) relate the distribution of orbits in the Hirayama asteroid families to the observed shapes of the IRAS solar system dustbands; and (3) show that there is observational evidence in the IRAS data for the transport of asteroidal particles from the main belt to the Earth by Poynting-Robertson light drag

    How Observations of Circumstellar Disk Asymmetries Can Reveal Hidden Planets: Pericenter Glow and its Application to the HR 4796 Disk

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    Recent images of the disks of dust around the young stars HR 4796A and Fomalhaut show, in each case, a double-lobed feature that may be asymmetric (one lobe may be brighter than the other). A symmetric double-lobed structure is that expected from a disk of dust with a central hole that is observed nearly edge-on (i.e., close to the plane of the disk). This paper shows how the gravitational influence of a second body in the system with an eccentric orbit would cause a brightness asymmetry in such a disk by imposing a "forced eccentricity" on the orbits of the constituent dust particles, thus shifting the center of symmetry of the disk away from the star and causing the dust near the forced pericenter of the perturbed disk to glow. Dynamic modeling of the HR 4796 disk shows that its 5% brightness asymmetry could be the result of a forced eccentricity as small as 0.02 imposed on the disk by either the binary companion HR 4796B, or by an unseen planet close to the inner edge of the disk. Since it is likely that a forced eccentricity of 0.01 or higher would be imposed on a disk in a system in which there are planets, but no binary companion, the corresponding asymmetry in the disk's structure could serve as a sensitive indicator of these planets that might otherwise remain undetected.Comment: 61 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (scheduled for January 10, 2000

    Cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies

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    In this chapter we will provide a brief review of some of the major historical forces that lead to the development of the cognitive behavioral therapies. We will then define what are the common characteristics among this increasingly diverse set of interventions, and in doing so also attempt to differentiate the cognitive-behavioral therapies from related approaches to psychotherapy. We will then turn our primary focus to a description of the major models within the cognitive-behavioral paradigm, and to discussing their current empirical status. The chapter will conclude with a discussion of current issues related to the cognitive-behavioral therapies, and with predictions and suggestions for the future development of the approach