257 research outputs found

    Silence Analysis of AMPA Receptor Mutated at the CaM-Kinase II Phosphorylation Site

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    Direct phosphorylation of the GluR1 subunit of postsynaptic AMPA receptors by Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-KII) is believed to be one of the major contributors to the enhanced strength of glutamatergic synapses in CA1 area of hippocampus during long-term potentiation. The molecular mechanism of AMPA receptor regulation by CaM-KII is examined here by a novel approach, silence analysis, which is independent of previously used variance analysis. I show that three fundamental channel properties—single-channel conductance, channel open probability, and the number of functional channels—can be measured in an alternative way, by analyzing the probability of channels to be simultaneously closed (silent). Validity of the approach was confirmed by modeling, and silence analysis was applied then to the GluR1 AMPA receptor mutated at S831, the site phosphorylated by CaM-KII during long-term potentiation. Silence analysis indicates that a negative charge at S831 is a critical determinant for the enhanced channel function as a charge carrier. Silence and variance analyses, when applied to the same sets of data, were in agreement on the receptor regulation upon mutations. These results provide independent evidences for the mechanism of AMPA receptor regulation by CaM-KII and further strengthens the idea how calcium-dependent phosphorylation of AMPA receptors can contribute to the plasticity at central glutamatergic synapses

    Transmission efficacy and plasticity in glutamatergic synapses formed by excitatory interneurons of the substantia gelatinosa in the rat spinal cord.

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    BACKGROUND:Substantia gelatinosa (SG, lamina II) is a spinal cord region where most unmyelinated primary afferents terminate and the central nociceptive processing begins. The glutamatergic excitatory interneurons (EINs) form the majority of the SG neuron population, but little is known about the mechanisms of signal processing in their synapses. METHODOLOGY:To describe the functional organization and properties of excitatory synapses formed by SG EINs, we did non-invasive recordings from 183 pairs of monosynaptically connected neurons. An intact presynaptic SG EIN was specifically stimulated through the cell-attached pipette while the evoked EPSCs/EPSPs were recorded through perforated-patch from a postsynaptic neuron (laminae I-III). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We found that the axon of an SG EIN forms multiple functional synapses on the dendrites of a postsynaptic neuron. In many cases, EPSPs evoked by stimulating an SG EIN were sufficient to elicit spikes in a postsynaptic neuron. EPSCs were carried through both Ca(2+)-permeable (CP) and Ca(2+)-impermeable (CI) AMPA receptors (AMPARs) and showed diverse forms of functional plasticity. The synaptic efficacy could be enhanced through both activation of silent synapses and strengthening of already active synapses. We have also found that a high input resistance (R(IN), >0.5 GOmega) of the postsynaptic neuron is necessary for resolving distal dendritic EPSCs/EPSPs and correct estimation of their efficacy. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:We conclude that the multiple synapses formed by an SG EIN on a postsynaptic neuron increase synaptic excitation and provide basis for diverse forms of plasticity. This functional organization can be important for sensory, i.e. nociceptive, processing in the spinal cord

    Effect of a CP-AMPAR blocker on evoked EPSCs.

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    <p>EPSCs evoked in two different cells by stimulation of SG EINs. EPSCs were recorded in the absence and presence of the specific CP-AMPAR blocker IEM 1460 (20 µM). The EPSCs were completely blocked in some neuron pairs (top), whereas the blockade was only partial in other cases (bottom). The drug was washed-out (recovery) after the steady-state level of block has been reached. Red traces are averages of five consecutive EPSCs (blue).</p

    Effect of R<sub>IN</sub> on the resolution of distal inputs.

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    <p>Computer model of SG neuron was used to simulate somatic recordings of the distal (dendrite 0.95) and proximal (soma) inputs at varying R<sub>IN</sub>. The g<sub>M</sub> values, 9.2*10<sup>−5</sup> µS for the proximal synapse and 5*10<sup>−4</sup> µS for the distal synapse, were adjusted in the basic model to give EPSCs of 5 pA. Horizontal lines indicate the σ, 2σ and 3σ levels of resolution. The σ values were from our experiments: σ<sub>I</sub> = 1.47 pA (−80 mV) and σ<sub>V</sub> = 0.29 mV (−60 mV).</p