74 research outputs found

    Minimal optimal generalized quantum measurements

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    Optimal and finite positive operator valued measurements on a finite number NN of identically prepared systems have been presented recently. With physical realization in mind we propose here optimal and minimal generalized quantum measurements for two-level systems. We explicitly construct them up to N=7 and verify that they are minimal up to N=5. We finally propose an expression which gives the size of the minimal optimal measurements for arbitrary NN.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Optimal Quantum Clocks

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    A quantum clock must satisfy two basic constraints. The first is a bound on the time resolution of the clock given by the difference between its maximum and minimum energy eigenvalues. The second follows from Holevo's bound on how much classical information can be encoded in a quantum system. We show that asymptotically, as the dimension of the Hilbert space of the clock tends to infinity, both constraints can be satisfied simultaneously. The experimental realization of such an optimal quantum clock using trapped ions is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 1 figure, revision contains some new result

    Reconstruction of quantum states of spin systems via the Jaynes principle of maximum entropy

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    We apply the Jaynes principle of maximum entropy for the partial reconstruction of correlated spin states. We determine the minimum set of observables which are necessary for the complete reconstruction of the most correlated states of systems composed of spins-1/2 (e.g., the Bell and the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states). We investigate to what extent an incomplete measurement can reveal nonclassical features of correlated spin states.Comment: 14 pages + 3 tables, LaTeX with revtex, to appear in J. Mod. Op

    Optimal estimation of quantum dynamics

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    We construct the optimal strategy for the estimation of an unknown unitary transformation USU(d)U\in SU(d). This includes, in addition to a convenient measurement on a probe system, finding which is the best initial state on which UU is to act. When USU(2)U\in SU(2), such an optimal strategy can be applied to estimate simultaneously both the direction and the strength of a magnetic field, and shows how to use a spin 1/2 particle to transmit information about a whole coordinate system instead of only a direction in space.Comment: 4 pages, REVTE

    Collective versus local measurements on two parallel or antiparallel spins

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    We give a complete analysis of covariant measurements on two spins. We consider the cases of two parallel and two antiparallel spins, and we consider both collective measurements on the two spins, and measurements which require only Local Quantum Operations and Classical Communication (LOCC). In all cases we obtain the optimal measurements for arbitrary fidelities. In particular we show that if the aim is determine as well as possible the direction in which the spins are pointing, it is best to carry out measurements on antiparallel spins (as already shown by Gisin and Popescu), second best to carry out measurements on parallel spins and worst to be restricted to LOCC measurements. If the the aim is to determine as well as possible a direction orthogonal to that in which the spins are pointing, it is best to carry out measurements on parallel spins, whereas measurements on antiparallel spins and LOCC measurements are both less good but equivalent.Comment: 4 pages; minor revision

    Optimal universal quantum cloning and state estimation

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    We derive a tight upper bound for the fidelity of a universal N to M qubit cloner, valid for any M \geq N, where the output of the cloner is required to be supported on the symmetric subspace. Our proof is based on the concatenation of two cloners and the connection between quantum cloning and quantum state estimation. We generalise the operation of a quantum cloner to mixed and/or entangled input qubits described by a density matrix supported on the symmetric subspace of the constituent qubits. We also extend the validity of optimal state estimation methods to inputs of this kind.Comment: 4 pages (RevTeX

    Optimal estimation of multiple phases

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    We study the issue of simultaneous estimation of several phase shifts induced by commuting operators on a quantum state. We derive the optimal positive operator-valued measure corresponding to the multiple-phase estimation. In particular, we discuss the explicit case of the optimal detection of double phase for a system of identical qutrits and generalise these results to optimal multiple phase detection for d-dimensional quantum states.Comment: 6 page

    Optimal quantum teleportation with an arbitrary pure state

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    We derive the maximum fidelity attainable for teleportation using a shared pair of d-level systems in an arbitrary pure state. This derivation provides a complete set of necessary and sufficient conditions for optimal teleportation protocols. We also discuss the information on the teleported particle which is revealed in course of the protocol using a non-maximally entangled state.Comment: 10 pages, REVTe