43 research outputs found

    Long-term expansion, enhanced chondrogenic potential, and suppression of endochondral ossification of adult human MSCs via WNT signaling mo

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a potential source of chondrogenic cells for the treatment of cartilage disorders, but loss of chondrogenic potential during in vitro expansion and the propensity of cartilage to undergo hypertrophic maturation impede their therapeutic application. Here we report that the signaling protein WNT3A, in combination with FGF2, supports long-term expansion of human bone marrow-derived MSCs. The cells retained their chondrogenic potential and other phenotypic and functional properties of multipotent MSCs, which were gradually lost in the absence of WNT3A. Moreover, we discovered that endogenous WNT signals are the main drivers of the hypertrophic maturation that follows chondrogenic differentiation. Inhibition of WNT signals during differentiation prevented calcification and maintained cartilage properties following implantation in a mouse model. By maintaining potency during expansion and preventing hypertrophic maturation following differentiation, the modulation of WNT signaling removes two major obstacles that impede the clinical application of MSCs in cartilage repair

    Anti-proliferative action of vitamin D in MCF7 is still active after siRNA-VDR knock-down

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    Background: The active form of Vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3(1,25D), has strong anti-proliferative effects, yet the molecular mechanisms underneath this effect remain unclear. In contrast, the molecular mechanism of 1,25D for the regulation of calcium homeostasis has principally been resolved, demonstrating a pivotal role for the vitamin D receptor (VDR). Results: We first addressed the question whether the anti-proliferative effects of 1,25D are influenced by VDR. Knockdown of VDR by siRNA did not affect the anti-proliferative effects of 1,25D in MCF7 breast cancer cells. This unanticipated finding led us to take an alternative approach using genome wide screens to study the molecular mechanisms of 1,25D in proliferation. For that purpose, four independently developed and stable 1,25D resistant MCF7 cell lines were analyzed. Array CGH identified a copy number alteration in a region of 13.5 Mb at chromosome 11q13.4-14.1 common to all four 1,25D resistant cell lines. Expression arrays revealed that no single gene was differentially expressed between the sensitive and resistant cells, but multiple membrane receptor signaling pathways were altered in the 1,25D resistant cell lines. Importantly, in the genome wide experiments neither VDR, CYP24A1 nor other known vitamin D signaling pathway genes were associated with 1,25D resistance. Conclusion: In conclusion, siRNA and genome wide studies both suggest that the anti-proliferative effects of 1,25D in MCF7 breast tumor cell lines do not rely on classical Vitamin D pathway per se

    Xist and Tsix transcription dynamics is regulated by the X-to-autosome ratio and semistable transcriptional states

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    In female mammals, X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is a key process in the control of gene dosage compensation between Xlinked genes and autosomes. Xist and Tsix, two overlapping antisense-transcribed noncoding genes, are central elements of the X inactivation center (Xic) regulating XCI. Xist upregulation results in the coating of the entire X chromosome by Xist RNA in cis, whereas Tsix transcription acts as a negative regulator of Xist. Here, we generated Xist and Tsix reporter mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell lines to study the genetic and dynamic regulation of these genes upon differentiation. Our results revealed mutually antagonistic roles for Tsix on Xist and vice versa and indicate the presence of semistable transcriptional states of the Xic locus predicting the outcome of XCI. These transcriptional states are instructed by the X-t

    Recellularization of auricular cartilage via elastase-generated channels

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    Decellularized tissue matrices are promising substrates for tissue generation by stem cells to replace poorly regenerating tissues such as cartilage. However, the dense matrix of decellularized cartilage impedes colonisation by stem cells. Here, we show that digestion of elastin fibre bundles traversing auricular cartilage creates channels through which cells can migrate into the matrix. Human chondrocytes and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells efficiently colonise elastin-treated scaffolds through these channels, restoring a glycosaminoglycan-rich matrix and improving mechanical properties while maintaining size and shape of the restored tiss

    Wnt3a protein reduces growth factor-driven expansion of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in serum-free cultures

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    Abstract Ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) is a promising approach to improve insufficient engraftment after umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation (UCB-SCT). Although culturing HSPC with hematopoietic cytokines results in robust proliferation, it is accompanied with extensive differentiation and loss of self-renewal capacity. Wnt signaling has been implicated in regulating HSPC fate decisions in vivo and in promoting HSPC self-renewal by inhibition of differentiation, but the effects of Wnt on the ex vivo expansion of HSPC are controversial. Here, we demonstrate that exogenous Wnt3a protein suppresses rather than promotes the expansion of UCB-derived CD34+ cells in serum free expansion cultures. The reduced expansion was also observed in cultures initiated with LinCD34+ CD38lowCD45RACD90+ cells which are highly enriched in HSC and was also observed in response to activation of beta-catenin signaling by GSK3 inhibition. The presence of Wnt3a protein during the culture reduced the frequency of multilineage CFU-GEMM and the long-term repopulation ability of the expanded HSPC. These data suggest that Wnt signaling reduces expansion of human HSPC in growth factor-driven expansion cultures by promoting differentiation of HSPC

    Lipid-mediated Wnt protein stabilization enables serum-free culture of human organ stem cells

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    Wnt signalling proteins are essential for culture of human organ stem cells in organoids, but most Wnt protein formulations are poorly active in serum-free media. Here we show that purified Wnt3a protein is ineffective because it rapidly loses activity in culture media due to its hydrophobic nature, and its solubilization requires a detergent, CHAPS (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate), that interferes with stem cell self-renewal. By stabilizing the Wnt3a protein using phospholipids and cholesterol as carriers, we address both problems: Wnt activity remains stable in serum-free media, while non-toxic carriers allow the use of high Wnt concentrations. Stabilized Wnt3a supports strongly increased self-renewal of organ and embryonic stem cells and the serum-free establishment of human organoids from healthy and diseased intestine and liver. Moreover, the lipophilicity of Wnt3a protein greatly facilitates its purification. Our findings remove a major obstacle impeding clinical applications of adult stem cells and offer advantages for all cell culture uses of Wnt3a protein

    Isolating Pediatric Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Enhanced Expansion and Differentiation Capabilities

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    Mesenchymal stem cells/marrow stromal cells (MSCs) are attractive for applications ranging from research and development to use in clinical therapeutics. However, the most commonly studied MSCs, adult bone marrow MSCs (A-MSCs), are limited by significant donor variation resulting in inconsistent expansion rates and multilineage differentiation capabilities. We have recently obtained permission to isolate pediatric MSCs (P-MSCs) from surplus iliac crest bone chips. Here, we developed a simple and easily replicable isolation protocol yielding P-MSCs, which adhere to MSC defining guidelines. After confirming immunophenotypic marker expression, we compared expansion rates, senescence, morphology, and trilineage differentiation of P-MSCs to A-MSCs for multiple donors. We found P-MSCs have faster in vitro replication, consistently show significantly lower senescence, and are capable of more reproducible multilineage differentiation than A-MSCs. We, therefore, believe P-MSCs are a promising candidate for use in research applications and potentially as part of an allogeneic therapeutic treatment

    Canonical Wnt signaling negatively modulates regulatory T cell function

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    Foxp3 is crucial for both the development and function of regulatory T (Treg) cells; however, the posttranslational mechanisms regulating Foxp3 transcriptional output remain poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate that Tcell factor 1 (TCF1) and Foxp3 associates in Treg cells and that active Wnt signaling disrupts Foxp3 transcriptional activity. A global chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing comparison in Treg cells revealed considerable overlap between Foxp3 and Wnt target genes. The activation of Wnt signaling reduced Treg-mediated suppression both invitro and invivo, whereas disruption of Wnt signaling in Treg cells enhanced their suppressive capacity. The activation of effector Tcells increased Wnt3a production, and Wnt3a levels were found to be greatly increased in mononuclear cells isolated from synovial fluid versus peripheral blood of arthritis patients. We propose a model in which Wnt produced under inflammatory conditions represses Treg cell function, allowing a productive immune response, but, if uncontrolled, could lead to the development of autoimmunity