42 research outputs found

    Syntactic manipulation for generating more diverse and interesting texts

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    Natural Language Generation plays an important role in the domain of dialogue systems as it determines how users perceive the system. Recently, deep-learning based systems have been proposed to tackle this task, as they generalize better and require less amounts of manual effort to implement them for new domains. However, deep learning systems usually adapt a very homogeneous sounding writing style which expresses little variation. In this work, we present our system for Natural Language Generation where we control various aspects of the surface realization in order to increase the lexical variability of the utterances, such that they sound more diverse and interesting. For this, we use a Semantically Controlled Long Short-term Memory Network (SCLSTM), and apply its specialized cell to control various syntactic features of the generated texts. We present an in-depth human evaluation where we show the effects of these surface manipulation on the perception of potential users

    Sentiment analysis using convolutional neural networks with multi-task training and distant supervision on italian tweets

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    In this paper, we propose a classifier for predicting sentiments of Italian Twitter messages. This work builds upon a deep learning approach where we leverage large amounts of weakly labelled data to train a 2-layer convolutional neural network. To train our network we apply a form of multi-task training. Our system participated in the EvalItalia-2016 competition and outperformed all other approaches on the sentiment analysis task

    End-to-end trainable system for enhancing diversity in natural language generation

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    Natural Language Generation plays an important role in the domain of dialogue systems as it determines how the users perceive the system. Recently, deep-learning based systems have been proposed to tackle this task, as they generalize better and do not require large amounts of manual effort to implement them for new domains. However, deep learning systems usually produce monotonous sounding texts. In this work, we present our system for Natural Language Generation where we control the first word of the surface realization. We show that with this simple control mechanism it is possible to increase the lexical variability and the complexity of the generated texts. For this, we apply a character-based version of the Semantically Controlled Long Short-term Memory Network (SC-LSTM), and apply its specialized cell to control the first word generated by the system. To ensure that the surface manipulation does not produce semantically incoherent texts we apply a semantic control component, which we also use for reranking purposes. We show that our model is capable of generating texts that are more sophisticated while decreasing the number of semantic errors made during the generation

    Survey on Evaluation Methods for Dialogue Systems

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    In this paper we survey the methods and concepts developed for the evaluation of dialogue systems. Evaluation is a crucial part during the development process. Often, dialogue systems are evaluated by means of human evaluations and questionnaires. However, this tends to be very cost and time intensive. Thus, much work has been put into finding methods, which allow to reduce the involvement of human labour. In this survey, we present the main concepts and methods. For this, we differentiate between the various classes of dialogue systems (task-oriented dialogue systems, conversational dialogue systems, and question-answering dialogue systems). We cover each class by introducing the main technologies developed for the dialogue systems and then by presenting the evaluation methods regarding this class

    Fact-aware abstractive text summarization using a pointer-generator network

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    German Summarization Challenge 2019 at SwissText 201

    A Twitter corpus and benchmark resources for german sentiment analysis

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    In this paper we present SB10k, a new corpus for sentiment analysis with approx.10,000 German tweets. We use this new corpus and two existing corpora to provide state-of-the-art bench-marks for sentiment analysis in German:we implemented a CNN (based on the winning system of SemEval-2016) and a feature-based SVM and compare their performance on all three corpora. For the CNN, we also created German word embeddings trained on 300M tweets. These word embeddings were then optimized for sentiment analysis using distant-supervised learning. The new corpus, the German word embeddings (plain and optimized), and source code to re-run the benchmarks are publicly available

    TopicThunder at SemEval-2017 Task 4 : sentiment classification using a convolutional neural network with distant supervision

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    In this paper, we propose a classifier for predicting topic-specific sentiments of English Twitter messages. Our method is based on a 2-layer CNN. With a distant supervised phase we leverage a large amount of weakly-labelled training data. Our system was evaluated on the data provided by the SemEval-2017 competition in the Topic-Based Message Polarity Classification subtask, where it ranked 4th place

    Correction of Errors in Preference Ratings from Automated Metrics for Text Generation

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    A major challenge in the field of Text Generation is evaluation: Human evaluations are cost-intensive, and automated metrics often display considerable disagreement with human judgments. In this paper, we propose a statistical model of Text Generation evaluation that accounts for the error-proneness of automated metrics when used to generate preference rankings between system outputs. We show that existing automated metrics are generally over-confident in assigning significant differences between systems in this setting. However, our model enables an efficient combination of human and automated ratings to remedy the error-proneness of the automated metrics. We show that using this combination, we only require about 50% of the human annotations typically used in evaluations to arrive at robust and statistically significant results while yielding the same evaluation outcome as the pure human evaluation in 95% of cases. We showcase the benefits of approach for three text generation tasks: dialogue systems, machine translation, and text summarization

    Potential and limitations of cross-domain sentiment classification

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    In this paper we investigate the cross-domain performance of sentiment analysis systems. For this purpose we train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on data from different domains and evaluate its performance on other domains. Furthermore, we evaluate the usefulness of combining a large amount of different smaller annotated corpora to a large corpus. Our results show that more sophisticated approaches are required to train a system that works equally well on various domains