153 research outputs found

    41SM195A, The Browning Site

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    A surface collection of early 19 \u27 century historic sherds led to archaeological investigations in 2002 and 2003 at the Browning site (41SM195A) in eastern Smith County, Texas. My interest was whetted by mention in the original land abstract that the property had once been deeded to the Cherokee Indians. In all, a total of 6.5 cubic meters of archaeological deposits was excavated at the site, including 22 shovel tests and 10 1 x 1 m test units, and fine-screen and flotation samples were taken from a prehistoric midden deposit identified during the work. As a result, 1075 prehistoric and historic artifacts were recovered, along with new information about Woodland period archaeology in this part of East Texas. The initial shovel tests found, in addition to the historic component, a buried midden with evidence of Woodland period occupation. Based on the excavations, the midden covered approximately 500 square meters. The 19th century historic artifacts were found in the upper sediment zone, a brown sandy loam that was mostly gravel- free) covering the midden. The buried midden was a dark yellowish-brown gravelly loam that contained prehistoric pottery, animal bone, charred wood and nutshells, lithic materials, including lithic debris, flake tools, arrow and dart points, and ground stone tools. A calibrated radiocarbon date of A.D. 625 to 880, with a calibrated intercept of A.D. 685, was obtained on charred nutshell from 40-50 em bs in the midden zone. A series of Oxidizable Carbon Ratio (OCR) dates from the midden indicate that the midden began to from about A.D. 147, with dates of A.D. 357-815 from the main part of the midden, indicating when the Browning site was most intensively occupied in prehistoric times

    Comparison of collapsing methods for the statistical analysis of rare variants

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    Novel technologies allow sequencing of whole genomes and are considered as an emerging approach for the identification of rare disease-associated variants. Recent studies have shown that multiple rare variants can explain a particular proportion of the genetic basis for disease. Following this assumption, we compare five collapsing approaches to test for groupwise association with disease status, using simulated data provided by Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 (GAW17). Variants are collapsed in different scenarios per gene according to different minor allele frequency (MAF) thresholds and their functionality. For comparing the different approaches, we consider the family-wise error rate and the power. Most of the methods could maintain the nominal type I error levels well for small MAF thresholds, but the power was generally low. Although the methods considered in this report are common approaches for analyzing rare variants, they performed poorly with respect to the simulated disease phenotype in the GAW17 data set

    Are quantitative trait-dependent sampling designs cost-effective for analysis of rare and common variants?

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    Use of trait-dependent sampling designs in whole-genome association studies of sequence data can reduce total sequencing costs with modest losses of statistical efficiency. In a quantitative trait (QT) analysis of data from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 mini-exome for unrelated individuals in the Asian subpopulation, we investigate alternative designs that sequence only 50% of the entire cohort. In addition to a simple random sampling design, we consider extreme-phenotype designs that are of increasing interest in genetic association analysis of QTs, especially in studies concerned with the detection of rare genetic variants. We also evaluate a novel sampling design in which all individuals have a nonzero probability of being selected into the sample but in which individuals with extreme phenotypes have a proportionately larger probability. We take differential sampling of individuals with informative trait values into account by inverse probability weighting using standard survey methods which thus generalizes to the source population. In replicate 1 data, we applied the designs in association analysis of Q1 with both rare and common variants in the FLT1 gene, based on knowledge of the generating model. Using all 200 replicate data sets, we similarly analyzed Q1 and Q4 (which is known to be free of association with FLT1) to evaluate relative efficiency, type I error, and power. Simulation study results suggest that the QT-dependent selection designs generally yield greater than 50% relative efficiency compared to using the entire cohort, implying cost-effectiveness of 50% sample selection and worthwhile reduction of sequencing costs

    Enrichment analysis of genetic association in genes and pathways by aggregating signals from both rare and common variants

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    New high-throughput sequencing technologies have brought forth opportunities for unbiased analysis of thousands of rare genomic variants in genome-wide association studies of complex diseases. Because it is hard to detect single rare variants with appreciable effect sizes at the population level, existing methods mostly aggregate effects of multiple markers by collapsing the rare variants in genes (or genomic regions). We hypothesize that a higher level of aggregation can further improve association signal strength. Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 simulated data, we test a two-step strategy that first applies a collapsing method in a gene-level analysis and then aggregates the gene-level test results by performing an enrichment analysis in gene sets. We find that the gene set approach which combines signals across multiple genes outperforms testing individual genes separately and that the power of the gene set enrichment test is further improved by proper adjustment of statistics to account for gene-wise differences

    An aggregating U-Test for a genetic association study of quantitative traits

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    We propose a novel aggregating U-test for gene-based association analysis. The method considers both rare and common variants. It adaptively searches for potential disease-susceptibility rare variants and collapses them into a single “supervariant.” A forward U-test is then used to assess the joint association of the supervariant and other common variants with quantitative traits. Using 200 simulated replicates from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 mini-exome data, we compare the performance of the proposed method with that of a commonly used approach, QuTie. We find that our method has an equivalent or greater power than QuTie to detect nine genes that influence the quantitative trait Q1. This new approach provides a powerful tool for detecting both common and rare variants associated with quantitative traits

    Two-stage analyses of sequence variants in association with quantitative traits

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    We propose a two-stage design for the analysis of sequence variants in which a proportion of genes that show some evidence of association are identified initially and then followed up in an independent data set. We compare two different approaches. In both approaches the same summary measure (total number of minor alleles) is used for each gene in the initial analysis. In the first (simple) approach the same summary measure is used in the analysis of the independent data set. In the second (alternative) approach a more specific hypothesis is formed for the second stage; the summary measure used is the count of minor alleles in only those variants that in the initial data showed the same direction of association as was seen overall. We applied the methods to the simulated quantitative traits of Genetic Analysis Workshop 17, blind to the simulation model, and then evaluated their performance once the underlying model was known. Performance was similar for most genes, but the simple strategy considerably out-performed the alternative strategy for one gene, where most of the effect was due to very rare variants; this suggests that the alternative approach would not be advisable when the effect is seen in very rare variants. Further simulations are needed to investigate the potential superior power of the alternative method when some variants within a gene have opposing effects. Overall, the power to detect associations was low; this was also true when using a more powerful joint analysis that combined the two stages of the study

    Enhancing the discovery of rare disease variants through hierarchical modeling

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    Advances in next-generation sequencing technology are enabling researchers to capture a comprehensive picture of genomic variation across large numbers of individuals with unprecedented levels of efficiency. The main analytic challenge in disease mapping is how to mine the data for rare causal variants among a sea of neutral variation. To achieve this goal, investigators have proposed a number of methods that exploit biological knowledge. In this paper, I propose applying a Bayesian stochastic search variable selection algorithm in this context. My multivariate method is inspired by the combined multivariate and collapsing method. In this proposed method, however, I allow an arbitrary number of different sources of biological knowledge to inform the model as prior distributions in a two-level hierarchical model. This allows rare variants with similar prior distributions to share evidence of association. Using the 1000 Genomes Project single-nucleotide polymorphism data provided by Genetic Analysis Workshop 17, I show that through biologically informative prior distributions, some power can be gained over noninformative prior distributions

    Two-stage study designs combining genome-wide association studies, tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms, and exome sequencing: accuracy of genetic effect estimates

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) test for disease-trait associations and estimate effect sizes at tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which imperfectly capture variation at causal SNPs. Sequencing studies can examine potential causal SNPs directly; however, sequencing the whole genome or exome can be prohibitively expensive. Costs can be limited by using a GWAS to detect the associated region(s) at tag SNPs followed by targeted sequencing to identify and estimate the effect size of the causal variant. Genetic effect estimates obtained from association studies can be inflated because of a form of selection bias known as the winner’s curse. Conversely, estimates at tag SNPs can be attenuated compared to the causal SNP because of incomplete linkage disequilibrium. These two effects oppose each other. Analysis of rare SNPs further complicates our understanding of the winner’s curse because rare SNPs are difficult to tag and analysis can involve collapsing over multiple rare variants. In two-stage analysis of Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 simulated data sets, we find that selection at the tag SNP produces upward bias in the estimate of effect at the causal SNP, even when the tag and causal SNPs are not well correlated. The bias similarly carries through to effect estimates for rare variant summary measures. Replication studies designed with sample sizes computed using biased estimates will be under-powered to detect a disease-causing variant. Accounting for bias in the original study is critical to avoid discarding disease-associated SNPs at follow up

    Evaluation of pooled association tests for rare variant identification

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    Genome-wide association studies have successfully identified many common variants associated with complex human diseases. However, a large portion of the remaining heritability cannot be explained by these common variants. Exploring rare variants associated with diseases is now catching more attention. Several methods have been recently proposed for identification of rare variants. Among them, the fixed-threshold, weighted-sum, and variable-threshold methods are effective in combining the information of multiple variants into a functional unit; these approaches are commonly used. We evaluate the performance of these three methods. Based on our analyses of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data, we find that no method is universally better than the others. Furthermore, adjusting for potential covariates can not only increase the true-positive proportions but also reduce the false-positive proportions. Our study concludes that there is no uniformly most powerful test among the three methods we compared (the fixed-threshold, weighted-sum, and variable-threshold methods), and their performances depend on the underlying genetic architecture of a disease

    Evaluating methods for the analysis of rare variants in sequence data

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    A number of rare variant statistical methods have been proposed for analysis of the impending wave of next-generation sequencing data. To date, there are few direct comparisons of these methods on real sequence data. Furthermore, there is a strong need for practical advice on the proper analytic strategies for rare variant analysis. We compare four recently proposed rare variant methods (combined multivariate and collapsing, weighted sum, proportion regression, and cumulative minor allele test) on simulated phenotype and next-generation sequencing data as part of Genetic Analysis Workshop 17. Overall, we find that all analyzed methods have serious practical limitations on identifying causal genes. Specifically, no method has more than a 5% true discovery rate (percentage of truly causal genes among all those identified as significantly associated with the phenotype). Further exploration shows that all methods suffer from inflated false-positive error rates (chance that a noncausal gene will be identified as associated with the phenotype) because of population stratification and gametic phase disequilibrium between noncausal SNPs and causal SNPs. Furthermore, observed true-positive rates (chance that a truly causal gene will be identified as significantly associated with the phenotype) for each of the four methods was very low (<19%). The combination of larger than anticipated false-positive rates, low true-positive rates, and only about 1% of all genes being causal yields poor discriminatory ability for all four methods. Gametic phase disequilibrium and population stratification are important areas for further research in the analysis of rare variant data