350 research outputs found

    An Exact Cosmological Solution of the Coupled Einstein-Majorana Fermion-Scalar Field Equations

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    We couple a neutral scalar field and a Majorana fermion field to Einstein gravity represented by the Robertson-Walker metric and find a class of exact cosmological solutions

    Thermal Stability of Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: An O(N) Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

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    Order(N) Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics (TBMD) simulations are performed to investigate the thermal stability of (10,10) metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT). Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) are applied in axial direction. Velocity Verlet algorithm along with the canonical ensemble molecular dynamics (NVT) is used to simulate the tubes at the targeted temperatures. The effects of slow and rapid temperature increases on the physical characteristics, structural stability and the energetics of the tube are investigated and compared. Simulations are carried out starting from room temperature and the temperature is raised in steps of 300K. Stability of the simulated metallic SWCNT is examined at each step before it is heated to higher temperatures. First indication of structural deformation is observed at 600K. For higher heat treatments the deformations are more pronounced and the bond breaking temperature is reached around 2500K. Gradual (slow) heating and thermal equilibrium (fast heating) methods give the value of radial thermal expansion coefficient in the temperature range between 300K-600K as 0.31x10^{-5}(1/K) and 0.089x10^{-5}(1/K), respectively. After 600K, both methods give the same value of 0.089x10^{-5}(1/K). The ratio of the total energy per atom with respect to temperature is found to be 3x10^{-4} eV/K

    Vacancy induced energy band gap changes of semiconducting zigzag single walled carbon nanotubes

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    In this work, we have examined how the multi-vacancy defects induced in the horizontal direction change the energetics and the electronic structure of semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs). The electronic structure of SWCNTs is computed for each deformed configuration by means of real space, Order(N) Tight Binding Molecular Dynamic (O(N) TBMD) simulations. Energy band gap is obtained in real space through the behavior of electronic density of states (eDOS) near the Fermi level. Vacancies can effectively change the energetics and hence the electronic structure of SWCNTs. In this study, we choose three different kinds of semiconducting zigzag SWCNTs and determine the band gap modifications. We have selected (12,0), (13,0) and (14,0) zigzag SWCNTs according to n (mod 3) = 0, n (mod 3) = 1 and n (mod 3) = 2 classification. (12,0) SWCNT is metallic in its pristine state. The application of vacancies opens the electronic band gap and it goes up to 0.13 eV for a di- vacancy defected tube. On the other hand (13,0) and (14,0) SWCNTs are semiconductors with energy band gap values of 0.44 eV and 0.55 eV in their pristine state, respectively. Their energy band gap values decrease to 0.07 eV and 0.09 eV when mono-vacancy defects are induced in their horizontal directions. Then the di-vacancy defects open the band gap again. So in both cases, the semiconducting-metallic - semiconducting transitions occur. It is also shown that the band gap modification exhibits irreversible characteristics, which means that band gap values of the nanotubes do not reach their pristine values with increasing number of vacancies

    An Exactly Solvable Model of Interacting Bosons

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    We introduce a class of exactly solvable boson models. We give explicit analytic expressions for energy eigenvalues and eigenvectors for an sd-boson Hamiltonian, which is related to the SO(6) chain of the Interacting Boson Model Hamiltonian.Comment: 8 pages of LATE

    Classical and quantum spinor cosmology with signature change

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    We study the classical and quantum cosmology of a universe in which the matter source is a massive Dirac spinor field and consider cases where such fields are either free or self-interacting. We focus attention on the spatially flat Robertson-Walker cosmology and classify the solutions of the Einstein-Dirac system in the case of zero, negative and positive cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. For Λ<0\Lambda<0, these solutions exhibit signature transitions from a Euclidean to a Lorentzian domain. In the case of massless spinor fields it is found that signature changing solutions do not exist when the field is free while in the case of a self-interacting spinor field such solutions may exist. The resulting quantum cosmology and the corresponding Wheeler-DeWitt equation are also studied for both free and self interacting spinor fields and closed form expressions for the wavefunction of the universe are presented. These solutions suggest a quantization rule for the energy.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Conformal Black Hole Solutions of Axi-Dilaton Gravity in D-dimensions

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    Static, spherically symmetric solutions of axi-dilaton gravity in DD dimensions is given in the Brans-Dicke frame for arbitrary values of the Brans-Dicke constant ω\omega and an axion-dilaton coupling parameter kk. The mass and the dilaton and axion charges are determined and a BPS bound is derived. There exists a one parameter family of black hole solutions in the scale invariant limit.Comment: 6 PAGES, Rev-tex file, no figures, to appear in Phys-Rev

    The geometrical form for the string space-time action

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    In the present article, we derive the space-time action of the bosonic string in terms of geometrical quantities. First, we study the space-time geometry felt by probe bosonic string moving in antisymmetric and dilaton background fields. We show that the presence of the antisymmetric field leads to the space-time torsion, and the presence of the dilaton field leads to the space-time nonmetricity. Using these results we obtain the integration measure for space-time with stringy nonmetricity, requiring its preservation under parallel transport. We derive the Lagrangian depending on stringy curvature, torsion and nonmetricity.Comment: 13 page

    On Signature Transition and Compactification in Kaluza-Klein Cosmology

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    We consider an empty (4+1) dimensional Kaluza-Klein universe with a negative cosmological constant and a Robertson-Walker type metric. It is shown that the solutions to Einstein field equations have degenerate metric and exhibit transitioins from a Euclidean to a Lorentzian domain. We then suggest a mechanism, based on signature transition which leads to compactification of the internal space in the Lorentzian region as aΛ1/2a \sim |\Lambda|^{1/2}. With the assumption of a very small value for the cosmological constant we find that the size of the universe RR and the internal scale factor aa would be related according to Ra1Ra\sim 1 in the Lorentzian region. The corresponding Wheeler-DeWitt equation has exact solution in the mini-superspace giving rise to a quantum state which peaks in the vicinity of the classical solutions undergoing signature transition.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure