271 research outputs found

    Computing with confidence: a Bayesian approach

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    Bayes’ rule is introduced as a coherent strategy for multiple recomputations of classifier system output, and thus as a basis for assessing the uncertainty associated with a particular system results --- i.e. a basis for confidence in the accuracy of each computed result. We use a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method for efficient selection of recomputations to approximate the computationally intractable elements of the Bayesian approach. The estimate of the confidence to be placed in any classification result provides a sound basis for rejection of some classification results. We present uncertainty envelopes as one way to derive these confidence estimates from the population of recomputed results. We show that a coarse SURE or UNSURE confidence rating based on a threshold of agreed classifications works well, not only pinpointing those results that are reliable but also in indicating input data problems, such as corrupted or incomplete data, or application of an inadequate classifier model

    Representing classifier confidence in the safety critical domain: an illustration from mortality prediction in trauma cases

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    Copyright © 2007 Springer Verlag. The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis work proposes a novel approach to assessing confidence measures for software classification systems in demanding applications such as those in the safety critical domain. Our focus is the Bayesian framework for developing a model-averaged probabilistic classifier implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and where appropriate its reversible jump variant (RJ-MCMC). Within this context we suggest a new technique, building on the reject region idea, to identify areas in feature space that are associated with "unsure" classification predictions. We term such areas "uncertainty envelopes" and they are defined in terms of the full characteristics of the posterior predictive density in different regions of the feature space. We argue this is more informative than use of a traditional reject region which considers only point estimates of predictive probabilities. Results from the method we propose are illustrated on synthetic data and also usefully applied to real life safety critical systems involving medical trauma data

    Duffer’s Shoal: A Strategic Dream of the Pacific Command Area of Responsibility

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    This strategic assessment seeks to go beyond a traditional comparative analysis of the military, technological, political, cultural, and economic factors governing the relationships and capabilities of the Asia Pacific environment. To make sense of the intrinsic complexities unique to this region, we endeavor to broaden our view and rely on a tool often overlooked in government studies: imagination. Moreover, we aim to offer a strategic document that is readable, instructive, and provocative. Pulling from a well-referenced piece of military teaching, this assessment borrows a learning concept first employed in 1904 by Major General Sir Ernest Dunlop Swinton in The Defence of Duffer’s Drift. This fictional story describes the plight of young Lieutenant Backsight Forethought as he commands a 50-man platoon tasked to hold a tactically critical piece of land called Duffer’s Drift. The story unfolds in a series of six dreams, where the blunders of the unwitting lieutenant lead to disaster. As the dreams progress, he harnesses the lessons of each of his failures, and by applying these lessons, his platoon ultimately defends Duffer’s Drift.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1445/thumbnail.jp

    A Bayesian methodology for estimating uncertainty of decisions in safety-critical systems

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    Published as chapter in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Volume 149, IOS Press Book, 2006. Integrated Intelligent Systems for Engineering Design. Edited by Xuan F. Zha, R.J. Howlett. ISBN 978-1-58603-675-1, pp. 82-96. This version deposited in arxiv.orghttp://arxiv.org/abs/1012.0322Uncertainty of decisions in safety-critical engineering applications can be estimated on the basis of the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique of averaging over decision models. The use of decision tree (DT) models assists experts to interpret causal relations and find factors of the uncertainty. Bayesian averaging also allows experts to estimate the uncertainty accurately when a priori information on the favored structure of DTs is available. Then an expert can select a single DT model, typically the Maximum a Posteriori model, for interpretation purposes. Unfortunately, a priori information on favored structure of DTs is not always available. For this reason, we suggest a new prior on DTs for the Bayesian MCMC technique. We also suggest a new procedure of selecting a single DT and describe an application scenario. In our experiments on the Short-Term Conflict Alert data our technique outperforms the existing Bayesian techniques in predictive accuracy of the selected single DTs.Supported by a grant from the EPSRC under the Critical Systems Program, grant GR/R24357/0

    A Bayesian Methodology for Estimating Uncertainty of Decisions in Safety-Critical Systems

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    In: Integrated Intelligent Systems for Engineering Design (editors: Zha, X.F. and Howlett, R.J.)Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications vol. 14

    Experimental Comparison of Classification Uncertainty for Randomised and Bayesian Decision Tree Ensembles

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    Copyright © 2004 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. The final publication is available at link.springer.comBook title: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 20045th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2004, Exeter, UK. August 25-27, 2004In this paper we experimentally compare the classification uncertainty of the randomised Decision Tree (DT) ensemble technique and the Bayesian DT technique with a restarting strategy on a synthetic dataset as well as on some datasets commonly used in the machine learning community. For quantitative evaluation of classification uncertainty, we use an Uncertainty Envelope dealing with the class posterior distribution and a given confidence probability. Counting the classifier outcomes, this technique produces feasible evaluations of the classification uncertainty. Using this technique in our experiments, we found that the Bayesian DT technique is superior to the randomised DT ensemble technique

    Estimating Classification Uncertainty of Bayesian Decision Tree Technique on Financial Data

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    Copyright © 2007 Springer. The final publication is available at link.springer.comBook title: Perception-based Data Mining and Decision Making in Economics and FinanceSummary Bayesian averaging over classification models allows the uncertainty of classification outcomes to be evaluated, which is of crucial importance for making reliable decisions in applications such as financial in which risks have to be estimated. The uncertainty of classification is determined by a trade-off between the amount of data available for training, the diversity of a classifier ensemble and the required performance. The interpretability of classification models can also give useful information for experts responsible for making reliable classifications. For this reason Decision Trees (DTs) seem to be attractive classification models. The required diversity of the DT ensemble can be achieved by using the Bayesian model averaging all possible DTs. In practice, the Bayesian approach can be implemented on the base of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique of random sampling from the posterior distribution. For sampling large DTs, the MCMC method is extended by Reversible Jump technique which allows inducing DTs under given priors. For the case when the prior information on the DT size is unavailable, the sweeping technique defining the prior implicitly reveals a better performance. Within this chapter we explore the classification uncertainty of the Bayesian MCMC techniques on some datasets from the StatLog Repository and real financial data. The classification uncertainty is compared within an Uncertainty Envelope technique dealing with the class posterior distribution and a given confidence probability. This technique provides realistic estimates of the classification uncertainty which can be easily interpreted in statistical terms with the aim of risk evaluation

    Comparison of the Bayesian and Randomised Decision Tree Ensembles within an Uncertainty Envelope Technique

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    Copyright © 2006 Springer. The final publication is available at link.springer.comMultiple Classifier Systems (MCSs) allow evaluation of the uncertainty of classification outcomes that is of crucial importance for safety critical applications. The uncertainty of classification is determined by a trade-off between the amount of data available for training, the classifier diversity and the required performance. The interpretability of MCSs can also give useful information for experts responsible for making reliable classifications. For this reason Decision Trees (DTs) seem to be attractive classification models for experts. The required diversity of MCSs exploiting such classification models can be achieved by using two techniques, the Bayesian model averaging and the randomised DT ensemble. Both techniques have revealed promising results when applied to real-world problems. In this paper we experimentally compare the classification uncertainty of the Bayesian model averaging with a restarting strategy and the randomised DT ensemble on a synthetic dataset and some domain problems commonly used in the machine learning community. To make the Bayesian DT averaging feasible, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique. The classification uncertainty is evaluated within an Uncertainty Envelope technique dealing with the class posterior distribution and a given confidence probability. Exploring a full posterior distribution, this technique produces realistic estimates which can be easily interpreted in statistical terms. In our experiments we found out that the Bayesian DTs are superior to the randomised DT ensembles within the Uncertainty Envelope technique

    Confident interpretation of Bayesian decision tree ensembles for clinical applications

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    Copyright © 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Bayesian averaging (BA) over ensembles of decision models allows evaluation of the uncertainty of decisions that is of crucial importance for safety-critical applications such as medical diagnostics. The interpretability of the ensemble can also give useful information for experts responsible for making reliable decisions. For this reason, decision trees (DTs) are attractive decision models for experts. However, BA over such models makes an ensemble of DTs uninterpretable. In this paper, we present a new approach to probabilistic interpretation of Bayesian DT ensembles. This approach is based on the quantitative evaluation of uncertainty of the DTs, and allows experts to find a DT that provides a high predictive accuracy and confident outcomes. To make the BA over DTs feasible in our experiments, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique with a reversible jump extension. The results obtained from clinical data show that in terms of predictive accuracy, the proposed method outperforms the maximum a posteriori (MAP) method that has been suggested for interpretation of DT ensembles
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