5 research outputs found

    The importance of spawning behavior in understanding the vulnerability of exploited marine fishes in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico

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    The vulnerability of a fish stock to becoming overfished is dependent upon biological traits that influence productivity and external factors that determine susceptibility or exposure to fishing effort. While a suite of life history traits are traditionally incorporated into management efforts due to their direct association with vulnerability to overfishing, spawning behavioral traits are seldom considered. We synthesized the existing biological and fisheries information of 28 fish stocks in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico to investigate relationships between life history traits, spawning behavioral traits, management regulations, and vulnerability to fishing during the spawning season. Our results showed that spawning behavioral traits were not correlated with life history traits but improved identification of species that have been historically overfished. Species varied widely in their intrinsic vulnerability to fishing during spawning in association with a broad range of behavioral strategies. Extrinsic vulnerability was high for nearly all species due to exposure to fishing during the spawning season and few management measures in place to protect spawning fish. Similarly, several species with the highest vulnerability scores were historically overfished in association with spawning aggregations. The most vulnerable species included several stocks that have not been assessed and should be prioritized for further research and monitoring. Collectively, the results of this study illustrate that spawning behavior is a distinct aspect of fish ecology that is important to consider for predictions of vulnerability and resilience to fisheries exploitation

    The influence of sample distribution on growth model output for a highly-exploited marine fish, the Gulf Corvina (Cynoscion othonopterus)

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    Estimating the growth of fishes is critical to understanding their life history and conducting fisheries assessments. It is imperative to sufficiently sample each size and age class of fishes to construct models that accurately reflect biological growth patterns, but this may be a challenging endeavor for highly-exploited species in which older fish are rare. Here, we use the Gulf Corvina (Cynoscion othonopterus), a vulnerable marine fish that has been persistently overfished for two decades, as a model species to compare the performance of several growth models. We fit the von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, logistic, Schnute, and Schnute–Richards growth models to length-at-age data by nonlinear least squares regression and used simple indicators to reveal biased data and ensure our results were biologically feasible. We then explored the consequences of selecting a biased growth model with a per-recruit model that estimated female spawning-stock-biomass-per-recruit and yield-per-recruit. Based on statistics alone, we found that the Schnute–Richards model described our data best. However, it was evident that our data were biased by a bimodal distribution of samples and underrepresentation of large, old individuals, and we found the Schnute–Richards model output to be biologically implausible. By simulating an equal distribution of samples across all age classes, we found that sample distribution distinctly influenced model output for all growth models tested. Consequently, we determined that the growth pattern of the Gulf Corvina was best described by the von Bertalanffy growth model, which was the most robust to biased data, comparable across studies, and statistically comparable to the Schnute–Richards model. Growth model selection had important consequences for assessment, as the per-recruit model employing the Schnute–Richards model fit to raw data predicted the stock to be in a much healthier state than per-recruit models employing other growth models. Our results serve as a reminder of the importance of complete sampling of all size and age classes when possible and transparent identification of biased data when complete sampling is not possible

    The importance of spawning behavior in understanding the vulnerability of exploited marine fishes in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico

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    The vulnerability of a fish stock to becoming overfished is dependent upon biological traits that influence productivity and external factors that determine susceptibility or exposure to fishing effort. While a suite of life history traits are traditionally incorporated into management efforts due to their direct association with vulnerability to overfishing, spawning behavioral traits are seldom considered. We synthesized the existing biological and fisheries information of 28 fish stocks in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico to investigate relationships between life history traits, spawning behavioral traits, management regulations, and vulnerability to fishing during the spawning season. Our results showed that spawning behavioral traits were not correlated with life history traits but improved identification of species that have been historically overfished. Species varied widely in their intrinsic vulnerability to fishing during spawning in association with a broad range of behavioral strategies. Extrinsic vulnerability was high for nearly all species due to exposure to fishing during the spawning season and few management measures in place to protect spawning fish. Similarly, several species with the highest vulnerability scores were historically overfished in association with spawning aggregations. The most vulnerable species included several stocks that have not been assessed and should be prioritized for further research and monitoring. Collectively, the results of this study illustrate that spawning behavior is a distinct aspect of fish ecology that is important to consider for predictions of vulnerability and resilience to fisheries exploitation

    Using age compositions derived from spatio-temporal models and acoustic data collected by uncrewed surface vessels to estimate Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) biomass-at-age

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    Generating biomass-at-age indices for fisheries stock assessments with acoustic data collected by uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) has been hampered by the need to resolve acoustic backscatter with contemporaneous biological (e.g., age) composition data. To address this limitation, Pacific hake (Merluccius productus; “hake”) acoustic data were gathered from a USV survey (in 2019) and acoustic-trawl survey (ATS; 2019 and eight previous years), and biological data were gathered from fishery-dependent and non-target (i.e., not specifically targeting hake) fishery-independent sources (2019 and eight previous years). To overcome the lack of contemporaneous biological sampling in the USV survey, age class compositions were estimated from a generalized linear mixed spatio-temporal model (STM) fit to the fishery-dependent and non-target fishery-independent data. The validity of the STM age composition estimation procedure was assessed by comparing estimates to age compositions from the ATS in each year. Hake biomass-at-age was estimated from all combinations of acoustics (USV or ATS in 2019, ATS only in other years) and age composition information (STM or ATS in all years). Across the survey area, proportional age class compositions derived from the best STM differed from ATS observations by 0.09 on average in 2019 (median relative error (MRE): 19.45%) and 0.14 across all years (MRE: 79.03%). In data-rich areas (i.e., areas with regular fishery operations), proportional age class compositions from the STM differed from ATS observations by 0.03 on average in 2019 (MRE: 11.46%) and 0.09 across years (MRE: 54.96%). On average, total biomass estimates derived using STM age compositions differed from ATS age composition-based estimates by approximately 7% across the study period (~ 3% in 2019) given the same source of acoustic data. When biomass estimates from different sources of acoustic data (USV or ATS) were compared given the same source of age composition data, differences were nearly ten-fold greater (22% or 27%, depending on if ATS or STM age compositions were used). STMs fit to non-contemporaneous data may provide suitable information for assigning population structure to acoustic backscatter in data-rich areas, but advancements in acoustic data processing (e.g., automated echo classification) may be needed to generate viable USV-based estimates of biomass-at-age

    A Meta-Analytical Review of the Effects of Environmental and Ecological Drivers On the Abundance of Red Snapper (\u3ci\u3eLutjanus campechanus\u3c/i\u3e) In the U.S. Gulf of Mexico

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    We conducted a meta-analysis to summarize current knowledge on the effects of environmental and ecological drivers on the abundance of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) within the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. We reviewed 1252 published research articles and extracted or calculated effect sizes for 12 drivers from 82 independent studies within 26 articles that met our inclusion criteria. We used a fixed-effect model to calculate the absolute value of the mean effect size of each driver by age class studied and pooled across age classes to estimate effects on the overall abundance of red snapper. Habitat complexity and intra-specific competition had large effects on overall abundance and juvenile abundance, while habitat type and protection from predators showed medium to large effects on age 0 recruits and juvenile red snapper, and the mean effect of all drivers studied for adult red snapper were small or had no effect on abundance. Our results provide systematic support for the role of density-dependent mechanisms (habitat quality and availability, competition, predation) in shaping the regional abundance of red snapper, particularly during the juvenile stages. Sensitivity analyses indicated that issues with non-independence (e.g. within-article correlation), between-study heterogeneity, and publication bias influenced the magnitude and certainty of effect size estimates in a subset of drivers. Thus, our meta-analytical review also highlights the need for more empirical research on certain drivers (e.g. temperature, hypoxia) to improve our understanding of the factors that shape the regional abundance of red snapper