643 research outputs found

    Life, Death and Preferential Attachment

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    Scientific communities are characterized by strong stratification. The highly skewed frequency distribution of citations of published scientific papers suggests a relatively small number of active, cited papers embedded in a sea of inactive and uncited papers. We propose an analytically soluble model which allows for the death of nodes. This model provides an excellent description of the citation distributions for live and dead papers in the SPIRES database. Further, this model suggests a novel and general mechanism for the generation of power law distributions in networks whenever the fraction of active nodes is small.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Colour and Odour Drive Fruit Selection and Seed Dispersal by Mouse Lemurs

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    Animals and fruiting plants are involved in a complex set of interactions, with animals relying on fruiting trees as food resources, and fruiting trees relying on animals for seed dispersal. This interdependence shapes fruit signals such as colour and odour, to increase fruit detectability, and animal sensory systems, such as colour vision and olfaction to facilitate food identification and selection. Despite the ecological and evolutionary importance of plant-animal interactions for shaping animal sensory adaptations and plant characteristics, the details of the relationship are poorly understood. Here we examine the role of fruit chromaticity, luminance and odour on seed dispersal by mouse lemurs. We show that both fruit colour and odour significantly predict fruit consumption and seed dispersal by Microcebus ravelobensis and M. murinus. Our study is the first to quantify and examine the role of bimodal fruit signals on seed dispersal in light of the sensory abilities of the disperser

    Assessment of antibodies in the upper and lower human respiratory tract at steady state and after respiratory viral infection

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    OBJECTIVES: There is an increasing appreciation for the need to study mucosal antibody responses in humans. Our aim was to determine the utility of different types of samples from the human respiratory tract, specifically nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs obtained for diagnostic purposes and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) obtained in outpatient and inpatient settings. METHODS: We analysed antibody levels in plasma and NP swabs from 67 individuals with acute influenza as well as plasma and BAL from individuals undergoing bronchoscopy, including five control subjects as well as seven moderately and seven severely ill subjects with a respiratory viral infection. Levels of α2-macroglobulin were determined in BAL and plasma to assess plasma exudation. RESULTS: IgG and IgA were readily detectable in BAL and NP swabs, albeit at different ratios, while IgM levels were low. The total amount of antibody recovered from NP swabs varied greatly between study participants. Accordingly, the levels of influenza HA-specific antibodies varied, and individuals with lower amounts of total Ig in NP swabs had undetectable levels of HA-specific Ig. Similarly, the total amount of antibody recovered from BAL varied between study participants. However, severely ill patients showed evidence of increased plasma exudation, which may confound analysis of their BAL samples for mucosal antibodies. CONCLUSION: Nasopharyngeal swabs collected for diagnostic purposes may have utility in assessing antibodies from the human nasal mucosa, but variability in sampling should be accounted for. BAL samples can be utilised to study antibodies from the lower respiratory tract, but the possibility of plasma exudation should be excluded

    On the charge density and asymptotic tail of a monopole

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    We propose a new definition for the abelian magnetic charge density of a nonabelian monopole, based on zero-modes of an associated Dirac operator. Unlike the standard definition of the charge density, this density is smooth in the core of the monopole. We show that this charge density induces a magnetic field whose expansion in powers of 1=r agrees with that of the conventional asymptotic magnetic field to all orders. We also show that the asymptotic field can be easily calculated from the spectral curve. Explicit examples are given for known monopole solutions

    Divergent controls of soil organic carbon between observations and process-based models

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    The storage and cycling of soil organic carbon (SOC) are governed by multiple co-varying factors, including climate, plant productivity, edaphic properties, and disturbance history. Yet, it remains unclear which of these factors are the dominant predictors of observed SOC stocks, globally and within biomes, and how the role of these predictors varies between observations and process-based models. Here we use global observations and an ensemble of soil biogeochemical models to quantify the emergent importance of key state factors – namely, mean annual temperature, net primary productivity, and soil mineralogy – in explaining biome- to global-scale variation in SOC stocks. We use a machine-learning approach to disentangle the role of covariates and elucidate individual relationships with SOC, without imposing expected relationships a priori. While we observe qualitatively similar relationships between SOC and covariates in observations and models, the magnitude and degree of non-linearity vary substantially among the models and observations. Models appear to overemphasize the importance of temperature and primary productivity (especially in forests and herbaceous biomes, respectively), while observations suggest a greater relative importance of soil minerals. This mismatch is also evident globally. However, we observe agreement between observations and model outputs in select individual biomes – namely, temperate deciduous forests and grasslands, which both show stronger relationships of SOC stocks with temperature and productivity, respectively. This approach highlights biomes with the largest uncertainty and mismatch with observations for targeted model improvements. Understanding the role of dominant SOC controls, and the discrepancies between models and observations, globally and across biomes, is essential for improving and validating process representations in soil and ecosystem models for projections under novel future conditions

    Coastal shoreline change assessments at global scales

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    During the present era of rapid climate change and sea-level rise, coastal change science is needed at global, regional, and local scales. Essential elements of this science, regardless of scale, include that the methods are defendable and that the results are independently verifiable. The recent contribution by Almar et al.1 does not achieve either of these measures as shown by: (i) the use of an error-prone proxy for coastal shoreline and (ii) analyses that are circular and explain little of the data variance
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