97 research outputs found

    Major Production and Health Constraints of Chicken in some Districts of East Wollega, Horro Guduru Wollega and West Shoa zones, Oromia, Ethiopia

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    A preliminary survey was carried out in some districts of east Wollega, Horro Gudur Wollega and west Shoa zones to investigate the production and health constraints of village chicken under farmers’ management condition and generate baseline data for future improvement poultry production. Purposive sampling technique was used for sites selection mainly due focusing on accessibility and chicken production potential. A total of 120 farmers were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaire by the researchers from Bako Agricultural research center. The questionnaire was pre-tested before commencement of the actual work. The overall average chicken flock size was 9.3+0.7 per household. Traditional poultry production is conducted in the study areas. No supplementary feed is offered other than grains in wet season when feed is scarce. According to majority of the respondents (65%) chickens are reared for income generation. Some also produce chicken for household consumption (17%) and for cultural and religious purposes (10%). There were attributes preferences like feather color and comb type both for market and breeding purposes. Red feathered (59%) and white feathered (25%) chickens are the most preferred types. Owners attributed white feather color with high egg production. Disease of which diarrhea was identified as the major problem by respondents of the study areas. Predators such as eagles were also reported as major bottlenecks to chicken production. We suggest capacity building for farmers and extension staff in areas of ration formulation from locally available feed resources and record and record keeping for improved production and productivity and also to follow appropriate disease and predators control measures. Keywords: Chicken, traditional management, Oromia, Ethiopi

    Introduction and Evaluation of Dual Purpose Chicken (Potchefstroom KoeKoek) Breed at Bako Agricultural Research Center (BARC)

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    To increase the production and productivity of chicken in the area, it is important to introduce and evaluate the exotic chicken breeds with higher productivity. To this effect introduction and evaluation of dual purpose chicken breed was undertaken at Bako Agricultural Research center. The dual purpose chicken (Potchefstroom Koekoek breed) was a day old when the test was started. The experiment was undertaken for forty eight (48) weeks of period 2015/ 2016. The management and the data on the performance of chickens were divided into three parts (0 to 8, 12 to 20, 27 to 48 weeks of age). The chickens were kept in open house. It is concert floor with saw dust bedding at thickness of 5 to 7cm. The feed for the chicks were purchased from “kalit” feed processing plant. The average feed intake of this dual purpose breed (Potchefstroom Koekoek) during starter phase in (g/bird/day) and (g/bird/week) for both sexes are 33.04 and 231.32 respectively. The average weekly total body weight (g/bird/week), weight gain (g/bird/week) and mortality (%) of dual purpose breed for both sexes are 150.92, 42.75 and 3.26 respectively. This is comparable with the breed manuals (standard) of the layers and also that of the trail made at Debre Zeit Agricultural research center on the same breed. The average feed intake of this dual purpose breed during grower stage in (g/bird/day) and (g/bird/week) for female and male are 78.24, 75.68, 547.66 and 529.73, respectively. And also their average weekly total body weight (g/bird/week), weight gain (g/bird/week) and mortality (%)/week of dual purpose breed for female and male are 840.03, 1085.71, 88.32, 133.49, 1.60 and 1.41, respectively. This is also comparable with the breed manuals (standard) of the layers and also that of the trail made at Debre Zeit Agricultural research center on the same breed. The average feed intake of this dual purpose breed during later stage in (g/bird/day) and (g/bird/week) for female is 118.88 and 848.42 respectively. The average total body weight (g/bird/week) and weight gain (g/bird/week) and mortality (%)/week of these dual purpose breed during layer stage (27 to 48 weeks) for female and male is 1792.54, 2542.59, 7.24, 52.10, 0.44, 0.38 and 0.0, respectively. This is again comparable to the breed manuals (standard) of the layers and also to that of the trail made at Debre Zeit Agricultural research center on the same breed. The average egg production per week at minimum and maximum in percentages are 56.97% and 63.73% during the later stage of 27 to 48 weeks). Majority of the egg shape are oval and shell color are brown and the average egg weight and shell thickness were 50.8gm and 0.34, respectively. The average albumen weight, yolk weight, yolk color, and yolk/albumen ratio of these dual purpose breed are 26.13gm, 13.62gm, 3 and 56.86, respectively. These dual purpose breeds are good in fertility (90%) and they start to lay eggs at 22th weeks of age that is comparable to the standard breed of layers. Keywords: Potchefstroom Koekoek, dual purpose bree

    Condition of Hide and Skin Production and Major Affecting Factors in Selected Districts of Western Oromia, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in selected districts of West Shoa, Horro Guduru Wollega and East Wollega zones mainly focusing on hide and skin diseases, external parasites and other factors known to affect hide and skin. A Cross-sectional study with purposive and multistage sampling techniques was used to select the sample sites and farmers. Six districts were purposively selected from these zones representing the different agro-ecologies and two peasant associations from each district were selected for the study. The three agro-ecologies addressed were: highland (Horro and Chaliya), mid-altitude (Sibu Sire and Bako Tibe), and lowland (Arjo Gudatu and Wama Bonaya). A total of 127 farmers were interviewed. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed and used for the study. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 14.0).  The result indicated that the mean average livestock ownership of the households in study areas was: 9.06 ±0.68, 5.29±0.55, 4.26±0.62, and 6.47± 0.51 heads of cattle, sheep, goats and chicken, respectively. Diseases (57.5%), land scarcity (25.9%) and feed shortage (12.6%), were major livestock constraints reported. Majority of respondents (93%) in mid and low altitude of the areas indicated that Trypanosomiasis and Pasteurellosis were the most important diseases.  We suggest capacity building for farmers and extension staff in areas of health services, vaccination and feeding of animals, improved production and productivity of hide and skins. Keywords: Bako; Ethiopia; hide and skin; Oromia; small ruminan

    On Farm Phenotypic Characterization of Indigenous Cattle in Bako Tibe and Gobu Sayo Districts of Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in Bako Tibe and Gobu Sayo districts of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, from October 2014 to January 2015 with the objective to undertake on-farm phenotypic characterization of indigenous cattle breed (Horro) in the study area. Field studies and collection of data were carried out through semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions, key informants, observations and linear body measurements of sample cattle and secondary data collection from different sources. A total of 120 households (60 from each district) were randomly selected for semi structured questionnaire interview and 240 cattle were sampled for morphological description and linear body measurements. SAS and SPSS software were used to analyze the data. The study result revealed that overall cattle herd size was 9.67±3.34 heads per household and was not significantly different (p<0.05) between districts. The dominant coat color in both female (45%) and male (75%) was red followed by brown (20%, and 12%) in female and male respectively and followed by black (9.5%) in female and male (5%). The overall Mean heart girth, flank girth, height at withers and horn length were 133.08±6.23,157.2±07.0,107.9±6.93 and 23.05±6.65cm respectively, and significantly different for both sex and district (p < 0.05). Body length, rump width and length, canon bone length and circumference of Horro cattle were 100.49±8.14, 8.94±1.04, 19.46±1.92, 24.07±1.32, 12.63±1.27cm, respectively. Moderate and significant (p<0.001) positive correlation was found among the linear body measurements. Morphological characteristics of the breed need to be complemented by genetic characterization for fully exploiting the potential of the breed

    Finansiell inkludering : trender, determinanter og bidrag

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    Finansiell inkludering er avgjørende for et lands økonomi. Forskere, politikere og andre interessenter har en økende interesse for finansiell inkludering, og flere land har innlemmet det i sine nasjonale strategier. Denne oppgaven bidrar til litteraturen ved å analysere ulike aspekter ved finansiell inkludering. Hovedmålet er å undersøke trender og ulike faktorers bidrag til finansiell inkludering. Denne oppgaven består av fire uavhengige, men relaterte, forskningsartikler som alle setter søkelys på å identifisere de underliggende problemene relatert til finansiell inkludering. I artiklene presenteres også forslag til politikk. I den første artikkelen studeres trendene i finansiell inkludering i Etiopia. Både utviklingen over tid og utviklingen mellom regioner analyseres. I artikkel to studeres faktorene som påvirker finansiell inkludering. Både faktorer som påvirker positivt og negativt diskuteres. Forskjeller på så vell makro som mikronivå mellom Kenya og Etiopias grad av finansiell inkludering identifiseres og diskuteres. Den tredje artikkelen analyserer hvordan og hvorvidt finansiell inkludering bidrar til at småskala bønder står bedre rustet til å møte klimaendringer. Artikkel fire analyseres hvordan finansiell inkludering kan bidra til å forbedre skatteadministrasjonen og ikke minst bidra til at skattene faktisk blir betalt. Et viktig resultat i oppgaven er viktigheten av finansiell inkludering på flere områder. En anbefaling er derfor at finansiell inkludering blir sentralt i politikkutforming. Tilgjengeligheten av finansielle tjenester bør økes for befolkningen generelt. En kostnadseffektiv måte å gjøre det på er gjennom utvidelse av mobil- og agentbanktjenester. Ved å redusere transaksjonskostnaden kan nivået av finansiell inkludering forbedres både på tilbuds- og etterspørselssiden. Kunnskap om bank og finans bør styrkes for å øke bevisstheten i samfunnet om tilgjengelighet og bruk av finansielle tjenester. Dette fordi mangel på kunnskap er en av hovedårsakene til økonomisk ekskludering. I tillegg bør et mer liberalt finanssystem tilpasses. Ved å øke nivået av finansiell inkludering kan småbønder stå bedre rustet til å møte klimaendringer og skatteforvaltningen vil kunne bli mye bedre. Det å øke nivået av finansiell inkludering er et viktig bidrag for å forbedre et lands økonomi.Financial inclusion has a crucial contribution to the economy. Researchers, politicians, and other stakeholders are increasingly interested in financial inclusion, and countries have integrated it into their national strategies. This thesis contributes to the literature by analyzing different aspects of financial inclusion. The objective is to examine financial inclusion trends, determinants, and contributions. This thesis includes four independent but related research papers, focusing on identifying the underlying problems and making policy suggestions. The first paper assesses Ethiopia's dynamic and spatial trend of financial inclusion. The level of financial inclusion is examined across time and regions to show the trend of financial inclusion and the discrepancy among the regions. Paper two investigates the determinants of and barriers to financial inclusion. It also identifies the macro and micro-level differences between Kenya and Ethiopia in their level of financial inclusion. The third paper analyzes the contribution of financial inclusion to climate resilience. Using the Sidama region of southern Ethiopia as a case study, this paper examines how financial inclusion contributes to building the climate resilience of farm households and what factors limit its contribution. Finally, paper four analyzes the role of financial inclusion in improving the Ethiopian tax administration and taxpayers' compliance and the limitations of financial services. This thesis recommends improving the financial inclusion level as a major policy input. First, the availability of financial services should be increased at a lower cost through mobile and agent banking expansion. By reducing the transaction cost, the level of financial inclusion can be improved on both supply and demand sides. Second, financial literacy should be enhanced to increase society's awareness about the availability and use of financial services because lack of knowledge is one of the main reasons for financial exclusion. Finally, a more liberal financial system should be adopted. Increasing financial inclusion can magnify its contribution to tax administration and climate resilience. Therefore, enhancing the level of financial inclusion should be taken as a policy input to improve a country's economy.NORHED ; Hawassa Universit

    Determinants of Financial Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Kenya and Ethiopia

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    Water Policy for Sustainable Management: A Review

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    Water is essential for life and sustainable development. The demand for the world's increasingly scarce water supply is rising rapidly, challenging its availability for food production and putting global food security at risk. Managing water resource is essential for the international community to deliver the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Water is the foundation of sustainable development as it is the common denominator of all global challenges: energy, food, health, peace & security, and poverty eradication. This research review addresses the factors for increasing global fresh water use per year, global water policy for sustainable management, challenges, traits and opportunities with the conclusion of determining the best practice of water policy for the future generation. The world population increased from year to year due to increasing population, economic development and climate change. As a result, water resource policy which encompasses the policy-making processes that addresses provision, use, disposal and sustainability decisions, as well as, how policies created, executed, and amended by adopting set of best management practices to govern water management is the primary concern. Thus, to achieve sustainable water management; planning, development and management of water resources with best water policy that includes a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach in which technical, environmental, economic, landscape aesthetics, societal and cultural issues addressed. Keywords: Global freshwater use, Sustainable water management, Global Water policy, Water DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/72-03 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Response of Yield and Yield Components of Tef [Eragrostis Tef (Zucc.) Trotter] to Optimum Rates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Rate Application in Assosa Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Region

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     አህፅርኦት ይህ የመስክ ላይ ሙከራ በቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል በአሶሳ ዞን በአሶሳና ባምባስ ወረዳ በአርሶ አደር ማሳዎች ላይ ሇሁሇት ተከታታይ ዓመታት (ከ2005 – 2006 ዓ.ም) የተከናወነ ሲሆን ዋና )ዓላማዉም የናይትሮጅንና የፎስፈረስ ማዳበሪያ ላይ ያላቸዉን ተጽዕኖ መገምገም ነበር፡፡ ይህንንም ሇማጥናት አምስት(5) የናይትሮጅን እና አራት(4) የፎስፈረስ ደረጃዎች ድብልቅ በአጠቃላይ ሀያ (20) ተጠኚዎችን በFactorial combination RCBD ዲዛይንና በሦስት ድግግምሽ ተሞክሯል፡፡ ዉጤቱ እንደሚያሳየዉ የጤፍ ዕድገትና ምርት በናይትሮጂንና በፎስፈረስ ማዳበሪያ መጠቀም አመርቂ ሇዉጥ አሳይቷል፡፡ በመሆኑም 46 ኪ.ግ ናይትሮጅን እና 10 ኪ.ግ ፎስፈረስ በሄክታር በመጠቀም 1681.1 ኪ.ግ የጤፍ ምርት በሄክታር ተገኝቷል፡፡ ይህ የማዳበሪያ መጠን ምንም ማዳበሪያ ካልተጨመረበት ጋር ሲነፃፀር በ137% የምርት ጭማሪን ያስገኛል፡፡ የዋጋ አዋጭነትን ስንመሇከትም ይህ የማዳበሪያ መጠን አዋጭ መሆኑን ያረጋግጣል፡፡ ስሇዚህም 46 ኪ.ግ ናይትሮጅን እና 10 ኪ.ግ ፎስፈረስ በሄክታር መጠቀም ከፍተኛ የሆነ ትርፍ ያሇዉና አዋጭ የማደበሪያ አጠቃቀም መሆኑ ተረጋግጧል፡፡ AbstractTef (Eragrostis tef) is one of most important food crops grown in Benishangul Gumuz region of Ethiopia and is produced in different agro-ecologies in the region. However, its productivity is constrained by a number of problems, of which soil nutrient is the most important one. Information on the response of tef to Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers in Assosa Zone is inadequate. Field experiments were conducted at two locations for two years (2012-2013) to investigate the response of tef to N and P fertilization. Five levels of nitrogen (0, 23, 46, 69 and 92 N kg ha–1) and four levels of phosphorus (0, 10, 20 and 30 kg P ha–1) were studied in factorial combinations in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The results revealed substantial responses of tef to the main effect of N and P on days to heading and panicle length, the main effect of N on days to emergency, and the main effect of P on days to 90% physiological maturity. Nitrogen by P interaction effect was significant on plant height, straw and grain yield. Grain yield increased significantly from 708.6 to 1681.1 kg ha-1 with increase in the level of N and P from the control (0/0 N/P) to 46 kg N and 10 P kg ha-1. The magnitude of increase in grain yield due to application of 46 kg N along and 10 kg P ha -1 was 137 % higher as compared to the control. The partial budget analysis also indicates that applications of 46 kg N ha-1 and 10 kg P ha-1 are the most economical fertilizer rates to tef growers compared to the other levels in the study area


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    The levels of selected metals (Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Cd and Pb) in five different brands (Kokeb, National, Liyu Addis, Victoria and Balezaf) of Ethiopian ouzo sampled from different supermarkets in the capital city Addis Ababa were determined. 10 mL of ouzo samples were digested by using 2 mL of HNO3 and 5 mL of H2O2 for 90 minutes at a temperature of 180°C and the levels of the minerals in the digests analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometer. The following results were recorded in mg/L for each five ouzo brands Na (8.529–18.194), Ca (8.330–12.830), Mg (1.345–10.977), Fe (0.942–2.881), Zn (0.642–2.215), Mn (0.015–0.225), Cr (0.054–0.121), Co (0.072–0.130). Cu (0.212 mg/L) was detected only in Kokeb brand while Ni and Cd were below the method detection limit in all the five brands of ouzo analyzed. The toxic metal Pb (0.127–0.507 mg/L) was detected in all the five brands of ouzo samples. The level of Na was the highest in all the brands followed by Ca and Mg respectively except for Kokeb ouzo in which the level of Mg was higher than Ca. Among the trace elements, Zn was found to be highest next to Fe followed by Mn and Co. The levels of metals were higher in Liyu Addis ouzo compared to the other brands. Generally, ouzo contains some nutritionally essential minerals in large quantity so that it can be used as one source of minerals. Non-essential and trace metals were either not detected or found only in smaller quantity. But non-essential metal Pb was detected in all ouzo brands which ranged from 0.13 to 0.51 mg/L. Thus, periodic determinations are advisable in view of the potential medium and long-term risks associated with Pb contamination

    Accuracy of metaGGA functionals in describing transition metal fluorides

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    Accurate predictions of material properties within the chemical space of transition metal fluorides (TMFs), using density functional theory (DFT) is important for advancing several technological applications. The state-of-the-art semi-local exchange-correlation functionals within DFT include the strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) and the restored regularized SCAN (r2^2SCAN), both of which are meta generalized gradient approximation (metaGGA) functionals. Both SCAN and r2^2SCAN are susceptible to self-interaction errors (SIEs) while modelling correlated dd electrons of transition metals. Hence, in this work, we evaluate the accuracy of both functionals in estimating properties of TMFs, including redox enthalpies, lattice geometries, on-site magnetic moments, and band gaps. We observe both SCAN and r2^2SCAN to exhibit poor accuracy in estimating fluorination enthalpies among TMFs, attributable to SIEs among the dd electrons. Thus, we derive optimal Hubbard UU corrections for both functionals based on experimental fluorination enthalpies of binary TMFs. Note that the linear response theory yielded unphysical UU values for V, Fe, and Ni fluorides. While adding the optimal UU to the metaGGA functionals does not significantly affect the lattice volumes and magnetic moments, it does significantly increase the calculated band gaps. Also, we calculate the average Na intercalation voltage in Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni fluorides as a transferability check of our optimal UU values. Overall, we recommend using the Hubbard UU correction to improve predictions of redox enthalpies in other TMFs, while for band gap predictions, we suggest using the non-corrected functionals. Finally, our study should advance the accuracy of DFT-based screening studies to unearth novel TMFs, which can be used in various applications, including energy storage, catalysis, and magnetic devices