2,292 research outputs found

    Compact pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor

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    It is shown that in every dimension n=3j+2, j=1,2,3,..., there exist compact pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with parallel Weyl tensor, which are Ricci-recurrent, but neither conformally flat nor locally symmetric, and represent all indefinite metric signatures. The manifolds in question are diffeomorphic to nontrivial torus bundles over the circle. They all arise from a construction that a priori yields bundles over the circle, having as the fibre either a torus, or a 2-step nilmanifold with a complete flat torsionfree connection; our argument only realizes the torus case.Comment: 19 page

    Teichmüller theory and collapse of flat manifolds

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    We provide an algebraic description of the Teichmüller space and moduli space of flat metrics on a closed manifold or orbifold and study its boundary, which consists of (isometry classes of) flat orbifolds to which the original object may collapse. It is also shown that every closed flat orbifold can be obtained by collapsing closed flat manifolds, and the collapsed limits of closed flat 3-manifolds are classified

    Special biconformal changes of K\"ahler surface metrics

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    The term "special biconformal change" refers, basically, to the situation where a given nontrivial real-holomorphic vector field on a complex manifold is a gradient relative to two K\"ahler metrics, and, simultaneously, an eigenvector of one of the metrics treated, with the aid of the other, as an endomorphism of the tangent bundle. A special biconformal change is called nontrivial if the two metrics are not each other's constant multiples. For instance, according to a 1995 result of LeBrun, a nontrivial special biconformal change exists for the conformally-Einstein K\"ahler metric on the two-point blow-up of the complex projective plane, recently discovered by Chen, LeBrun and Weber; the real-holomorphic vector field involved is the gradient of its scalar curvature. The present paper establishes the existence of nontrivial special biconformal changes for some canonical metrics on Del Pezzo surfaces, viz. K\"ahler-Einstein metrics (when a nontrivial holomorphic vector field exists), non-Einstein K\"ahler-Ricci solitons, and K\"ahler metrics admitting nonconstant Killing potentials with geodesic gradients.Comment: 16 page

    Special K\"ahler-Ricci potentials on compact K\"ahler manifolds

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    A special K\"ahler-Ricci potential on a K\"ahler manifold is any nonconstant CC^\infty function τ\tau such that J(τ)J(\nabla\tau) is a Killing vector field and, at every point with dτ0d\tau\ne 0, all nonzero tangent vectors orthogonal to τ\nabla\tau and J(τ)J(\nabla\tau) are eigenvectors of both dτ\nabla d\tau and the Ricci tensor. For instance, this is always the case if τ\tau is a nonconstant CC^\infty function on a K\"ahler manifold (M,g)(M,g) of complex dimension m>2m>2 and the metric g~=g/τ2\tilde g=g/\tau^2, defined wherever τ0\tau\ne 0, is Einstein. (When such τ\tau exists, (M,g)(M,g) may be called {\it almost-everywhere conformally Einstein}.) We provide a complete classification of compact K\"ahler manifolds with special K\"ahler-Ricci potentials and use it to prove a structure theorem for compact K\"ahler manifolds of any complex dimension m>2m>2 which are almost-everywhere conformally Einstein.Comment: 45 pages, AMSTeX, submitted to Journal f\"ur die reine und angewandte Mathemati

    Non-Walker Self-Dual Neutral Einstein Four-Manifolds of Petrov Type III

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    The local structure of the manifolds named in the title is described. Although curvature homogeneous, they are not, in general, locally homogeneous. Not all of them are Ricci-flat, which answers an existence question about type III Jordan-Osserman metrics, raised by Diaz-Ramos, Garcia-Rio and Vazquez-Lorenzo (2006).Comment: 47 pages; a reference and a grant number were adde

    Covariant derivative of the curvature tensor of pseudo-K\"ahlerian manifolds

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    It is well known that the curvature tensor of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold can be decomposed with respect to the pseudo-orthogonal group into the sum of the Weyl conformal curvature tensor, the traceless part of the Ricci tensor and of the scalar curvature. A similar decomposition with respect to the pseudo-unitary group exists on a pseudo-K\"ahlerian manifold; instead of the Weyl tensor one obtains the Bochner tensor. In the present paper, the known decomposition with respect to the pseudo-orthogonal group of the covariant derivative of the curvature tensor of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold is refined. A decomposition with respect to the pseudo-unitary group of the covariant derivative of the curvature tensor for pseudo-K\"ahlerian manifolds is obtained. This defines natural classes of spaces generalizing locally symmetric spaces and Einstein spaces. It is shown that the values of the covariant derivative of the curvature tensor for a non-locally symmetric pseudo-Riemannian manifold with an irreducible connected holonomy group different from the pseudo-orthogonal and pseudo-unitary groups belong to an irreducible module of the holonomy group.Comment: the final version accepted to Annals of Global Analysis and Geometr

    The non-unique Universe

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    The purpose of this paper is to elucidate, by means of concepts and theorems drawn from mathematical logic, the conditions under which the existence of a multiverse is a logical necessity in mathematical physics, and the implications of Godel's incompleteness theorem for theories of everything. Three conclusions are obtained in the final section: (i) the theory of the structure of our universe might be an undecidable theory, and this constitutes a potential epistemological limit for mathematical physics, but because such a theory must be complete, there is no ontological barrier to the existence of a final theory of everything; (ii) in terms of mathematical logic, there are two different types of multiverse: classes of non-isomorphic but elementarily equivalent models, and classes of model which are both non-isomorphic and elementarily inequivalent; (iii) for a hypothetical theory of everything to have only one possible model, and to thereby negate the possible existence of a multiverse, that theory must be such that it admits only a finite model

    Note on (conformally) semi-symmetric spacetimes

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    We provide a simple proof that conformally semi-symmetric spacetimes are actually semi-symmetric. We also present a complete refined classification of the semi-symmetric spacetimes.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Einstein-Weyl structures corresponding to diagonal K\"ahler Bianchi IX metrics

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    We analyse in a systematic way the four dimensionnal Einstein-Weyl spaces equipped with a diagonal K\"ahler Bianchi IX metric. In particular, we show that the subclass of Einstein-Weyl structures with a constant conformal scalar curvature is the one with a conformally scalar flat - but not necessarily scalar flat - metric ; we exhibit its 3-parameter distance and Weyl one-form. This extends previous analysis of Pedersen, Swann and Madsen , limited to the scalar flat, antiself-dual case. We also check that, in agreement with a theorem of Derdzinski, the most general conformally Einstein metric in the family of biaxial K\"ahler Bianchi IX metrics is an extremal metric of Calabi, conformal to Carter's metric, thanks to Chave and Valent's results.Comment: 15 pages, Latex file, minor modifications, to be published in Class. Quant. Gra