3 research outputs found

    Implementação da estratégia de mapeamento mental visual para melhorar a competência linguística dos alunos

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    The opportunities of the educational process can be expanded through the use of innovative mechanisms. The aim of the work is to determine the effectiveness of teaching as a result of the implementation of the Visual Mind Mapping strategy to improve students’ foreign language competence. The aim was achieved using the general theoretical method of comparison, calculation of the concordance coefficient, the efficiency coefficient, the Whitney-Wilk test. Learning was ensured through the development of educational mechanisms, which consisted in the visualization of information and the development of intellectual activity. The study of new words, the use of digital technologies (Writer, Rosetta Stone, Busuu), the development of communication skills, and the development of professional skills were also provided. It was found among students that the use of Visual Mind Mapping contributes to obtaining a high level of knowledge in a shorter time. Focusing on Kirkpatrick model made it possible to establish that the majority of students acquired a high level of foreign language competence after testing their knowledge. The students have a positive attitude to learning using Visual Mind Mapping. The practical significance of the article is the possibility of involving innovative technologies for learning a foreign language. The prospects of further research are to compare the effectiveness of learning with the use of Visual Mind Mapping for junior and senior year students.Las oportunidades del proceso educativo pueden ampliarse mediante el uso de mecanismos innovadores. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la eficacia de la enseñanza como resultado de la implementación de la estrategia Visual Mind Mapping para mejorar la competencia en lengua extranjera de los estudiantes. El objetivo se logró utilizando el método teórico general de comparación, cálculo del coeficiente de concordancia, el coeficiente de eficiencia, la prueba de Whitney-Wilk. El aprendizaje se aseguró a través del desarrollo de mecanismos educativos, que consistieron en la visualización de información y el desarrollo de la actividad intelectual. También se proporcionó el estudio de nuevas palabras, el uso de tecnologías digitales (Writer, Rosetta Stone, Busuu), el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas y el desarrollo de habilidades profesionales. Se encontró entre los estudiantes que el uso de Visual Mind Mapping contribuye a obtener un alto nivel de conocimiento en menor tiempo. Centrarse en el modelo de Kirkpatrick permitió establecer que la mayoría de los estudiantes adquirieron un alto nivel de competencia en lenguas extranjeras después de probar sus conocimientos. Los estudiantes tienen una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje utilizando Visual Mind Mapping. El significado práctico del artículo es la posibilidad de involucrar tecnologías innovadoras para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. Las perspectivas de futuras investigaciones son comparar la efectividad del aprendizaje con el uso de mapas mentales visuales para estudiantes de tercer y último año.As oportunidades do processo educacional podem ser ampliadas por meio do uso de mecanismos inovadores. O objetivo do trabalho é determinar a eficácia do ensino como resultado da implementação da estratégia Visual Mind Mapping para melhorar a competência em língua estrangeira dos alunos. O objetivo foi alcançado usando o método teórico geral de comparação, cálculo do coeficiente de concordância, o coeficiente de eficiência, o teste de Whitney-Wilk. A aprendizagem era assegurada através do desenvolvimento de mecanismos educativos, que consistiam na visualização da informação e no desenvolvimento da atividade intelectual. O estudo de novas palavras, o uso de tecnologias digitais (Writer, Rosetta Stone, Busuu), o desenvolvimento de habilidades de comunicação e o desenvolvimento de habilidades profissionais também foram fornecidos. Verificou-se entre os alunos que o uso do Visual Mind Mapping contribui para a obtenção de um alto nível de conhecimento em um menor tempo. O foco no modelo de Kirkpatrick permitiu estabelecer que a maioria dos alunos adquiriu um alto nível de competência em língua estrangeira após testar seus conhecimentos. Os alunos têm uma atitude positiva em relação ao aprendizado usando o Visual Mind Mapping. O significado prático do artigo é a possibilidade de envolver tecnologias inovadoras para o aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira. As perspectivas de pesquisas futuras são comparar a eficácia do aprendizado com o uso do Visual Mind Mapping para alunos do primeiro e último ano

    Using music in ESG education

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    The rapid economic development of recent decades and high rates of consumption have significantly improved the quality of life in many countries of the world in comparison with the beginning of the XX century. However, the increased economic activity had its negative side. Greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and the anthropogenic impact on the environment have significantly increased. The growing human population requires more food and natural resources. The economic contradictions between poor and economically developed countries have worsened. Most of the planet’s resources are consumed in industrialized countries. The informatization of public life has pushed human values into the background, which took centuries to form. The solution to the problem of population aging is on the agenda. The decline in the birth rate in industrialized countries has caused a potential shortage of labor, which can be partially solved by using labor from migrants from other countries. Thus, the issue of ensuring conditions for sustainable development of society, taking into account modern realities, has become relevant. The ESG concept is aimed at protecting the environment, establishing social stability and justice, and adhering to the principles of responsible and honest corporate governance. This, in turn, requires the training of specialists in the field of ESG. Musical compositions can be used in the training of specialists in the field of ESG. Music helps to motivate students to solve social and environmental problems, contributes to the formation of an active life position and ESG way of thinking among listeners


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    The article attempts to reveal the problem of research in the field of translation as a component of the process of forming the research competence of future translators. The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of translation studies and their role in the development of future translators’ research competence. The relevance of the study is substantiated, which is determined by the fact that the profession of translator is currently one of the most prestigious and popular professions in the world; there is the demand for new types of translators – fixer translators and military translators, which is due to the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It is noted that the subject of translation studies is the study of the regularities of the translation process and the factors that affect the course of the translation process and determine the result of the translation. The features of the areas of research in the field of translation are considered. It is established that foreign scholars distinguish the following areas of research in translation studies: text analysis and translation; translation quality assessment; genre translation; multimedia translation; translation and technology; history of translation; translation ethics; terminology and glossaries; interpretation; translation process; training of translators; and the profession of translator. It is noted that translators have the opportunity to conduct their research in several fields with different directions and orientations. Some translators choose one of the areas of comparative research, while other translators use different types of questionnaires and interviews to measure the relationship or importance of a specific translation-related issue. Another important area of research in the field of translation is considered – research in the field of training future translators, since conducting high-level translation research requires a translator to have developed research competence. It has been proved that a higher education institution should train a specialist researcher who tries to disseminate and explore new methods of work, who should form new ideas and is able to put them into practice. The future specialist should develop the skills of independent creative scientific work, form a circle of their scientific interests, master the norms and scientific and methodological principles of experimental and research activities. The basis of the research competence of future translators is the ability to identify the problem in time, formulate a hypothesis, select and analyse the necessary information for the study, select the necessary methods of research and data processing, focus not only on the final but also on intermediate results of the study, discuss the possibility of interpreting the results of the study, and use the results of the study in practical activities. These characteristics determine the ability of future translators to conduct scientific research in the field of topical issues of modern humanities, linguistics, literary studies, translation studies and are an important indicator of the high qualification of these specialists. The study organizes and systematizes the available knowledge on the problem of the essence and directions of translation studies, allowing, after appropriate adaptation, applying it in the process of forming the research competence of future translators. The prospects for further research on this issue include the development of pedagogical conditions for the formation of future translators’ research competence, taking into account the peculiarities and directions of translation studies