6 research outputs found

    Very Heavy Resisted Sprint Training for Adolescent Football Players : A training intervention on acceleration, sprint and jump performance in late pubertal adolescent athletes

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    Abstract Aim The main purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the effects of a very heavy resisted sprint training regimen and a unresisted sprint training regimen on sprint, acceleration and jump performance in late pubertal adolescent football (soccer) players at mid- to post-PHV and >95% PAH. Method In total 27 male football players were recruited as volunteer participants. The participants had no previous experience with resisted sprint training. The participants were randomly assigned to either the resisted sprint (RST) (n=9) or unresisted sprint (UST) (n=10) training group. However, the grouping was matched based on the force-velocity (F-v) profiling. A control group (i.e. TAU group n=8) was matched with the experimental groups based on age and anthropometrics. The training was done twice a week for four weeks, consisting of either resisted or unresisted sprints. 24 of the original 27 participants could later be included for statistical analysis. During intervention the TAU group performed the regular team training with no additional stimuli from the researchers. Anthropometrics, sprint, acceleration and jump performance testing was tested pre- and post-training intervention. Results The four-week training intervention resulted in significant improvements of sprint- and acceleration for the RST-group. The improvements were 3,8% (±0.05) in T30, 4,2% (±0.06) in T20, 5,7% (±0.06) in T10, and 7,9% (±0.06) in the T5. The RST and UST groups also had significant improvements in both vertical and horizontal jump performance. Further there were several significant between group changes in both sprint and jump performance favoring the RST group over both the UST and TAU groups. Conclusion The conclusions are that in this population a very heavy RST regimen elicits improvements in sprint and acceleration performance whilst a UST regimen does not. Further, both the RST- and UST- training regimens elicit improvements in both vertical and horizontal jump performance. The improvements of the present study follow the pattern of previous studies in the field indicating a greater horizontal force generating ability. However, the improvements in the present study are larger than previously seen, indicating that this type of training might be extra beneficial to enhance sprint and jump performance in late pubertal adolescent athletes. The findings of the present study also contradict the typical recommendations of using light resistance loads (i.e. the 10% rule) when it comes to RST. Heavier loads, as in this case 103,5% of body weight on average, can indeed be used to produce sprint and acceleration gains in a late pubertal adolescent athlete population. The improvement in these short sprints (5-30m) versus the eventual performance decrease in longer sprints 40-70m (e.g. due to less effective maximal velocity phase) is a trade off which logically should be worthwhile for team sport athletes.Abstrakt Syfte Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och jämföra effekterna av väldigt tungt belastad sprintträning och obelastad sprintträning på sprint-, acceleration och hopprestation hos unga fotbollsspelare i sena tonåren som ligger på en mognadsgrad av ”mid- post-PHV” samt >95% PAH. Metod Totalt 27 fotbollsspelare rekryterades som frivilliga deltagare. Deltagarna hade ingen tidigare erfarenhet av belastad sprintträning. Deltagarna blev slumpmässigt indelade till antingen den belastade (RST) eller den obelastade (UST) träningsgruppen. Dock skedde grupperingen med deltagarnas kraft- hastighetsprofilering som bas, då grupperna blev matchade efter denna. Kontrollgruppen (TAU n=8) matchades med experimentgrupperna efter ålder och antropometri. Träningen bestod av väldigt tungt belastad eller obelastad sprintträning och utfördes två gånger i veckan under fyra veckor. 24 av de initialt 27 deltagarna kunde inkluderas för vidare analys. Under interventionen genomförde TAU den vanliga lagträningen utan ytterligare träningsstimuli från forskarna. Antropometri, sprint, acceleration och hopprestation testades före respektive efter interventionen. Resultat Den fyra veckor långa träningsinterventionen resulterade i signifikanta förbättringar i sprint och acceleration för RST-gruppen. Förbättringarna var 3,8% (±0.05) i T30, 4,2% (±0.06) i T20, 5,7% (±0.06) i T10, och 7,9% (±0.06) i T5. RST och UST grupperna hade också signifikanta förbättringar i både vertikal och horisontell hopprestation. Vidare fanns det flera signifikanta mellangruppsskillnader i både sprint- och hopprestation till fördel för RST gruppen över både UST och TAU grupperna. Konklusion Konklusionen är att ett väldigt tungt RST-träningsprogram framkallar signifikanta förbättringar i både sprint, acceleration och hopprestation medan ett UST-träningsprogram inte gör det. Vidare kan konkluderas att både ett RST- och ett UST-träningsprogram signifikant förbättrar både vertikal och horisontell hopprestationen. Förbättringarna följer mönstret från tidigare studier på området och indikerar en större horisontell kraftproduktion. Dock är förbättringarna större än vad som tidigare observerats vilket indikerar att denna typ av träning kan vara extra förtjänstfull för denna population. Resultaten motsäger även den typiska rekommendationen kring lätta vikter (dvs. 10% regeln) vid belastad sprintträning. Tyngre belastning, som i detta fall i genomsnitt 103,5% av kroppsvikten, kan användas för att producera sprint- och accelerationsförbättringar i denna population. Förbättringen av denna typ av korta sprinter (5-30m) gentemot den eventuella prestationsförsämringen i längre sprinter (40-70m) torde vara ett byte som är värt att göra för lagidrottare

    Physical literacy and physical activity in swedish preschool children – a cross-sectional study

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    INTRODUCTION:There are substantial evidence for the numerous positive health benefits of physical activity (PA) [1]. At the same time, PA-levels in European and Swedish children are insufficient [2]. Inadequate PA-levels, and associated noncommunicable diseases, are regarded as one of the most significant public health challenges confronting us. Hence, it is important to understand how we can promote ways for children to reach adequate PA-levels. Physical Literacy (PL), a theory with potential benefits for PA-behaviors and health, has garnered increasing attention over the last few years. Encompassing physical, affective, and cognitive dimensions PL is often described as an individual’s capacity, confidence, and motivation to partake- and engage in PA [3]. The early childhood years are suggested for PL promotion since this period is regarded as crucial for PA-behaviors, future health, and the opportunity to reach most children via school settings. However, the assessment and status of PL in young children, specifically in Sweden, is at best scarce. Consequently, research is required to assess PL and its connection to PA-levels in young Swedish children. METHODS:The data for this study will be derived from hip-worn accelerometers (GT3X+, Actigraph) worn for 7 days to assess PA-levels, as well as a modified version of the Canadian Preschool Physical Literacy Assessment to assess PL. The study will include 412 preschool children, aged 3-6, from 20 preschools. The data will be analyzed and presented via descriptive statistics, and multi-level linear regression models will be used to determine associations between total- and intensity stratified PA-levels and PL. RESULTS:Tentatively, the results of this study are expected to provide: 1) a picture of PL and PA in Swedish preschool children and the connection therein; 2) much-needed data for the fields of PL and early childhood research; 3) Indications on effectiveness of PL for promoting PA; and 4) guidance for future research in PL. CONCLUSION:With individual, and public health advancements in mind, there is ample reason to enhance our understanding of the relationship between PL and PA-levels of Swedish preschool children, as well as, adding data to the PL-field. The present study has the potential to contribute to these objectives. References:1. Warburton, D. E., & Bredin, S. S. (2017). Health benefits of physical activity: a systematic review of current systematic reviews. Current opinion in cardiology, 32(5), 541-556.2. Steene-Johannessen J, Hansen BH, Dalene KE, Kolle E, Northstone K, Mþller NC, et al. Variations in accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time across Europe – harmonized analyses of 47,497 children and adolescents. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2020;17(1):38.3. Edwards, L. C., Bryant, A. S., Keegan, R. J., Morgan, K., & Jones, A. M. (2017). Definitions, foundations and associations of physical literacy: a systematic review. Sports medicine, 47(1), 113-126

    Physical literacy and physical activity in swedish preschool children – a cross-sectional study

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    INTRODUCTION:There are substantial evidence for the numerous positive health benefits of physical activity (PA) [1]. At the same time, PA-levels in European and Swedish children are insufficient [2]. Inadequate PA-levels, and associated noncommunicable diseases, are regarded as one of the most significant public health challenges confronting us. Hence, it is important to understand how we can promote ways for children to reach adequate PA-levels. Physical Literacy (PL), a theory with potential benefits for PA-behaviors and health, has garnered increasing attention over the last few years. Encompassing physical, affective, and cognitive dimensions PL is often described as an individual’s capacity, confidence, and motivation to partake- and engage in PA [3]. The early childhood years are suggested for PL promotion since this period is regarded as crucial for PA-behaviors, future health, and the opportunity to reach most children via school settings. However, the assessment and status of PL in young children, specifically in Sweden, is at best scarce. Consequently, research is required to assess PL and its connection to PA-levels in young Swedish children. METHODS:The data for this study will be derived from hip-worn accelerometers (GT3X+, Actigraph) worn for 7 days to assess PA-levels, as well as a modified version of the Canadian Preschool Physical Literacy Assessment to assess PL. The study will include 412 preschool children, aged 3-6, from 20 preschools. The data will be analyzed and presented via descriptive statistics, and multi-level linear regression models will be used to determine associations between total- and intensity stratified PA-levels and PL. RESULTS:Tentatively, the results of this study are expected to provide: 1) a picture of PL and PA in Swedish preschool children and the connection therein; 2) much-needed data for the fields of PL and early childhood research; 3) Indications on effectiveness of PL for promoting PA; and 4) guidance for future research in PL. CONCLUSION:With individual, and public health advancements in mind, there is ample reason to enhance our understanding of the relationship between PL and PA-levels of Swedish preschool children, as well as, adding data to the PL-field. The present study has the potential to contribute to these objectives. References:1. Warburton, D. E., & Bredin, S. S. (2017). Health benefits of physical activity: a systematic review of current systematic reviews. Current opinion in cardiology, 32(5), 541-556.2. Steene-Johannessen J, Hansen BH, Dalene KE, Kolle E, Northstone K, Mþller NC, et al. Variations in accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time across Europe – harmonized analyses of 47,497 children and adolescents. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2020;17(1):38.3. Edwards, L. C., Bryant, A. S., Keegan, R. J., Morgan, K., & Jones, A. M. (2017). Definitions, foundations and associations of physical literacy: a systematic review. Sports medicine, 47(1), 113-126

    Cross Education; : The effect of 10 weeks of unilateral resistance training on strength and hypertrophy

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    Abstract    Aim    The main purpose of this study was to investigate Cross Education (CE), and how gender, detraining and leg dominance affects CE in previously untrained subjects when conducting a unilateral resistance training program. We also investigated if unilateral resistance training can give a hypertrophic response.    Method   Twenty healthy previously untrained individuals, 10 females and 10 males, were recruited as volunteer participants. The participants were randomly assigned to train either left or right leg. The training intervention was 10 weeks (34 sessions) of unilateral resistance training in the leg press and leg extension, sixteen of the participants fulfilled the criteria for inclusion. After two initial familiarization the participants trained conventional resistance training three times a week (week 1-3, 5-7 and 9-10) and Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) five times a week (week 4 and 8). One repetition maximum for both legs in the leg press and leg extension was tested pre-, post and post20 to the training intervention as well as ultrasound measurements of muscle thickness.   Results    The ten-week training period resulted in a significant increase of maximal strength for the untrained leg 18,9 %, (16,6) (p < 0,01) in the leg press and 6,7 %, (3,7) (p < 0,05) in the leg extension. When comparisons between gender were made only men had a significant increase 26,5 %, (16,7) (p < 0,01) in the leg press and 9,9 %, (4,7) (p < 0,05) in the leg extension. Also, we saw a significant difference between women and men on a group level. Comparisons of dominant vs non-dominant leg showed that training the dominant leg resulted in a significant increase of maximal strength in the untrained leg in both the leg press 22 %, (17,9) (p < 0,01) and leg extension 10,1 %, (4,3) (p < 0,05). The maximal strength in the untrained leg was not significantly altered by the detraining period and a significant increase of muscle thickness could be seen in the untrained leg at MP50 4,7 %, (1,3) (p < 0,01).   Conclusion    The conclusions are that a ten week unilateral resistance training intervention results in a CE effect for men but not for women and that this type of training also can result in an increased muscle thickness in the untrained leg. Our findings also supports that training the dominant limb has superior effect on achieving a CE effect. Lastly we conclude that a twenty week detraining period did not affect the CE achieved strength.   Abstrakt    Syfte     Studiens huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka Cross Education (CE) och hur kön, viloperiod och ben-dominans pÄverkar CE hos otrÀnade individer nÀr man undergÄr ett unilateralt styrketrÀningsprogram. Vi undersökte Àven om ett unilateral styrketrÀning kunde ge ett hypertrofisvar.    Metod    Tjugo friska otrÀnade och för nÀrvarande inaktiva individer, tio kvinnor och tio mÀn rekryterades som frivilliga deltagare. Deltagarna randomiserades för att trÀna antingen vÀnster eller höger ben. TrÀningsperioden var tio veckor (trettiofyra pass) av unilateral styrketrÀning i benpress och benspark, sexton deltagare uppfyllde kriterierna för inkludering. TvÄ initiala familjÀriseringspass hölls varefter trÀningen delades in i tvÄ typer av trÀning, dels konventionell styrketrÀning tre gÄnger i veckan (vecka 1-3, 5-7 och 9-10) och dels Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) fem gÄnger i veckan (vecka 4 och 8). Före, efter och efter tjugo veckor testades one repetition maximum för bÄda benen i benpress och benspark samt att ultraljudsmÀtningar för muskeltjocklek utfördes.     Resultat    Den tio veckor lÄnga trÀningsperioden resulterade i en signifikant ökning av den maximala styrkan för det otrÀnade benet 18,9 % (16,6) (p < 0,010) i benpressen och 6,7 % (3,7) (p < 0,050) i bensparken. NÀr jÀmförelser gjordes mellan könen sÄ hade enbart mÀn en signifikant ökning, 26,5 % (16,7) (p < 0,010) i benpressen och 9,9 % (4,7) (p < 0,050) i bensparken. Vi fann Àven att det var en signifikant skillnad mellan kvinnor och mÀn pÄ gruppnivÄ.   JÀmförelser mellan dominant och icke-dominant ben visade att trÀning av det dominanta benet resulterade i en signifikant styrkeökning i bÄde benpress 22 % (17,9) (p < 0,010) och benspark 10,1 % (4,3) (p < 0,050). Den maximala styrkan i det otrÀnade benet pÄverkades inte signifikant av en viloperiod och en signifikant ökning i muskeltjocklek kunde ses i det otrÀnade benet i MP50 4,7 % (1,3) (p < 0,010)    Konklusion    Slutsatserna Àr att en tio veckors unilateral styrketrÀningsintervention resulterar i en CE effekt hos mÀn men inte hos kvinnor, och att denna typ av trÀning kan resultera i en ökad muskeltjocklek i det otrÀnade benet. VÄra fynd styrker att trÀning av den dominanta lemmen har större effekt pÄ CE. Slutligen drar vi slutsatsen att en tjugo veckors viloperiod inte pÄverkar CE-styrkan.  

    Cross Education; : The effect of 10 weeks of unilateral resistance training on strength and hypertrophy

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    Abstract    Aim    The main purpose of this study was to investigate Cross Education (CE), and how gender, detraining and leg dominance affects CE in previously untrained subjects when conducting a unilateral resistance training program. We also investigated if unilateral resistance training can give a hypertrophic response.    Method   Twenty healthy previously untrained individuals, 10 females and 10 males, were recruited as volunteer participants. The participants were randomly assigned to train either left or right leg. The training intervention was 10 weeks (34 sessions) of unilateral resistance training in the leg press and leg extension, sixteen of the participants fulfilled the criteria for inclusion. After two initial familiarization the participants trained conventional resistance training three times a week (week 1-3, 5-7 and 9-10) and Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) five times a week (week 4 and 8). One repetition maximum for both legs in the leg press and leg extension was tested pre-, post and post20 to the training intervention as well as ultrasound measurements of muscle thickness.   Results    The ten-week training period resulted in a significant increase of maximal strength for the untrained leg 18,9 %, (16,6) (p < 0,01) in the leg press and 6,7 %, (3,7) (p < 0,05) in the leg extension. When comparisons between gender were made only men had a significant increase 26,5 %, (16,7) (p < 0,01) in the leg press and 9,9 %, (4,7) (p < 0,05) in the leg extension. Also, we saw a significant difference between women and men on a group level. Comparisons of dominant vs non-dominant leg showed that training the dominant leg resulted in a significant increase of maximal strength in the untrained leg in both the leg press 22 %, (17,9) (p < 0,01) and leg extension 10,1 %, (4,3) (p < 0,05). The maximal strength in the untrained leg was not significantly altered by the detraining period and a significant increase of muscle thickness could be seen in the untrained leg at MP50 4,7 %, (1,3) (p < 0,01).   Conclusion    The conclusions are that a ten week unilateral resistance training intervention results in a CE effect for men but not for women and that this type of training also can result in an increased muscle thickness in the untrained leg. Our findings also supports that training the dominant limb has superior effect on achieving a CE effect. Lastly we conclude that a twenty week detraining period did not affect the CE achieved strength.   Abstrakt    Syfte     Studiens huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka Cross Education (CE) och hur kön, viloperiod och ben-dominans pÄverkar CE hos otrÀnade individer nÀr man undergÄr ett unilateralt styrketrÀningsprogram. Vi undersökte Àven om ett unilateral styrketrÀning kunde ge ett hypertrofisvar.    Metod    Tjugo friska otrÀnade och för nÀrvarande inaktiva individer, tio kvinnor och tio mÀn rekryterades som frivilliga deltagare. Deltagarna randomiserades för att trÀna antingen vÀnster eller höger ben. TrÀningsperioden var tio veckor (trettiofyra pass) av unilateral styrketrÀning i benpress och benspark, sexton deltagare uppfyllde kriterierna för inkludering. TvÄ initiala familjÀriseringspass hölls varefter trÀningen delades in i tvÄ typer av trÀning, dels konventionell styrketrÀning tre gÄnger i veckan (vecka 1-3, 5-7 och 9-10) och dels Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFRT) fem gÄnger i veckan (vecka 4 och 8). Före, efter och efter tjugo veckor testades one repetition maximum för bÄda benen i benpress och benspark samt att ultraljudsmÀtningar för muskeltjocklek utfördes.     Resultat    Den tio veckor lÄnga trÀningsperioden resulterade i en signifikant ökning av den maximala styrkan för det otrÀnade benet 18,9 % (16,6) (p < 0,010) i benpressen och 6,7 % (3,7) (p < 0,050) i bensparken. NÀr jÀmförelser gjordes mellan könen sÄ hade enbart mÀn en signifikant ökning, 26,5 % (16,7) (p < 0,010) i benpressen och 9,9 % (4,7) (p < 0,050) i bensparken. Vi fann Àven att det var en signifikant skillnad mellan kvinnor och mÀn pÄ gruppnivÄ.   JÀmförelser mellan dominant och icke-dominant ben visade att trÀning av det dominanta benet resulterade i en signifikant styrkeökning i bÄde benpress 22 % (17,9) (p < 0,010) och benspark 10,1 % (4,3) (p < 0,050). Den maximala styrkan i det otrÀnade benet pÄverkades inte signifikant av en viloperiod och en signifikant ökning i muskeltjocklek kunde ses i det otrÀnade benet i MP50 4,7 % (1,3) (p < 0,010)    Konklusion    Slutsatserna Àr att en tio veckors unilateral styrketrÀningsintervention resulterar i en CE effekt hos mÀn men inte hos kvinnor, och att denna typ av trÀning kan resultera i en ökad muskeltjocklek i det otrÀnade benet. VÄra fynd styrker att trÀning av den dominanta lemmen har större effekt pÄ CE. Slutligen drar vi slutsatsen att en tjugo veckors viloperiod inte pÄverkar CE-styrkan.  

    Four Weeks of Power Optimized Sprint Training Improves Sprint Performance in Adolescent Soccer Players.

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    PURPOSE: This study compared the effects of heavy resisted sprint training (RST) versus unresisted sprint training (UST) on sprint performance among adolescent soccer players. METHODS: Twenty-four male soccer players (age: 15.7 [0.5] y; body height: 175.7 [9.4] cm; body mass: 62.5 [9.2] kg) were randomly assigned to the RST group (n = 8), the UST group (n = 10), or the control group (n = 6). The UST group performed 8 × 20 m unresisted sprints twice weekly for 4 weeks, whereas the RST group performed 5 × 20-m heavy resisted sprints with a resistance set to maximize the horizontal power output. The control group performed only ordinary soccer training and match play. Magnitude-based decision and linear regression were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: The RST group improved sprint performances with moderate to large effect sizes (0.76-1.41) across all distances, both within and between groups (>92% beneficial effect likelihood). Conversely, there were no clear improvements in the UST and control groups. The RST evoked the largest improvements over short distances (6%-8%) and was strongly associated with increased maximum horizontal force capacities (r = .9). Players with a preintervention deficit in force capacity appeared to benefit the most from RST. CONCLUSIONS: Four weeks of heavy RST led to superior improvements in short-sprint performance compared with UST among adolescent soccer players. Heavy RST, using a load individually selected to maximize horizontal power, is therefore highly recommended as a method to improve sprint acceleration in youth athletes